Simeon Obode
Phone: +2348037559614
Address: Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Address: Port Harcourt, Nigeria
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Papers by Simeon Obode
The study employed time series data ranging from 1982 to 2023. Economic growth is
expressed by Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) with interest rate, exchange rate, money
supply and foreign direct investment serving as monetary policy variables or instruments.
The study adopted the ex post facto research design due to its unique quality of being able to
examine the cause –and- effect relationship between dependent variables and regressors. The
method of data analysis was Auto regressive distributed lag (ARDL) model. The empirical
result shown, while foreign direct investment and exchange rate have positive and significant
effect on real GDP, money supply (M2) has negative significant impact on real GDP and
interest rate was found to be positive and insignificant to real GDP. The study concludes that
monetary policy has positive impact on economic growth in Nigerian during the reviewed
period. Owing to the findings, the study recommends that monetary authority should
implement policy that will enhance foreign direct investment and optimize exchange rate
management in the country.
The study employed time series data ranging from 1982 to 2023. Economic growth is
expressed by Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) with interest rate, exchange rate, money
supply and foreign direct investment serving as monetary policy variables or instruments.
The study adopted the ex post facto research design due to its unique quality of being able to
examine the cause –and- effect relationship between dependent variables and regressors. The
method of data analysis was Auto regressive distributed lag (ARDL) model. The empirical
result shown, while foreign direct investment and exchange rate have positive and significant
effect on real GDP, money supply (M2) has negative significant impact on real GDP and
interest rate was found to be positive and insignificant to real GDP. The study concludes that
monetary policy has positive impact on economic growth in Nigerian during the reviewed
period. Owing to the findings, the study recommends that monetary authority should
implement policy that will enhance foreign direct investment and optimize exchange rate
management in the country.