Laura Messina
Address: Padova, Veneto, Italy
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Papers by Laura Messina
For this purpose, we’ll first consider the teacher education issue according to the current European policies lead by the Lisbon Strategy. We’ll distinguish the school teacher education from the university teacher education and we’ll analyze some of the main documents developed by European organizations that give shared guidelines on the question.
Then, because there are few documents produced for the higher education, we will consider some academic structures – Centre for Teaching and Learning e Subject Centre – that attend to teacher training and to didactic research organization and that are good examples of implementation of the recent European educational policy trends.
Both analysis lines give suggestions in order to realize in our Country university structures - as Centre for Teaching and Learning or Subject Centre - that support new teacher education, didactics and didactic research, while facing problems connected with these aspects
For this purpose, we’ll first consider the teacher education issue according to the current European policies lead by the Lisbon Strategy. We’ll distinguish the school teacher education from the university teacher education and we’ll analyze some of the main documents developed by European organizations that give shared guidelines on the question.
Then, because there are few documents produced for the higher education, we will consider some academic structures – Centre for Teaching and Learning e Subject Centre – that attend to teacher training and to didactic research organization and that are good examples of implementation of the recent European educational policy trends.
Both analysis lines give suggestions in order to realize in our Country university structures - as Centre for Teaching and Learning or Subject Centre - that support new teacher education, didactics and didactic research, while facing problems connected with these aspects