Conference Presentations by Marilena Panarelli
Medieval Arabic and Latin Conceptions of Spirit Between Philosophy, Theology and Medicine Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2022
Dark Ages and fake News Beliefs, Impostures, and Debunking in and about Medieval Thought, 2023
Plants in Early Modern Knowledge (and Before): History, Philosophy, and Medicine, 2023
Spirit: Mapping the Boundaries of the Material and the Immaterial from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period De Wulf-Mansion Centre, KU Leuven, 14-15 December 2023, 2023
Averroism. History, Developments and Implications of a Cross-cultural Tradition, Turin, January 10-12, 2024, 2024
The Digested Mind: the Spirit as the highest Product of Digestion, 2019
Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Łódź ul. Lindleya 3/5 Aula im. prof. Iji L... more Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Łódź ul. Lindleya 3/5 Aula im. prof. Iji Lazari-Pawłowskiej 14th June 2019 (Friday) 15:25 Katja Krause Albert the Great and Averroes' Capitulum de corde: Peripatetic Physiology Meets Scholastic Controversy 15:45 Michael W Dunne Geoffrey of Aspall's Questions on the De longitudine et brevitate vitae 16:05 Wanda Bajor Body and Soul vis-à-vis Birth and Death of Man in Scholastic Commentators of Aristotelian Theory of the Soul 16:25-16:45 Discussion 16:45 Discussion table
“The Role of the formae complexionales in Plants according to Albert the Great”., 2021
Center for the History of Philosophy and Science
Radboud University, Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
O... more Center for the History of Philosophy and Science
Radboud University, Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
On-line conference - February 25-26, 2021

Kölner Mediaevistentagung 7.-10. September 2020 digital Programm CURIOSITAS ... more Kölner Mediaevistentagung 7.-10. September 2020 digital Programm CURIOSITAS 42. Kölner Mediaevistentagung E s geht der Tagung um die Rehabilitierung der theoretischen Neugierde für jenes Millennium, das wir Mittelalter nennen. Was heißt es, eine theoretische Einstellung einzunehmen? Gibt es kul turelle Unterschiede oder einen Bedeutungswandel hinsichtlich der theoretischen Einstellung? Was sind die bevorzugten Gegenstandsbereiche der theoreti schen Neugier? Hierbei prallen zwei Einstellungen aufeinander: die curiositas als fehlgeleitete und im Grunde eitle und schädliche Neugier oder als ein Naturverlangen, als ein desiderium naturale sciendi, das ein anthropo logisches Existential darstellt. Unter welchen Bedingungen ist die theoretische Neugierde legitim? 42. Kölner Mediaevistentagung 7.-10. September 2020 digital CURIOSITAS 3 CURIOSITAS 42. Kölner Mediaevistentagung 7. September 11.00 Eröffnung | Opening 11.30-13.00 Panel 1: Prinzip curiositas Oleg Voskoboynikov (Moskau) Nützliche und vergebliche Neugierde von Bernhard von Clairvaux bis Dante Georgi Kapriev (Sofia) Neugier und Wissbegier. Der Fall Byzanz: ϕιλαλήθεια vs. περιέργεια Andreas Lammer (Trier) The Early Modern curiositas in the Arabic Middle Ages Pausenraum & Mittagspause | Breakout room & Lunch break 15.00-16.00 Panel 2: Legitimationen der curiositas Anne Eusterschulte (Berlin) Epistemologie und Aisthesis in Dantes ‚Paradiso'. Himmelsreise und liebestheologische Legitimation theoretischen Wahrheitsbegehrens in der Divina Commedia
Drafts by Marilena Panarelli
The Digested Mind: the Spirit as The Highest Product of Digestion, 2019
13-14 June 2019
Łódź, Poland
Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Łódź
ul. Lind... more 13-14 June 2019
Łódź, Poland
Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Łódź
ul. Lindleya 3/5
Aula im. prof. Iji Lazari-Pawłowskiej
Converting Death into Life: the Role of Putrefactio in Plant Generation According to Albert the Great, 2018
XXIII Annual Colloquium of the SIEPM
XXIII Annual Colloquium of the SIEPM
University of Leuven (Belgium)
11-12 October 2018
Papers by Marilena Panarelli
G. GIGLIONI and M. F. FERRINI, Περὶ φυτῶν. Trattati greci di botanica in Occidente e in Oriente, EUM, Macerata, 2020
Conference Presentations by Marilena Panarelli
Radboud University, Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
On-line conference - February 25-26, 2021
Drafts by Marilena Panarelli
Łódź, Poland
Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Łódź
ul. Lindleya 3/5
Aula im. prof. Iji Lazari-Pawłowskiej
XXIII Annual Colloquium of the SIEPM
University of Leuven (Belgium)
11-12 October 2018
Papers by Marilena Panarelli
Radboud University, Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
On-line conference - February 25-26, 2021
Łódź, Poland
Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Łódź
ul. Lindleya 3/5
Aula im. prof. Iji Lazari-Pawłowskiej
XXIII Annual Colloquium of the SIEPM
University of Leuven (Belgium)
11-12 October 2018
vegetabilibus to explain the compilative strategy with which the Dominican master tries
to reconstruct the botanical science. Following a classification of the genres, the main
encyclopaedic, lexicographical, medical and pharmacological sources that influenced the
work of the doctor universalis are listed. It is also aimed at analysing the interest that
motivates Albert’s content choices. In this way, the work is put in relation to the main
texts that constituted the botanical panorama, outlining the innovation of its contribution.
idea of direct observations together with the collection of many sources. In this paper, two medieval philosophers and encyclopaedists will be taken into consideration, Thomas of Cantimpré, and Albert the Great. The latter presents a progressive growth of classifying interest, dividing bees into nine species, some of which were in turn divided into further species. Lastly, the case of Federico Cesi’s Apiarium is particular. His work was written at the beginning of the 17th century and presents a unique methodology. Cesi develops a method that could be called pre-modern as it mixes ancient
terminology with modern aims. While relying on a lot of ancient and medieval sources, including amongst others Pliny, Aristotle and Albert the Great, Cesi in fact tries to prove the statements of these authors through direct observation, which was promoted by the use of the microscope. In this way, he develops a precise taxonomic method in tabular form. The most significant aspect of Cesi’s research concerns, in fact, his taxonomic division. Although the use of the microscope leads to more detailed anatomical descriptions, his taxonomy is still based on morphological features and on the
geographical origin of the insects. The division of the species into subspecies follows a dichotomic division: the mellifices apes could be classified in accord to several criteria; they could be civiles or solitariae, namely either live in a group or alone.