Papers by Mari D'Agostino
2018. , in Vito Luigi Castrignanò/ Francesca De Blasi/ Marco Maggiore (a cura di), “In principio fuit textus”. Studi di linguistica e filologia offerti a Rosario Coluccia, Firenze, Franco Casati., 2018
in Constructing Languages. Norms, myths and emotions, by Nadal, Josep Maria and Francesc Feliu, John Benjamins Publishing Company, , 2016
The Sicilian language has always been a field of great interest not only because of its contact w... more The Sicilian language has always been a field of great interest not only because of its contact with other languages, but also because of ideological models and language policies. This paper examines some moments of its thousand-year history in which the intermingling of peoples, languages and cultures has been acted out in very different ways, both in terms of actual behaviour and in terms of perceptions and linguistic representations. After outlining some recent studies of great interest, chiefly because of the approaches and methodologies used, the paper analyses the changes in the repertoire of the inhabitants of Sicily in recent decades.
This article presents data and student experiences acquired within the frame of the inclusion pro... more This article presents data and student experiences acquired within the frame of the inclusion project of the Italian Language School for Foreigners at the University of Palermo. The programme, established five years ago, has created and provided educational courses for adults and unaccompanied minors of low to very low schooling level, most of them between 16 and 18 years old. Résumé : Le rapport présente les profils d'étudiants et les expériences acquises dans le cadre du " Projet d'inclusion dans l'Ecole de langue pour l'italien Langue étrangère " de l'université de Palerme. Le programme, créé il y a cinq ans, dispense des cours à des adultes et à des mineurs non accompagnés ayant un ni-veau d'instruction faible à très faible, la majorité ayant entre 16 et 18 ans.
in Loredanna Corrà (a cura di) Educazione linguistica in classi multietniche, pp.131-141, Aracne, 2017
Chiamo uomo chi è padrone delle sue lingue» Modelli di plurilinguismo da Lampedusa in su Mari d'A... more Chiamo uomo chi è padrone delle sue lingue» Modelli di plurilinguismo da Lampedusa in su Mari d'Agostino
Testi e linguaggi” (numero monografico L’Italiano migrante, a cura di Sergio Lubello ), 2017, , 2017
In recent years, thousands of refugees and asylum seekers have arrived at the port of Palermo, in... more In recent years, thousands of refugees and asylum seekers have arrived at the port of Palermo, including a large number of teenagers without any adult caregivers. They are called Unaccompanied Minors. A significant part of them remain in the city and are placed in Italian language courses of the University of Palermo, (ItaStra), within a large inclusion project. The focus of this paper will be address to describe this new profile of learner: they are minors, 15 to 17 years old, without much formal education or training, without competent skills in reading or writing, but with a vast life experience in a multilingual environment and exposure to learning a diversity of new languages.
Descrizione sociolinguistica della Sicilia dal 1861 ad oggi
Viene analizzato l'apprendimento dell'italiano in trincea nella Prima guerra mondiale attraverso ... more Viene analizzato l'apprendimento dell'italiano in trincea nella Prima guerra mondiale attraverso un diario.
Storia linguistica di Palermo
L'Italia sociolinguistica dal secondo dopoguerra ad oggi
Storia linguistica di Palermo dal 1861 ad oggi
Papers by Mari D'Agostino