Papers by Giuseppe Romano
AUPA, 2022
The paper deals with the category of negotium in Salvius Iulianus. The author rejects the thesis ... more The paper deals with the category of negotium in Salvius Iulianus. The author rejects the thesis according to which the jurist would have developed a concept of negotium as an objective relationship between two distinct assets. From the examination of Iul. 15 dig. D. 18.5.5 and Iul. 18 dig. D. 12.1.20 has rather taken shape the image of a jurist attentive to the will of the contracting parties, in the determination of id quod actum est.
Teoria E Storia Del Diritto Privato, 2012

AUPA, 2021
The study touches upon the theme of the relationship between condictio and actio in factum in the... more The study touches upon the theme of the relationship between condictio and actio in factum in the matter of innominate contracts. More precisely, the question arises whether the atio in factum could have performed a merely repetitive function, rather than lead to the protection of the negative interest. In this regard the author deals with Iul. 60 dig. D. and Iav. 13 epist. D. 19.5.10, on the subject of donatio mortis causa and (quasi-)usufruct respectively. What the two texts have in common is the fact that in both cases the use of an actio in factum pretoria (pursuant to Gai 4.46) is envisaged in a purely repetitive function and that for both cases a relationship with the issue of the protection of nova negotia has been hypothesized, in particular for Iav. 13 epist. D. 19.5.10. The author's conclusions go in the direction of excluding such a connection. PAROLE CHIAVE Actio in factum; condictio; contratti innominati; donatio mortis causa; quasi usufrutto; legatum partitionis. 1 Da intendersi dunque come programma di giudizio (extraedittale) predisposto ai sensi di Gai 4.46 'Ceteras vero in factum conceptas vocamus, id est, in quibus nulla talis intentio concepta est, sed initio formulae nominato eo, quod factum est, adiciuntur ea verba, per quae iudici damnandi absolvendive potestas datur […]'. In proposito vd., seppur per brevi cenni, infra § 3 e nt. 64.

AUPA, 2021
The paper deals with Paul. 5 quaest., a well-known text on subject of innominate contracts. The a... more The paper deals with Paul. 5 quaest., a well-known text on subject of innominate contracts. The author comes to the conclusion that the current version of the text is largely interpolated. At least for § 5, the concession of the contractual action must be attributed to Justinian's compilers. Great caution is required for § 4, although the use of the agere praescriptis verbis is to be excluded for relationships involving a factum, quod locari non possit: for such relationships, the use of the the actio de dolo or actio in factum must be assumed, as appropriate. PAROLE CHIAVE Contratti innominati; agere praescriptis verbis; facio ut facias; mandato. 1 G. ROMANO, Giuliano e i nova negotia. Sulla tutela dei c.d. contratti innominati tra l'età traianea e l'età dei Severi, II, Torino 2021. 2 ROMANO, Giuliano 2 cit., cap. IV § 2. 3 Paul. 5 quaest. D. […] Quod si tale est factum, quod locari non possit, puta ut servum manumittas, sive certum tempus adiectum est, intra quod manumittatur idque, cum potuisset manumitti, vivo servo transierit, sive finitum non fuit et tantum temporis consumptum sit, ut potuerit debueritque manumitti, condici ei potest vel praescriptis verbis agi: quod his quae diximus convenit […]. 4 Rilievi sull'inciso possono trovarsi, tra gli autori recenti, in A. BURDESE, In margine ai contratti in
Papers by Giuseppe Romano