Databases by Gregorio Piaia

Historical studies have revealed the complexity of the pathways through which university philosop... more Historical studies have revealed the complexity of the pathways through which university philosophical culture has taken part in the development of knowledge from the Late Middle Ages to our times. Nonetheless, till now a full class of documents has been considered only erratically: the inaugural lectures (also known as 'paginae') of the single university courses given from the Renaissance to the beginning of the eighteenth century. Scholars of university history know that each of the countless inaugural lectures till extant in archives and libraries is an interesting document, revealing the tenets of university culture in a specific place and time; however, few research campaigns have been conducted on these documents with the aim of improving sistematically our understanding of the history of university culture in general, or of specific trends in it. Main obstacles to these enterprises are the large number of extant documents and their dispersion. DArIL aims to facilitate scholars to overcome these difficulties, providing them with an access to a digital collection of searchable descriptions, digital photo-reproductions and codified transcriptions of 'paginae'.
Papers by Gregorio Piaia
L'idea di tolleranza in Marsilio da Padova, 2012
L'A. etablit une comparaison entre Marsile de Padoue et Nicolas de Cuse, cherchant leurs diff... more L'A. etablit une comparaison entre Marsile de Padoue et Nicolas de Cuse, cherchant leurs differences et leurs ressemblances surtout en matiere de pensee politique et juridique, ainsi que d'ecclesiologie.
Revista española de filosofía medieval, Apr 20, 2016
Qual è il contributo che Umberto Eco, in quanto romanziere, ha dato alla conoscenza della storia ... more Qual è il contributo che Umberto Eco, in quanto romanziere, ha dato alla conoscenza della storia della filosofia medievale? Il primo e più celebre romanzo, Il nome della rosa (1980), ha indubbiamente il merito di aver attirato l'attenzione del comune lettore verso il pensiero del medioevo, solitamente trascurato o poco noto. Ma questa riscoperta è contrassegnata da un'immagine negativa e deformante del medioevo monastico e delle sue concezioni filosofiche. Invece il medioevo scolastico (Ruggero Bacone, Marsilio a Padova e soprattutto Guglielmo di Ockham) viene letto da Eco con occhi molto moderni, anzi "postmoderni", per cui del pensiero medioevale in se stesso rimane molto poco. Parole chiave: Umberto Eco, romanzo storico, filosofia medievale.
Filosofia e teologia nel trecento, 1994
Materiali di Estetica. Terza serie

Noctua, 2015
During the early modern age, the teaching of philosophy pivots on the systematic manual which rep... more During the early modern age, the teaching of philosophy pivots on the systematic manual which replaces the traditional ‘commentarium’ also in the schools run by the religious orders of the Catholic Church. When confronted with the rise and diffusion of the new philosophy and of the new science, the authors of philosophical manuals basically follow three different directions: beside the defenders of the Aristotelian-Scholastic tradition and the enthusiastic innovators (who were usually followers of Descartes), there emerges a third conspicuous orientation, which tries to take a middle course and draws inspiration from the ‘philosophia eclectica’ understood as a path independent of the various philosophical schools. At the same time, the historico-philosophical perspective starts to be introduced into the systematic manual of philosophy, to the extent that it becomes an autonomous treatment with respect to the manual itself. Keywords : Aristotelianism, Cartesianism, commentarium , man...
International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées, 2022
International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées, 2022

Part I The History of Philosophy and the histoire de l'esprit humain in France Between the En... more Part I The History of Philosophy and the histoire de l'esprit humain in France Between the Encyclopaedia and the Revolution.- 1. The History of Philosophy in the Encyclopedie.- 2. The Impact of the esprit des lumieres on the History of Philosophy.- 3. Religious Apologetics and Historiographical Practice.- Part II. The Historiography of Philosophy in Italy in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century.- 4. The Enlightenment, Erudition and Religious Apologetics.- 5. The Historiography of Philosophy: from School Textbooks to Works for a Wider Readership.- 6. Theism and the History of Philosophy.- Part III The Historiography of Philosophy in Great Britain.- 7. The Scottish Enlightenment and "Philosophical History". Part IV The Historiography of Philosophy in Germany in the Late Enlightenment.- 8. Textbooks after Brucker.- 9. The Gottingen School and Popular philosophie.- Part V The Historiography of Philosophy in Germany in the Age of Kant.- 10. Philosophy and Historiograph...
Databases by Gregorio Piaia
Papers by Gregorio Piaia
Abstracts, 9 - Gregorio Piaia, Introduzione: la dialettica tra innovazione filosofica e università nell’Europa moderna, 19 - Danuta Quirini-Popławska, Attempts to Modernize the Curriculum at the Academy of Kraków in the 16th Century and the Influence of Sebastian Petrycy on Polish Philosophical Thought, 31 - Simona Langella, Le innovazioni di Francisco de Vitoria all’università di Salamanca e la loro istituzionalizzazione, 51 - Annarita Angelini, "L’université de tout le monde universel": il progetto di Pietro Ramo, 71 - Marco Forlivesi, Filippo Fabri vs Patrizi, Suárez e Galilei: il valore della “Metafisica” di Aristotele e la distinzione delle scienze speculative, 95 - Mykola Symchych, Jesuit Influences, Modernization and Anti-Modernization in Ukrainian Academic Philosophy from the End of the 16th to the End of the 18th Century, 117 - Konstantin Sutorius, "Logic" at the Moscow Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in the First Half of the 18th Century, 141 - Dmitry Shmonin, Institutionalization of Philosophy in Russia: The First Universities in the 18th Century, 165 - Santi Di Bella, Il dibattito sulla retorica come disciplina accademica nell'"Aufklärung", 185 - Gualtiero Lorini, Lessico e metodo dell’ontologia wolffiana: una premessa all’innovazione filosofica in Germania nel XVIII secolo, 205 - Mário S. de Carvalho, Il destino della metafisica nella modernizzazione dell’università portoghese all’epoca di Luís António Verney (1713-1792), 227 - Francesca D’Alberto, Friedrich Schleiermacher riformatore dell’università tedesca, 245 - Andrea Bellantone, Università, politica e filosofia in Francia: dall'"idéologie" all’eclettismo, 267 - Angelo Campodonico, The Idea of University in John Henry Newman, 287 - Francesca Rizzo, Per un’indagine su De Sanctis politico della cultura, 311 - Emilia Scarcella, L’insegnamento della storia all’Istituto di Studi Superiori di Firenze: la lezione di Pasquale Villari, 331 - Rosella Faraone, Filosofia, formazione, politica. La riflessione gentiliana sull’insegnamento della filosofia, 349 - Paolo De Lucia, Agostino Gemelli, l’università Cattolica e il pensiero rosminiano: progetto universitario e politica culturale, 371 - Indice dei nomi, 387