Papers by Stefania Garello

New Frontiers in Pragmalinguistic Studies Theoretical, Social, and Cognitive Approaches - Springer , 2025
This paper explores the role of literal meaning in the construction of
metaphorical meaning, cha... more This paper explores the role of literal meaning in the construction of
metaphorical meaning, challenging traditional views of metaphor theory. First, we contrast the direct access hypothesis, in which the metaphorical meaning is understood without activating the literal meaning, with the indirect access hypothesis, which holds that the literal meaning is accessed first. We argue that this distinction concerns only the process of accessing metaphorical meaning, without clarifying the role of literal meaning in the construction of metaphors. In the second chapter, we
shift the focus from the question of how we get from literal to metaphorical meaning to the more fundamental question of what role literal meaning plays in metaphor construction. We introduce the Onefoldness and Twofoldness Hypotheses to replace the dichotomy of direct and indirect access. In the third section, we examine factors that influence the relationship between literal and metaphorical meaning in shaping the meaning of the metaphor. After an overview of syntactic (Carston, 2018) and semantic (Giora, 2003) approaches that assume that the processing of metaphor is determined by intrinsic linguistic features, in the fourth section we argue for a radical contextualist approach. This approach assumes that the processing of metaphors depends on the pragmatic use of metaphors within the specific “language game” in which they are deployed and offers a dynamic perspective on how metaphorical
meaning is constructed.

Pragmatics & Cognition, 2024
The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between visual imagery and metaphor, highlig... more The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between visual imagery and metaphor, highlighting the historical neglect of this relationship in philosophy and cognitive science and exploring the reasons behind this neglect in theoretical and empirical studies. After outlining influential philosophical theories on the relationship between metaphor and visual imagery, I provide a critical overview of empirical findings on this. Thus, I argue that experimental studies lack sufficient empirical evidence to make meaningful generalizations and fail to determine the true role of visual imagery in metaphor comprehension. Nevertheless, they do not allow us to rule out the involvement of imagery in the comprehension of at least certain metaphors. The present paper proposes that visual imagery might play different roles depending on the semantic features of the vehicle and the kind of meaning conveyed by different types of metaphors. I conclude this discussion by sketching a roadmap for further exploration of this fascinating and challenging relationship.

Jazyky v pohybu a potenciál změny Sborníky z konferencí Filozofické fakulty, sv. 3, 2024
In this paper I will discuss two main theories of metaphor in pragmatics: Proposition Theory and... more In this paper I will discuss two main theories of metaphor in pragmatics: Proposition Theory and Image Theory. I will notice how each theory focuses on different kinds of metaphor and I will provide a model able to put the two theories in dialogue and give account of a wider array of metaphors, to which correspond different interpretative processes. In particular, in the first paragraph I will analyse Proposition Theories and Image Theories of metaphor. In the second paragraph I will show that the two kinds of theories are not only opposites and complementary but describe different kinds of metaphor. I will argue that each theory is not able to give full account of metaphors because of its alleged universality and because the classifications of metaphors it offers are monodimensional, being linked to a single parameter. Finally, in the third paragraph I will try to put Proposition Theories and Image Theories of metaphor in dialogue to offer a bidimensional model of metaphor able to give full account of different kinds of metaphor.

Nature Scientific Reports, 2024
In this study we carried out a behavioral experiment comparing action language comprehension in L... more In this study we carried out a behavioral experiment comparing action language comprehension in L1 (Italian) and L2 (English). Participants were Italian native speakers who had acquired the second language late (after the age of 10). They performed semantic judgments on L1 and L2 literal, idiomatic and metaphorical action sentences after viewing a video of a hand performing an action that was related or unrelated to the verb used in the sentence. Results showed that responses to literal and metaphorical L1 sentences were faster when the action depicted was related to the verb used rather than when the action depicted was unrelated to the verb used. No differences were found for the idiomatic condition. In L2 we found that all responses to the three conditions were facilitated when the action depicted was related to the verb used. Moreover, we found that the difference between the unrelated and the related modalities was greater in L2 than in L1 for the literal and the idiomatic condition but not for the metaphorical condition. These findings are consistent with the embodied cognition hypothesis of language comprehension.
Frontiers in Psychology, 2024
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 2024
Evoluzione e Tecnica: una questione aperta, 2023
In questo articolo proveremo ad indagare la relazione tra intelligenza
arti#ciale e creatività tr... more In questo articolo proveremo ad indagare la relazione tra intelligenza
arti#ciale e creatività tramite la lente della creatività linguistica e, in particolare, delle metafore.4 In particolare, dopo una descrizione di ciò che si intende per “creatività computazionale”, forniremo un’overview dei problemi che il rilevamento automatico delle metafore pone all’Intelligenza Arti#ciale, discuteremo i principali metodi elaborati per superare tali problemi5 e, infine, proveremo a mostrare come la ricerca sulle metafore nell’intelligenza artificiale possa gettare luce sulla creatività linguistica umana
La Shoah come metafora. Analogie, ibridazioni, accostamenti, 2023
Aisthema, 2023
In this paper we will consider metaphor as a phenomenon that lies at the interface between langua... more In this paper we will consider metaphor as a phenomenon that lies at the interface between language and imagination. By focusing on how this phenomenon works, we will attempt to shed light on how symbols work. After analyzing the relationship between metaphor and symbol to highlight the main similarities and differences, we will examine the functions of metaphor with particular reference to the thought of Paul Ricoeur. In particular, we will highlight the role that the French thinker attributes to the imagination in constructing the meaning of a metaphor. Finally, after highlighting the relationship between images and words, between the linguistic dimension and the dimension of aisthesis in metaphor, we will try to evaluate the possible consequences for a theory of symbols and, more generally, for a theory of language.

Exploring Contextualism and Performativity The Environment Matters - Springer , 2023
In this paper, starting from Carston (2018) and Wilson and Carston (2019), we will discuss the ro... more In this paper, starting from Carston (2018) and Wilson and Carston (2019), we will discuss the role of mental images in the comprehension of certain kinds of metaphor. In the first section we will analyze the treatment of metaphor in pragmatics, paying particular attention to Relevance Theory. In the second section we will compare the hypotheses of Carston (2018) and Green (2017) on the role of mental images in the comprehension of metaphors and we will propose a synthesis between
the two positions. In the third and fourth sections we will discuss some problems that mental images pose to pragmatics, showing their necessity through recourse to anexperimental dimension. Finally, in the fifth section we will discuss the notion of mental image, proposing a characterization that can make this notion suitable for its insertion in the domain of analysis of pragmatics.
Una risata non ci seppellirà. Ridere o piangere, tra leggerezza e paura, lingue e letteratura, scrittura e mass media
Epekeina, vol. 14, n. 1, 2022

In questo articolo analizzerò la visione della femminilità che emerge nei lavori dell’artista spa... more In questo articolo analizzerò la visione della femminilità che emerge nei lavori dell’artista spagnola Remedios Varo (1908-1963), la cui pittura – canonicamente definita surrealista – rivela una forte sensibilità nei confronti del ruolo della donna nella società. In particolare: - Inizierò fornendo dei riferimenti biografici essenziali per comprendere l’opera dell’artista. - Analizzerò in seguito il rapporto di Varo con il movimento surrealista. - Mi concentrerò infine sull’emancipazione di Varo dal canone surrealista, dominato da un forte, seppur implicito, maschilismo. Sosterrò che tale emancipazione sia resa possibile tramite un ripensamento della nozione di femminilità. Per analizzare la concezione della femminilità nell’opera di Varo, mi soffermerò su quattro opere che considererò connesse tra loro da una sequenza narrativa implicitamente suggerita dalla stessa artista: Au Bonheur des Dames (1956), Tailleur pour Dames (1957), Explorations of the Orinoco River (1959), Encuentro (1959).

Epekeina. International Journal of Ontology, History and Critics, 2020
In questo articolo sosterrò che le nostre concezioni di linguaggio e comunicazione mutano in funz... more In questo articolo sosterrò che le nostre concezioni di linguaggio e comunicazione mutano in funzione dell’accezione di razionalità che viene assunta. In particolare, mostrerò come ad un modello di razionalità olimpica e assoluta – ovvero ad un modello di animale umano che ragiona seguendo le leggi della logica formale – corrisponda una concezione della comunicazione esemplificata dall’immagine del quartetto, un complesso musicale in cui quattro musicisti suonano insieme seguendo delle regole fisse e stabilite prima di iniziare a suonare. Questa immagine sembra ben rispecchiare i modelli di comunicazione proposti da Paul Grice e Jurgen Habermas,dominanti nello studio del linguaggio fino agli anni Ottanta del Novecento. La pubblicazione del testo di Gigerenzer nel 1989, "Rationality for mortals", cambierà questa accezione di ‘razionalità olimpica’, mostrando che la razionalità umana non è onnisciente, né segue le leggi della logica formale. Al contrario, l’animale umano si caratterizza per il possesso di una razionalità limitata, sottoposta a dei vincoli fisici e ambientali che si riflettono nei processi di ragionamento umano. Questi non sono perfetti e infallibili, come volevano i teorici della razionalità olimpica, ma sono incompleti e pervasi da errori sistematici. Nonostante questo, però, i processi di ragionamento sono adeguati ai compiti che l’essere umano deve affrontare. Proverò a mostrare che a questo cambiamento della nozione di razionalità segue un modo di indagare la comunicazione umana profondamente diverso dal precedente. Questo nuovo modello della comunicazione umana sembra essere ben esemplificato dall’immagine della jam session, una performance improvvisata in cui dei musicisti, costruendo una regolarità dinamica e ad hoc in relazione alla situazione contestuale, iniziano a suonare insieme.

Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 2020
In this paper we will show the need for a multimodal approach to the study of metaphorical uttera... more In this paper we will show the need for a multimodal approach to the study of metaphorical utterances. We will discuss this hypothesis showing potentials and limits of the metaphor studies conducted within Relevance Theory, which has represented the most authoritative and radical theoretical framework based on the propositional character of metaphorical utterances. In particular, we will focus on the last papers by Carston (2010, 2018), in which it is recognized that the comprehension of complex and poetic metaphors could involve the activation of mental images. We will discuss the problem that the notion of mental imagery poses to Relevance Theory and we will try to overcome these problems by an hybridization between Relevance Theory and Perceptual Symbol Theory. Then, we will suggest that local and novel metaphors, such as "love is fresh fruit", could require the activation of mental imagery too and we will characterize this kind of metaphor in terms of compresence of narrowing, broadening and conscious experience of a multimodal mental image.

E/C, 2019
In questo intervento analizzeremo lo statuto semiotico-cognitivo dei descrittori dei vini comunem... more In questo intervento analizzeremo lo statuto semiotico-cognitivo dei descrittori dei vini comunemente utilizzati per asserire che un determinato vino ha sentore di frutta. Infatti, una delle caratteristiche più evidenti del lessico usato oggi per parlare del vino è la sua parentela con il lessico della frutta. Mostre-remo come questa parentela tra lessico enologico e lessico della frutta si basi su un processo di dipen-denza e non sia un generico fenomeno di prestito linguistico. Si tratta, infatti di un processo parassitario che trasforma il lessico della frutta da lessico asistematico con funzione denotativa per cui con il termine "ananas" intendiamo riferirci agli ananas nel mondo in un sistema di tipo saussuriano in grado di dar forma all'esperienza gustativa e catturare con un'adeguata granularità le differenze tra i sentori dei vini. Sosterremo che tale trasformazione sia resa possibile da processi di modulazione pragmatico-lessicale che indagheremo tramite gli strumenti teorici della Relevance Theory (Sperber &Wilson 1995). Infine, mostreremo come i discorsi sul vino costituiscano e strutturino l'esperienza gustativa stessa, consentendoci di comprendere, descrivere e identificare diverse tipologie di vino.
APhEx, 2017
La ricchezza fenotipica delle forme di vita presenti sulla Terra sembra poter essere ricondotta a... more La ricchezza fenotipica delle forme di vita presenti sulla Terra sembra poter essere ricondotta a variazioni quantitative e combinatorie di materiale genetico. Il DNA costituisce in quest'ottica una sorta di linguaggio universale sottostante all'immensa variabilità morfologica e funzionale delle molteplici specie viventi. Analogamente all'indagine biologica, la ricerca linguistica ha tentato di rintracciare una struttura profonda sottostante alla 1 Ringrazio il revisore anonimo per i suggerimenti che hanno consentito di migliorare il testo originale e Marco Carapezza per le molteplici, stimolanti discussioni e per i continui incoraggiamenti.
Book Reviews by Stefania Garello
Imminent Research Report - Symbiotic Connections, 2024
Papers by Stefania Garello
metaphorical meaning, challenging traditional views of metaphor theory. First, we contrast the direct access hypothesis, in which the metaphorical meaning is understood without activating the literal meaning, with the indirect access hypothesis, which holds that the literal meaning is accessed first. We argue that this distinction concerns only the process of accessing metaphorical meaning, without clarifying the role of literal meaning in the construction of metaphors. In the second chapter, we
shift the focus from the question of how we get from literal to metaphorical meaning to the more fundamental question of what role literal meaning plays in metaphor construction. We introduce the Onefoldness and Twofoldness Hypotheses to replace the dichotomy of direct and indirect access. In the third section, we examine factors that influence the relationship between literal and metaphorical meaning in shaping the meaning of the metaphor. After an overview of syntactic (Carston, 2018) and semantic (Giora, 2003) approaches that assume that the processing of metaphor is determined by intrinsic linguistic features, in the fourth section we argue for a radical contextualist approach. This approach assumes that the processing of metaphors depends on the pragmatic use of metaphors within the specific “language game” in which they are deployed and offers a dynamic perspective on how metaphorical
meaning is constructed.
arti#ciale e creatività tramite la lente della creatività linguistica e, in particolare, delle metafore.4 In particolare, dopo una descrizione di ciò che si intende per “creatività computazionale”, forniremo un’overview dei problemi che il rilevamento automatico delle metafore pone all’Intelligenza Arti#ciale, discuteremo i principali metodi elaborati per superare tali problemi5 e, infine, proveremo a mostrare come la ricerca sulle metafore nell’intelligenza artificiale possa gettare luce sulla creatività linguistica umana
the two positions. In the third and fourth sections we will discuss some problems that mental images pose to pragmatics, showing their necessity through recourse to anexperimental dimension. Finally, in the fifth section we will discuss the notion of mental image, proposing a characterization that can make this notion suitable for its insertion in the domain of analysis of pragmatics.
Book Reviews by Stefania Garello
extensive list of publications ranges from aesthetics to philosophy of mind
and perception, and the philosophy of biology. He is the recipient of several
major grants, the ERC Consolidator Grant with the project “Seeing Things
You Don’t See”, the FWO Odysseus Grant, and the Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Grant. His research in recent years has focused on the nature and
role of mental imagery (Mental Imagery, Oxford University Press, 2023).
We have interviewed him about his education and career, as well as his
current and future work.
metaphorical meaning, challenging traditional views of metaphor theory. First, we contrast the direct access hypothesis, in which the metaphorical meaning is understood without activating the literal meaning, with the indirect access hypothesis, which holds that the literal meaning is accessed first. We argue that this distinction concerns only the process of accessing metaphorical meaning, without clarifying the role of literal meaning in the construction of metaphors. In the second chapter, we
shift the focus from the question of how we get from literal to metaphorical meaning to the more fundamental question of what role literal meaning plays in metaphor construction. We introduce the Onefoldness and Twofoldness Hypotheses to replace the dichotomy of direct and indirect access. In the third section, we examine factors that influence the relationship between literal and metaphorical meaning in shaping the meaning of the metaphor. After an overview of syntactic (Carston, 2018) and semantic (Giora, 2003) approaches that assume that the processing of metaphor is determined by intrinsic linguistic features, in the fourth section we argue for a radical contextualist approach. This approach assumes that the processing of metaphors depends on the pragmatic use of metaphors within the specific “language game” in which they are deployed and offers a dynamic perspective on how metaphorical
meaning is constructed.
arti#ciale e creatività tramite la lente della creatività linguistica e, in particolare, delle metafore.4 In particolare, dopo una descrizione di ciò che si intende per “creatività computazionale”, forniremo un’overview dei problemi che il rilevamento automatico delle metafore pone all’Intelligenza Arti#ciale, discuteremo i principali metodi elaborati per superare tali problemi5 e, infine, proveremo a mostrare come la ricerca sulle metafore nell’intelligenza artificiale possa gettare luce sulla creatività linguistica umana
the two positions. In the third and fourth sections we will discuss some problems that mental images pose to pragmatics, showing their necessity through recourse to anexperimental dimension. Finally, in the fifth section we will discuss the notion of mental image, proposing a characterization that can make this notion suitable for its insertion in the domain of analysis of pragmatics.
extensive list of publications ranges from aesthetics to philosophy of mind
and perception, and the philosophy of biology. He is the recipient of several
major grants, the ERC Consolidator Grant with the project “Seeing Things
You Don’t See”, the FWO Odysseus Grant, and the Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Grant. His research in recent years has focused on the nature and
role of mental imagery (Mental Imagery, Oxford University Press, 2023).
We have interviewed him about his education and career, as well as his
current and future work.
At the center of this exploration are three central questions: whether metaphor belongs to the realm of style or thought, the intricate interplays between literal and metaphorical meanings and the integration of propositional and non-propositional elements in the construction of metaphorical meaning.
Through a careful blend of historical analysis and contemporary hypotheses, the book unravels the complexities of metaphor, considering its evolution across the centuries and the myriad interpretations it evokes. By bringing together work from different fields, it ultimately shows that a definition of metaphor is theory-dependent and that metaphor is not a natural kind, but a complex and multifaceted philosophical concept whose study requires a multi-dimensional approach that transcends narrow theoretical boundaries. In this way, the book explores these considerations’ most important philosophical consequences and offers new insights into this fundamental aspect of human language.