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Testi": la sezione ospita prime traduzioni italiane di estratti da opere scientifiche significative e di recente pubblicazione o articoli rilevanti per la comunità scientifica e/o di difficile reperibilità.
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      PhilosophyAnimal StudiesHistory and Philosophy of BiologyHistory of Philosophy
in Rivista Lo Sguardo n° 18 "I Confini animali dell'anima umana"
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      Human-Animal RelationsAnimal StudiesHistory of PhilosophyPhilosophy and Sociology of Human/animal Relations
The scottish poet and novelist John Burnside, winner of the T.S. Eliot Prize (2011) and the Forward Poetry Prize (2011), author of 14 books of poetry and 12 novels, has explored in his first novel The Dumb House the origin of language... more
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      PhilosophyAnimal StudiesPoetryContemporary Poetry
Sito web: Contatti: [email protected] "Lo Sguardo" è una rivista elettronica di filosofia Open access pubblicata da Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura. A partire dal 2010 la rivista pubblica con cadenza... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of Mind17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
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      Medieval PhilosophyPoetryDante AlighieriAlbertus Magnus
This study of the first handwritten and literary reception records of the Vita Nuova provides an innovative addition to our understanding of Italian poetry of the Trecento. Studying the reception of the Vita Nova through its textual... more
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesMedieval StudiesPoetics
This study of the first handwritten and literary reception records of the Vita Nuova provides an innovative addition to our understanding of Italian poetry of the Trecento. Studying the reception of the Vita Nova through its textual... more
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesItalian StudiesManuscript Studies
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      Dante StudiesManuscript StudiesItalian Literature
Der Handschriftenkatalog wurde als Online-Zusatzmaterial zur Monographie "Leggere la Vita Nuova. Zur handschriftlichen Überlieferung und literarischen Rezeption der Vita Nuova von Dante Alighieri im Trecento" (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für... more
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      Dante StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesDante and the ancient commentaries tradition
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Adverse health effect Alteration in the health status of individuals or populations. Aerodynamic diameter The diameter of a spherical particle of unity density with a terminal velocity equal to the particle being sampled. Aerosol... more
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    • De Gruyter
Il convegno focalizza l’attenzione su alcuni aspetti di particolare rilievo nella produzione di Hans Magnus Enzensberger (1929- 2022), poeta, scrittore, traduttore ed editore, uno dei più noti e influenti intellettuali tedeschi: il suo... more
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      German RomanticismHans Magnus Enzensberger