The author of the article reminds us that universities are a crucial space for education and dial... more The author of the article reminds us that universities are a crucial space for education and dialogue, cultivating academic freedom, promoting independent thinking and searching for scientific truth. Following this, he criticizes postmodernist ideas in science and education, pointing out problems related to publishing scientific articles, evaluating scientific work, and managing university research. He draws attention to the lack of transparency and commercialization in the academic environment; therefore, reflection on the way research is evaluated and financed is necessary.
The author of the reviewed book discusses the most serious question of philosophy with regard to ... more The author of the reviewed book discusses the most serious question of philosophy with regard to the current changes in the anthropological paradigm. Buzalic claims that we are on the verge of an irreversible change in the relationship between man and nature, and confirms this with the meaning we give to cyberspace, robotization, human hybridization, global connectivity, but also genetic manipulation and eugenics. The Rev. Professor Buzalic's study moves in a space defined by theology, philosophy, and religious studies, though it remains interdisciplinary in character. Buzalic proposes a solution to the identified problems with the help of integral anthropology as a complex methodological approach that offers a link between positive research and metaphysics (through the "Ontological Sacred" defined by Mircea Eliade). At the same time, it reflects the phenomenon of religion by defining a person as homo religiosus, as a material-spiritual entity whose spiritual life is materialized through culture. Religiosity and spirituality, as the psychological sphere of an individual in which the experience of the sacred is manifested, are the most important cultural-genetic factors. Pope John Paul II proposed to theologians and philosophers the term "integral anthropology," as a conception of man who takes into account all dimensions of one's own being as a person in its individual, social, physical, cultural, and spiritual meaning. This turn to metaphysics through integral anthropology is made possible by the philosophy of religion and the study of religions proposed by Mircea Eliade and Cardinal Marian Jaworski. Both thinkers put forward an PaCL.2023.09.1.07 p. 2/4 P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a n o n L a w
The article offers a brief philosophical reflection on scholē and human being in the context of t... more The article offers a brief philosophical reflection on scholē and human being in the context of the Internet. The first part of the article shortly explains the urgency of the problems that arise from the extensive use of the Internet, such as addiction to digital devices, being constantly connected to the Internet and receiving unreliable information. The second part of the article offers a reflection of scholē (leisure) as a space for transcendence which is a very important attribute of the human being and which is the foundation of our culture. Scholē is an organic component of culture and education, and leisure presents not the cessation of work, but a work of a rather different kind, the work restored to its human meaning, as a celebration and a festival. The article concludes that scholē provides us with precise and true information about what the human person essentially needs.
The CRISPR/CAS9 molecular editing tool is a phenomenal biomolecular discovery of the 21st century... more The CRISPR/CAS9 molecular editing tool is a phenomenal biomolecular discovery of the 21st century and is revolutionizing fields such as molecular biology, medicine and gene therapy. It is a very simple, effective and affordable molecular tool derived from the bacterial immune system that has been designed to target the editing of genetic information at a precise location in the DNA sequence. Although the tool works very efficiently, there is a risk of inadvertent interference outside the desired target sequence. A number of factors influence the effectiveness of the method, such as cell type, cell cycle phase, cell culture conditions, editing strategy and choice of subsequent gene repair. A key requirement for the success of the method is an appropriately chosen combination of all these and other factors to avoid unwanted interference of the editing tool outside the target sequence (possible risk of triggering oncogenes). 2 The method for molecular editing immediately aroused great interest in the world. It began to be applied in plant and animal production. Already in 2000, the Report of the American Association for the Advancement of Science took a position on non-heritable modifications on the human genome. 3 It gained particular attention in China, where the first treatment trials were launched, first in mice 4 and later in 1 The study was developed as an output of the KEGA project 030PU-4/2022 entitled Design of Teaching Materials for University Study of Relevant Moral Values with a Focus on Allround and Sustainable Development of Society.
The monograph, authored by Rev. Professor Marian Machinek MSF, deals with an extremely topical is... more The monograph, authored by Rev. Professor Marian Machinek MSF, deals with an extremely topical issue of contemporary discourse. In politics, public life, the education system, the media and culture, ideas based on the socalled gender theory are more and more asserted in today's Western society, which substantially influence the social role of men and women. Relatively recently, in 2011, when the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, known as UN Women, was established, everyone knew who it represented: the approximately half of the human race born with the capacity for motherhood, with two X chromosomes, with specific physical, hormonal, and relational characteristics that distinguish them from the other half of the human race, men. Unfortunately, this consensus is being disrupted by the seemingly recent in the Polish context phenomenon of gender identity and ideology. The topicality of the issue is confirmed, among other things, by the debate surrounding the ratification of the Istanbul Convention (Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence). The preamble of the Convention refers to violence against women as a manifestation of male domination and identifies this domination as gender-based structural violence, by which women are kept subordinate. The Convention goes on to talk about harmful gender stereotypes that need to be eradicated from social life, and all levels of the education system should be used to this end.
Ab s t r a c t: The article offers a brief philosophical reflection on scholē and human being in ... more Ab s t r a c t: The article offers a brief philosophical reflection on scholē and human being in the context of the Internet. The first part of the article shortly explains the urgency of the problems that arise from the extensive use of the Internet, such as addiction to digital devices, being constantly connected to the Internet and receiving unreliable information. The second part of the article offers a reflection of scholē (leisure) as a space for transcendence which is a very important attribute of the human being and which is the foundation of our culture. Scholē is an organic component of culture and education, and leisure presents not the cessation of work, but a work of a rather different kind, the work restored to its human meaning, as a celebration and a festival. The article concludes that scholē provides us with precise and true information about what the human person essentially needs.
Milos Lichner: Kontextualny pohľad na sviatosť krstu v Sermones svateho AugustinaWalerian Bugel: ... more Milos Lichner: Kontextualny pohľad na sviatosť krstu v Sermones svateho AugustinaWalerian Bugel: Anafora jako teologický text: Vybrane otazky na přikladu pokoncilnich eucharistických modliteb řimske liturgieJozef Kulisz, SJ – Andrej Filipek, SJ: Ježis Kristus: Jeho existencia a zmysel: Theologia fundamentalis – christologiaMarek Heczei: Koncepcia spolocnej eschatologie u Wolfharta PannenbergaMichal Valco: Koncepcia subjektu a viery u S. Kierkegaarda a D. Bonhoeffera: eticke implikacieJan Herůfek a kol.: Pojeti důstojnosti clověka od antiky po soucasnostMarian Gavenda: Filmovať mystiku: Medialne sprostredkovanie duchovnej skusenosti v mysleni a tvorbe Juraja Toroka.
W dziesiejszych czasach problemy wychowania i kształcenia są obciążone nowoczesnym spirytualizmem... more W dziesiejszych czasach problemy wychowania i kształcenia są obciążone nowoczesnym spirytualizmem, jego atmosferą w szkolnictwie, dydaktyce i oświacie. Zmieniające się bardzo szybko od dłuższego czasu reformy szkolnictwa sprawiają, że profesjonalni ...
P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a n o n L a w PaCL.2022.08.1.08 p. 2/4 P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a ... more P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a n o n L a w PaCL.2022.08.1.08 p. 2/4 P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a n o n L a w
In this paper, the concept of solidarity will be introduced as voluntary cohesion, mutual help a... more In this paper, the concept of solidarity will be introduced as voluntary cohesion, mutual help and support not only within a loose group, but, above all, within the whole human race. Tischner wants to help contemporary man because he is aware that contemporary man has entered a period of profound crisis of his hope. The reflection on solidarity and hope in the philosophy of Tischner represents a neuralgic point which has its justification in Christian thought. Hope is the prospect of something better which, together with mutual support, removes both fear and isolation, and brings about the development of both the individual and the community. The deepest solidarity is solidarity of conscience. The community of solidarity differs from many other communities precisely because it is “for him” that is fundamental. It is only on this foundation that the community of “we” grows.
P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a n o n L a w PaCL.2022.08.1.03 p. 4/4 P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a ... more P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a n o n L a w PaCL.2022.08.1.03 p. 4/4 P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a n o n L a w
Human society of the modern world, which is greatly affected by technological and economic advanc... more Human society of the modern world, which is greatly affected by technological and economic advancements, has to address moral problems with a new urgency. In many instances, the decision does not bring only positive effects. Such cases can be found in applied ethics: bio-medical ethics, business ethics, and legal ethics, but also in other areas of human activity, too, most recently, in debates, concerning the use of autonomous vehicles or autonomous machines in general. This paper aims to describe and explain the principle of ‘double effect’, when solving complicated and, from the perspective of morality, profoundly dilemmatic situations. The principle of double effect was gradually developed as a means of seeking the right moral decisions. It has a firm and respected position within Catholic medical ethics, but also in secular legislation. The paper presents current thought experiments, which clarify moral decision-making in dilemmatic situations. What seems to be a shortcoming he...
ABSTRACT The human being is a dynamic and open creature, and therefore he always changes. However... more ABSTRACT The human being is a dynamic and open creature, and therefore he always changes. However, not only an individual but also the whole society is in such a state. The article briefly explains the urgency of reflecting on transcendence and responsibility. Based on the historical-philosophical study of transcendence in ancient and Christian education, the situation is presented at the beginning of the modern age (Comenius) and after the Velvet Revolution (the 1990s) in Czechoslovakia (Palouš). Voices calling for respect for transcendence, grossly ignored in atheistic totalitarian regimes, took an important place. Finally, a view of transcendence is presented that considers it an important aspect in the context of the human person in times of civilization change. The research is conducted from the perspective of critical realism and its morphogenetic approach, which is characterized by an orientation to defend humanity against sociological concepts that reduce the image of the human being.
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie PRÓBA UZGODNIENIA FILOZOFII GRECKIEJ Z ŻYDOWSKĄ ORTODOKSJĄ W FILOZ... more Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie PRÓBA UZGODNIENIA FILOZOFII GRECKIEJ Z ŻYDOWSKĄ ORTODOKSJĄ W FILOZOFII MOJŻESZA MAJMONIDESA Wstęp "Niniejszy traktat ma na celu oświecenie religijnego człowieka, którego nauczono wiary w prawdziwość naszej świętej Tory, który sumiennie wypełnia moralne i religijne obowiązki, a jednocześnie z powodzeniem oddaje się filozoficznym dociekaniom". Mojżesz Majmonides 1 "Granicą mądrości-milczenie, ale samo milczenie nie jest mądrością". Żydowskie przysłowie 2 "Majmonides zdawał sobie sprawę, że czasami najmądrzej jest milczeć, podczas gdy innym razem ujawnienie odkrytej przez siebie prawdy bywa jedynym prawidłowym wyborem. We wszystkich swoich pracach Majmonides zachowuje równowagę między tymi dwiema zasadami".
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH 2017), 2017
Freedom manifests itself in the creative activity of man. Through a creative act, the person expr... more Freedom manifests itself in the creative activity of man. Through a creative act, the person expresses itself and thus fulfils its freedom. Life of man can be ruled neither by fear, nor by authoritative pressure. If there is something valuable in life and world, then it may happen only thanks to freedom. The greater freedom is in the process of creating some act, the deeper is penetration of the life of the person. Freedom draws our attention to connection with values which we can accept or refuse. When man chooses good, human freedom grows and becomes a liberating freedom which thanks to its inner power heads to God and improves the person. It depends on man, whether he chooses good or evil, and he is responsible for his choice.
The author of the article reminds us that universities are a crucial space for education and dial... more The author of the article reminds us that universities are a crucial space for education and dialogue, cultivating academic freedom, promoting independent thinking and searching for scientific truth. Following this, he criticizes postmodernist ideas in science and education, pointing out problems related to publishing scientific articles, evaluating scientific work, and managing university research. He draws attention to the lack of transparency and commercialization in the academic environment; therefore, reflection on the way research is evaluated and financed is necessary.
The author of the reviewed book discusses the most serious question of philosophy with regard to ... more The author of the reviewed book discusses the most serious question of philosophy with regard to the current changes in the anthropological paradigm. Buzalic claims that we are on the verge of an irreversible change in the relationship between man and nature, and confirms this with the meaning we give to cyberspace, robotization, human hybridization, global connectivity, but also genetic manipulation and eugenics. The Rev. Professor Buzalic's study moves in a space defined by theology, philosophy, and religious studies, though it remains interdisciplinary in character. Buzalic proposes a solution to the identified problems with the help of integral anthropology as a complex methodological approach that offers a link between positive research and metaphysics (through the "Ontological Sacred" defined by Mircea Eliade). At the same time, it reflects the phenomenon of religion by defining a person as homo religiosus, as a material-spiritual entity whose spiritual life is materialized through culture. Religiosity and spirituality, as the psychological sphere of an individual in which the experience of the sacred is manifested, are the most important cultural-genetic factors. Pope John Paul II proposed to theologians and philosophers the term "integral anthropology," as a conception of man who takes into account all dimensions of one's own being as a person in its individual, social, physical, cultural, and spiritual meaning. This turn to metaphysics through integral anthropology is made possible by the philosophy of religion and the study of religions proposed by Mircea Eliade and Cardinal Marian Jaworski. Both thinkers put forward an PaCL.2023.09.1.07 p. 2/4 P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a n o n L a w
The article offers a brief philosophical reflection on scholē and human being in the context of t... more The article offers a brief philosophical reflection on scholē and human being in the context of the Internet. The first part of the article shortly explains the urgency of the problems that arise from the extensive use of the Internet, such as addiction to digital devices, being constantly connected to the Internet and receiving unreliable information. The second part of the article offers a reflection of scholē (leisure) as a space for transcendence which is a very important attribute of the human being and which is the foundation of our culture. Scholē is an organic component of culture and education, and leisure presents not the cessation of work, but a work of a rather different kind, the work restored to its human meaning, as a celebration and a festival. The article concludes that scholē provides us with precise and true information about what the human person essentially needs.
The CRISPR/CAS9 molecular editing tool is a phenomenal biomolecular discovery of the 21st century... more The CRISPR/CAS9 molecular editing tool is a phenomenal biomolecular discovery of the 21st century and is revolutionizing fields such as molecular biology, medicine and gene therapy. It is a very simple, effective and affordable molecular tool derived from the bacterial immune system that has been designed to target the editing of genetic information at a precise location in the DNA sequence. Although the tool works very efficiently, there is a risk of inadvertent interference outside the desired target sequence. A number of factors influence the effectiveness of the method, such as cell type, cell cycle phase, cell culture conditions, editing strategy and choice of subsequent gene repair. A key requirement for the success of the method is an appropriately chosen combination of all these and other factors to avoid unwanted interference of the editing tool outside the target sequence (possible risk of triggering oncogenes). 2 The method for molecular editing immediately aroused great interest in the world. It began to be applied in plant and animal production. Already in 2000, the Report of the American Association for the Advancement of Science took a position on non-heritable modifications on the human genome. 3 It gained particular attention in China, where the first treatment trials were launched, first in mice 4 and later in 1 The study was developed as an output of the KEGA project 030PU-4/2022 entitled Design of Teaching Materials for University Study of Relevant Moral Values with a Focus on Allround and Sustainable Development of Society.
The monograph, authored by Rev. Professor Marian Machinek MSF, deals with an extremely topical is... more The monograph, authored by Rev. Professor Marian Machinek MSF, deals with an extremely topical issue of contemporary discourse. In politics, public life, the education system, the media and culture, ideas based on the socalled gender theory are more and more asserted in today's Western society, which substantially influence the social role of men and women. Relatively recently, in 2011, when the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, known as UN Women, was established, everyone knew who it represented: the approximately half of the human race born with the capacity for motherhood, with two X chromosomes, with specific physical, hormonal, and relational characteristics that distinguish them from the other half of the human race, men. Unfortunately, this consensus is being disrupted by the seemingly recent in the Polish context phenomenon of gender identity and ideology. The topicality of the issue is confirmed, among other things, by the debate surrounding the ratification of the Istanbul Convention (Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence). The preamble of the Convention refers to violence against women as a manifestation of male domination and identifies this domination as gender-based structural violence, by which women are kept subordinate. The Convention goes on to talk about harmful gender stereotypes that need to be eradicated from social life, and all levels of the education system should be used to this end.
Ab s t r a c t: The article offers a brief philosophical reflection on scholē and human being in ... more Ab s t r a c t: The article offers a brief philosophical reflection on scholē and human being in the context of the Internet. The first part of the article shortly explains the urgency of the problems that arise from the extensive use of the Internet, such as addiction to digital devices, being constantly connected to the Internet and receiving unreliable information. The second part of the article offers a reflection of scholē (leisure) as a space for transcendence which is a very important attribute of the human being and which is the foundation of our culture. Scholē is an organic component of culture and education, and leisure presents not the cessation of work, but a work of a rather different kind, the work restored to its human meaning, as a celebration and a festival. The article concludes that scholē provides us with precise and true information about what the human person essentially needs.
Milos Lichner: Kontextualny pohľad na sviatosť krstu v Sermones svateho AugustinaWalerian Bugel: ... more Milos Lichner: Kontextualny pohľad na sviatosť krstu v Sermones svateho AugustinaWalerian Bugel: Anafora jako teologický text: Vybrane otazky na přikladu pokoncilnich eucharistických modliteb řimske liturgieJozef Kulisz, SJ – Andrej Filipek, SJ: Ježis Kristus: Jeho existencia a zmysel: Theologia fundamentalis – christologiaMarek Heczei: Koncepcia spolocnej eschatologie u Wolfharta PannenbergaMichal Valco: Koncepcia subjektu a viery u S. Kierkegaarda a D. Bonhoeffera: eticke implikacieJan Herůfek a kol.: Pojeti důstojnosti clověka od antiky po soucasnostMarian Gavenda: Filmovať mystiku: Medialne sprostredkovanie duchovnej skusenosti v mysleni a tvorbe Juraja Toroka.
W dziesiejszych czasach problemy wychowania i kształcenia są obciążone nowoczesnym spirytualizmem... more W dziesiejszych czasach problemy wychowania i kształcenia są obciążone nowoczesnym spirytualizmem, jego atmosferą w szkolnictwie, dydaktyce i oświacie. Zmieniające się bardzo szybko od dłuższego czasu reformy szkolnictwa sprawiają, że profesjonalni ...
P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a n o n L a w PaCL.2022.08.1.08 p. 2/4 P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a ... more P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a n o n L a w PaCL.2022.08.1.08 p. 2/4 P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a n o n L a w
In this paper, the concept of solidarity will be introduced as voluntary cohesion, mutual help a... more In this paper, the concept of solidarity will be introduced as voluntary cohesion, mutual help and support not only within a loose group, but, above all, within the whole human race. Tischner wants to help contemporary man because he is aware that contemporary man has entered a period of profound crisis of his hope. The reflection on solidarity and hope in the philosophy of Tischner represents a neuralgic point which has its justification in Christian thought. Hope is the prospect of something better which, together with mutual support, removes both fear and isolation, and brings about the development of both the individual and the community. The deepest solidarity is solidarity of conscience. The community of solidarity differs from many other communities precisely because it is “for him” that is fundamental. It is only on this foundation that the community of “we” grows.
P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a n o n L a w PaCL.2022.08.1.03 p. 4/4 P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a ... more P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a n o n L a w PaCL.2022.08.1.03 p. 4/4 P h i l o s o p h y a n d C a n o n L a w
Human society of the modern world, which is greatly affected by technological and economic advanc... more Human society of the modern world, which is greatly affected by technological and economic advancements, has to address moral problems with a new urgency. In many instances, the decision does not bring only positive effects. Such cases can be found in applied ethics: bio-medical ethics, business ethics, and legal ethics, but also in other areas of human activity, too, most recently, in debates, concerning the use of autonomous vehicles or autonomous machines in general. This paper aims to describe and explain the principle of ‘double effect’, when solving complicated and, from the perspective of morality, profoundly dilemmatic situations. The principle of double effect was gradually developed as a means of seeking the right moral decisions. It has a firm and respected position within Catholic medical ethics, but also in secular legislation. The paper presents current thought experiments, which clarify moral decision-making in dilemmatic situations. What seems to be a shortcoming he...
ABSTRACT The human being is a dynamic and open creature, and therefore he always changes. However... more ABSTRACT The human being is a dynamic and open creature, and therefore he always changes. However, not only an individual but also the whole society is in such a state. The article briefly explains the urgency of reflecting on transcendence and responsibility. Based on the historical-philosophical study of transcendence in ancient and Christian education, the situation is presented at the beginning of the modern age (Comenius) and after the Velvet Revolution (the 1990s) in Czechoslovakia (Palouš). Voices calling for respect for transcendence, grossly ignored in atheistic totalitarian regimes, took an important place. Finally, a view of transcendence is presented that considers it an important aspect in the context of the human person in times of civilization change. The research is conducted from the perspective of critical realism and its morphogenetic approach, which is characterized by an orientation to defend humanity against sociological concepts that reduce the image of the human being.
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie PRÓBA UZGODNIENIA FILOZOFII GRECKIEJ Z ŻYDOWSKĄ ORTODOKSJĄ W FILOZ... more Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie PRÓBA UZGODNIENIA FILOZOFII GRECKIEJ Z ŻYDOWSKĄ ORTODOKSJĄ W FILOZOFII MOJŻESZA MAJMONIDESA Wstęp "Niniejszy traktat ma na celu oświecenie religijnego człowieka, którego nauczono wiary w prawdziwość naszej świętej Tory, który sumiennie wypełnia moralne i religijne obowiązki, a jednocześnie z powodzeniem oddaje się filozoficznym dociekaniom". Mojżesz Majmonides 1 "Granicą mądrości-milczenie, ale samo milczenie nie jest mądrością". Żydowskie przysłowie 2 "Majmonides zdawał sobie sprawę, że czasami najmądrzej jest milczeć, podczas gdy innym razem ujawnienie odkrytej przez siebie prawdy bywa jedynym prawidłowym wyborem. We wszystkich swoich pracach Majmonides zachowuje równowagę między tymi dwiema zasadami".
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH 2017), 2017
Freedom manifests itself in the creative activity of man. Through a creative act, the person expr... more Freedom manifests itself in the creative activity of man. Through a creative act, the person expresses itself and thus fulfils its freedom. Life of man can be ruled neither by fear, nor by authoritative pressure. If there is something valuable in life and world, then it may happen only thanks to freedom. The greater freedom is in the process of creating some act, the deeper is penetration of the life of the person. Freedom draws our attention to connection with values which we can accept or refuse. When man chooses good, human freedom grows and becomes a liberating freedom which thanks to its inner power heads to God and improves the person. It depends on man, whether he chooses good or evil, and he is responsible for his choice.
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings from the international conference co-organized by the Facult... more Peer-reviewed conference proceedings from the international conference co-organized by the Faculty of Education of Trnava University in Trnava, the Department of Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, the International Center for Law and Religion Studies at Brigham Young University Law School, and the Greek-Catholic Theological Faculty of University of Prešov in Prešov. The conference was held at the Trnava University on May 5, 2017 under the auspices of Minister of Culture of the Slovak Republic Mr. Marek Maďarič, prof. doc. JUDr. Marek Šmid, PhD., President of Trnava University in Trnava, and prof. PaedDr. René Bílik, CSc., Dean of Faculty of Education of Trnava University. The aim of the conference was to address the current European “migration crisis” from the interdisciplinary perspective primarily as a religious and cultural phenomenon, and to discuss both European and American historical experiences with migration, as well as specifically European and American approaches to it.
Papers by Pavol Dancák
The conference was held at the Trnava University on May 5, 2017 under the auspices of Minister of Culture of the Slovak Republic Mr. Marek Maďarič, prof. doc. JUDr. Marek Šmid, PhD., President of Trnava University in Trnava, and prof. PaedDr. René Bílik, CSc., Dean of Faculty of Education of Trnava University.
The aim of the conference was to address the current European “migration crisis” from the interdisciplinary perspective primarily as a religious and cultural phenomenon, and to discuss both European and American historical experiences with migration, as well as specifically European and American approaches to it.