Papers by Claudia Rosciglione
Dialegesthai, 2017
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The aim of this paper is to show that the assumption of a hierarchical paradigm as regards the bi... more The aim of this paper is to show that the assumption of a hierarchical paradigm as regards the biological organization allows giving a new formulation to the concept of homology, and accordingly to the unity of evolution, that can be also extended to all what is not homologous. It is argued that the concepts of homology, analogy, omoplasy, convergence and parallelism do not need to be considered in terms of the opposition homology vs. analogy, omogeny vs. omoplasy, parallelism vs. convergence. Rather, such concepts point to planes and levels that are different but intersect one another in the complex world of the evolution, since the biological world itself is hierarchical, namely it is organized in various planes and levels that coexist without cancelling one another out. The evolution depends on structural constraints as well as natural selection but also on contigent and unpredictable events that are not inscribed in the ontogenetic structures and processes or in the adaptive pathway through natural selection even though they are correlated with both. from the epistemological standpoint the hierarchical view that acknowledges many biological levels has the advantage of extending the range of the concept of homology and making it more flexible. This holds for the structural and the developmental homology but also for the behavioural perspective. As the concept of homology is applied to the various levels of the biological organisation in such a way that the recognition of the homology at one level does not imply its recognition at any other level, so the concept of homology can be applied in the same way to the behaviour and its underlying structures.

This paper addresses the following questions from the point of view of Nietzsche's philosophy: Wh... more This paper addresses the following questions from the point of view of Nietzsche's philosophy: What is the mind, and which kind of relationship does it hold to the body? Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to show that Nietzsche's philosophy suggested a view of the mind that allows to outline an alternative stance to both mentalism and physicalism, as well as to both dualism and reductionism. It is argued that Nietzsche's rehabilitation of the body as the specific seat of the mind in opposition to the Cartesian supremacy of the Ego still is of a great interest for contemporary philosophy, since it is not equivalent either to a reversed form of Cartesian dualism or to a physicalist reductionism. It is argued that Nietzsche did restrict the concept of the mind but in order not to eliminate it, rather to "de-substantialise" it. As the body is described as "Leib-Organisation", the mind becomes the course of various and manifold mental states that depend on a bodily basis.
Books by Claudia Rosciglione
Chi fotocopia un libro lo uccide lentamente. Priva l'autore e l'editore di un legittimo guadagno,... more Chi fotocopia un libro lo uccide lentamente. Priva l'autore e l'editore di un legittimo guadagno, che può essere recuperato solo aumentando il prezzo di vendita. Il libro, in quanto patrimonio di una memoria storica e di una cultura sempre viva, non può e non deve morire. È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compresa la fotocopia, anche ad uso interno o didattico. Fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun volume dietro pagamento alla SIAE del compenso previsto dall'art. 68, comma 4, della legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633.
by Andrea Le Moli, marco carapezza, Pietro Giuffrida, Jason Baxter, angelo C cicatello, Claudia Rosciglione, Michele Di Martino, Roberto Terzi, Michele Tutone, Marco Rincione, Giorgio Armato, and Andreas Urs Sommer
Papers by Claudia Rosciglione
Books by Claudia Rosciglione