Emanuele Greco
Former Director of Italian School of Archaeology at Athens
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Books by Emanuele Greco
je crois utile d’ajouter quelques mots pour éclairer ce qui lie entre eux tous
ces arguments, et qui constituent le fil conducteur de ces quatre conférences.
This study has the ambition of representing the topographical history of Athens without neglecting the contribution of a whole range of disciplines and viewpoints, and without forgetting to take account of written sources, not only per se, but in the light of the variety of interpretations resulting from different approaches - anthropological, political-historical, economic and religious. It is hence not a mere update, but a work that intends to rethink the history of the Athenian urban space employing new approaches and critically verifying all the opinions put forward in earlier studies.
The book includes many photographs and images - almost all reworked -, which make it easier to follow the text. In addition to these, in the outer pockets of each volume are detailed area plans and, in the fourth volume, a general archaeological map of the Asty."
This study has the ambition of representing the topographical history of Athens without neglecting the contribution of a whole range of disciplines and viewpoints, and without forgetting to take account of written sources, not only per se, but in the light of the variety of interpretations resulting from different approaches - anthropological, political-historical, economic and religious. It is hence not a mere update, but a work that intends to rethink the history of the Athenian urban space employing new approaches and critically verifying all the opinions put forward in earlier studies.
The book includes many photographs and images - almost all reworked -, which make it easier to follow the text. In addition to these, in the outer pockets of each volume are detailed area plans and, in the fourth volume, a general archaeological map of the Asty."
This study has the ambition of representing the topographical history of Athens without neglecting the contribution of a whole range of disciplines and viewpoints, and without forgetting to take account of written sources, not only per se, but in the light of the variety of interpretations resulting from different approaches - anthropological, political-historical, economic and religious. It is hence not a mere update, but a work that intends to rethink the history of the Athenian urban space employing new approaches and critically verifying all the opinions put forward in earlier studies.
The book includes many photographs and images - almost all reworked -, which make it easier to follow the text. In addition to these, in the outer pockets of each volume are detailed area plans and, in the fourth volume, a general archaeological map of the Asty."
Papers by Emanuele Greco
Archaic Athens, Oxford-New York, Oxford University
Press, 2020, 347 pp., ISBN 978-01-900-8357-1
je crois utile d’ajouter quelques mots pour éclairer ce qui lie entre eux tous
ces arguments, et qui constituent le fil conducteur de ces quatre conférences.
This study has the ambition of representing the topographical history of Athens without neglecting the contribution of a whole range of disciplines and viewpoints, and without forgetting to take account of written sources, not only per se, but in the light of the variety of interpretations resulting from different approaches - anthropological, political-historical, economic and religious. It is hence not a mere update, but a work that intends to rethink the history of the Athenian urban space employing new approaches and critically verifying all the opinions put forward in earlier studies.
The book includes many photographs and images - almost all reworked -, which make it easier to follow the text. In addition to these, in the outer pockets of each volume are detailed area plans and, in the fourth volume, a general archaeological map of the Asty."
This study has the ambition of representing the topographical history of Athens without neglecting the contribution of a whole range of disciplines and viewpoints, and without forgetting to take account of written sources, not only per se, but in the light of the variety of interpretations resulting from different approaches - anthropological, political-historical, economic and religious. It is hence not a mere update, but a work that intends to rethink the history of the Athenian urban space employing new approaches and critically verifying all the opinions put forward in earlier studies.
The book includes many photographs and images - almost all reworked -, which make it easier to follow the text. In addition to these, in the outer pockets of each volume are detailed area plans and, in the fourth volume, a general archaeological map of the Asty."
This study has the ambition of representing the topographical history of Athens without neglecting the contribution of a whole range of disciplines and viewpoints, and without forgetting to take account of written sources, not only per se, but in the light of the variety of interpretations resulting from different approaches - anthropological, political-historical, economic and religious. It is hence not a mere update, but a work that intends to rethink the history of the Athenian urban space employing new approaches and critically verifying all the opinions put forward in earlier studies.
The book includes many photographs and images - almost all reworked -, which make it easier to follow the text. In addition to these, in the outer pockets of each volume are detailed area plans and, in the fourth volume, a general archaeological map of the Asty."
Archaic Athens, Oxford-New York, Oxford University
Press, 2020, 347 pp., ISBN 978-01-900-8357-1
Testi: Marcella Barra Bagnasco, Ida Baldassarre, Irene Bragantini, Elena Carando, Luca Cerchiai, Marina Cipriani, Bruno d’Agostino, Ilaria D’Ambrosio, Rosa De Bonis, Roberto De Gennaro, Ettore Maria De Juliis, Laura Ficuciello, Domenico Gasparri, Emanuele Greco, Lorena Jannelli, Anca Lemaire, Fausto Longo, Gianfranco Maddoli, Marialuisa Maiello, Marina Mazzei, Dieter Mertens, John Griffiths Pedley, Angela Pontrandolfo, Carlo Rescigno, Renaud Robert, Tiziana Rocco, Agnès Rouveret, Marina Silvestrini, Alexandre Simeon Stefan, Dinu Theodorescu, Giuliana Tocco."
The discussion in progress in the last fifteen years around Greek movements, traditionally defined as colonial,
opened a new season of debates of great usefulness for the definition of a number of concepts, in which
archaeological data should be framed. In this paper, we discuss about centers, and about peripheral
settlements as well, with commercial features, and about of stable foundations that we will avoid calling
“colonies”, as this is an anachronistic term: we will instead use the Greek word of apoikia.
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Βασίλης Αργυρόπουλος, Ευρήματα των Μυκηναϊκών και των Μέσων Γεωμετρικών χρόνων σε Μεσοελλαδικό κτιστό θαλαμοειδή τάφο στην περιοχή των Φαρών. Η ερμηνεία των στοιχείων
Walter Gauss, Mycenaean Aigeira. A summary of excavations and research from 2011 to 2016
Konstantina Aktypi – Michalis Gazis, Indications of post-Mycenaean use of the cemetery at Voudeni, Achaea
Francesco Quondam, Early Iron Age Southern Italian Societies and colonial inte- raction: case studies from Sybaris to Locri
Demetrius U. Schilardi, Aspects of continuity in the cult of Poseidon at Helike
Anastasia Gadolou, Votives and symbolisms on the sea route from the Northern Peloponnese to Magna Grecia during the 8th century BC
Andreas G. Vordos, Monuments and cult at the sanctuary of Trapeza at Aigion from the 8th century BC
Nils Hellner, The temple site on the Trapezá Aigiou
Andrea G. Vordos, The pediments of the temple at Trapeza. Their religious and political importance
Gregorio Aversa, Nuove considerazioni per una definizione dell’architettura arcai- ca degli Achei d’Occidente
Χριστίνα Κατσαρού, Η ανασκαφή μιάς αχαϊκής κώμης: η περίπτωση της Φελλόης
Artemis Maniaki, New Research in the cemetery of Drepanon in Achaea: preliminary results
Erophili-Iris Kolia, Recent investigations in sanctuaries of Aigialeia
Emanuele Greco, Sybaris: the urban space of a great Achaean city in the West
Greta Balzanelli – Maria Rosaria Luberto, Kroton in the Archaic period
Μιχάλης Πετρόπουλος, Χάλκινα γεωμετρικά ευρήματα από το Ιερό της Αρτέμιδος Αοντίας στο Άνω Μαζαράκι (Ρακίτα) της Αχαΐας,
Teresa E. Cinquantaquattro – Andrea D’Andrea – Carlo Rescigno, Tra Acaia e Occidente. Le forme e lo spazio del sacro nel santuario di S. Biagio alla Venella (Metaponto)
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Maria Cecilia Parra, Il santuario di Punta Stilo a Kaulonia (Monasterace M.na, RC): monumenti e contesti votivi, tra VIII e III sec. a.C.
Maria Rosaria Luberto, Archaic pottery from Sybaris, Kroton and Kaulonia
Βασιλική Τσακνάκη, Αρχαϊκό οικοδόμημα στην περιοχή της Ωλένου
Fausto Longo, From Sybaritic Teichos to Poseidonia. Reflections on the origins and early decades in the Life of an Achaean apoikia
Marina Cipriani, Dinamiche di sviluppo e processi di trasformazione a Poseidonia dal tardo arcaismo alla fine del V sec. a.C.
Κώστας Φίλης, Τράπεζα Διακοπτού Αιγιαλείας: εμπορικές επαφές και δύκτυα επικοινωνίας
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