Conference Presentations by Lukman Salami

This study reviews recent literature on the engineering properties of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) cont... more This study reviews recent literature on the engineering properties of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) containing Waste Plastic Bottle (WPB) and Waste Sachet Water (WSW) as a modifier and as a partial replacement for conventional bitumen. The study summarizes various contributions elucidating the various WPB and WSW utilized, their growing production and usage, WPB and WSW material preparation and treatment, physical composition and different engineering test methods adopted by previous studies such as Penetration, Softening point, Ductility, Viscosity, Flash and fire point, Loss on heating, Specific gravity, Stability and Flow. This study showed a significant improvement in the engineering properties of WPB modified WMA compared to the unmodified sample. The review also showed that WPB and WSW improve the engineering properties of warm mix asphalt when they were used separately. Furthermore, the sasobit manufacturer recommended a 3% addition of sasobit to bitumen when aiming at maximum temperature reduction and to achieve optimum performance. Previous researchers adopted the sasobit manufactures recommendation which reduces the production temperature of asphalt concrete by 30 oC. Therefore, it is recommended that further studies should use WSW and WPB in a combined form for use as a modifier in improving WMA. Also, further study should vary the percentage of sasobit to be blended with bitumen in other ascertain the modification that is most suitable for Nigeria’s condition using the locally available materials in asphalt production.

17th Nigeria Institution of Environmental Engineers National Conference Proceedings, 2018
The need for engineering consideration of the use of cheaper and locally available materials to r... more The need for engineering consideration of the use of cheaper and locally available materials to reduce the construction cost for sustainable development cannot be overemphasized. Therefore, this study evaluated the engineering properties of Waste Plastic Bottles (WPB) modified bitumen with Milled Corn Cob (MCC) as a partial replacement for filler. WPB was obtained from different waste generation points. A portable gas cooker was used to melt the WPB. Corn cob was sun-dried, and milled by an abrasion machine. 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen was used. The bitumen was replaced by WPB of 5%, 10%, and 15%. Bitumen modified samples were further prepared by mixing it with MCC of 10%, 30%, and 50%. Penetration, softening point, ductility, viscosity, flash point, fire point, loss on heating, specific gravity, stability, and flow were carried out on unmodified, modified bitumen and asphalt samples. All tests were conducted in accordance with the method of testing established by Indian Standard (IS) specification. Penetration, ductility, viscosity, flash point, fire point values decreases with increase in WPB content while softening point and loss on heating increases with increase in WPB content. Stability and flow value decreases with an increase in WPB and MCC content. The Optimum bitumen content, stability, and flow values for all the samples conform to the acceptable limits specified by Federal Ministry of Works (FMW) (1997) and IS specification. The results indicated an improvement in shear resistance, increment in resistance to deformation and optimum modifier content was found to be 10% for WPB and MCC. Keywords: WPB, MCC, Bitumen, Plastic Content, Modified, Unmodified.
Papers by Lukman Salami

Flexible pavements, particularly in urban areas, deteriorate rapidly after construction due to po... more Flexible pavements, particularly in urban areas, deteriorate rapidly after construction due to poor workmanship and inadequate drainage facilities. The demand for roads continues to increase. Engineers of the highway system are concentrating on alternative solutions to meet this expanding challenge. Highway system engineers are currently focused on developing alternative solutions in order to address this growing challenge. To prevent the premature deterioration of the road system, the performance of flexible pavements must be enhanced. The addition of waste polymers to asphalt mixtures is one method that can significantly enhance the quality of the pavements. This study examined the mechanical properties of asphalt produced from waste plastic polymer-modified bitumen. The addition of thermoplastic polymer (0 to 12%) increased the softening point, viscosity, flash and fire points of bitumen, but decreased its penetration and ductility for the production of hot mix asphalt. The Marshall stability and flow of all asphalt concrete formulations were greater than 9 kN and within 2-6 mm of the General Specifications of Nigerian for Road and Bridges, Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, 2016 and the Asphalt Institute, 1991. Modification of asphalt with thermoplastic polymer is suitable for enhancing the performance properties of the asphalt. Additional research is required for the development of recyclable additives that do not significantly increase the final cost of bitumen

Adeleke University Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2023
Inadequate performance of hot bitumen mix necessitates the adoption of waste polymer for bitumen ... more Inadequate performance of hot bitumen mix necessitates the adoption of waste polymer for bitumen modification. Increment in waste polymer generation can be attributed to an increment in global urbanization and industrialization. This study investigated the performance of hot bitumen mix modified with Combined Waste Polymer (CWP) of melted WPB and WWS. A 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen was weighed into ten separate containers prior to heating to produce Hot Bitumen Mix (HBM) which were unmodified samples. The HBM samples were modified with CWP at a proportion of 0-18% @ 2% intervals. Penetration (P), Softening Point (SP), Ductility (D), Specific Gravity (SG), Loss on Heating (LOH), Flash and Fire Point (FFP) were evaluated on the unmodified and modified HBM samples. The obtained values of P, SP, D, SG, LOH and FFP were 33-70 mm, 55-78°C, 101-112 cm, 1.01-1.11, 0.14-0.23% and 263-353°C for HBM samples. Modification of hot bitumen mix with the combination of waste plastic bottle and waste water sachet are suitable for enhancement of hot bitumen mix performances. Efforts should be integrated by Government toward preparing and implementing a sustainable solid waste management plan.
2023 International Conference on Science, Engineering and Business for Sustainable Development Goals (SEB-SDG)

The suitability of soil for engineering purpose depends largely on their ability to remain in pla... more The suitability of soil for engineering purpose depends largely on their ability to remain in place and support whatever load that is placed upon it. Clays are detrimental to stability. Therefore, this study evaluated the influence of gravel on the geotechnical properties of clayey soil. The clayey soil samples were obtained from a dug pit from two different locations in Osogbo, Osun State and the gravels were collected locally. Three different gradations of gravel (2mm-6mm, 6mm-12mm, and 12mm-20mm) were mixed in a dry state in percentages of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% with the two clayey soils collected respectively. Geotechnical properties including Index property test and Compaction were determined in accordance with BS 1377 and analyzed. The addition of gravel to the clayey soil led to an increase in Maximum Dry Density (MDD) and reduction in Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) as the concentration of gravel increases with size in the clay-gravel mixtures.

Rutting, which is permanent deformation or consolidation of asphalt pavement, is one of the flexi... more Rutting, which is permanent deformation or consolidation of asphalt pavement, is one of the flexible pavement failures. Research has shown that one of the ways of resisting this failure is by modifying the rheological properties of bitumen. This modification can be achieved by the addition of dissolved plastic water sachet (DPWS), a well-known waste in Nigeria, to bitumen. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of DPWS on the rheological properties of bitumen and at the same time reduce the environmental hazard associated with PWS disposal with consequential pavement material improvement. Bituminous blends containing DPWS at various percentages 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 17% by weight of conventional bitumen were used for the study. Tests on rheological properties such as dynamic viscosity, phase angle, peak shear stress and peak shear strain were carried out on unmodified and DPWS modified hot and warm bitumen blends to determine the corresponding complex shear mo...

Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment, 2020
Shear strength is one of the most important soil properties in almost all geotechnical engineerin... more Shear strength is one of the most important soil properties in almost all geotechnical engineering problems. Therefore, this study was aimed at investigating the effect of gravel on the shear strength of clayey soil. Two clayey soil samples were obtained from a dug pit from different locations in Osogbo, Osun State and the gravels were collected locally. Three different gradations of gravel (2-6mm, 6-12mm, and 12-20 mm) were mixed in a dry state in percentages of 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50% with the collected clay soil respectively. Initially, some physical properties of clayey soil and the gravel, which include specific gravity, particle size analysis, liquid limit and plastic limit, were determined in accordance with BS 1377-3:2018. Consequently, the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and Consolidated - Undrained (CU) triaxial compression tests at three different confining pressures of 50, 100 and 150 kN/m2, with a loading rate of 0.5 mm/min were carried out on the clay-gravel mixtu...

This study was carried out to investigate the performance of Hot and Warm mix asphalt (HMA and WM... more This study was carried out to investigate the performance of Hot and Warm mix asphalt (HMA and WMA) with dissolved plastic bottle (DPB) modified bitumen. In this study, 1 17% @ 2% DPB by weight of bitumen was blended with 60/70 straight-run bitumen to produce hot and warm (+3% Sasobit) DPB modified bitumen blends. The produced binders were subjected to ductility, penetration, softening point, viscosity, flash and fire point and specific gravity tests to understand the effect of this modification. Also, the binders were used in preparing HMA and WMA concrete respectively. Marshall Properties (stability, flow, stiffness, volume of void, void filled with bitumen and bulk specific gravity) were evaluated on HMA and WMA concrete produced. Results revealed that addition of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), in dissolved form (0 – 17%), increased the softening, viscosity, specific gravity, flash and fire points of both hot and warm modified bitumen blends but decreased their penetration and...

USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering,, 2020
Abstract : There is need to consider the use of cheaper and locally available materials so as to ... more Abstract : There is need to consider the use of cheaper and locally available materials so as to minimize the construction cost for sustainable development. Therefore, this research evaluated the physical and mechanical properties of waste plastic bottles modified bitumen with Milled Corn Cob (MCC) as a partial replacement for filler. Waste polymer was obtained from different waste generation points. A portable gas cooker was used to melt the waste polymer. Corn cob was sun-dried, and milled by an abrasion machine. Also, 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen was used for the study. The bitumen was replaced by waste polymer of 5%, 10%, and 15%. Bitumen modified samples were further prepared by mixing it with MCC of 10%, 30%, and 50%. Penetration, softening point, ductility, viscosity, flash point, fire point, loss on heating, specific gravity, stability, and flow were carried out on unmodified, modified bitumen and asphalt samples. All tests were conducted in accordance with the method of testing established by Indian Standard (IS) specification. Penetration, ductility, viscosity, flash point, fire point values decreases with increase in waste polymer content while softening point and loss on heating increases with increase in waste polymer content. Stability and flow value decreases with an increase in waste polymer and MCC content. The Optimum bitumen content, stability, and flow values for all the samples conform to the acceptable limits specified by Federal Ministry of Works (FMW) (1997) and IS specification. The results indicated an improvement in shear resistance, increment in resistance to deformation and optimum modifier content was found to be 10% for waste polymer and MCC.

USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, 2021
Waste Plastic Bottle (WPB) and Waste Sachet Water (WSW) constitute a significant portion of munic... more Waste Plastic Bottle (WPB) and Waste Sachet Water (WSW) constitute a significant portion of municipal waste. From the review of literature, it was discovered that WPB and WSW is a non-biodegradable material that can remain on earth for years without degradation. Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) production temperature, causes environmental discomfort due to the release of harmful gaseous emissions. Thus, this necessitated the production of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) which has a lower production temperature. This report presents a review of the use of WPB in modifying WMA for environmental friendliness in pavement works. Modified and unmodified WMA samples were subjected to various laboratory tests by researchers in other to assess the effectiveness of WPB in WMA. The tests are Penetration, softening point, ductility, viscosity, flash point, fire point, loss on heating, specific gravity, stability, and flow. From the review, there was a significant improvement in the engineering properties of WPB modified WMA compared to the unmodified sample. Moreover, WSW improves the engineering properties of bitumen. Hence, further studies should make use of WSW and WPB in a combined form for use as a modifier in improving the engineering properties of WMA.

LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2020
Rutting, which is permanent deformation or consolidation of asphalt pavement, is one of the flexi... more Rutting, which is permanent deformation or consolidation of asphalt pavement, is one of the flexible pavement failures. Research has shown that one of the ways of resisting this failure is by modifying the rheological properties of bitumen. This modification can be achieved by the addition of dissolved plastic water sachet (DPWS), a well-known waste in Nigeria, to bitumen. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of DPWS on the rheological properties of bitumen and at the same time reduce the environmental hazard associated with PWS disposal with consequential pavement material improvement. Bituminous blends containing DPWS at various percentages 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 17% by weight of conventional bitumen were used for the study. Tests on rheological properties such as dynamic viscosity, phase angle, peak shear stress and peak shear strain were carried out on unmodified and DPWS modified hot and warm bitumen blends to determine the corresponding complex shear modulus and complex shear modulus elastic portion. Results obtained from the tests were compared between control sample (0% DPWS) and DPWS modified bitumen samples. The test results showed that the dynamic viscosity increased upon addition of the DPWS at 135°C and at 165°C, it initially increased upon addition of DPWS up to 7% before it became constant till 17% DPWS addition; and the phase angle decreased upon addition of DPWS at both 135°C and 165°C for hot mix bituminous samples. Likewise, for the warm bituminous samples, the absolute viscosity increased and phase angle decreased upon addition of DPWS at both 135°C and 165°C. The best complex shear modulus elastic portion results occurred upon 9% and 17% DPWS addition for hot mix bituminous samples and upon 5% and 17% DPWS addition for warm mix bituminous samples when subjected to temperatures of 135°C and 165°C respectively. These percentages are the best to resist rutting on our traffic roads from this study.

International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2018
The suitability of soil for engineering purpose depends largely on their ability to remain in pla... more The suitability of soil for engineering purpose depends largely on their ability to remain in place and support whatever load that is placed upon it. Clays are detrimental to stability. Therefore, this study evaluated the influence of gravel on the geotechnical properties of clayey soil. The clayey soil samples were obtained from a dug pit from two different locations in Osogbo, Osun State and the gravels were collected locally. Three different gradations of gravel (2mm-6mm, 6mm-12mm, and 12mm-20mm) were mixed in a dry state in percentages of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% with the two clayey soils collected respectively. Geotechnical properties including Index property test and Compaction were determined in accordance with BS 1377 and analyzed. The addition of gravel to the clayey soil led to an increase in Maximum Dry Density (MDD) and reduction in Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) as the concentration of gravel increases with size in the clay-gravel mixtures.

Journal of New Trends in Civil Engineering, 2019
The possibility of complete depletion of aggregates resources in the near future cannot be overem... more The possibility of complete depletion of aggregates resources in the near future cannot be overemphasized. Rising construction costs and the need to reduce environmental stresses to make construction sustainable has necessitated research into the use of alternative materials, especially locally available ones which can replace conventional ones used in concrete production. Therefore, this study evaluated the strength of concrete produced using Palm Kernel Shell (PKS) as a partial replacement for coarse aggregate. Cement, sand, coarse aggregate, and palm kernel shell were used for the production of concrete. The ratio of these materials is 1:2:4 by volume batch and a total of 60 cubes were cast for compressive strength test with dimensions of 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm. The size of coarse aggregate which was used for the study passed through 16 mm sieve and retained on 12.5 mm sieve. The coarse aggregate was replaced by PKS of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. All the samples were cured for 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, and 28 days before the compressive strength was determined. After these tests were carried out, the results were used to compare with the control sample. The results indicated that 5% partial replacement of coarse aggregate with palm kernel shell in concrete is good without heavily affecting the strength of concrete. Therefore, palm kernel shell is not a good substitute for crushed stone aggregates in concrete.

Adeleke University Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2021
The rate of pavement deterioration in Nigeria needs urgent attention of those in the built indust... more The rate of pavement deterioration in Nigeria needs urgent attention of those in the built industry. The pavement failure may be attributed to a lack of proper investigation of the geotechnical properties of the pavement supporting soil. Therefore, this research investigated the geotechnical properties of soil along the study area as a database for the design and construction of the pavement. Sixteen samples of subgrade materials were collected at 500 m regular intervals between chainage 0+000 km to chainage 3+500 km (Adeleke University campus main gate to Ogberin Junction). The samples were collected at both sides of the road subjected to the following laboratory tests; grain size analysis, Atterberg limit (liquid limit and plastic limit), compaction, specific gravity and California Bearing Ratio (CBR). Findings from the study revealed that the percentage of soil sample passing sieve No. 200 ranges between 1.6 - 28.4%. The liquid limit and plastic index values range between 7.15 – 32.46 % and 4.82 – 30.24 %. The values of Maximum Dry Density (MDD) and Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) range between 19.50 – 23.80 g/m3 and 6.0 – 21.50 %, respectively. The CBR values for the unsoaked samples of the subgrade soil ranges between 19 – 87 %. Therefore, the results indicated that all the samples of the subgrade materials conform to the Federal Ministry of Works General Specifications for Road and Bridges except for materials at chainage 0+500 and 2+000 that do not conform to the standard. However, subgrade materials present at chainage 0+500 and 2+000 can be stabilized to meet the standard requirement before being used. Hence, these data obtained from the geotechnical analysis can be useful for civil engineers in the design and construction of the study area for maximum durability. A confirmatory engineering test is recommended to be carried out before embarking on any road construction.

Adeleke University Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2021
The evaluation of water quality presents beneficial information required in water resources manag... more The evaluation of water quality presents beneficial information required in water resources management. This study aimed at determining the suitability of Opa Dam water in Ile-Ife Nigeria for drinking, irrigation and other household usages. The method of sample collection and analysis was based on the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended procedures for testing water quality. Two (2) water samples were taken from five (5) points inside the Dam and were examined for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Na + , K + , Ca ++ , Mg ++ and NO3ion concentrations, Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) and microbial content. The qualitative analysis of all the water samples shows that pH values varied from 6.40-7.46 which satisfies both standard for irrigation and drinking. Also, the results showed that all the water samples are within a low EC range of 235-274 µS/cm and SAR ranged from 3.34-3.87. The microbiological parameters analysis showed that none of the water samples fulfil the WHO guiding principle of no coliform bacteria for drinking water hence, not recommended for drinking. However, water from Opa Dam may be recommended for irrigation and other domestic purposes.

Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures, 2020
This study was carried out to investigate the performance of Hot and Warm mix asphalt (HMA and WM... more This study was carried out to investigate the performance of Hot and Warm mix asphalt (HMA and WMA) with dissolved plastic bottle (DPB) modified bitumen. In this study, 1-17% @ 2% DPB by weight of bitumen was blended with 60/70 straight-run bitumen to produce hot and warm (+3% Sasobit) DPB modified bitumen blends. The produced binders were subjected to ductility, penetration, softening point, viscosity, flash and fire point and specific gravity tests to understand the effect of this modification. Also, the binders were used in preparing HMA and WMA concrete respectively. Marshall Properties (stability, flow, stiffness, volume of void, void filled with bitumen and bulk specific gravity) were evaluated on HMA and WMA concrete produced. Results revealed that addition of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), in dissolved form (0-17%), increased the softening, viscosity, specific gravity, flash and fire points of both hot and warm modified bitumen blends but decreased their penetration and ductility. Addition of DPB improve the stability, flow and stiffness up to 13% for both HMA and WMA concrete. However, the Marshall Stability and flow of all asphalt concrete mixtures satisfied the requirements of both Federal Ministry and Asphalt Institute. Meanwhile, DPB modifier performed better in WMA than HMA concrete.
LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology , 2021
Recently, large amounts of waste polymers are being generated in Nigeria. One of the waste polyme... more Recently, large amounts of waste polymers are being generated in Nigeria. One of the waste polymers is plastic bottles. Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) are produced at high temperatures with high energy consumption and environmental hazard. The purpose of using Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) is to reduce the production and laying temperature and emission of greenhouse gases. Therefore, this research investigated the effect of Dissolved Plastic Bottle (DPB) on the rheological, rutting and fatigue resistance properties of warm bitumen blend thereby reducing the environmental hazard associated with the Waste Plastic Bottles (WPB) disposal and consequently improving pavement service life. WPB was obtained from different waste generation points in

Introduction According to Njoka et al. (2015) clay is a naturally occurring material that compose... more Introduction According to Njoka et al. (2015) clay is a naturally occurring material that composed of layered structures of fine-grained materials which exhibit the property of plasticity at appropriate moisture content. It is chemically and structurally analogous to other phyllosilicates but contain varying amounts of water and allow more substitution of their cations. The clay material is formed from chemical weathering processes on the earth's surface, and it contributes about 40% of the fine grained sedimentary rocks (Ombaka, 2016). Clayey soils have lower strength, lower permeability, higher compressibility, higher cracking potential and are apparently less susceptible to liquefaction. Tijani et al. (2017) stated that it is necessary to obtain information on the properties of soils for engineering construction purposes so as to make improvement if it does not substantiate with internationally established standards.
Conference Presentations by Lukman Salami
Papers by Lukman Salami