Papers by Salvatore Patera

The topic concerning both identification, recognition, evaluation and validation of the competenc... more The topic concerning both identification, recognition, evaluation and validation of the competences acquired in non-formal and informal contexts, as well as the link with those acquired in formal contexts, has assumed increasing centrality in the last fifteen years in the European and national debate. Within this debate, also with reference to the Italian regulatory framework of Law no. 4 of 2013, the Scuola Nazionale di Improvvisazione Teatrale – Improteatro – has embarked on a path of participatory research-action in order to define both training standards aimed at qualifying the training activities of theatrical improvisation and professional standards aimed at make explicit and maintain the competences of the performers- professional trainers belonging to the organization. This process therefore has intended to strengthen the professional community of Improteatro by qualifying their internal professionalism and the training activities of theatrical improvisation. Starting from t...

RESUMEN: Los cambios vertiginosos, así como la incertidumbre propia de la sociedad líquida hacen ... more RESUMEN: Los cambios vertiginosos, así como la incertidumbre propia de la sociedad líquida hacen hoy más que nunca necesaria la adquisición en el alumnado de la competencia aprender a aprender. Se presenta una investigación internacional de enfoque cualitativo que a través de la técnica de la entrevista ha contado con la participación de 80 docentes italianos, españoles y uruguayos. Los objetivos del estudio fueron conocer desde la perspectiva docente cuáles son las características que definen a las generaciones Z y Alpha que actualmente asisten a la escuela y cómo aprenden, infiriendo con posterioridad, actuaciones prioritarias para favorecer el aprender a aprender. El profesorado de los tres países consultados coincide en señalar que el alumnado actual es muy diferente al de años atrás. Refieren fascinación por los medios, baja tolerancia a la frustración, así como una disminución de atención hacia la tarea y ansias de inmediatez. Se apuntan a raíz de los resultados, ejes de actua...
Amaltea Edizioni, 2008
Il volume documenta una ricerca svolta da un gruppo di ricerca del Consorzio Interuniversitario s... more Il volume documenta una ricerca svolta da un gruppo di ricerca del Consorzio Interuniversitario sulla formazione alla realizzazione del progetto POR Puglia "Governance dei servizi: nuove tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione". La ricerca \ue8 stata condotta sui manager pubblici dei Comuni el territorio garganico per verificare la sussistenza dei presupposti culturali e socio-organizzativi volti a realizzare una pi\ue0 incisiva azione di comunicazione istituzionale, anche mediante l'utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie, per migliorare la promozione turistica del territorio
Il modello pedagogico-didattico ecosistema espansivo delle scuole, 2021
Communications in computer and information science, 2023

Research on Education and Media
The pandemic has highlighted and accentuated some potential risks and critical issues already pre... more The pandemic has highlighted and accentuated some potential risks and critical issues already present in several educational contexts: the widening of educational poverty, the increase in the digital and cultural divide and the expansion of learning loss and of the implicit and explicit early school leaving. In this regard, the case study developed in a period just prior to the pandemic, on the one hand, has highlighted some critical issues of the teaching–learning relationship, while, on the other hand, it has deepened the strengths concerning the teaching–learning relationship in order to improve learning to learn and learning to teach for students and teachers in contemporary complexity. The results show that facing the current complexity means understanding the cultural aspects that guide today’s ways of learning and teaching based on technologies. The relevance of these aspects concerning meanings and practices of teaching and learning is understandable, taking into account the...

Educational Research
ABSTRACT Background: ‘Learning to Learn’ (L2L) is considered a key skill for the twenty-first cen... more ABSTRACT Background: ‘Learning to Learn’ (L2L) is considered a key skill for the twenty-first century. It is understood here as a hyper-competence, which mobilises resources of the individual and/or groups in a sense-making effort to improve or update one’s own learning. By means of classroom assessment during the teaching-learning cycle, teachers can promote this competence in their daily practice. This paper focuses on the L2L–assessment relationship, presenting data from an international qualitative research project conducted in Brazil, Ecuador, Italy, Mexico, Spain and Uruguay from a comparative perspective. Purpose: The study sought to explore the relationship between teachers’ L2L conceptualisations and their assessments in a sample of preschool, primary and secondary school teachers. Key questions addressed were: how did interviewed teachers define L2L? What, if any, was the connection between teachers’ assessment methods and their own L2L definition? Methods: The analysis drew on data collected from 123 interviews with teachers, deploying a qualitative descriptive approach. L2L definitions were classified as broad or narrow according to Hounsell. A connection was assigned to each interview depending on whether teachers’ assessment and L2L responses included aspects related to L2L theory. Findings and conclusion: Around one-third of interviewees provided a definition of L2L consistent with the intended purposes of assessments that contribute to the development of L2L. Approximately one-fifth was classified with partial connection and almost half was classified as showing no connection. The L2L–assessment relationship is explored in terms of similarities and differences between countries. Overall, the study draws attention to the need for increasing teacher awareness of the L2L–assessment connection during initial and in-service teacher education, in order for teachers to develop assessment practices conducive to L2L.
Revista Cubana de Educación Superior, Jan 25, 2018
New knowledge production indicators as from an evaluation culture with a tendency towards the soc... more New knowledge production indicators as from an evaluation culture with a tendency towards the social innovation. the case of Universidad Politécnica salesiana de ecuador
Revista Cubana de Educación Superior, Dec 1, 2017

Revista de estudios socioeducativos, 2016
La sfida educativa e culturale della complessità impone un pensiero aperto di tipo multilogico an... more La sfida educativa e culturale della complessità impone un pensiero aperto di tipo multilogico anziché monologico che considera una molteplicità di percorsi, punti di vista e di prospettive inclusive quale tensione culturale ed educativa alla complessità. L'educabilità dell'intersoggettività rappresenta la tensione dialogica, plurale e aperta per promuovere un processo interculturale di comprensione e di interdipendenza basato sulla reciprocità (autonomia-interdipendenza). L'intersoggettività, in quanto spazio relazionale e dialogico necessita una postura riflessiva. La narrazione, all'interno di un dispositivo educativo è in grado di potenziare la consapevolezza (e quindi competenze e capacità) nel leggere e agire la relazione con l'ambiente. La specificità educativa si situa quindi nel promuovere processi di apprendimento che tengono insieme riflessione e narrazione, scrittura e meta-cognizione lungo un processo di rilettura (e ri-scrittura) della propria storia e della propria cultura in quella più ampia della propria comunità e della società. La narrazione può ri-configurare la tensione tradizione-innovazione, conservazione-cambiamento.

Freire's testimony, twenty years after his death, but also one hundred years after his birth,... more Freire's testimony, twenty years after his death, but also one hundred years after his birth, is a further opportunity for reflecting on some fundamental issues, however unsolved, that characterize social emergencies and educational challenges. This testimony shows all its incompleteness, cogency and timeliness with respect to these educational challenges, for which Freire's thought is currently valid and euristically indispensable. It is therefore imperative to question the actual need as well as the significance of a theory and a practice of social change that today embodies the challenges of contemporaneity. With regard to this aspect, do educational practice and pedagogical reflection still have a role and what kind? Or, can they bring a decisive contribution to addressing the current social challenges by providing tools to respond it adequately? This contribution tries to reconstruct, from Freire's legacy, an opportunity for reflection and presents a methodological ...
This paper stems from the need to respond to currently underway processes of knowledge management... more This paper stems from the need to respond to currently underway processes of knowledge management in the UPS. Knowledge management could be understood in terms of relationships between research and innovation. Research and innovation in their development processes produce tacit knowledge aimed at cultivating competences and capabilities into UPS community. A research-intervention project aims to define a model of social innovation supported by improving the nexus between research-teaching supported by ICT's. To this scope, it's necessary to get involved the stakeholders in a process of

Lo studio dei processi latenti sottesi all'apprendimento interroga l'agire didattico per ... more Lo studio dei processi latenti sottesi all'apprendimento interroga l'agire didattico per la promozione di esperienze di apprendimento che sollecitino la consapevolezza sui propri percorsi di crescita. La valutazione formativa svolge un ruolo strategico rispetto all'accessibilità e all'elaborazione critica dei diversi livelli e modalità di apprendere: un approfondimento delle pratiche di valutazione formativa nei contesti di apprendimento che promuovono l'agire competente offre un contributo alla riflessione pedagogica su una cultura della valutazione capacitante ed emancipante. A partire da uno studio di caso nell'ambito di un percorso formativo universitario, si discuterà in che modo la valutazione formativa possa essere utilizzata per esplorare e mettere in relazione le modalità di funzionamento dei soggetti con le loro possibili aree di sviluppo e promuovere l'agire competente in contesti formativi e di vita.

Journal of e-learning and knowledge society, 2016
This paper stems from the need to respond to currently underway processes of knowledge management... more This paper stems from the need to respond to currently underway processes of knowledge management in the UPS. Knowledge management could be understood in terms of relationships between research and innovation. Research and innovation in their development processes produce tacit knowledge aimed at cultivating competences and capabilities into UPS community. A research-intervention project aims to define a model of social innovation supported by improving the nexus between research-teaching supported by ICT’s. To this scope, it’s necessary to get involved the stakeholders in a process of PAR-s. PAR-s is aimed at developing competences and capabilities into UPS community for responding to the growing social demand of innovation in education also supported by ICT’s. PAR-s is aimed to facilitate and monitor, through participative evaluation/planning methods and techniques, some innovative organizational/management processes in the Centro Audiovisual Don Bosco. This capacity for self-orga...

Revista de estudios socioeducativos RESED, 2016
En una sociedad compleja como la actual, el reto educativo y cultural requiere mentes abiertas a ... more En una sociedad compleja como la actual, el reto educativo y cultural requiere mentes abiertas a múltiples lógicas en vez de una lógica y considerar una variedad de rutas, puntos de vista y perspectivas inclusivas acordes con la tensión cultural y educativa de la complejidad. La intersubjetividad, en sentido educativo, se basa en una tensión dialogante, plural y abierta a la promoción de procesos de entendimiento intercultural y de interdependencia y con un carácter de reciprocidad (autonomía, interdependencia). La intersubjetividad, como espacio de relación y de diálogo, necesita una postura reflexiva. La narración, como estrategia educativa de tipo reflexivo, es capaz de mejorar el conocimiento (y por lo tanto las competencias y capacidades) para leer y actuar en relación a ese contexto social. Lo específico de la educación es la promoción de los procesos de aprendizaje que conectan reflexión y narración, escritura y meta-cognición a lo largo de un proceso de re-lectura (y re-escritura) de cada historia y cultura, en el más amplio sentido histórico y cultural de la comunidad y de la sociedad. La narración puede volver a configurar la tensión tradición-innovación, conservación-cambio.

It La testimonianza di Freire a vent'anni anni dalla morte ma anche a cento anni dalla nascit... more It La testimonianza di Freire a vent'anni anni dalla morte ma anche a cento anni dalla nascita, rappresenta un'ulteriore occasione di riflessione, per interrogarci ancor'oggi su alcune questioni di fondo, tuttavia irrisolte, che caratterizzano le emergenze sociali e le sfide educative attuali. Tale testimonianza, nella contemporaneita, mostra tutta la propria non compiutezza, cogenza e attualita rispetto a tali sfide educative, con riferimento alle quali, il pensiero di Freire risulta attualmente valido ed euristicamente imprescindibile. Appare cogente, quindi, interrogarsi, sull'effettiva necessita nonche sul significato di una teoria e di una pratica di cambiamento sociale che incarni oggi le sfide della contemporaneita. Rispetto a cio, la pratica educativa e la riflessione pedagogica possono avere ancora un ruolo e di che tipo? Ovvero, possono queste dare un contributo determinante nel problematizzare le sfide sociali attuali offrendo strumenti per rispondervi ade...
Revista Del Clad Reforma Y Democracia, 2016
Papers by Salvatore Patera