Papers by Gandolfo Dominici

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024
Car sharing (CS) and smart mobility have emerged as pivotal components for a sustainable transfor... more Car sharing (CS) and smart mobility have emerged as pivotal components for a sustainable transformation in urban transportation, standing out as central topics in the discussions on sustainable mobility solutions. Nevertheless, the increasing interest from scholars, CS companies' owners, and policymakers in car sharing services as a viable response to the sustainable urban transport has availed rather mixed considerations, thus calling for further scrutiny. The current endeavor thus seeks to advance a systematic literature review of the body of knowledge correlatively addressing the issues of various forms of smart mobility and car sharing. Four major research questions are envisaged, namely: What are the bibliometric characteristics of the literature related to smart mobility and car sharing? What is the focus of this literature in terms of key concepts? What are the limitations of the existing body of literature? and What are the implications of this literature in terms of future research avenues? With a view to providing pertinent answers, emphasis will be laid on the insights, critique, and transformative redefinitions of the literature in the field via a bibliometric analysis and structured theme-based review. The SPAR-4-SLR protocol is employed while the data retrieved from the Scopus database was processed with the Bibliometrix package (i.e., Biblioshiny) of the R study program. Derived from the thematic mapping and the identified clusters, six key research topics (i.e., car sharing through the lens of urban mobility management, innovative business models and governance, sustainable transportation and e-car sharing, smart mobility and multimodality, sustainable mobility, public transport, and collaborative consumption, climate change and electric vehicles and transport policy and automotive industry) are thoroughly discussed in terms of added value and limitations. The findings manage to clarify the multiplexity of links between the two constructs, by shedding light on the motor, basic, niche, emerging and declining themes which are worthy of further consideration within a structured research agenda. Additionally, they point to the fact that the issues of smart mobility and car sharing are still producing mixed or fragmented conclusions in terms of socioeconomic , technological and environmental impacts, calling for further investigation. Manifold implications of the state-of-the-art in the field are brought to the attention of scholars and practitioners interested in achieving a better understanding and integration of car sharing and smart mobility in the broad transport ecosystem.

Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research, Apr 22, 2024
The surge in mobile shopping faces a challenge as not all potential consumers are comfortable wit... more The surge in mobile shopping faces a challenge as not all potential consumers are comfortable with this mode. Retailers need a deeper understanding of factors influencing user experience to enhance marketing strategies. Despite extensive research, a gap remains in comprehending this aspect. Using a statistical PLS-SEM-ANN approach, this research aims to explore the psychological dimensions of expert and non-expert mobile shoppers for establishing better targeted marketing strategies in m-commerce settings. Analyzing experience levels in mobile commerce (m-commerce), key drivers like enjoyment, usefulness, subjective norms, and trust were scrutinized as interaction settings for consumers using mobile technologies. The findings reveal that, for less experienced m-shoppers, trust is the most significant driver of attitude and satisfaction, while, for experienced users, trust and usefulness are the primary antecedents. This research provides novel insights, aiding mobile marketers in refining targeting strategies based on consumer experience levels, emphasizing the importance of usefulness and trustworthiness for a seamless m-shopping experience.

The social and economic complexity of our times sets off severe changes in the logics of markets ... more The social and economic complexity of our times sets off severe changes in the logics of markets and business systems. Business scenarios today are dynamic, inter-connected, nonlinear, and characterised by emergence of unpredictable phenomena properties in one word they are 'complex' (Dominici, 2012a). Considering business systems as complex systems means that it is not possible to comprehend them by taking into account only their components as separate and separable entities . Moreover, a complex system is that system that does not allow any algorithm to predict its future states. This implies that there is no perfect 'model' or 'best practice' that is universally valid to achieve business goals and that all the efforts can only count on the resilience of the business system (i.e., the firm, the organisation, the market) and on its managerial capability to grasp and proactively manipulate actual and future scenarios (Dominici, 2012b). Organisations cannot be only regarded as isolated systems. Each time we use a reductionist logic to identify a system, we make a distinction between what is inside and what is 'out there' outside the system that is therefore seen as a black box . These considerations imply the need for a paradigm shift that can take business science beyond the analytical-reductionist approach, towards a more wide-ranging systemic perspective. To this aim, it is not necessary to fully discard all the inventions that the analytic-reductionist approach has brought to science, nevertheless it necessary to move ahead, being conscious that the analytic-reductionist approaches are not adequate for achieving a deeper understanding of complex business systems. That is why, without totally discarding the previous approaches, we must go further to embrace a systemic view of markets and business systems. Managing complex markets and business systems calls for new managerial capabilities, skilled to attain resilience and to find new ways for sustainable economic and social growth. In today business context, the ability of managers and consultants to make 'sense' and to perceive the 'sense of events' is what may lead to the achievement of renewed and sustainable business goals. This can be done by thinking in terms of the 'possible', and dealing with the 'emergent' . This new proactive managerial style overcomes the mere ability of classifying into predefined models and patterns that was the goal of the analytic-reductionist approaches.

Based on MBTI and TKI (Thomas and Kilmann, 1974) models of personality, we develop a Negotiation ... more Based on MBTI and TKI (Thomas and Kilmann, 1974) models of personality, we develop a Negotiation Support System that uses provided information concerning personality traits and negotiation styles of opponent/collaborator negotiators to support Pareto's social optimum agreements. Despite several tools that have been developed in order to improve the negotiation process and mitigate the lack of face-to-face interaction, mechanisms that gather nonverbal information with regard to the personality traits and negotiation behavior are rarely present in the literature. Since humans are the most complex and flexible part of any communication system , information about preferences and negotiation behavior tends to improve the communication process and negotiation outcomes (Yiu and Lee, 2011). Although negotiation support approaches provide IT support for complex negotiations , they fail to automate negotiation process and to supply personality and negotiation style information which help negotiators to adjust their tactics, strategies an responses according to their personal information with competitors . In this context, the bargaining game theory approach devotes considerable importance to understand strategies that are intrinsically bound to personalities. The backward inductions, dominant strategies and concepts of non-credible threats from traditional economic games and models (see Sutton 1986) help to understand the agents and negotiators' behavior into an outcome that provides greater social MODEL-BASED GOVERNANCE FOR SMART ORGANIZATIONAL FUTURE BSLab-SYDIC International Workshop-Roma, 2017 ISBN: 9788890824258 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 11 satisfaction with just and efficient agreements. The present study proposes the development of a Web-NSS ( that besides to incorporate traditional tools of a NSS, also integrate personality and negotiation information to improve the communication process during the negotiation process in order to obtain better social outcomes, defined as the outcome that maximize the group satisfaction. The design and development of NegPlace system were based on free platforms of software development and database system, and the MBTI and TKI models are applied to recognize the personality and negotiation styles of each negotiator . When the negotiator accesses the NegPlace system for the first time, they must complete a profile and respond to personality and negotiation questionnaires. These data are processed and provide input to the MBTI and TKI models which, in the final process, outcomes the personality trait with the combination of bipolar dimensions: Extraversion and Introversion; Sensing and Intuition, Thinking and Feeling, and Judging and Perceiving, and the negotiation styles: Avoiding, Accommodating, Competing, Collaborating, and Compromising. Once recognized, the personality and negotiation styles become an important point of information that is used to draft both communication and negotiation strategies. A participatory budgeting negotiation case is proposed with participation of one hundred and two individuals which have performed more than three hundred interactions to expose the NegPlace utility and contribution to collaborative aspects in the Bargain Theory of negotiations. The experiment consists of a dynamic negotiation of complete and perfect information in which three parts, the public administration representative (P), neighborhood A community leader (A) and neighborhood B community leader (B), bargain a municipal budget for public works. Our results support the conceptual NegPlace model in which the best collective agreement is reached when information about one's personality provides enough argument to discredit threats.
Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2017

Journal of Organisational Transformation & Social Change, 2016
In the current situation of growing information overload, individuals are gradually becoming less... more In the current situation of growing information overload, individuals are gradually becoming less sensitive to traditional marketing communications. For this reason, traditional marketing research models are no longer capable of giving useful insights to management. This calls for new approaches that can grasp the inner meaning of consumer behaviors and evaluate their relevance. To this end, a new multidisciplinary approach is needed to interpret complex behavioral patterns so as to gain deeper and more effective insights into customers and to understand their behavioral patterns. In this paper, following a short introduction to the basic concepts of Jung's analytical psychology and their relevance for marketing, we propose the use of the Jungian archetypes to implement a market research model, considering the case of an Italian research company's development of the Archetipus® model.
This paper discusses the body of knowledge about Holonic Approach to theoretically demonstrate ho... more This paper discusses the body of knowledge about Holonic Approach to theoretically demonstrate how Holonic Production System (HPS) can be a convincing choice to overcome the problems of traditional production systems' architectures. Today, enterprises are trying to find ways to manage the growing environmental complexity that is well described by Complex Systems Theory (CST). After the focus on the main problem regarding environmental complexity, the Holonic system and the Holonic Production System will be analyzed. The paper will focus the potential of HPS to adapt and react to changes in the business environment whilst being able to maintain systemic synergies and coordination through the holonic structure where functional production units are simultaneously autonomous and cooperative.
We aim to point out some relevant ways in which organizations can decide and act sustainably acco... more We aim to point out some relevant ways in which organizations can decide and act sustainably according to a cybernetic and viable systems perspective

The social and economic complexity of our times triggers intense transformations in the competiti... more The social and economic complexity of our times triggers intense transformations in the competitive logics of markets and, broadly speaking, of business systems. Business scenarios today are typified by dynamism, connectivity, nonlinearity, and emergent properties—in other words by “complexity”. Asserting that the world, and consequently business systems, are complex means that it is impossible to understand them by considering their individual elements separately, and that there is no option of predicting the future, but only of grasping and proactively influencing future scenarios. Reductionist models are unable to fully depict, or to allow us to deeply understand, new complex and dynamic business scenarios. Today more than ever, it is necessary to recognize the need for a paradigm shift that can carry science beyond the analytical reductionist approach, and towards a more comprehensive systemic perspective. This, of course, does not imply rejecting all the discoveries and benefit...

Management Decision, 2020
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to analyse the influences of different types of knowledge and... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to analyse the influences of different types of knowledge and their inherent dynamics on the effectiveness of the decision-making (DM) process. Knowledge dynamics (KD) is envisioned through the lens of the knowledge fields theory while effective DM process is objectivised via organisational appreciation and reward, higher business performance, sustainable partnerships and managerial satisfaction with previous achievements.Design/methodology/approachA questionnaire-based survey was conducted with 275 middle managers from companies operating in the business consulting field. The conceptual and structural model was tested using the partial least squares structural equation modelling technique.FindingsThe study advances novel insights into the significant positive influences of various knowledge fields on KD on the DM process within real-life business environments. Even though rational knowledge exerts a noteworthy effect on DM, its influence is excee...
He serves as an editorial board member of a number of international peer reviewed journals. He is... more He serves as an editorial board member of a number of international peer reviewed journals. He is the author of more than 70 published articles and books on the topics of customer satisfaction, e-marketing, new products development and systems thinking in management.

The aim of this paper is to pave the way towards the inclusion of mainstream sociological approac... more The aim of this paper is to pave the way towards the inclusion of mainstream sociological approaches (based on Luhmann\u2019s approach) for the studies of firms-organizations. In social sciences we can observe that the theoretic consequences of a paradigm shift is signiicantly represented by the evolution of systemic thinking from Parsons to Luhmann. This shift implies the change from the vision of systemic organizations as \u201cstructures\u201d to that of systemic organizations as \u201ccommunication flows\u201d. The milestone of systemic approach in management maybe found in the research and applied works of Anthony Staford Beer with his Viable System Model (VSM) that today faced a relevant reconiguration by Golinelli and the Italian school on Viable Systemic Approach (VSA). The paradigm shift in this ield has been smoother than in sociology, and didn\u2019t imply the discard of the concept of organization as a structure. This because, in management sciences, the perspective and,...

POL: Other Change Management Strategy (Topic), 2012
The social and economic complexity of our times triggers intense transformations in the competiti... more The social and economic complexity of our times triggers intense transformations in the competitive logics of markets and, broadly speaking, of business systems. Business scenarios today are typified by dynamism, connectivity, nonlinearity, and emergent properties — in other words by “complexity.”Asserting that the world, and consequently business systems, are complex means that it is impossible to understand them by considering their individual elements separately, and that there is no option of predicting the future, but only of grasping and proactively influencing future scenarios.Reductionist models are unable to fully depict, or to allow us to deeply understand, new complex and dynamic business scenarios. Today more than ever, it is necessary to recognize the need for a paradigm shift that can carry science beyond the analytical reductionist approach, and towards a more comprehensive systemic perspective. This, of course, does not imply rejecting all the discoveries and benefit...

Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2019
In this paper, by adopting a systemic framework, we argue that place's adap-tive connotation ... more In this paper, by adopting a systemic framework, we argue that place's adap-tive connotation be considered as a mere result of endogenous processes butas a viable system that will remain viable if it can continue to answer theneeds of its numerous heterogeneous internal and external socio-economicagents. Place can be seen as a complex adaptive system characterized by amore or less planned evolution, driven by both top-down and bottom-upprocesses, and composed of various interconnecting parts that, at the sametime, can be seen as wholes at different levels as an holoarchy. The modelof the holoarchy allows to consider the place as the result of both plannedand spontaneous relationships between social and economic (sub)systemsand components, implemented in order to achieve a common goal. We thanapply this framework to the analysis of a case study in the tourism industryin Naples (Italy)
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 2017
Networks are ubiquitous in our lives in their social, physical, and digital forms. A growing numb... more Networks are ubiquitous in our lives in their social, physical, and digital forms. A growing number of firms today rely entirely on networking and lack a physical location or material infrastructure; they are, so to speak, 'liquid'. Through a theoretical analysis and its application to the case of Doctor Chat mobile app, this paper aims to analyse the fundamental laws of networks and to answer the following questions: 1) are the traditional methods to estimate the network value still valid in the current digital age and in particular for mobile applications?; 2) how do the laws of networks work when networks expand? We conclude with some suggestions for a research agenda in order to inspire further researches on the topic.

Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 2017
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the survival of university spin-offs (USOs) in Sp... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the survival of university spin-offs (USOs) in Spain. First, the survival rates of USOs are compared with those of a group of similar firms. Second, the firm-specific characteristics of surviving USOs are compared with those of failed USOs. Design/methodology/approach The study is based on two subsamples consisting of 469 USOs and 469 non-USOs. A matching procedure is used for identifying a valid control group that allows for an outcome comparison between USOs and non-USOs. A longitudinal data set (2000-2010) is constructed, combining data regarding firm-specific characteristics and patent activity. The survival rates of both USOs and non-USOs are described first, and then, the firm-specific characteristics of the surviving USOs are discussed and compared with those of the failed USOs. Findings The authors find that the survival rates of the USOs are slightly lower than those of the non-USOs. In addition, the failed USOs have a longer ...
This paper highlights some theoretical and epistemological reflections about the relevance of act... more This paper highlights some theoretical and epistemological reflections about the relevance of action for managerial studies. These reflections show how the cybernetic paradigm of complexity management can be used for better decision making that unites knowledge and action in a comprising, dynamic, and evolving approach. Cybernetics can help to overcome the fear of decision making in the face of uncertainty in complex scenarios, and can be an effective tool for improving the viability and competitiveness of firms in the twenty-first century.
Papers by Gandolfo Dominici
This is a complex process, in particular when it starts from very innovative and original ideas that may be not easily understood by the external stakeholders of the seed firm (supra-systems). The business incubator plays a key role in order to bridge this gap of understanding between the innovating seed and the main actors in its environmental context, creating inter-relational ties and consonance that are pivotal for the competitiveness of the firm.
In this study we analyze spin-offs incubated and generated by the business incubator managed by the ARCA Consortium, located inside the university campus of the University of Palermo in Sicily. We follow the ways how the ARCA incubator selects and supports the development of business ideas coming from university labs and transforms these ideas into viable firms. The analysis of this process according to a viable systems perspective sheds light on a better understanding of the systemic actions that create the prerequisite conditions for the achievement of viability of spin-off firms. "
While technology facilitates seamless communication, information access, travel, idea-sharing, and knowledge creation, there is a growing apprehension about its potential adverse impacts on society in the future. Notably, concerns have arisen regarding the potential negative consequences of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. Additionally, the influence of social media on mental health and well-being, especially among younger generations, is a subject of heightened worry.
The societal effects of technology can be both beneficial and detrimental. Looking ahead, it becomes imperative to carefully consider the potential ramifications of emerging technological innovations and actively work towards mitigating any negative consequences while amplifying the positive outcomes. Ultimately, the responsibility lies with all of us to ensure that technology is harnessed for the collective benefit of society.
The BSLab Symposium 2025 endeavours to explore the positive and negative impacts of technology on society, aiming to chart a course for a more favourable future. Studying the impact of technology on society involves navigating a highly complex interplay of various realities, including individual cognition and affection, group dynamics, and societal structures. The symposium aims to engage in rigorous scientific discussions on the transformative effects of technology on society, seeking innovative approaches to address contemporary global economic and social challenges from systemic perspectives.
The event intends to illuminate the intricate interactions among natural, social, and economic systems, adopting a multidisciplinary perspective encompassing various fields such as management, economics, sociology, behavioural science, psychology, ethics, engineering, design, decision making and education, among others.
While emphasizing a systemic methodology, the symposium remains open to diverse scientific approaches, aiming to facilitate constructive debates and exchanges that pave the way for new avenues in research and practice.