Papers by Erivelto Mercante
Brazilian Journal of Development, Dec 29, 2021

Engenharia Agricola, 2017
The knowledge of pesticide residual concentrations in the environment is important to understand ... more The knowledge of pesticide residual concentrations in the environment is important to understand the threats to the environment and human health, especially when natural resources are used for human consumption. In this context, this study aimed to assess the potential ecological risk and respective sources of sediment contamination by organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides. The study site was an urban lake located in Cascavel city, western Paraná state, Brazil, where the history of land use and occupation in the urban environment is typically agricultural. Surface sediment samples were collected every three months from April 2010 to June 2013 at five different collection points, totaling 65 samples. Analyses showed that contamination by organochlorine pesticides is related to agricultural activities in the past, with a low ecological risk to benthic organisms. Conversely, organophosphorus pesticides presented a recent and continuous contamination from urban activities, with a risk coefficient, especially for disulfoton, indicating a significant potential adverse effect on organisms. However, in general, the obtained results did not indicate an immediate risk to public health.

O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar uma análise da utilização de um Veículo Aéreo Não Trip... more O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar uma análise da utilização de um Veículo Aéreo Não Tripulado – VANT de baixo na determinação do Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada - NDVI da cultura de crambe. Foi adaptado ao VANT sensores na região do infravermelho próximo e visível do espectro eletromagnético para geração das imagens. Com o propósito de validar os dados provenientes do equipamento, foi realizada uma análise estatística de correlação de Spearman com 5% de significância (P>0.005), onde se comparou o sensor abordo da aeronave com um sensor ativo (GreenSeeker Hand Held ™) e um sensor passivo (FieldSpec 4®) ambos de campo. O uso de VANT na determinação do NDVI para a cultura analisada é viável, pois sua determinação foi considerada aceitável, entretanto apresentou correlação significativa, ao nível de 5%, apenas nas fases fonológicas correspondente ao florescimento e início da granação da cultura de crambe.

Baru, Sep 24, 2020
considering the high rates of traffic accidents, care provided to victims must be fast and effici... more considering the high rates of traffic accidents, care provided to victims must be fast and efficient. The objective was to analyze the density of traffic accidents and the profile of the victims assisted by the 4th Fire Department in Cascavel. It was also intended to analyze traffic signs and a place to build a new Fire Station. Geographic Information System and geoprocessing resources were used to identify the traffic accidents hotspots applying kernel density estimation. The victims' profile and their association with the severity of the injuries were obtained based on the chi-square statistic and the correspondence analysis. Field data were investigated to verify traffic signs at accident locations that involved victims with severity of more serious injuries. Most accidents occurred in the afternoon, involving men between 18 and 30 years old. Running over was the occurrence that most stood out considering the severity of the victims, with locations without any traffic signs. Moreover, a plot that meets all the requested criteria and is located in a region of high occurences of traffic accidents was found to build the new station.

Journal of agricultural science, Oct 16, 2017
Crambe is an oleaginous plant mainly cultivated in Brazil due to its oil characteristics that pro... more Crambe is an oleaginous plant mainly cultivated in Brazil due to its oil characteristics that provide stability to oxidation, qualifying it for the use in a variety of products. Understanding the spectral-temporal pattern of the crambe crop is important to identify and quantify already cultivated areas via remote sensing. This study spectrally characterised the plant, seeking to relate the spectral pattern to the phenological stages of the crop throughout its development. The spectral information was obtained by passive terrestrial sensors in two harvests, thus generating a spectral-temporal pattern and the crambe temporal profile through the vegetation indices NDVI and SAVI. During the phenological stages of the seedling and the beginning of the vegetative growth, the red spectral band showed higher values of reflectance; this occurred because the crop had not yet completely covered the soil. Stages at the end of the vegetative growth and the beginning of the flowering, there was a higher reflectance in the near infrared and a lower reflectance in the mid-infrared. For the granulation and maturation stages, the reflectance in the mean and near infrared reduced due to leaf senescence and loss of cellular water content. The NDVI and SAVI temporal profiles demonstrate linear growth up to the vegetative peak, which occurs between the end of the phenological stage of the vegetative growth and the beginning of the flowering and highest amount of green biomass. At the beginning of grain formation and filling, yellowing of leaves and senescence, granulation and maturation stages, the values reduced.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Jun 11, 2019
Este exemplar corresponde à redação final da Tese Doutorado defendida por Erivelto Mercante. apro... more Este exemplar corresponde à redação final da Tese Doutorado defendida por Erivelto Mercante. aprovada pela Comissão Julgadora em 17 de agosto de 2007, na

Journal of Agricultural Science
Monitoring weather conditions during soybean cultivation is essential in agricultural planning. T... more Monitoring weather conditions during soybean cultivation is essential in agricultural planning. The variation of these conditions, such as temperature, precipitation, relative humidity and soil moisture directly influence the productive performance of crop.With this, the objective of the work was to verify the effects of weather conditions on the soybean yield, carrying out the survey of the minimum, maximum and average temperature and the total precipitation during the cultivation of the soybean and collecting the data of productivity reached in the agricultural harvests of 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 of soybeans in a commercial area with 15.5 ha, located in the Céu Azul City, Paraná State, Brazil. Regarding the results for the three soybean harvests, the air temperature remained adequate for the development of the crop in most of the cycle. And the values observed for precipitation indicated the occurrence of well-distributed rainfall in the 2019/2020 harvest, and in the 20...
Revista Ciencia Agronomica, 2022

Diante da busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável e do uso racional de recursos naturais, a impla... more Diante da busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável e do uso racional de recursos naturais, a implantação de sistemas de irrigação se torna uma necessidade nas regiões de escassez sazonal de água e com grande produtividade agrÃcola, como no caso do Paraná. Desta forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar os parâmetros fÃsico-quÃmicos de qualidade da água no municÃpio de Salto do Lontra â Paraná. As análises fÃsico-quÃmicas incluÃram: pH, Condutividade Elétrica (CE), Sólidos Totais Solúveis (STS), Nitrato (N-NO3), RAS, Sódio (Na++), Cloro (Cl-) e Bicarbonato (HCO3), sendo realizadas em 40 propriedades, de acordo com APHA (1998). A análise estatÃstica dos levantamentos foi realizada por meio do software Minitab 15. Os resultados, no perÃodo avaliado, demonstraram valores médios na faixa dos limites recomendados pela FAO para o uso da água de irrigação considerando todos os parâmetros levantados, não ocorrendo restrições para utilização da água na irrig...
Este exemplar corresponde à redação final da Tese Doutorado defendida por Erivelto Mercante. apro... more Este exemplar corresponde à redação final da Tese Doutorado defendida por Erivelto Mercante. aprovada pela Comissão Julgadora em 17 de agosto de 2007, na

Acta Iguazu, Dec 12, 2019
Resumo: A soja e o milho estão entre as principais culturas de interesse econômico do agronegócio... more Resumo: A soja e o milho estão entre as principais culturas de interesse econômico do agronegócio brasileiro. Estudos e pesquisas referentes ao acompanhamento da produção agropecuária tem um peso determinante e estratégico na economia do país. Os métodos tradicionais de previsão de safras nem sempre resultam em estimativas precisas, e dificultam a espacialização da produção. Neste contexto a associação das técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e métodos estatísticos podem tornar as estimativas menos subjetivas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar a identificação da área semeada com soja e milho, para a safra 2013/2014, na região oeste do Paraná, comparando métodos de classificação supervisionada ("pixel a pixel") com o método de Segmentação (regiões e formas), em imagens Landsat-8, bem como avaliar o desempenho dos classificadores na identificação destas culturas. Dos classificadores utilizados o algoritmo SAM (Spectral Angle Mapper) e Segmentação, obtiveram os melhores resultados, com Índice Kappa (K) de 0,77 e Exatidão Global (EG) de 85,0%, e maiores valores de acurácia de produtor e usuário (AP e AU), para ambas as classes milho e soja. Palavras-chave: Sensoriamento remoto, processamento de imagens, previsão de safras.
Revista Técnico-Científica, Jan 29, 2021

Australian Journal of Crop Science, Feb 2, 2022
The purpose of this study was to describe and compare the spectral response of common beans desic... more The purpose of this study was to describe and compare the spectral response of common beans desiccated with diquat and glufosinate-ammonium (GLA) using a hyperspectral terrestrial sensor and report how the desiccants influence dry bean visual appearance. Bean plants were desiccated with two different types of diquat and GLA desiccants. After the measurements of the spectral curves were carried out, from these values the indices of vegetation and derivatives were calculated, the chlorophyll content of the leaves on the days of the campaign was also measured. After harvesting the grains, some qualitative variables of the grains, such as cooking time and color, were evaluated Vegetation indices (VIs) in the near-infrared and mid-infrared regions of the spectrum (wavelength locations of 705, 750, 860, and 1240 nm) were significantly different between desiccant treatments (p≤0.05) two days after application (DAA). Desiccant application caused chlorophyll degradation as detected at the wavelength of 650 and 800 nm at DAA 1. The red edge and first derivatives showed that crop injury was higher in the diquat treatment because peak magnitude for this treatment became smaller over time. The desiccant application negatively affected seed quality, resulting in smaller Hue values and longer cooking time (CT). Hue angle correlated negatively with plant water content variation and CT Our results suggest that hyperespectral terrestrial sensing can differentiate the effects caused by the desiccants, showing that ammonium glufosinate causes less damage to seed quality and the water loss is like the control group.

Australian Journal of Crop Science, Jan 10, 2023
Evapotranspiration (ET) estimation is essential for adequate management of water resources. The m... more Evapotranspiration (ET) estimation is essential for adequate management of water resources. The main ways to quantify ET are based on the use of field sensors, class A tanks, Bowen's ratio method, turbulent vortex correlation analysis, use of lysimeters, and through Remote Sensing (RS), which allows estimating biophysical parameters based on satellite images. The objective of the research was to determine the effective evapotranspiration (ET e ) of cotton plantations irrigated with a centre pivot, using the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL), Mapping Evapotranspiration at High Resolution and with Internalized Calibration (METRIC) and Simple Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Retrieving (SAFER) methods. Comparisons were made for three agricultural years, using the R², RMSE, MAE, MBE and R statistics. The best performances in the crops were obtained with the SEBAL vs. SAFER models, which presented mean values of 0.54, -0.30 and 0.31 mm d -1 in RMSE, MBE and MAE, respectively. The data obtained by all three models can be applied to estimate ET e in irrigated cotton plantations and, consequently, their results can assist in irrigation management and in crop treatments.

Engenharia Agricola, Sep 22, 2017
Os sedimentos aquaticos sao amplamente utilizados para a avaliacao da contaminacao antropogenica ... more Os sedimentos aquaticos sao amplamente utilizados para a avaliacao da contaminacao antropogenica devido a sua capacidade de adsorcao a particulas, tornando-os arquivos ambientais historicos. Portanto, o objetivo foi avaliar a contaminacao dos sedimentos do rio Pelotas por compostos organoclorados e organofosforados, determinando o risco ecologico. Transcorreu-se coletas trimestrais dos sedimentos em 8 pontos, totalizando quatro coletas durante dois anos, com auxilio de draga de Peterson. Dos organoclorados, destaca-se a persistencia de p'p'DDT, representando 53,23% das amostras contaminadas, com valores variando ate 0,158 ppb. Dos organofosforados, o Methyl Parathion obteve maior representatividade com 48,4% das amostras contaminadas, com concentracoes variando ate 2,42 ppb. O risco ecologico dos organoclorados selecionados nao demonstrou problemas associados a biota, ja para os organofosforados pesquisados, Disulfoton indica fator de risco com potencial significativo de efeitos adversos sobre os organismos. Desta forma, e notoria a necessidade de monitoramento e sustentabilidade no uso e aplicacao de pesticidas, visando qualidade do ambiente e a preservacao dos recursos naturais.

Revista Geama, Jun 29, 2016
The morphometric characterization is considered an important tool in the management of river basi... more The morphometric characterization is considered an important tool in the management of river basins, and it provides relevant information to decision making by managers who are associated with the geographic divisions. The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing tools, widespread in monitoring and spatial analysis, is characterized as a facilitator component in the search for characterization and identification of factors which influence the geomorphometric parameters of the territory. The current spread of geoprocessing and GIS in general, culminate in a wide availability of storage systems and computer programs for data processing and conversion. Based on the above, this study aimed to morphometric and rainfall characterization of the Salto do Lontra watershed, which covers the municipalities of Salto do Lontra and Nova Esperança do Sudoeste located in West Region of Paraná State, Brazil, using the software Qgis 2.14. In this regard, the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was used with a spatial resolution of thirty meters, provided by the National Institute for Space Research and historical precipitation data provided by the Paraná Water Institute. Through the MDE an altimetric data correction was performed obtaining a Hydrologically Consistent Digital Elevation Model (HCDEM), in which were obtained by manipulating data in a GIS environment, physical variables to determine the morphometric parameters. The results demonstrated that the Salto do Lontra watershed has a drainage area of 177.54 km² and a perimeter of 99.29 km. The compactness coefficient obtained was 2.09, the form factor 0.19 and circularity index 0.23, indicating that the basin has elongated shape and low propensity to flooding. The drainage density was 0.85 km (km²)-1 , time of concentration 535.59 min. and sinuosity index of 40.57%. In addition, the data obtained in this study indicated that the average annual precipitation was 1896.85 mm, watching orographic effect on its distribution.
Papers by Erivelto Mercante