Università di Pisa
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
The paper reconsiders the authenticity of alis (transmitted by the Aratea manuscripts) in Cic. Arat. fr. 33, 13 Soubiran, in the light of the variant auris attested in Cicero, De natura deorum.
The aim of this article is to reconsider a well-known passage of Aratus’ Phaenomena and its Latin translations. The analysis deals with the texts by Cicero, Varro of Atax, Virgil and Avienius, and focuses particularly on a lexical problem... more
This article aims to show the close link between the representation of Trajan’s deeds in Pliny the Younger’s Panegyric and those of Augustus as described in the Res gestae. The analysis, developed through an in-depth reading of the most... more
A new discussion of the text of Germ. fr. 3, 16-17 Gain, canvassing, for l. 16, a conjecture first proposed by the Dutch scholar H. de Groot and, for l. 17, advancing a new proposal to emend the transmitted uestigia passus.
In this paper I will discuss how an epigram by Martial (Mart. 9.20) can be connected to a passage of Theocritus’ Encomium to Ptolemy Philadelphus (Theoc. Id. 17.58 – 76): the analysis will be developed in detail in order to enable the... more
This paper aims to analyse the influence of Germanicus’ Phaenomena on Lucan’s Bellum Ciuile. After a brief survey on astronomical reminiscences, I focus on sections relating to the dismantling of the Augustan ideology discourse (Lucan. i... more
This article argues for an as-yet-undiscovered double allusion to Aratus’ Phaenomena (1–5 and 100–7) embedded in Cicero’s De diuinatione (1.79). This intertextual link sheds light on a now-lost passage of Cicero’s Aratea and raises some... more
Les autorités actuelles de l’Eglise catholique décernent le titre de « martyrs » à des chrétiens non catholiques qui ont été mis à mort pour une vérité de foi. Selon plusieurs théologiens catholiques contemporains, tout homme qui est tué... more