Books by Bianca Del Villano
Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag, 2007
Edited Volumes by Bianca Del Villano, 2017
The aim of this volume is to investigate how the aesthetics of the medium understood as the speci... more The aim of this volume is to investigate how the aesthetics of the medium understood as the specific features of various types of texts (literary/cultural/scientific texts, TV series, political speeches) influence the pragmatic analysis of meaning in context. Context has been so far analysed basically according to two perspectives: a) as given and presumptive, prior to pragmatic actions, in line with the Anglo-American approach inspired by Austin and Grice; and b) as constructed through pragmatic actions, according to what may be defined as the sociological turn, more frequently characterizing European 'continental' studies. In this forthcoming issue of Anglistica AION, we wish to gather new and different insights to context, starting from considering the increasing importance of pragmatic theories, stylistics and statistical studies in the analysis of literary texts, and the questions they pose: Can all texts be analysed pragmatically? Does the genre of a given text with its constraints and/or possibilities force the use of a specific pragmatic theory for its (contextual) analysis? How does the text's aesthetics influence the pragmatic analysis and the results the analyst is left with? Should the temporal-historical aspect be taken into account when choosing a pragmatic theory in
Papers by Bianca Del Villano
InVerbis, 2020
The aim of this article is to investigate the construction of the text world created in Christabe... more The aim of this article is to investigate the construction of the text world created in Christabel by T. S. Coleridge through the particular style used by the narrator to tell about the encounter between Christabel-the apparent Christ-like 'victim'-and the beautiful, snake-woman Geraldine, who seduces her. The goal is to bring out the rhetorical structures and the narrative-discursive ways through which the text builds a phantasmagorical and non-realistic scenario. The analytic model in use in this analysis draws on text linguistics and stylistics complemented by concepts and theories inspired by logic and philosophy of language.
Humanitas, 2020
Paradisi perduti Il demoniaco nelle culture occidentali a cura di Piero Capelli e Bianca Del Vill... more Paradisi perduti Il demoniaco nelle culture occidentali a cura di Piero Capelli e Bianca Del Villano B. Del Villano, Paradisi perduti. Il demoniaco nelle culture occidentali i. satana e i suoi inferni
Shakespeare e il senso del comico, a cura di S. de Filippis, Napoli, Uniorpress, 2019
Queens on Stage. Female Sovereignty, Power and Sexuality in Early Modern English Theatre, 2018
Prospero. Rivista di Culture Straniere 22 (2017): 185-210.
Proprietà letteraria riservata. I diritti di traduzione, memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzi... more Proprietà letteraria riservata. I diritti di traduzione, memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale e parziale di questa pubblicazione, le fotocopie e altro) sono riservati per tutti i paesi
Tis Pity She's a Whore. Il teatro di John Ford e la fortuna di una tragedia crudele, a cura di P. Pepe and S. Stevanato, Bologna: Cuepress, 2017
Between 6.12 (2016)
Il presente saggio intende approfondire alcuni aspetti specifici della relazione tra il linguaggi... more Il presente saggio intende approfondire alcuni aspetti specifici della relazione tra il linguaggio 'comico' di Shakespeare e la cultura popolare inglese del Rinascimento, a partire da una applicazione criticamente ridefinita del paradigma interpretativo del carnevalesco elaborato da Bachtin .

Lingue e Linguaggi 17.1 (2016)
Recent studies in historical pragmatics have focused on the performative language of the Renaissa... more Recent studies in historical pragmatics have focused on the performative language of the Renaissance, drawing on J. L. Austin's distinction between "constative" and "performative" utterances; the former refers to assertions that can be classified as true or false and the latter to the factual power of doing something rather than describing it. This model may prove particularly fruitful if applied to drama, and in particular to Shakespeare's plays, for it provides a critical frame to examine to what extent language is involved in changes concerning the axiology of truth and falsehood. In this paper, I will focus on three case-situations taken from As you like it, Macbeth and The Taming of the Shrew, in order to demonstrate how a certain rhetoric of mendacity derives from the exploration of an emergent new semiosis and is performed in Shakespeare's plays through the confusion and inversion of the two pragmatic categories.
Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate 4 (2015)

Textus. English Studies in Italy 27.3 (2014)
In The Year of the Flood (2009), Margaret Atwood sketches out a dystopic, post-apocalyptic scenar... more In The Year of the Flood (2009), Margaret Atwood sketches out a dystopic, post-apocalyptic scenario after the spreading of a disease that ends by nearly destroying the human race. Two characters, Toby and Ren, are entrusted with the task of making sense of what has happened, connecting the desolation of what remains with an analogous devastated past, in which the Earth appeared as deprived of its natural resources and inhabited by violent, dehumanised people. An attempt to find a solution to this environmental and human degradation before the catastrophe had come from an eco-religious group called God's Gardeners, who had tried to resume Biblical dictates to explain their peculiar bio-ethics. Along with Toby and Ren's memories (they were both Gardeners), the novel also presents a transcription of some oral hymns told by Adam One, the original and brainy leader of the sect, who also re-elaborated the myth of the Flood to prepare his people for the worst. In this paper, I investigate the way in which the Gardeners use and rhetorically exploit the Bible to offer a vision of life that proves to be alternative and yet complementary to the materialistic one expressed by the numerous scientists appearing in the novel. At the same time, I will discuss how Atwood employs and changes some traits of the dystopian fiction in a direction that seems to be aware of the most recent critical debates on ecocriticism.

Testi e Linguaggi 7 (2013)
The Taming of the Shrew produced by the bbc, written by Sally Wainwright and directed by David Ri... more The Taming of the Shrew produced by the bbc, written by Sally Wainwright and directed by David Richards is the last of a very long series of screen adaptations of the Shakespearean Shrew and was broadcast in 2005 together with three other rewritings -Much Ado about Nothing (David Nicholls), Macbeth (Peter Moffat) and A Midsummer Night's Dream (Peter Bowker) -under the umbrella title of "ShakespeaRe-Told". This label not only makes the series very snappy, but also gives an idea (consciously or not) of the kind of connection, still persisting between "original" texts and their rewritings, through the smart linguistic joke offered by last syllable connecting the two words and by the use of the hyphen. Whether and how Shakespeare is told or re-told through and by Wainwright's The Taming of the Shrew will be the main focus of this paper, which will also discuss in the first part some stages of the history of Shakespearean adaptations since its eighteenth-century origin. bianca del villano testi e linguaggi 7/2013

Henry Fielding, Il finto dottore ovvero la muta risanata, a cura di P. Pepe, Padova:, 2013
Proprietà letteraria riservata © edizioni Webster srl, Padova, Italy I d... more Proprietà letteraria riservata © edizioni Webster srl, Padova, Italy I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfi lm e le copie fotostatiche) sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere riprodotta, distribuita o trasmessa in qualsivoglia forma senza l' autorizzazione scritta dell' Editore, a eccezione di brevi citazioni incorporate in recensioni o per altri usi non commerciali permessi dalla legge sul copyright. Per richieste di permessi contattare in forma scritta l' Editore al seguente indirizzo: [email protected] ISBN: 978-88-6292-373-6 Prima edizione: luglio 2013 Il nostro indirizzo internet è: Per segnalazioni di errori o suggerimenti relativi a questo volume potete contattare: [ 57 ] Bibliografi a Innocenti 1997 = L. Innocenti, Divide et impera: il verosimile nel teatro della Restaurazione, in S. Carandini (a cura di), Chiarezza e verosimiglianza. La fi ne del dramma barocco,
Shakespeare e il senso del tragico, a cura di S. de Filippis, Napoli: Loffredo, 2013
Books by Bianca Del Villano
Edited Volumes by Bianca Del Villano
Papers by Bianca Del Villano