2020 Fifteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 2020
The energy storage is one of the most discussed topics among Electrical Vehicles (EVs) research. ... more The energy storage is one of the most discussed topics among Electrical Vehicles (EVs) research. Currently, supercapacitors (SCs) are collecting even more attention due to their unique features such as high power density, high life cycle and lack of maintenance. In this paper, a brief review of supercapacitor mode suitable for the simulation in automotive applications is identified. The model parameters are estimated and used to simulate the behaviour of a commercial SC bank in different operating conditions. The model is finally validated considering experimental results.
The current climatic scenario requires the use of innovative solutions to increase the production... more The current climatic scenario requires the use of innovative solutions to increase the production of electricity from renewable energy sources. Multilevel Power Inverters are a promising solution to improve the penetration of renewable energy sources into the electrical grid. Moreover, the performance of MPIs is a function of the modulation strategy employed and of its features (modulation index and switching frequency). This paper presents an extended and experimental analysis of three-phase five-level Cascaded H-Bridges Multilevel Inverter performance in terms of efficiency and harmonic content considering several MC PWM modulation strategies. In detail, the CHBMI performance is analyzed by varying the modulation index and the switching frequency. For control purposes, the NI System On Module sbRIO-9651 control board, a dedicated FPGA-based control board for power electronics and drive applications programmable in the LabVIEW environment, is used. The paper describes the modulatio...
This article describes a simple cogging torque minimization procedure for interior permanent magn... more This article describes a simple cogging torque minimization procedure for interior permanent magnet synchronous machines (IPMSMs), consisting of a progressive modification of the rotor lamination geometry. This procedure can be generalized for the main topologies of PMSM, independently of the number of stator slots or the location of the permanent magnets. For this purpose, a basic IPMSM structure is analyzed by means of the FEM (finite element method) approach, and then, several other IPMSM geometries, obtained by adequately modifying the rotor lamination geometry of the basic IPMSM model without changing its stator configuration, are proposed and discussed. The trends of the cogging torque generated by each model are computed and compared. From this comparison, it is demonstrated that, by simply acting on the shape of the rotor lamination and by choosing the optimized pattern, the cogging torque components can be theoretically canceled.
L’alimentazione di piccoli componenti elettronici, come sensori wireless usati per applicazioni d... more L’alimentazione di piccoli componenti elettronici, come sensori wireless usati per applicazioni di monitoraggio, può essere fornita utilizzando energia vibrazionale presente nell’ambiente per mezzo di trasduttori piezoelettrici. L’obiettivo è quello di sostituire l’impiego di batterie chimiche, che presentano sia costi di manutenzione che un problema di smaltimento delle stesse. Per raggiungere l’obiettivo bisogna conseguire il massimo trasferimento di potenza tra sistema meccanico e sistema elettrico. Una possibile fonte di energia vibrazionale è la pioggia. La caratterizzazione in potenza di un sistema di trasduzione deve quindi ricondurre il fenomeno in blocchi caratterizzabili per mezzo di rendimenti: Pout = ηcollision · ηpiezo · ηrect ·Pmax., in cui la potenza Pmax rappresenta l’energia ideale contenuta in una goccia d’acqua, ed rendimenti rappresentano le perdite di potenza ascrivibili ai processi di collisione, trasduzione meccanicaelettrica, e raddrizzamento del segnale elet...
In recent years, the growing concern for air quality has led to the development of sustainable ve... more In recent years, the growing concern for air quality has led to the development of sustainable vehicles to replace conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. Currently, the most widespread technology in Europe and Portugal is that of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) or plug-in HEV (PHEV) electric cars, but hydrogen-based transport has also shown significant growth in the commercialization of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) and in the development of new infrastructural schemes. In the current panorama of EV, particular attention should be paid to hydrogen technology, i.e., FCEVs, which is potentially a valid alternative to BEVs and can also be hybrid (FCHEV) and plug-in hybrid (FCPHEV). Several sources cited show a positive trend of hydrogen in the transport sector, identifying a growing trend in the expansion of hydrogen infrastructure, although at this time, it is still at an early stage of development. At the moment, the cost of building the infrastructure is still ...
This paper presents a detailed analysis of the use of a novel Harmonic Mitigation algorithm for C... more This paper presents a detailed analysis of the use of a novel Harmonic Mitigation algorithm for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter in electrical drives for the transportation field. For this purpose, an enhanced mathematical model of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (IPMSM), that takes into account simultaneously saturation, cross-coupling, spatial harmonics, and iron loss effects, has been used. In detail, this model allows estimating accurately the efficiency and the torque ripple of the IPMSM, crucial parameters for transportation applications. Moreover, two traditional pulse width modulation strategies, Sinusoidal Phase-Shifted and Switching Frequency Optimal Phase-Shifted have been considered for comparison purposes with an optimized harmonic mitigation algorithm. Thus, this work provides a deep analysis of IPMSM drive performance fed by CHBMI, paying attention to various aspects such as the IPMSM efficiency, torque ripple, current, and voltage total harmonic distortion (THD). Finally, experimental investigations have been carried out to validate the analysis conducted. INDEX TERMS Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter (CHBMI), efficiency, interior permanent magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM), selective harmonic mitigation algorithm, torque ripple.
2020 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), 2020
The aim of this work is the characterization of a dynamic wireless charging system low power prot... more The aim of this work is the characterization of a dynamic wireless charging system low power prototype and the validation of a simplified mathematical model of the employed double D coils. The difference between a single receiver and a dual receiver system is also shown, highlighting how the last one can significantly reduce the costs of the charging infrastructure.
Solar plants suffer of partial shading and mismatch problems. Without considering the generation ... more Solar plants suffer of partial shading and mismatch problems. Without considering the generation of hot spots and the resulting security issues, a monitoring system for the health of a PV plant should be useful to drive a dynamic reconfiguration system (DRS) to solve bottlenecks due to different panels’ shading. Over the years different DRS architectures have been proposed, but no suggestions about costs and benefits have been provided. Starting from technical subjects such as differences of the topologies driving the hardware complexity and number of components, this paper identifies the cost of DRS and its lifetime, and based on these issues it provides an economic analysis for a 6 kWp PV plant in different European Union countries, in which the dissimilar incentive policies have been considered.
In this paper a Full-Bridge Converter (FBC) for bidirectional power transfer is presented. The pr... more In this paper a Full-Bridge Converter (FBC) for bidirectional power transfer is presented. The proposed FBC is an isolated DC-DC bidirectional converter, connected to a double voltage source—a voltage bus on one side and a Stack of Super-Capacitors (SOSC) on the other side. The control law aims at the regulation either of the bus current (when the load requires power) or of the SOSC current (when the stack requires a recharge). Analysis and design of the proposed FBC are discussed. A Phase Shift Modulation (PSM) scheme is proposed, along with an improved modulation variant for the efficiency optimization, through a proper reduction of the transformer power losses. The realized prototype, compliant with automotive applications, is presented and experimental results are highlighted. The target power level is 2 kW.
Battery models have gained great importance in recent years, thanks to the increasingly massive p... more Battery models have gained great importance in recent years, thanks to the increasingly massive penetration of electric vehicles in the transport market. Accurate battery models are needed to evaluate battery performances and design an efficient battery management system. Different modeling approaches are available in literature, each one with its own advantages and disadvantages. In general, more complex models give accurate results, at the cost of higher computational efforts and time-consuming and costly laboratory testing for parametrization. For these reasons, for early stage evaluation and design of battery management systems, models with simple parameter identification procedures are the most appropriate and feasible solutions. In this article, three different battery modeling approaches are considered, and their parameters’ identification are described. Two of the chosen models require no laboratory tests for parametrization, and most of the information are derived from the ...
The diffusion of electric vehicles in Italy has started but some complications weight its spread.... more The diffusion of electric vehicles in Italy has started but some complications weight its spread. At present, hybrid technology is the most followed by users, due particularly to socioeconomic factors such as cost of investment and range anxiety. After a deep discussion of the Italian scenario, the aim of the paper is to recognize whether fuel cell technology may be an enabling solution to overcome pollution problems and respect for the environment. The opportunity to use fuel cells to store electric energy is quite fascinating—the charging times will be shortened and heavy passenger transport should be effortless challenged. On the basis of the present history and by investigating the available information, this work reports the current e-mobility state in Italy and forecasts the cities in which a fuel cell charging infrastructure should be more profitable, with the intention of granting a measured outlook on the plausible development of this actual niche market.
Cable manufacturing industries are constantly trying to improve the electrical performance of pow... more Cable manufacturing industries are constantly trying to improve the electrical performance of power cables. During the years, it was found that one of the most relevant degradation factors influencing the cable lifetime is the presence of space charge in the insulation layer. To detect the accumulated charge, the pulsed electro-acoustic (PEA) method is the most used technique. Despite the wide use of the PEA cell, several issues are still present. In particular, the PEA output signal is strongly disturbed by the acoustic waves reflections within the PEA cell. This causes the distortion of the output signal and therefore the misinterpretation of the charge profiles. This, in turn, may result in an incorrect cable characterization from the space charge phenomenon point of view. In 2017, due to the proved degradation effect of the space charge accumulation phenomenon, the IEEE Std 1732 was developed. This standard describes the steps to be followed for the space charge measurement in c...
This article addresses the technical and economic challenges regarding the design of a "green" re... more This article addresses the technical and economic challenges regarding the design of a "green" recharge area for electric vehicles at the University of Palermo in order to reduce costs and pollution connected to the charging process. Based on the behaviour of the student population, the electrical load is identified and two possible solutions are evaluated to manage the peak load: an orientation of the panels increasing the power at defined time and the use of a storage system. The main strength and weakness points of two systems are investigated by taking into account the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), which reaches 75.3 €/MWh for the orientation of panel and 103 €/MWh for the storage system. Furthermore, the cost of the topologies of power plant and the cost of energy are discussed in depth.
In this paper, a novel approach to low order harmonic mitigation in fundamental switching frequen... more In this paper, a novel approach to low order harmonic mitigation in fundamental switching frequency modulation is proposed for high power photovoltaic (PV) applications, without trying to solve the cumbersome non-linear transcendental equations. The proposed method allows for mitigation of the first-five harmonics (third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh harmonics), to reduce the complexity of the required procedure and to allocate few computational resource in the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based control board. Therefore, the voltage waveform taken into account is different respect traditional voltage waveform. The same concept, known as “voltage cancelation”, used for single-phase cascaded H-bridge inverters, has been applied at a single-phase five-level cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter (CHBMI). Through a very basic methodology, the polynomial equations that drive the control angles were detected for a single-phase five-level CHBMI. The acquired polynomial equati...
In this article is presented the simulation, using FDTD technique, of the behavior of a transmiss... more In this article is presented the simulation, using FDTD technique, of the behavior of a transmission line consisting of towers connected by rope protection, in the presence of lightning current and a non-linear response of the grounding system, subject to ionization. FDTD method is used to solve both the Maxwell's equation and Telegraph equations.
2014 Ninth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 2014
In this paper a model to predict the harvest of the energy contained in rainfall by means of piez... more In this paper a model to predict the harvest of the energy contained in rainfall by means of piezoelectric transducers is presented. Different studies agree on the level of suitable generated voltage on the electrodes of a piezoelectric transducer subjected to rainfall, but a complete characterization on the supplied power is still missing. This work, in order to limit optimistic forecasts, compares the behavior of the transducers subjected to real and artificial rainfall, a condition that has shown promising behavior in laboratory.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2011
In this paper, a differential wavelet-based operator defined on an interval is presented and used... more In this paper, a differential wavelet-based operator defined on an interval is presented and used in evaluating the electromagnetic field described by Maxwell's curl equations, in time domain. The wavelet operator has been generated by using Daubechies wavelets with boundary functions. A spatial differential scheme has been performed and it has been applied in studying electromagnetic phenomena in a lossless medium. The proposed approach has been successfully tested on a bounded axial-symmetric cylindrical domain.
This paper proposes a numerical model of the soil ionization phenomena that can occur when earth ... more This paper proposes a numerical model of the soil ionization phenomena that can occur when earth electrodes are injected by high pulse transient currents, as the one associated with a direct lightning stroke. Based on finite difference time domain numerical scheme, this model ascribes the electrical breakdown in the soil to the process of discharge in the air. In fact, as soon as the local electric field overcomes the electrical strength, the air in the voids trapped among soil particles is ionized, and the current is conducted by ionized plasma paths locally grown. The dimension of these ionized air channels is strictly dependent upon the local temperature. Thus, a local heat balance is enforced in order to obtain the time variable conductivity profile of the medium. This model can be implemented both for concentrated and extended electrodes, since no hypothesis has to be enforced about the geometric shape of the ionized region. Validation of the proposed model is obtained by comparing simulation results with experimental data found in technical literature.
The popularity of electric vehicles is evidenced by the broad range of manufacturers presenting n... more The popularity of electric vehicles is evidenced by the broad range of manufacturers presenting new models of plug-in hybrid and battery vehicles. However, the success of the revolution or, rather, the rebirth of electric vehicles, is hanging by a thread, as it lacks the involvement of a large number of users, and many psychological mechanisms hinder it. What are users’ true feelings about this new world of vehicles? Are people ready for the fifth level of automation, i.e., fully automatic driving and the absence of the driving position? The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss the psychological aspects that influence the adoption of electric vehicles. Topics such as the chicken and egg paradox (electric vehicles and charging stations) and performance anxiety (regarding, e.g., range) are addressed. This review is characterized by contradictions and irony.
2020 Fifteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 2020
The energy storage is one of the most discussed topics among Electrical Vehicles (EVs) research. ... more The energy storage is one of the most discussed topics among Electrical Vehicles (EVs) research. Currently, supercapacitors (SCs) are collecting even more attention due to their unique features such as high power density, high life cycle and lack of maintenance. In this paper, a brief review of supercapacitor mode suitable for the simulation in automotive applications is identified. The model parameters are estimated and used to simulate the behaviour of a commercial SC bank in different operating conditions. The model is finally validated considering experimental results.
The current climatic scenario requires the use of innovative solutions to increase the production... more The current climatic scenario requires the use of innovative solutions to increase the production of electricity from renewable energy sources. Multilevel Power Inverters are a promising solution to improve the penetration of renewable energy sources into the electrical grid. Moreover, the performance of MPIs is a function of the modulation strategy employed and of its features (modulation index and switching frequency). This paper presents an extended and experimental analysis of three-phase five-level Cascaded H-Bridges Multilevel Inverter performance in terms of efficiency and harmonic content considering several MC PWM modulation strategies. In detail, the CHBMI performance is analyzed by varying the modulation index and the switching frequency. For control purposes, the NI System On Module sbRIO-9651 control board, a dedicated FPGA-based control board for power electronics and drive applications programmable in the LabVIEW environment, is used. The paper describes the modulatio...
This article describes a simple cogging torque minimization procedure for interior permanent magn... more This article describes a simple cogging torque minimization procedure for interior permanent magnet synchronous machines (IPMSMs), consisting of a progressive modification of the rotor lamination geometry. This procedure can be generalized for the main topologies of PMSM, independently of the number of stator slots or the location of the permanent magnets. For this purpose, a basic IPMSM structure is analyzed by means of the FEM (finite element method) approach, and then, several other IPMSM geometries, obtained by adequately modifying the rotor lamination geometry of the basic IPMSM model without changing its stator configuration, are proposed and discussed. The trends of the cogging torque generated by each model are computed and compared. From this comparison, it is demonstrated that, by simply acting on the shape of the rotor lamination and by choosing the optimized pattern, the cogging torque components can be theoretically canceled.
L’alimentazione di piccoli componenti elettronici, come sensori wireless usati per applicazioni d... more L’alimentazione di piccoli componenti elettronici, come sensori wireless usati per applicazioni di monitoraggio, può essere fornita utilizzando energia vibrazionale presente nell’ambiente per mezzo di trasduttori piezoelettrici. L’obiettivo è quello di sostituire l’impiego di batterie chimiche, che presentano sia costi di manutenzione che un problema di smaltimento delle stesse. Per raggiungere l’obiettivo bisogna conseguire il massimo trasferimento di potenza tra sistema meccanico e sistema elettrico. Una possibile fonte di energia vibrazionale è la pioggia. La caratterizzazione in potenza di un sistema di trasduzione deve quindi ricondurre il fenomeno in blocchi caratterizzabili per mezzo di rendimenti: Pout = ηcollision · ηpiezo · ηrect ·Pmax., in cui la potenza Pmax rappresenta l’energia ideale contenuta in una goccia d’acqua, ed rendimenti rappresentano le perdite di potenza ascrivibili ai processi di collisione, trasduzione meccanicaelettrica, e raddrizzamento del segnale elet...
In recent years, the growing concern for air quality has led to the development of sustainable ve... more In recent years, the growing concern for air quality has led to the development of sustainable vehicles to replace conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. Currently, the most widespread technology in Europe and Portugal is that of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) or plug-in HEV (PHEV) electric cars, but hydrogen-based transport has also shown significant growth in the commercialization of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) and in the development of new infrastructural schemes. In the current panorama of EV, particular attention should be paid to hydrogen technology, i.e., FCEVs, which is potentially a valid alternative to BEVs and can also be hybrid (FCHEV) and plug-in hybrid (FCPHEV). Several sources cited show a positive trend of hydrogen in the transport sector, identifying a growing trend in the expansion of hydrogen infrastructure, although at this time, it is still at an early stage of development. At the moment, the cost of building the infrastructure is still ...
This paper presents a detailed analysis of the use of a novel Harmonic Mitigation algorithm for C... more This paper presents a detailed analysis of the use of a novel Harmonic Mitigation algorithm for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter in electrical drives for the transportation field. For this purpose, an enhanced mathematical model of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (IPMSM), that takes into account simultaneously saturation, cross-coupling, spatial harmonics, and iron loss effects, has been used. In detail, this model allows estimating accurately the efficiency and the torque ripple of the IPMSM, crucial parameters for transportation applications. Moreover, two traditional pulse width modulation strategies, Sinusoidal Phase-Shifted and Switching Frequency Optimal Phase-Shifted have been considered for comparison purposes with an optimized harmonic mitigation algorithm. Thus, this work provides a deep analysis of IPMSM drive performance fed by CHBMI, paying attention to various aspects such as the IPMSM efficiency, torque ripple, current, and voltage total harmonic distortion (THD). Finally, experimental investigations have been carried out to validate the analysis conducted. INDEX TERMS Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter (CHBMI), efficiency, interior permanent magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM), selective harmonic mitigation algorithm, torque ripple.
2020 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA), 2020
The aim of this work is the characterization of a dynamic wireless charging system low power prot... more The aim of this work is the characterization of a dynamic wireless charging system low power prototype and the validation of a simplified mathematical model of the employed double D coils. The difference between a single receiver and a dual receiver system is also shown, highlighting how the last one can significantly reduce the costs of the charging infrastructure.
Solar plants suffer of partial shading and mismatch problems. Without considering the generation ... more Solar plants suffer of partial shading and mismatch problems. Without considering the generation of hot spots and the resulting security issues, a monitoring system for the health of a PV plant should be useful to drive a dynamic reconfiguration system (DRS) to solve bottlenecks due to different panels’ shading. Over the years different DRS architectures have been proposed, but no suggestions about costs and benefits have been provided. Starting from technical subjects such as differences of the topologies driving the hardware complexity and number of components, this paper identifies the cost of DRS and its lifetime, and based on these issues it provides an economic analysis for a 6 kWp PV plant in different European Union countries, in which the dissimilar incentive policies have been considered.
In this paper a Full-Bridge Converter (FBC) for bidirectional power transfer is presented. The pr... more In this paper a Full-Bridge Converter (FBC) for bidirectional power transfer is presented. The proposed FBC is an isolated DC-DC bidirectional converter, connected to a double voltage source—a voltage bus on one side and a Stack of Super-Capacitors (SOSC) on the other side. The control law aims at the regulation either of the bus current (when the load requires power) or of the SOSC current (when the stack requires a recharge). Analysis and design of the proposed FBC are discussed. A Phase Shift Modulation (PSM) scheme is proposed, along with an improved modulation variant for the efficiency optimization, through a proper reduction of the transformer power losses. The realized prototype, compliant with automotive applications, is presented and experimental results are highlighted. The target power level is 2 kW.
Battery models have gained great importance in recent years, thanks to the increasingly massive p... more Battery models have gained great importance in recent years, thanks to the increasingly massive penetration of electric vehicles in the transport market. Accurate battery models are needed to evaluate battery performances and design an efficient battery management system. Different modeling approaches are available in literature, each one with its own advantages and disadvantages. In general, more complex models give accurate results, at the cost of higher computational efforts and time-consuming and costly laboratory testing for parametrization. For these reasons, for early stage evaluation and design of battery management systems, models with simple parameter identification procedures are the most appropriate and feasible solutions. In this article, three different battery modeling approaches are considered, and their parameters’ identification are described. Two of the chosen models require no laboratory tests for parametrization, and most of the information are derived from the ...
The diffusion of electric vehicles in Italy has started but some complications weight its spread.... more The diffusion of electric vehicles in Italy has started but some complications weight its spread. At present, hybrid technology is the most followed by users, due particularly to socioeconomic factors such as cost of investment and range anxiety. After a deep discussion of the Italian scenario, the aim of the paper is to recognize whether fuel cell technology may be an enabling solution to overcome pollution problems and respect for the environment. The opportunity to use fuel cells to store electric energy is quite fascinating—the charging times will be shortened and heavy passenger transport should be effortless challenged. On the basis of the present history and by investigating the available information, this work reports the current e-mobility state in Italy and forecasts the cities in which a fuel cell charging infrastructure should be more profitable, with the intention of granting a measured outlook on the plausible development of this actual niche market.
Cable manufacturing industries are constantly trying to improve the electrical performance of pow... more Cable manufacturing industries are constantly trying to improve the electrical performance of power cables. During the years, it was found that one of the most relevant degradation factors influencing the cable lifetime is the presence of space charge in the insulation layer. To detect the accumulated charge, the pulsed electro-acoustic (PEA) method is the most used technique. Despite the wide use of the PEA cell, several issues are still present. In particular, the PEA output signal is strongly disturbed by the acoustic waves reflections within the PEA cell. This causes the distortion of the output signal and therefore the misinterpretation of the charge profiles. This, in turn, may result in an incorrect cable characterization from the space charge phenomenon point of view. In 2017, due to the proved degradation effect of the space charge accumulation phenomenon, the IEEE Std 1732 was developed. This standard describes the steps to be followed for the space charge measurement in c...
This article addresses the technical and economic challenges regarding the design of a "green" re... more This article addresses the technical and economic challenges regarding the design of a "green" recharge area for electric vehicles at the University of Palermo in order to reduce costs and pollution connected to the charging process. Based on the behaviour of the student population, the electrical load is identified and two possible solutions are evaluated to manage the peak load: an orientation of the panels increasing the power at defined time and the use of a storage system. The main strength and weakness points of two systems are investigated by taking into account the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), which reaches 75.3 €/MWh for the orientation of panel and 103 €/MWh for the storage system. Furthermore, the cost of the topologies of power plant and the cost of energy are discussed in depth.
In this paper, a novel approach to low order harmonic mitigation in fundamental switching frequen... more In this paper, a novel approach to low order harmonic mitigation in fundamental switching frequency modulation is proposed for high power photovoltaic (PV) applications, without trying to solve the cumbersome non-linear transcendental equations. The proposed method allows for mitigation of the first-five harmonics (third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh harmonics), to reduce the complexity of the required procedure and to allocate few computational resource in the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based control board. Therefore, the voltage waveform taken into account is different respect traditional voltage waveform. The same concept, known as “voltage cancelation”, used for single-phase cascaded H-bridge inverters, has been applied at a single-phase five-level cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter (CHBMI). Through a very basic methodology, the polynomial equations that drive the control angles were detected for a single-phase five-level CHBMI. The acquired polynomial equati...
In this article is presented the simulation, using FDTD technique, of the behavior of a transmiss... more In this article is presented the simulation, using FDTD technique, of the behavior of a transmission line consisting of towers connected by rope protection, in the presence of lightning current and a non-linear response of the grounding system, subject to ionization. FDTD method is used to solve both the Maxwell's equation and Telegraph equations.
2014 Ninth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 2014
In this paper a model to predict the harvest of the energy contained in rainfall by means of piez... more In this paper a model to predict the harvest of the energy contained in rainfall by means of piezoelectric transducers is presented. Different studies agree on the level of suitable generated voltage on the electrodes of a piezoelectric transducer subjected to rainfall, but a complete characterization on the supplied power is still missing. This work, in order to limit optimistic forecasts, compares the behavior of the transducers subjected to real and artificial rainfall, a condition that has shown promising behavior in laboratory.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2011
In this paper, a differential wavelet-based operator defined on an interval is presented and used... more In this paper, a differential wavelet-based operator defined on an interval is presented and used in evaluating the electromagnetic field described by Maxwell's curl equations, in time domain. The wavelet operator has been generated by using Daubechies wavelets with boundary functions. A spatial differential scheme has been performed and it has been applied in studying electromagnetic phenomena in a lossless medium. The proposed approach has been successfully tested on a bounded axial-symmetric cylindrical domain.
This paper proposes a numerical model of the soil ionization phenomena that can occur when earth ... more This paper proposes a numerical model of the soil ionization phenomena that can occur when earth electrodes are injected by high pulse transient currents, as the one associated with a direct lightning stroke. Based on finite difference time domain numerical scheme, this model ascribes the electrical breakdown in the soil to the process of discharge in the air. In fact, as soon as the local electric field overcomes the electrical strength, the air in the voids trapped among soil particles is ionized, and the current is conducted by ionized plasma paths locally grown. The dimension of these ionized air channels is strictly dependent upon the local temperature. Thus, a local heat balance is enforced in order to obtain the time variable conductivity profile of the medium. This model can be implemented both for concentrated and extended electrodes, since no hypothesis has to be enforced about the geometric shape of the ionized region. Validation of the proposed model is obtained by comparing simulation results with experimental data found in technical literature.
The popularity of electric vehicles is evidenced by the broad range of manufacturers presenting n... more The popularity of electric vehicles is evidenced by the broad range of manufacturers presenting new models of plug-in hybrid and battery vehicles. However, the success of the revolution or, rather, the rebirth of electric vehicles, is hanging by a thread, as it lacks the involvement of a large number of users, and many psychological mechanisms hinder it. What are users’ true feelings about this new world of vehicles? Are people ready for the fifth level of automation, i.e., fully automatic driving and the absence of the driving position? The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss the psychological aspects that influence the adoption of electric vehicles. Topics such as the chicken and egg paradox (electric vehicles and charging stations) and performance anxiety (regarding, e.g., range) are addressed. This review is characterized by contradictions and irony.
Papers by Fabio Viola