Ai sensi dell'art. 6, comma 2, del Tuir, i proventi conseguiti in sostituzione di redditi, anche per effetto di cessione dei relativi crediti, e le indennità conseguite, anche in forma assicurativa, a titolo di risarcimento di danni... more
Intermodal transport has been recognized as a priority by the European Union, that has defined different budget allocations of investments to improve the shifting from road to intermodal transport, which is more sustainable. In this... more
A computable general equilibrium model was used to analyze trade liberalization impacts on sustainability. On the basis of multilateral trade negotiations in Doha Round, partial trade liberalization (PTL) and deep trade liberalization... more
This paper investigates the effects, in terms of labour and macroeconomic indicators, of closing the gap between the ethnic minority employment rate and the overall population rate using a computable general equilibrium modelling... more
In this paper, I address the question on how a better information structure about climate change damage, and its distribution, affects the incentives to cooperate, both ex-ante, in terms of difficulty to agreement, and ex-post, in terms... more
The debate on the determinants of regional and local development has been stimulated recently by the European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth defined as Europe 2020. We present the objectives and structure of a new... more
Il presente lavoro si prefigge di illustrare le sorti del Fondo di Solidarietà Nazionale, quale cespite del bilancio regionale siciliano che sottende un trasferimento in conto capitale destinato alla perequazione infrastrutturale tra... more
Nel corso del XVI secolo le maggiori città siciliane fanno a gara per abbellire le loro piazze con delle fontane monumentali. ..... Un documento archivistico inedito racconta la costruzione di una fontana a Misilmeri, una cittadina a... more