Papers by Filippo Carraro
Celestino Pérez, S.; Rodríguez González, E. (Eds.) 2020: Un viaje entre el Oriente y el Occidente del Mediterráneo. Actas del IX Congreso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos, Mytra 5, Mérida, 2020
Nora antiqua II. Nora dalla costituzione della Provincia all’età augustea. Atti del Convegno di Studi (Pula, 5-6 ottobre 2018), 2020
La presente opera è l'esito di una ricerca sostenuta e autorizzata dal Ministero dei Beni e delle... more La presente opera è l'esito di una ricerca sostenuta e autorizzata dal Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività culturali e del Turismo Si ringrazia la Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna per la disponibilità Impaginazione: Ermes Turato Stampa: Grafiche Turato sas -Rubano (PD)

Open Archaeology, 2019
The ritual space of the Sanctuary of Aesculapius in Nora (Sardinia) is the main focus of a
recent... more The ritual space of the Sanctuary of Aesculapius in Nora (Sardinia) is the main focus of a
recent archaeological campaign led by the Cultural Heritage Department of the University of Padova. A
partnership with 3DOM research group (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento) has offered new opportunities
for a digital investigation of the site. The aim of the project is to map and visualize the sanctuary with
methodologies enabling different users to engage with the site in new ways. They offer different web
tools for exploring, understanding and interacting with the site, by focusing on 3D modelling, semantic
enrichment and the contextualization of digital records. The entire site of Nora has been surveyed by a
drone, which produced a digital model of the peninsula. A number of outputs have been used for different
scales of visualization and a range of purposes: an open source multi-resolution web renderer is used to
navigate the point cloud, labelled using a system of bounding boxes. At the same time it provides access
to a 2.5D model of each building. Plugins in QGIS are used to produce extrusions of any mapped feature,
gaining height values from the point cloud, and attributes from the shapefile. Photogrammetric models
of single ritual artifacts can be located in their own context and be displayed using 3D web renderers.
Il patrimonio culturale sommerso. Ricerche proposte per il futuro dell'archeologia subacquea in Italia, 2019
Parlando di patrimonio culturale sommerso, la felicità e l'orgoglio di essere i depositari di tan... more Parlando di patrimonio culturale sommerso, la felicità e l'orgoglio di essere i depositari di tanta ricchezza non ci devono far dimenticare anche la grande responsabilità che abbiamo nel custodirlo, mantenerlo e divulgarlo.
Quaderni Norensi, 6, 2017
Il contributo illustra in maniera sintetica l’origine e le prime fasi di svolgimento di un ampio ... more Il contributo illustra in maniera sintetica l’origine e le prime fasi di svolgimento di un ampio progetto di ricerca incentrato sullo studio della relazioni tra la città antica di Nora e lo spazio marittimo ad essa circostante. Dopo l’illustrazione degli obiettivi dello studio dallo spiccato carattere geoarcheologico vengono presentati i primi risultati raggiunti tra il 2011 e il 2013. In questo periodo sono stati identificati nello spazio prossimo alla battigia o appena sommerso alcuni edifici prima del tutto sconosciuti e utili a ricostruire l’assetto e l’estensione reale della città nell’età antica.
Progetto Agno Leogra 2012
The article describes the results of the 2011-2012 archaeological survey held in the piedmont are... more The article describes the results of the 2011-2012 archaeological survey held in the piedmont area between the Agno and Leogra valleys (Vicenza district, in north-western Veneto region). It focuses on the identification and recording of the traces left by the exploitation of the numerous mines of the area, surely worked before the Industrial Revolution, during the domination of Venice (XV-XVII centuries), but very probably also in antiquity. The hints of the possible ancient exploitation are described. Aim of the work is also to turn to account the many historical traces that are found in this mountain zone. Keywords: Veneto Prealps, from protohistory to Venice domination, archaeological survey, minescapes, ethnoarchaeology
Talks by Filippo Carraro
A day devoted to the study of the archaeology of minig and miners in the Veneto region
Posters by Filippo Carraro
The archaeological site of Nora (Sardinia, Italy) is a long-lasting experiment of inter-universit... more The archaeological site of Nora (Sardinia, Italy) is a long-lasting experiment of inter-university excavation, focused on the archaeological research as well as on the exploratory application of new technologies and new approaches to scientific or didactic dissemination. The partnership between the University of Padova and 3DOM-FBK answered the need for a cartographic update of the site, to be used as a new basemap. Yet, the high-resolution photogrammetric survey provided more than a basemap: a 3D model of the city to be used as a new informative system, to store and convey the complexity of the reality, even beyond what is immediately visible. The dynamic and scalable approach to the model offers a practical tool for dissemination and comprehension of the site even to a larger community.
Since 2011 the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padova has been managing the ... more Since 2011 the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padova has been managing the “Nora e il mare (Nora and the sea) Project”, with the aim of studying and preserving the flooding and submerged structures detected along the shoreline of the ancient city of Nora (Sardinia, Italy). The project combines archaeological and environmental research and future impact forecasts.
Conference Presentations by Filippo Carraro

In 2011 the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padua has activated the project ... more In 2011 the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padua has activated the project "Nora and the sea" in order to reconstruct the coastal layout of the ancient city of Nora (CA).
In particular, the spatial and functional relationship between the archaeological site and its surrounding maritime space and the extent of the sea level rise were examined. Today as in the past, sea level variation, together with the destructive coastal process of erosion, still threaten and shape, the shoreline, forcing the city to adapt.
The archaeological investigation was based on several data derived from the study of published material and previous research, from cartography and aerial images of the last century, from drone photogrammetry, from the reconstruction of the bathymetry of the seabed through echosounder and manual relief and finally from direct underwater exploration by surveying and recording all the submerged structures. The final result was the development of a GIS platform handling the digital model of the land and the seabed and the estimates of SLR (sea level rise) for the ancient age.
A new phase of the project is currently being carried out, mainly focusing on the geomorphological approach. Such research reinforces the multidisciplinary approach and requires the realization of a campaign of core samplings to understand the paleosettlement and the paleoenvironmental dynamics.
In addition to this, the cores could be a useful tool in order to spot a light on the harbour of the ancient city, which remains still today an unsolved question.
Papers by Filippo Carraro
recent archaeological campaign led by the Cultural Heritage Department of the University of Padova. A
partnership with 3DOM research group (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento) has offered new opportunities
for a digital investigation of the site. The aim of the project is to map and visualize the sanctuary with
methodologies enabling different users to engage with the site in new ways. They offer different web
tools for exploring, understanding and interacting with the site, by focusing on 3D modelling, semantic
enrichment and the contextualization of digital records. The entire site of Nora has been surveyed by a
drone, which produced a digital model of the peninsula. A number of outputs have been used for different
scales of visualization and a range of purposes: an open source multi-resolution web renderer is used to
navigate the point cloud, labelled using a system of bounding boxes. At the same time it provides access
to a 2.5D model of each building. Plugins in QGIS are used to produce extrusions of any mapped feature,
gaining height values from the point cloud, and attributes from the shapefile. Photogrammetric models
of single ritual artifacts can be located in their own context and be displayed using 3D web renderers.
Talks by Filippo Carraro
Posters by Filippo Carraro
Conference Presentations by Filippo Carraro
In particular, the spatial and functional relationship between the archaeological site and its surrounding maritime space and the extent of the sea level rise were examined. Today as in the past, sea level variation, together with the destructive coastal process of erosion, still threaten and shape, the shoreline, forcing the city to adapt.
The archaeological investigation was based on several data derived from the study of published material and previous research, from cartography and aerial images of the last century, from drone photogrammetry, from the reconstruction of the bathymetry of the seabed through echosounder and manual relief and finally from direct underwater exploration by surveying and recording all the submerged structures. The final result was the development of a GIS platform handling the digital model of the land and the seabed and the estimates of SLR (sea level rise) for the ancient age.
A new phase of the project is currently being carried out, mainly focusing on the geomorphological approach. Such research reinforces the multidisciplinary approach and requires the realization of a campaign of core samplings to understand the paleosettlement and the paleoenvironmental dynamics.
In addition to this, the cores could be a useful tool in order to spot a light on the harbour of the ancient city, which remains still today an unsolved question.
recent archaeological campaign led by the Cultural Heritage Department of the University of Padova. A
partnership with 3DOM research group (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento) has offered new opportunities
for a digital investigation of the site. The aim of the project is to map and visualize the sanctuary with
methodologies enabling different users to engage with the site in new ways. They offer different web
tools for exploring, understanding and interacting with the site, by focusing on 3D modelling, semantic
enrichment and the contextualization of digital records. The entire site of Nora has been surveyed by a
drone, which produced a digital model of the peninsula. A number of outputs have been used for different
scales of visualization and a range of purposes: an open source multi-resolution web renderer is used to
navigate the point cloud, labelled using a system of bounding boxes. At the same time it provides access
to a 2.5D model of each building. Plugins in QGIS are used to produce extrusions of any mapped feature,
gaining height values from the point cloud, and attributes from the shapefile. Photogrammetric models
of single ritual artifacts can be located in their own context and be displayed using 3D web renderers.
In particular, the spatial and functional relationship between the archaeological site and its surrounding maritime space and the extent of the sea level rise were examined. Today as in the past, sea level variation, together with the destructive coastal process of erosion, still threaten and shape, the shoreline, forcing the city to adapt.
The archaeological investigation was based on several data derived from the study of published material and previous research, from cartography and aerial images of the last century, from drone photogrammetry, from the reconstruction of the bathymetry of the seabed through echosounder and manual relief and finally from direct underwater exploration by surveying and recording all the submerged structures. The final result was the development of a GIS platform handling the digital model of the land and the seabed and the estimates of SLR (sea level rise) for the ancient age.
A new phase of the project is currently being carried out, mainly focusing on the geomorphological approach. Such research reinforces the multidisciplinary approach and requires the realization of a campaign of core samplings to understand the paleosettlement and the paleoenvironmental dynamics.
In addition to this, the cores could be a useful tool in order to spot a light on the harbour of the ancient city, which remains still today an unsolved question.