Papers by wesley kovaleski

Instalações de ar-condicionado-Sistemas centrais e unitários Parte 2: Parâmetros de conforto térm... more Instalações de ar-condicionado-Sistemas centrais e unitários Parte 2: Parâmetros de conforto térmico Central and unitary air conditioning systems Part 2: Thermal comfort Prefácio A Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) é o Foro Nacional de Normalização. As Normas Brasileiras, cujo conteúdo é de responsabilidade dos Comitês Brasileiros (ABNT/CB), dos Organismos de Normalização Setorial (ABNT/ONS) e das Comissões de Estudo Especiais (ABNT/CEE), são elaboradas por Comissões de Estudo (CE), formadas por representantes dos setores envolvidos, delas fazendo parte: produtores, consumidores e neutros (universidades, laboratórios e outros). Os Documentos Técnicos ABNT são elaborados conforme as regras da Diretiva ABNT, Parte 2. O Escopo desta Norma Brasileira em inglês é o seguinte: Scope The purpose of this standard is to specify the combinations of indoor thermal environmental and personal factors that results in acceptable thermal environmental conditions to a majority of the occupants in a particular environment. The environmental variables mentioned in this part of standard are temperature, thermal radiation, humidity and air speed; the personal variables are those of activity and clothing. It is intended that all the criteria in this part of standard be applied together, since the indoor thermal comfort is complex and affected by the interaction of all the variables that are addressed herein. This part of standard specify the indoor thermal conditions acceptable for healthy adults at atmospheric pressure equivalent to altitudes up to 3000 m in indoors spaces designed to human occupancy considering time periods greater than 15 minutes. This part of standard does not address nonthermal factors as air quality, acoustics, illumination or other physical, chemical or biological criteria that may affect comfort or health. For specification of basic criteria and minimum requirements to address acceptable air quality, see ABNT NBR 16401-3: Indoor Air Quality. This part of standard shall not be used to override any safety, health or critical process requirements.
Papers by wesley kovaleski