Vincenzo Vozza
PhD in Historical-Religious and Anthropological Studies (Univ. di Padova)
Doctorat en Histoire moderne et contemporaine (EPHE Paris)
Phone: +39 348 8444855
Address: Via A. Campolongo
35136 - Padova
Doctorat en Histoire moderne et contemporaine (EPHE Paris)
Phone: +39 348 8444855
Address: Via A. Campolongo
35136 - Padova
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Papers by Vincenzo Vozza
The author presents a little group of documents coming from the archive of the ‘Istituto per l’infanzia abbandonata’, founded by Stefania Etzerodt Omboni in Padua in 1895. Such a material has been found in the historical domicile of the Institute after it was acquired by the University of Padua, and it is currently held at the Museum of the Education of the University, whereas the rest of the fund is at Padua Archive. After a short premise a description follows of the two series identified during the finding (that is the diaries and the correspondence of the Institute), along with other documents which belong – despite their diversification – to the same fund.
The research on Francesco Negri da Bassano (1500-1563), a well-known figure in Italian and foreign Reformation’s history and historiography, offers the possibility to reflect on the cataloguing of his works, starting from online collective databases. This case study focuses on verifying the dating of the Epitome of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, contained in the volume-in-parts Bartholomaei Bolognini Bononiensis Epitome elegiaca etc., comparing the two surveyed Basel Winter editions surveyed (1538 and 1544). In this essay the author focuses on a problem of cataloguing encountered during the study of an exemplar of the volume, and describes how it was solved. For this study, it was necessary to combine different patterns and perspectives of analysis, namely the multi- and interdisciplinary comparison between the data of historical research, the study of the tradition of the literary document and the analysis of the extrinsic elements of the volume
by former benedictine monk Francesco Negri da Bassano during his lifetime (1500-1563). Those documents were previously listed by Luca Ragazzini in a monographic section dedicated to Negri in a recent bibliographical study inside the Bibliotheca Dissidentium (Baden-Baden: Ed. Koerner, 2006). As a equel to that work, I will provide both the text and the historical informations of the sixteen letters, sent and received by Negri from 1515 to 1563.
Sulla base della sua spontanea comparitiodi fronte all’inquisitore è possibile ricavare la composizione della comunità degli esuli italiani a Ginevra nei primi anni ottanta del XVI secolo. Emerge così un tassello,
magari limitato ma significativo, della storia dell’emigrazione italiana
religionis causache evoca personaggi noti e figure minori o sconosciute,
evidenziando inoltre i legami familiari e professionali tra gli esuli e gli
ambienti di provenienza, spesso rimasti fedeli all’ortodossia romana.
* * *
[FRA] L’article tente de reconstruire l’histoire de la brève expérience de la
conversion au calvinisme du canonique Ortensio Moscaglia. Sur la base
de sa spontanea comparitioface à l’inquisiteur, est possible d’obtenir la
composition de la communauté des exilés italiens à Genève au début
des années 1580. Ainsi émerge un fragment – peut-être limitée, mais
significative – de la migration italienne religionis causa, qu’évoque des
personnages connus et figures mineures ou inconnus, en soulignant
également les liens familiaux et d’affaires entre les exilés et les anciens
contextes, souvent restés fidèles à l’orthodoxie Romaine.
The life of Francesco Negri da Bassano, previously a Benedictine monk and later a member of the first generation of the Reformation and of the Italian Radicalism, is still an open field of research for scholars of Italian Protestantism.
After the work of Giuseppe Zonta from Bassano, whose research, even after a century, remains an important reference for re-discovering Negri in his Italian historical and literary context, many other scholars have produced a rich bibliography, turning their interest towards the Benedictine exile, highlighting some gaps which will be explained in this article, indicating also possible new directions of research.
The author presents a little group of documents coming from the archive of the ‘Istituto per l’infanzia abbandonata’, founded by Stefania Etzerodt Omboni in Padua in 1895. Such a material has been found in the historical domicile of the Institute after it was acquired by the University of Padua, and it is currently held at the Museum of the Education of the University, whereas the rest of the fund is at Padua Archive. After a short premise a description follows of the two series identified during the finding (that is the diaries and the correspondence of the Institute), along with other documents which belong – despite their diversification – to the same fund.
The research on Francesco Negri da Bassano (1500-1563), a well-known figure in Italian and foreign Reformation’s history and historiography, offers the possibility to reflect on the cataloguing of his works, starting from online collective databases. This case study focuses on verifying the dating of the Epitome of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, contained in the volume-in-parts Bartholomaei Bolognini Bononiensis Epitome elegiaca etc., comparing the two surveyed Basel Winter editions surveyed (1538 and 1544). In this essay the author focuses on a problem of cataloguing encountered during the study of an exemplar of the volume, and describes how it was solved. For this study, it was necessary to combine different patterns and perspectives of analysis, namely the multi- and interdisciplinary comparison between the data of historical research, the study of the tradition of the literary document and the analysis of the extrinsic elements of the volume
by former benedictine monk Francesco Negri da Bassano during his lifetime (1500-1563). Those documents were previously listed by Luca Ragazzini in a monographic section dedicated to Negri in a recent bibliographical study inside the Bibliotheca Dissidentium (Baden-Baden: Ed. Koerner, 2006). As a equel to that work, I will provide both the text and the historical informations of the sixteen letters, sent and received by Negri from 1515 to 1563.
Sulla base della sua spontanea comparitiodi fronte all’inquisitore è possibile ricavare la composizione della comunità degli esuli italiani a Ginevra nei primi anni ottanta del XVI secolo. Emerge così un tassello,
magari limitato ma significativo, della storia dell’emigrazione italiana
religionis causache evoca personaggi noti e figure minori o sconosciute,
evidenziando inoltre i legami familiari e professionali tra gli esuli e gli
ambienti di provenienza, spesso rimasti fedeli all’ortodossia romana.
* * *
[FRA] L’article tente de reconstruire l’histoire de la brève expérience de la
conversion au calvinisme du canonique Ortensio Moscaglia. Sur la base
de sa spontanea comparitioface à l’inquisiteur, est possible d’obtenir la
composition de la communauté des exilés italiens à Genève au début
des années 1580. Ainsi émerge un fragment – peut-être limitée, mais
significative – de la migration italienne religionis causa, qu’évoque des
personnages connus et figures mineures ou inconnus, en soulignant
également les liens familiaux et d’affaires entre les exilés et les anciens
contextes, souvent restés fidèles à l’orthodoxie Romaine.
The life of Francesco Negri da Bassano, previously a Benedictine monk and later a member of the first generation of the Reformation and of the Italian Radicalism, is still an open field of research for scholars of Italian Protestantism.
After the work of Giuseppe Zonta from Bassano, whose research, even after a century, remains an important reference for re-discovering Negri in his Italian historical and literary context, many other scholars have produced a rich bibliography, turning their interest towards the Benedictine exile, highlighting some gaps which will be explained in this article, indicating also possible new directions of research.
La Chiesa Metodista di Padova interpreta, senza dubbio, un caso di studio interessante dell’intreccio tra risveglio spirituale e impegno sociale: fondata sul finire del 1866, dopo l’ingresso del Veneto nel Regno d’Italia, ha assistito ai cambiamenti della città, è intervenuta nel dibattito civile e religioso, si è proposta – secondo un tipico modello anglosassone – come interprete dei bisogni di una società fortemente polarizzata tra la città e la campagna, analfabetismo e grandi risorse culturali, laicità e clericalismo.
In occasione di questo primo centocinquantesimo anniversario dalla fondazione, che precede il quinto centenario della pubblicazione delle Novantacinque tesi di Lutero a Worms e l’inizio della Riforma protestante (1517-2017), si sono voluti approfondire alcuni aspetti inediti o poco conosciuti di una presenza forse altrettanto sconosciuta a molti padovani. Indagini e approfondimenti condotti con metodo nella ricerca storica e imparzialità scientifica, al fine di consegnare ai lettori – siano essi parte del mondo accademico, siano essi curiosi e appassionati – un prodotto di pregio e interesse culturale.
Indice - Premessa - PARTE PRIMA: Emilio Comba. La vita e l'opera - PARTE SECONDA: Edizione - Bibliografia - Indice dei nomi
Il volume raccoglie una serie di fonti, in gran parte inedite, relative alla travagliata vicenda spirituale di Giacomo Broccardo (ca. 1518-ca. 1595). Arrestato nel 1568, fu avviato a suo carico un processo per eresia interrotto dalla fuga dell’inquisito. Da allora questo eccentrico intellettuale vicino al profetismo misticheggiante e cultore di filosofia, filologia greca ed ebraica, scienze naturali ed alchimia, peregrinò per l’Europa protestante, componendo varie opere: in alcune vi si leggono pagine autobiografiche straordinariamente incisive nel rievocare la drammatica esperienza vissuta dall’autore dinanzi al tribunale del Sant’Uffizio e nelle cupe carceri veneziane chiamate Pozzi. (Dal sito
Questo contributo si propone di leggere i Dialogi tres dell’eterodosso Pietro Speziale da Cittadella, dialoghi ambientati in uno scenario bucolico, ma dal contenuto teologico: la frizione tra forma e contenuto dà origine non solo ad una “distonia” nella retorica delle immagini, ma anche di una “distopia” spazio-temporale dei Dialogi e la contemporaneità dall’autore. Per fare questo sarà necessario far dialogare i presupposti interpretativi della storia con quelli della letteratura.