Papers by Ferdinando Trapani
MOTRIS, microcentralità relazionali nel Mediterraneo. Una ricerca per la mappatura dell’offerta di turismo relazionale integrato in Sicilia, 2004
Taylor & Francis eBooks, 2018
Table of contents Preface ix Acknowledgements xi Organization xiii Organizing institutions xv Spo... more Table of contents Preface ix Acknowledgements xi Organization xiii Organizing institutions xv Sponsoring organizations xvii Keynote lecturers xix Architectural identity and globalization Architecture A great Chinese 'rural' metropolis-the unity and contradictions in Beijing's urban identity 3 X. Li Architectural ornaments in the twenty-first century: An analytical study 9 G.M. Elrayies Conservation strategies to revive the imageability of the Kumbakonam historic town 27

Environmental Science and Sustainable Development, Jul 31, 2018
The authors, starting from the examination of the historic data of Palermo landscapes on the sout... more The authors, starting from the examination of the historic data of Palermo landscapes on the southeast side, draw up an analysis of the landscape by illustrating the environmental characteristics and the intervention of man in its transformations. Therefore, determined by a certain point to refer to, the author, based on archival, literary, and existing graphic documentation, has therefore sought to illustrate the evolution of the landscape in the geographical area of Mare dolce while still present relations with the territory of Palermo. Examining the diaries and the end of the eighteenth century with the help of the water colored planks of the sites considering the great patrimony left by landscape painters of the period brought a great deal of information. In this sense, it is possible to evaluate the transformation of Maredolce from swampy and abandoned land of the last seventeenth century (end of sugary activity) to that of new irrigation agriculture. Transformation is common to the entire territory of Palermo with which numerous comparisons are also carried out based on archival documentation. The introduction of the industrial economy of the citrus which has wiped out any past historical stratification before being swept by the cementation of the 'Conca d'Oro' that still lasts and of which Maredolce (historic palace and its garden) is the last environmental and cultural heritage as a holistic ecosystem that should absolutely be saved by using integrated urban planning with responsible architectonic restoration approaches.
La frana di agrigento ha condizionato non solo lo sviluppo di una citt\ue0 del sud resa nota dall... more La frana di agrigento ha condizionato non solo lo sviluppo di una citt\ue0 del sud resa nota dalla Valle dei Templi in tutto il mondo, ma ha rappresentato il momento di avvio dell'urbanistica razionale da parte dello Stato italiano. Gli esiti di quegli interventi per la citt\ue0 sono stati incerti ed in alcuni casi fallimentari. Solo in tempi recenti \ue8 finalmente possibile intravedere i segni del rinnovamento nella pratica urbanistica in Sicilia

La legge finanziaria per l\u2019anno 2007 (L. 296/2006) ha finanziato le Zone Franche Urbane (ZFU... more La legge finanziaria per l\u2019anno 2007 (L. 296/2006) ha finanziato le Zone Franche Urbane (ZFU), sulla base dell\u2019esperienza francese delle Zones Franches Urbaines del 1996, che sono aree infra-comunali dove possono attuarsi programmi di defiscalizzazione come incentivazione alla creazione di piccole e micro imprese in contesti urbani deboli (dove \ue8 presente disagio sociale, economico e occupazionale, e con potenzialit\ue0 di sviluppo inespresse). L\u2019articolo descrive l\u2019esperienza del Comune di Termini Imprese che, pur avendo i requisiti richiesti, no \ue8 riuscito a rientrare in graduatoria per ottenere l\u2019accesso ai finanziamenti del CIPE. Questa esperienza mette in luce il problema della rilevazione ed interpretazione degli indicatori di sviluppo urbano che spesso non riescono a consentire in modo sufficiente un giudizio sul livello di qualit\ue0 della vita tra realt\ue0 urbane difficilmente confrontabili anche all\u2019interno della medesima regione

Il Dipartimento Urbanistica dell'Assessorato al Territorio della Regione siciliana ha contrib... more Il Dipartimento Urbanistica dell'Assessorato al Territorio della Regione siciliana ha contribuito in questi ultimi anni, all\u2019avvio del processo di innovazione delle politiche e delle pratiche di pianificazione territoriale regionale/provinciale avvalendosi delle sperimentazioni consentite nei diversi programmi di cooperazione territoriale comunitaria .. Fino ad oggi la complementarit\ue0 tra i due servizi ha consentito di indagare le potenzialit\ue0 del piano nel quadro delle politiche comunitarie prospettate dallo Schema di Sviluppo dello Spazio Europeo. Tali esperienze sono meglio sintetizzate nel contributo presente nel dvd allegato a questo volume. Molte sono le problematiche e le possibilit\ue0 di azione nel campo della programmazione dei Fondi Strutturali che sempre pi\uf9 stanno dominando la scena delle trasformazioni territoriali reali ed ancora di pi\uf9 tale tendenza si manifesta nelle attese dei decisori politici e dei fautori della partecipazione nei processi di sviluppo locale. Nei paragrafi che seguono sono trattati alcuni aspetti emblematici del rapporto possibile - ma non ancora sviluppato in modo adeguato - tra i temi della programmazione socio-economica regionale e sovraregionale che possono essere intesi come ambito di integrazione multidisciplinare e di governance multimensionale cui la riforma urbanistica regionale potr\ue0 fare riferimento
L'articolo fornisce il quadro teorico di riferimento del turismo relazionale integrato metten... more L'articolo fornisce il quadro teorico di riferimento del turismo relazionale integrato mettendo in luce le connessioni logiche e tematiche riguardo al turismo sostenibile e i principi di equit\ue0 sociale insiti nell'azione del piano

Social Science Research Network, 2017
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective s... more District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat sales. Due to the changed climate conditions and building renovation policies, heat demand in the future could decrease, prolonging the investment return period. The main scope of this paper is to assess the feasibility of using the heat demand-outdoor temperature function for heat demand forecast. The district of Alvalade, located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665 buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district renovation scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors. The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications (the error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation scenarios, the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered). The value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.
Universidad de Concepción, 1993

Towards a co-creative recapitalization of territorial systems De Bonis L.1, Leanza E.2, Marsh J.3... more Towards a co-creative recapitalization of territorial systems De Bonis L.1, Leanza E.2, Marsh J.3 Trapani F.4 1 University of Molise, [email protected] 2 European Investment Bank, [email protected] 3 Atelier Studio Associato, [email protected] 4 University of Palermo, [email protected] Keywords territorial capital , territorial innovation, co- creativity In European and national policies it is by now evident that the approach to spatial issues favours "economic reasons" over "territorial reasons". The recent emphasis on "cities as drivers of development", although an improvement over previous programming periods, remains fully situated within this logic. The reasons for this economic imperative are somewhat comprehensible, as the EU struggles to respond to the deep economic crisis, with its territories more vulnerable than ever to the negative consequences of globalization as a consequence of the single market and monetary union. It is however less easy to understand the fact that any consideration of "urban assets" and their management is equally overshadowed in both the rhetoric and the practice of European ? and even more, national and regional ? spatial programming, especially considering the effective contribution to an understanding of economic and financial dynamics and potentials. The thesis here is that the dichotomy between economic and territorial logics can be overcome if the framework of analysis shifts from "management of territorial impacts" to the "co-design of territorial visions", as the two become intimately intertwined in an approach of "territorial innovation". This in turn shifts the reading of territorial assets from a mere accounting of static value to a recapitalization of local contexts as a function of their innovation potential, allowing for the dynamics of development to reach self-sustainability in both territorial and economic-financial terms while evolving in concert with global flows. Prerequisite for this co-evolutionary, self-sustainable recapitalization of local settings is the consideration of the human, cultural, and social dimensions as integral components of territorial capital, together with the need for co-creative approaches to the planning, implementation, and management of digital and urban agendas, seen as inseparable more than simply interconnected.

The new perspective for planning wants to build a broad framework of studies, research on the cha... more The new perspective for planning wants to build a broad framework of studies, research on the challenges that the cities of the world must face today in order to find new conditions of balance between the need for economic development and the limits of environmental carrying capacity. Until a few decades ago, attention to the environment stopped at verifying the impacts of anthropogenic activities on the territories and city life was one of the causes of these environmental impacts. Today, ecosystem sustainability policies have become the starting point for all development policies equipped with scientific analysis and reliability. Of course, this change has not occurred all over the planet and, as everyone knows, some important national governments no longer intend to recognize the fact that some of the human productive activities are capable of destroying not only the life of cities but of the whole planet
Papers by Ferdinando Trapani
Thesis supported
The aim of this paper it to demonstrate that the interventions of “ephemeral designing”, seen in the key of potential activators of shared forms of urban regeneration, may be read as sequence of temporary installations capable in conferring to the urban spaces - even if transitorily - a “meta-real” shape of the effects of that urban transformation we would to reach into the real project. By establishing, thereby, with both the city's communities and places a true moment of local awareness and animation, fleeting but realistic, that can trigger interest and re-generate a collective activism; only a “virtual actuation” but able to aspire in activating of a virtuous process of re-appropriation of space and restatement of the missing functions.
Main arguments
The economic downturn, that has affected most cities around the world, is also having effects on the ongoing processes of both urban transformation and regeneration. More and more often, we see cases of projects abandoned, delayed or lapsed, so for many different reasons or, as in most of the recent cases, by the supervening unsustainability in the costs of realization. In the light on recent experiences, it is clear today that this approach to urban design, characterized by the great works, long lead times and - often -very high costs, is questioned and seems itself in crisis. Urban regeneration is still an emergency, but it requires more measured, quickly, widespread, systemic and less expensive interventions. That’s an opportunity to reflect differently may provide insights and alternative opportunities for the enhancement of marginal urban areas representing a competitive, creative and innovative approach to the field of the urban designing for the marginal open spaces with new experimentations in the urban and landscape design, architecture for open spaces driven by social innovation, pop-up urbanism, urban invasions, guerrilla gardening (etc.).
Study case
the International Winter School ‘Upper Enna’ (2016) started from general design visions, to define in more detail the key places for the regeneration acts and to propose one or more ideas of punctual application. Three layers of the same project aimed in ensuring the full accessibility, the free fruition and the enjoyment of that strip of linkage between the historic urban fabric along the edge of the city and the "Park of the Slopes" that surrounds and defines its borders. It provides us the opportunity to reflect on the urban regeneration of both the physical fabrics and the common values of the city, through the application of current theories and approaches in the Urban Spaces Regeneration on the path of Ephemeral Designing.
Expected results
The results gained have been carried out from the outputs of the school as example followed during these last three years, from the local administration, associations and groups, in the re-appropriation of urban space and could be read as practice of aware co-use of marginal spaces. It has generated unanticipated uses improving density and intensity of living in different paths. Becoming a practice that has changed the meaning itself of both public and private space.
In the reference frame of innovation of the concept of sustainable tourism which is present in many international documents, research, application, and training activity have been started over the last few years, which aims to refuse concretely in the insular territory, the qualification of the tourist offer of local systems by the reinforcement of approaches derived by town and country planning.
The IRT goals are: 1) the re-territorialization of local productive economies accepting the challenges of network with the global economy, 2) the re-contextualization of the cultural identity valuing the rooting phenomenon without giving up to the total openness to the other cultures, 3) the re-composition of the society counteracting the disruptive, standardized and alienated factors of the finalization of the existence to the project logics.
The research way already fixed in a phase of methodological planning points to the places’ qualification taking into account urban decay tendencies of local meaning or in terms of communication or because of the changing of modernity, to the targeting of local resources perceptible to well-respectable tourism to the people’ values (Butcher, 2003), economically founded on the concept of relational good, socially sustainable even when it is evolved in terms of life experience and investigates the correlated terms of the responsible use of local territories according to the style of government and Mediterranean life.
The line of research is oriented to the gathering resources to promote sustainable tourism “evolved” and scientific improvement of correlated terms to the responsible use in the euro-Mediterranean area.
The enforcement deals with the promotion activities of local subjects of the institutional and corporate areas as well as of possible other types of subjects which bring to the spread interests, involved in the participation in an active partnership to define strategies and territorial calendars to put in practice the IRT theoretical tasks.
The activity of the training line has been started (even previously the nominal date of Motris beginning) and concentrated on high training level through the Master of 2nd level for the training of area operators in IRT (destination manager); the aim successively is going on with other training levels (superior and professional). The three lines of action are developed in an integrated way and their parallel development is marked by moments of seminaries comparison open to the research world and international, national, and regional undertaking.