Papers by Barbara Segatto
FrancoAngeli Editore, 2013
Extracts of competent cells of Bacillus subtilis exhibited nuclease activity on radioactively lab... more Extracts of competent cells of Bacillus subtilis exhibited nuclease activity on radioactively labeled cell deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The activity was not decreased when Mg was omitted from the reaction mixture but was decreased to zero by addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Of the other metals tested, only Ca increased nuclease activity more than Mg. Addition of 1.5 x 10-3 M Ca to transfection mixtures increased the nonlinearity of the relationship between number of transfectants and DNA concentration. The inferred role of the Ca-activated nuclease was checked by showing that the ultraviolet enhancement of transfection is reversed by addition of Ca. It was also shown, by testing in three different laboratories, that the Ca ion in water is the likely source of the different nonlinear relationships found in different laboratories.

Abstract: Internet, smartphone and social networks are a crucial part of daily life for children.... more Abstract: Internet, smartphone and social networks are a crucial part of daily life for children. Today these new "social machines" represent the main pathway to knowledge and relationships. While not underestimating the growth-fostering aspects offered by these new social machines, our study here focuses on the risk factors inherent in the very dimension of knowledge and relationship characterizing them. In this new, fast-evolving context, the risks need to be monitored. Research based on a sample of 1700 adolescent between the ages of 14 and 19 years, residing in northeastern Italy, has enabled us to update and clarify online risks, offering the possibility to elaborate indications useful to the adults and policy-makers involved. Keywords: Internet; Social Media; Adolescent; Risk. _______________________________________________________ 1 The study "Young People and Cross-mediality" was carried out with the financial support of CoReCom Veneto, a public Regional ...

Interdisciplinary Journal of Family Studies, 2016
Italy is characterized in the European market by a steady decline in fertility that does not corr... more Italy is characterized in the European market by a steady decline in fertility that does not correspond to a decline in the desire to parenting. The child continues to be for a couple a personal achievement element. In this socio-cultural context, national and international adoption has found a fertile ground for growth and development. For many years Italy has been the second largest country in the world for intercountry adoptions, position maintained even in the recent phase of the crisis that has seen the number of adoptions decreasing by more than a third worldwide. This paper tries to analyse the reasons for the global crisis and the reasons for Italy's stability. The analysis show the emerge of a new culture of intercountry adoptions that is changing the landscape of Italian families and questioning the services related to the design and implementation of services dedicated to these families.

Interdisciplinary Journal of Family Studies, 2013
Summary. The number of adoptions has grown significantly in Italy over the last ten years. The ad... more Summary. The number of adoptions has grown significantly in Italy over the last ten years. The adopted children come from backgrounds that have adversely affected their development, both physically and in terms of their abilities to relate to others. Numerous international studies have shown that when such children are introduced into a positive and protective family environment they are able to recover this lost ground. The regional authority of the Veneto decided to invest much of its resources in following up the families during the three-year period after the adoption placement. An analysis of the case records kept on 424, national and international, adoptees in the Veneto Region from 2005 to 2008, has made it possible to see the recovery of the children in terms of their physical and relational growth in the three years following the adoption, as well as to see in what ways the Adoptions Team of the Local Social Service has been able to assist them by providing support.
European Journal of Social Work, 2020
The authors share the responsibility of the whole paper, though A. Dal Ben wrote the first sectio... more The authors share the responsibility of the whole paper, though A. Dal Ben wrote the first section and the results on the orientation in child welfare, B. Segatto the second section and the results on factors guiding the choice of intervention, and, S. Giacomin wrote aim and method and the results on the lack of common criteria and the emergence of operational discretion, finally the conclusions are the outcome of a common reflection.

La ricerca qui presentata riguarda le famiglie ricomposte giunte in valutazione per l’adozione ex... more La ricerca qui presentata riguarda le famiglie ricomposte giunte in valutazione per l’adozione ex art 44 lett. b legge n. 184/1983 all’equipe Adozioni dell’ex Ulss 16 di Padova dal 2001 al 2015. Si tratta di 48 nuclei familiari. La meta circa formati da coppie miste. Con riferimento a queste ultime, il lavoro evidenzia come emerga una dimensione "tradizionale" della famiglia, a differenza di quanto avviene in quelle italiane, in cui prevale la relazione "affettiva", sia nella dimensione di coppia sia in quella genitoriale. L’analisi del campione rileva importanti differenze tra i due gruppi. Segnaliamo, tra quelle piu significative, la diversa modalita di costituzione della coppia ricomposta ed il tempo di separazione dalla madre subito dai bambini nelle situazioni di migrazione rispetto ai figli delle donne italiane. Tutto cio crea le basi per modalita di relazioni familiari profondamente diverse. Da qui la necessita di interrogarsi sulla capacita degli operatori di leggere queste differenze all’interno di nuove categorie mentali, dando rilevanza alle variabili culturali e riconoscendo anche il valore ed il funzionamento di questi modelli nella relazione genitori-figli.
Child & Family Social Work
Abstract: Those born in the digital age tend to possess self-taught literacy in the use of social... more Abstract: Those born in the digital age tend to possess self-taught literacy in the use of social media; such instruments become natural extensions of young people's relational, social and educational context. Their parents, instead, appear to assume the role of passive spectators in the digital lives of their children; they are too remote from the new technologies for adolescents to imagine them as being guiding or protective figures in online activity. Within this frame we see emerging what we might call a "Family digital divide", in which young people socialize among themselves online, while parents have difficulty in enacting strategies of virtual sharing and control, despite the clear urgency of "digital mediation" within the family environment.
The decisions taken by social workers in the field of child protection are influenced not only by... more The decisions taken by social workers in the field of child protection are influenced not only by factors related to the child and his/her life contex but also by organizational-contextual fac-tors of the social service and personal factors of the professionals (Baumann et al., 2011; Fluke et al., 2014; Benbenishity et al., 2015). The present research wanted to investigate how the organizational and professional variables affect the decisions of social workers in the child protection services in the area of the Veneto Region. 3 focus group were conducted, involving 22 social workers working in the protection services of 3 large municipalities in the Veneto Region were interviewed. The results highlight the presence of plural organizational structures and the lack of shared good practices with a shift in the decision axis towards the discretion of individual social worker.

Interdisciplinary Journal of Family Studies, 2013
In the last few years Italy assisted at the growth of a new social phenomenon: the creation of th... more In the last few years Italy assisted at the growth of a new social phenomenon: the creation of those new families def ined in legal terms "special case adoptions' families." Section 44 of law 184/83 " (CAI, 2012) defines them " rejoined families that ask for a legal uphold the rof parenthood achieved via the new situation". Thanks to the experience gained in the last 12 years (2001-2013) the Adoptions Team of ASL (Local Health Authority) of Padua, had the possibility to observe the genesis and the stabilization of the se new familiar nucleus. During a continuous and meticulous observation the Adoptions Team has developed the correct modalities and projected the proper tools t hanks to which the children involved as the weakest part of the event can have a correct support. What is important for the Adoptions Team is to explain and give a meaning to those legal changes in which the children get, involuntarily, involved. This aspect is fundamental because i...
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2012
Internet, smartphone and social networks are a crucial part of daily life for children. Today the... more Internet, smartphone and social networks are a crucial part of daily life for children. Today these new “social machines” represent the main pathway to knowledge and relationships. While not underestimating the growth-fostering aspects offered by these new social machines, our study here focuses on the risk factors inherent in the very dimension of knowledge and relationship characterizing them. In this new, fast-evolving context, the risks need to be monitored. Research based on a sample of 1700 adolescent between the ages of 14 and 19 years, residing in northeastern Italy, has enabled us to update and clarify online risks, offering the possibility to elaborate indications useful to the adults and policy-makers involved.

Immigrant families with a member with disability represent a social group particularly at risk: t... more Immigrant families with a member with disability represent a social group particularly at risk: their vulnerability, in fact, depends on both the disability and the migration experience. The paper presents a research work starting from a scoping study (Arksey & O'Malley, 2005), realized by analysing 94 scientific works collected through Scopus with the aim of highlighting the specific problems which immigrant families with disabilities have to deal with, what to do and the culturally sensitive intervention strategies effectively used by the services. Often, they lack informal support networks, they have social and/or economic disadvantages, they do not know how the educational, social and health institutions work. Therefore, they live in a multi-problem situation that requires health and social services to activate personalized assistance that takes into account cultural difference Results from a quanti-qualitative research study conducted in the context of the Adult Disability ...
Those born in the digital age tend to possess self-taught literacy in the use of social media; su... more Those born in the digital age tend to possess self-taught literacy in the use of social media; such instruments become natural extensions of young people’s relational, social and educational context. Their parents, instead, appear to assume the role of passive spectators in the digital lives of their children; they are too remote from the new technologies for adolescents to imagine them as being guiding or protective figures in online activity. Within this frame we see emerging what we might call a “Family digital divide”, in which young people socialize among themselves online, while parents have difficulty in enacting strategies of virtual sharing and control, despite the clear urgency of “digital mediation” within the family environment.

I Disturbi Alimentari rappresentano un importante e diffuso problema all’interno della societa oc... more I Disturbi Alimentari rappresentano un importante e diffuso problema all’interno della societa occidentale contemporanea. Essi affliggono in particolare le giovani donne. Nel presente articolo gli autori hanno inteso studiare i Disturbi Alimentari attraverso un approccio sistemico. Nella prima parte vengono presentati i diversi approcci teorici al tema dei Disturbi Alimentari: approccio medico, psicologico, filosofico (studi di genere) e sociologico (sistemi di comunicazione e mass media). Nella seconda parte vengono presentati i risultati di una ricerca empirica tesa ad indagare l’influenza dei mass-media nella costruzione del senso di identita delle giovani, attraverso la comparazione di due campioni: un campione di donne con diagnosi di Disturbo Alimentare con un campione di donne senza diagnosi. Parole Chiave: Disturbo Alimentare, Donne, Comunicazione, Mass-Media, Identita. Women, Mass Media and Eating Disorders: a socio-cultural perspective. Eating disorders represent a real, w...
Papers by Barbara Segatto