Papers by Fernando Gascon
X Congreso Nacional de Acede. Oviedo, Jan 1, 2000
… europea de dirección y economía de la …, Jan 1, 1994
Información del artículo Dynamic asset and liability managment in banking: a simple model.
Available at SSRN 113528, Jan 1, 1998
We build a model with a wide variety of players (liquidity traders, market makers, financial inte... more We build a model with a wide variety of players (liquidity traders, market makers, financial intermediaries, borrowers and lenders). The paper derives the individual and aggregate behavior of participants who are involved in financial interchanges taking into consideration the capacity of some participants to choose the role they want to play and the capacity to allocate funds between financial intermediaries and markets. It is showed that the values of the parameters are crucial in determining which players will and will not exist.
Available at SSRN 299521, Jan 1, 2002
arXiv preprint arXiv: …, Jan 1, 2012
Revista Cuadernos Económicos, Jan 1, 2004
International Conference on …, Jan 1, 2004

Artificial Intelligence in …, Jan 1, 2007
The aim of this paper is to develop a methodology that is useful for analyzing, from a macroecono... more The aim of this paper is to develop a methodology that is useful for analyzing, from a macroeconomic perspective, the aggregate demand and the aggregate supply features of the market of pharmaceutical generics. In order to determine the potential consumption and the potential production of pharmaceutical generics in different countries, two fuzzy decision support systems are proposed. Two fuzzy decision support systems, both based on the Mamdani model, were applied in this paper. These systems, generated by Matlab Toolbox 'Fuzzy' (v. 2.0), are able to determine the potential of a country for the manufacturing or the consumption of pharmaceutical generics. The systems make use of three macroeconomic input variables. In an empirical application of our proposed methodology, the potential towards consumption and manufacturing in Holland, Sweden, Italy and Spain has been estimated from national indicators. Cross-country comparisons are made and graphical surfaces are analyzed in order to interpret the results. The main contribution of this work is the development of a methodology that is useful for analyzing aggregate demand and aggregate supply characteristics of pharmaceutical generics. The methodology is valid for carrying out a systematic analysis of the potential generics have at a macrolevel in different countries. The main advantages of the use of fuzzy decision support systems in the context of pharmaceutical generics are the flexibility in the construction of the system, the speed in interpreting the results offered by the inference and surface maps and the ease with which a sensitivity analysis of the potential behavior of a given country may be performed.
WP EFMA Athens, Jan 1, 2000
Page 1. Diversification, Size and Risk at Spanish Banks Fernando Gascón and Víctor González (*) U... more Page 1. Diversification, Size and Risk at Spanish Banks Fernando Gascón and Víctor González (*) Universidad de Oviedo (*) Corresponding Author: Fernando Gascón Área de Economía Financiera Facultad de Económicas Universidad de Oviedo Avda. ...
International Journal of Physical …, Jan 1, 1999
In spite of the wide experience already developed in the field of internal logistics using radio ... more In spite of the wide experience already developed in the field of internal logistics using radio frequency, many companies are wary of its implantation due to the fact that the benefits of this technology are not easily quantifiable in most cases. Develops a detailed discounted payback analysis of the cash flows associated with the implementation of radio frequency, presenting a table with the needed payback periods depending on the size of the warehouse.
European Financial …, Jan 1, 2002
We study economic efficiency in 142 financial intermediaries from eighteen countries over the per... more We study economic efficiency in 142 financial intermediaries from eighteen countries over the period 1989-1998 and the relationship between efficiency, productivity change and shareholders' wealth maximization. A non-parametric frontier analysis (DEA) is applied to estimate the relative efficiency of commercial banks of different geographical areas. A Malmquist decomposition is then carried out in order to separate efficiency change from technical change. We evaluate the relationship between economic efficiency and wealth maximization. Results show different productivity patterns among three geographical areas (North America, Japan and Europe) over the sample period. The estimates of economic efficiency and productivity changes are consistent with the wealth maximization criterion.
The Wharton …, Jan 1, 1997
Research Policy, Jan 1, 2004
The Spanish pharmaceutical industry underwent an important transformation during the 1990s. To su... more The Spanish pharmaceutical industry underwent an important transformation during the 1990s. To survive under the new market conditions, labs had to refocus their competitive strategies towards increasing productive efficiency or reinforcing R&D activities. This paper analyzes the evolution of the productive patterns in a sample of 80 pharmaceutical laboratories that operated in Spain from 1994 to 2000. We estimate Malmquist productivity indexes and decompose them into four sources of productivity change. The results suggest that pure technical efficiency change and the scale change of the technology explain most of the productivity growth observed during the period. The contribution of technical change to productivity growth is negligible, indicating a poor result from R&D activities at least in the group of small and medium sized labs.

… en entornos inciertos= …, Jan 1, 2009
Fernando Gascón García-Ochoa, [email protected] Universidad de Oviedo RESUMEN Las sociedades de g... more Fernando Gascón García-Ochoa, [email protected] Universidad de Oviedo RESUMEN Las sociedades de garantía recíprocas (SGR) son un instrumento para facilitar el acceso a la financiación a las pymes mediante la concesión de avales. Se trata de sociedades donde cohabitan dos tipos diferentes de propietarios: los socios partícipes, que son las pymes avaladas, y los socios protectores que participan para apoyar el funcionamiento del sistema. En este último grupo tiene un papel primordial las administraciones públicas. Toda sociedad tiene por objetivo satisfacer los intereses de sus propietarios, por lo que estimamos la productividad en la consecución de los intereses de cada uno de los grupos. Asimismo también estimamos la productividad en la consecución de los intereses de los gestores y de la eficiencia técnica para comprobar su compatibilidad con los intereses de los propietarios. Todos los datos nos aportarán el grado de complementariedad que logra cada sociedad en la consecución de los diferentes intereses.
RAE: Revista Asturiana …, Jan 1, 2004
Papers by Fernando Gascon