Papers by Salvatore Lorenzo

Physical Review A, 2019
Generating high-quality multi-particle entanglement between communicating parties is the primary ... more Generating high-quality multi-particle entanglement between communicating parties is the primary resource in quantum teleportation protocols. To this aim, we show that the natural dynamics of a single spin chain is able to sustain the generation of two pairs of Bell states-possibly shared between a sender and a distant receiver-which can in turn enable two-qubit teleportation. In particular, we address a spin-1 2 chain with XX interactions, connecting two pairs of spins located at its boundaries, playing the roles of sender and receiver. In the regime where both end pairs are weakly coupled to the spin chain, it is possible to generate at predefinite times a state that has vanishing infidelity with the product state of two Bell pairs, thereby providing nearly unit fidelity of teleportation. We also derive an effective Hamiltonian via a second-order perturbation approach that faithfully reproduces the dynamics of the full system.

Optica, Mar 23, 2022
We study the exotic interaction between emitters mediated by the photonic modes of a lossy photon... more We study the exotic interaction between emitters mediated by the photonic modes of a lossy photonic lattice described by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. We show in a paradigmatic case study that structured losses in the field can seed exotic emission properties. Photons can mediate dissipative, fully non-reciprocal, interactions between the emitters with range critically dependent on the loss rate. When this loss rate corresponds to a bare-lattice exceptional point, the effective couplings are exactly nearest-neighbour, implementing a dissipative, fully non-reciprocal, Hatano-Nelson model. Counter-intuitively, this occurs irrespective of the lattice boundary conditions. Thus photons can mediate an effective emitters' Hamiltonian which is translationally-invariant despite the fact that the field is not. We interpret these effects in terms of metastable atom-photon dressed states, which can be exactly localized on only two lattice cells or extended across the entire lattice.

Quantum Science and Technology, 2021
We develop a microscopic theory for biasing the quantum trajectories of an open quantum system, w... more We develop a microscopic theory for biasing the quantum trajectories of an open quantum system, which renders rare trajectories typical. To this end we consider a discrete-time quantum dynamics, where the open system collides sequentially with qubit probes which are then measured. A theoretical framework is built in terms of thermodynamic functionals in order to characterize its quantum trajectories (each embodied by a sequence of measurement outcomes). We show that the desired biasing is achieved by suitably modifying the Kraus operators describing the discrete open system dynamics. From a microscopical viewpoint and for short collision times, this corresponds to adding extra collisions which enforce the system to follow a desired rare trajectory. The above extends the theory of biased quantum trajectories from Lindblad-like dynamics to sequences of arbitrary dynamical maps, providing at once a transparent physical interpretation.
Quantum information processing protocols are efficiently implemented on spin2 networks. A quantum... more Quantum information processing protocols are efficiently implemented on spin2 networks. A quantum communication protocol generally involves a certain number of parties having local access to a subset of a larger system, whose intrinsic dynamics are exploited in order to perform a specific task. In this chapter, we address such a scenario with the quantum dynamical map formalism, where the dynamics of the larger system is expressed as a quantum map acting on the parties’ access to their respective subsets of spins. We reformulate widely investigated protocols, such as one-qubit quantum state transfer and two-qubit entanglement distribution, with the quantum map formalism and demonstrate its usefulness in exploring less investigated protocols such as multi-qubit entanglement generation.
New Journal of Physics, 2022
We study the emergence of synchronisation in a chiral network of harmonic oscillators. The networ... more We study the emergence of synchronisation in a chiral network of harmonic oscillators. The network consists of a set of locally incoherently pumped harmonic oscillators coupled pairwise in cascade with travelling field modes. Such cascaded coupling leads to feedback-less dissipative interaction between the harmonic oscillators of the pair which can be described in terms of an effective pairwise Hamiltonian a collective pairwise decay. The network is described mathematically in terms of a directed graph. By analysing geometries of increasing complexity we show how the onset of synchronisation depends strongly on the network topology, with the emergence of synchronised communities in the case of complex networks. The quantum nature of the non local correlation between network nodes is assessed.
We study the dynamics of correlations in a paradigmatic setup to observe 𝒫𝒯-symmetric physics: a ... more We study the dynamics of correlations in a paradigmatic setup to observe 𝒫𝒯-symmetric physics: a pair of coupled oscillators, one subject to a gain one to a loss. Starting from a coherent state, quantum correlations (QCs) are created, despite the system being driven only incoherently, and can survive indefinitely. 𝒫𝒯 symmetry breaking is accompanied by non-zero stationary QCs. We link 𝒫𝒯 symmetry breaking to the long-time behavior of both total and QCs, which display different scalings in the 𝒫𝒯-broken/unbroken phase and at the exceptional point (EP). This is analytically shown and quantitatively explained in terms of entropy balance. The EP in particular stands out as the most classical configuration.

Physics Reports, 2022
We present an extensive introduction to quantum collision models (CMs), also known as repeated in... more We present an extensive introduction to quantum collision models (CMs), also known as repeated interactions schemes: a class of microscopic system-bath models for investigating open quantum systems dynamics whose use is currently spreading in a number of research areas. Through dedicated sections and a pedagogical approach, we discuss the CMs definition and general properties, their use for the derivation of master equations, their connection with quantum trajectories, their application in non-equilibrium quantum thermodynamics, their non-Markovian generalizations, their emergence from conventional system-bath microscopic models and link to the input-output formalism. The state of the art of each involved research area is reviewed through dedicated sections. The article is supported by several complementary appendices, which review standard concepts/tools of open quantum systems used in the main text with the goal of making the material accessible even to readers possessing only a basic background in quantum mechanics. The paper could also be seen itself as a friendly, physically intuitive, introduction to fundamentals of open quantum systems theory since most main concepts of this are treated such as quantum maps, Lindblad master equation, steady states, POVMs, quantum trajectories and stochastic Schrödinger equation.
arXiv: Quantum Physics, 2016
Ultracold atoms can be used to perform quantum simulations of a variety of condensed matter syste... more Ultracold atoms can be used to perform quantum simulations of a variety of condensed matter systems, including spin systems. These progresses point to the implementation of the manipulation of quantum states and to observe and exploit the effect of quantum correlations. A natural direction along this line is provided by the possibility to perform quantum state transfer (QST). After presenting a brief discussion of the simulation of quantum spin chains with ultracold gases and reminding the basic facts of QST, we discuss how to potentially use the tools of present-day ultracold technology to implement the QST between two regions of the atomic system (the sender and the receiver). The fidelity and the typical timescale of the QST are discussed, together with possible limitations and applications of the presented results.

Scientific Reports, 2021
It has long been recognized that emission of radiation from atoms is not an intrinsic property of... more It has long been recognized that emission of radiation from atoms is not an intrinsic property of individual atoms themselves, but it is largely affected by the characteristics of the photonic environment and by the collective interaction among the atoms. A general belief is that preventing full decay and/or decoherence requires the existence of dark states, i.e., dressed light-atom states that do not decay despite the dissipative environment. Here, we show that, contrary to such a common wisdom, decoherence suppression can be intermittently achieved on a limited time scale, without the need for any dark state, when the atom is coupled to a chiral ring environment, leading to a highly non-exponential staircase decay. This effect, that we refer to as intermittent decoherence blockade, arises from periodic destructive interference between light emitted in the present and light emitted in the past, i.e., from delayed coherent quantum feedback.

arXiv: Quantum Physics, 2020
It has long been recognized that emission of radiation from atoms is not an intrinsic property of... more It has long been recognized that emission of radiation from atoms is not an intrinsic property of individual atoms themselves, but it is largely affected by the characteristics of the photonic environment and by the collective interaction among the atoms. A general belief is that preventing full decay and/or decoherence requires the existence of dark states, i.e., dressed light-atom states that do not decay despite the dissipative environment. Here, we show that, contrary to such a common wisdom, decoherence suppression can be intermittently achieved on a limited time scale, without the need for any dark state, when the atom is coupled to a chiral ring environment, leading to a highly non-exponential staircase decay. This effect, that we refer to as intermittent decoherence blockade, arises from periodic destructive interference between light emitted in the present and light emitted in the past, i.e., from delayed coherent quantum feedback.
Physics Letters A, 2020
We investigate the transfer of genuine multipartite entanglement across a spin-1 2 chain with nea... more We investigate the transfer of genuine multipartite entanglement across a spin-1 2 chain with nearest-neighbor XX-type interaction. We focus on the perturbative regime, where a block of spins is weakly coupled at each edge of a quantum wire, embodying the role of a multiqubit sender and receiver, respectively. We find that high-quality multipartite entanglement transfer is achieved at the same time that three excitations are transferred to the opposite edge of the chain. Moreover, we find that both a finite concurrence and tripartite negativity is attained at much shorter time, making GHZ-distillation protocols feasible. Finally, we investigate the robustness of our protocol with respect to non-perturbative couplings and increasing lengths of the quantum wire.

Physical Review Research, 2020
The effective description of the weak interaction between an emitter and a bosonic field as a seq... more The effective description of the weak interaction between an emitter and a bosonic field as a sequence of two-body collisions provides a simple intuitive picture compared to traditional quantum optics methods as well as an effective calculation tool of the joint emitter-field dynamics. Here, this collisional approach is extended to many emitters (atoms or resonators), each generally interacting with the field at many coupling points ("giant" emitter). In the regime of negligible delays, the unitary describing each collision in particular features a contribution of a chiral origin resulting in an effective Hamiltonian. The picture is applied to derive a Lindblad master equation (ME) of a set of giant atoms coupled to a (generally chiral) waveguide field in an arbitrary white-noise Gaussian state, which condenses into a single equation and extends a variety of quantum optics and waveguide-QED MEs. The effective Hamiltonian and jump operators corresponding to a selected photodetection scheme are also worked out.
Quantum Science and Technology, 2021
We study the dynamics of correlations in a paradigmatic setup to observe PT -symmetric physics: a... more We study the dynamics of correlations in a paradigmatic setup to observe PT -symmetric physics: a pair of coupled oscillators, one subject to a gain one to a loss. Starting from a coherent state, quantum correlations (QCs) are created, despite the system being driven only incoherently, and can survive indefinitely. Both total and QCs exhibit different scalings of their long-time behavior in the PT -broken/unbroken phase and at the exceptional point (EP). In particular, PT symmetry breaking is accompanied by non-zero stationary QCs. This is analytically shown and quantitatively explained in terms of entropy balance. The EP in particular stands out as the most classical configuration, as classical correlations diverge while QCs vanish.
Physical Review Research, 2020
Non-classical correlations in quantum optics as resources for quantum computation are important i... more Non-classical correlations in quantum optics as resources for quantum computation are important in the quest for highly-specialized quantum devices. Here, we put forward a methodology to witness non-classicality of the output field from a generic quantum optical setup via the statistics of timeintegrated photo currents. Specifically, exploiting the thermodynamics of quantum trajectores, we express a known non-classicality witness for bosonic fields fully in terms of the source master equation, thus bypassing the explicit calculation of the output light state.
New Journal of Physics, 2020
The transfer of excitations between different locations of a quantum many-body system is of prima... more The transfer of excitations between different locations of a quantum many-body system is of primary importance in many research areas, from transport properties in spintronics and atomtronics to quantum state transfer in quantum information processing. We address the transfer of n > 1 bosonic and fermionic excitations between the edges of a one-dimensional chain modelled by a quadratic hopping Hamiltonian, where the block edges, embodying the sender and the receiver sites, are weakly coupled to the quantum wire. We find that perturbative high-quality transfer is attainable in the weak-coupling limit, for both bosons and fermions, only for certain modular arithmetic equivalence classes of the wire’s length. Finally we apply our findings to the transport of spins and the charging of a many-body quantum battery.
Physical Review Research, 2020
We combine the collisional picture for open system dynamics and the control of the rate of decohe... more We combine the collisional picture for open system dynamics and the control of the rate of decoherence provided by the quantum (anti-)Zeno effect to illustrate the temporal unfolding of the redundant encoding of information into a multipartite environment that is at the basis of Quantum Darwinism, and to control it. The rate at which such encoding occurs can be enhanced or suppressed by tuning the dynamical conditions of system-environment interaction in a suitable and remarkably simple manner. This would help the design of a new generation of quantum experiments addressing the elusive phenomenology of Quantum Darwinism and thus its characterization.

Photonics, 2020
Under the Born–Markov approximation, a qubit system, such as a two-level atom, is known to underg... more Under the Born–Markov approximation, a qubit system, such as a two-level atom, is known to undergo a memoryless decay of quantum coherence or excitation when weakly coupled to a featureless environment. Recently, it has been shown that unavoidable disorder in the environment is responsible for non-Markovian effects and information backflow from the environment into the system owing to Anderson localization. This turns disorder into a resource for enhancing non-Markovianity in the system–environment dynamics, which could be of relevance in cavity quantum electrodynamics. Here we consider the decoherence dynamics of a qubit weakly coupled to a two-dimensional bath with a nontrivial topological phase, such as a two-level atom embedded in a two-dimensional coupled-cavity array with a synthetic gauge field realizing a quantum-Hall bath, and show that Markovianity is protected against moderate disorder owing to the robustness of chiral edge modes in the quantum-Hall bath. Interestingly, s...

Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2019
Resonance fluorescence, consisting of light emission from an atom driven by a classical oscillati... more Resonance fluorescence, consisting of light emission from an atom driven by a classical oscillating field, is well-known to yield a sub-Poissonian photon counting statistics. This occurs when only emitted light is detected, which corresponds to a master equation (ME) unraveling in terms of the canonical jump operator describing spontaneous decay. Formally, an alternative ME unraveling is possible in terms of a shifted jump operator. We show that this shift can result in sub-Poissonian, Poissonian or super-Poissonian quantum jump statistics. This is shown in terms of the Mandel Q parameter in the limit of long counting times, which is computed through large deviation theory. We present a waveguide-QED setup, comprising a chiral waveguide coupled to a driven atom, where photon counting is described by the considered class of shifted jump operators.
International Journal of Quantum Information, 2017
It was recently shown [S. Lorenzo, F. Lombardo, F. Ciccarello and M. Palma, Sci. Rep. 7 (2017) 42... more It was recently shown [S. Lorenzo, F. Lombardo, F. Ciccarello and M. Palma, Sci. Rep. 7 (2017) 42729] that the presence of static disorder in a bosonic bath — whose normal modes thus become all Anderson-localized — leads to non-Markovianity in the emission of an atom weakly coupled to it (a process which in absence of disorder is fully Markovian). Here, we extend the above analysis beyond the weak-coupling regime for a finite-band bath so as to account for band edge effects. We study the interplay of these with static disorder in the emergence of non-Markovian behavior in terms of a suitable non-Markovianity measure.

Physical Review A, 2019
Quantum Darwinism attempts to explain the emergence of objective reality of the state of a quantu... more Quantum Darwinism attempts to explain the emergence of objective reality of the state of a quantum system in terms of redundant information about the system acquired by independent non interacting fragments of the environment. The consideration of interacting environmental elements gives rise to a rich phenomenology, including the occurrence of non-Markovian features, whose effects on objectification a' la quantum Darwinism needs to be fully understood. We study a model of local interaction between a simple quantum system and a multi-mode environment that allows for a clear investigation of the interplay between information trapping and propagation in the environment and the emergence of quantum Darwinism. We provide strong evidence of the correlation between non-Markovianity and quantum Darwinism in such a model, thus providing strong evidence of a potential link between such fundamental phenomena.
Papers by Salvatore Lorenzo