Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná
Engenharia Agrícola
Climate change can affect the development of soybean cultivation, impacting your productivity. Thus, agrometeorological information is essential in order to improve productivity strategies. The objective of the paper was to analyze the... more
A producao agropecuaria brasileira influencia diretamente na economia do pais, sendo que a producao nacional de graos abrange boa parte desse setor. Desta forma, a informacao de area semeada com as principais culturas agricolas tem grande... more
- by Alex Paludo
RESUMO: O sensoriamento remoto vem sendo largamente utilizado no mundo para se analisar diversos alvos na superfície terrestre, com uma boa precisão e sem a necessidade de se deslocar até a região em estudo. Este trabalho teve como... more
- by Alex Paludo
Brazilian farming influences directly the worldwide economy. Thus, fast and reliable information on areas sown with the main crops is essential for planning logistics and public or private commodity market policies. Recent farming... more
Brazilian agricultural production directly influences the country's economy, with national grain production covering a large part of this sector. In this way, the information of area sown with the main agricultural crops has great value... more
The use of effective technologies for the monitoring of agricultural crops should seek methodologies that provide information regarding crop development, preferably before harvesting. The study of the monitoring and/or estimation of areas... more
Genome-wide analyses carried out in silico revealed that the DNA repeats called enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequences (ERICs), which are present in several Enterobacteriaceae, are overrepresented in yersiniae. From the... more
The goal of this study was to produce a map of soybean cultivation areas in west region of Paraná state, through LANDSAT5/TM (Thematic Mapper) images from the 2003/2004 yield, from november 2003 to february 2004. In order to do this,... more
A utilização de ferramentas de apoio à decisão em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) tem auxiliado em áreas de aplicação como na análise de impacto, aptidão e viabilidade. Este trabalho apresenta um exemplo de aplicação dessas... more