Papers by Fahreta Fijuljanin

Epiphany, 2015
Knowing which patterns are associated with different reporting verbs is one of the biggest single... more Knowing which patterns are associated with different reporting verbs is one of the biggest single grammar challenges facing learners. Using electronic language corpus is a good way of teaching all those other reporting verbs apart from 'say' and 'tell' which have a variety of structures (verb + obj + that, verb + ing, etc) e.g. promise, advise, deny, etc. Giving the students a long list of verbs with structures is only confusing and also very boring. With the help of a corpus, students acquire knowledge and skills in the language they are studying. Corpus linguistics can thus be seen as a learning model where students take responsibility for their own learning. The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) currently comprises more than 450 million words of text and is equally divided among spoken, fiction, popular magazines, newspapers, and academic texts. COCA offers a setting of problem-based learning where the students' discoveries and interaction with a corpus give them a learning curve very much triggered by their own activity and motivation. Further, by being exposed to authentic data, students are given a more nuanced encounter with language than traditional grammars are able and are given the opportunity to evaluate data and draw their own conclusions. From a pedagogical point of view it is quite evident that the integration of corpora in language teaching/learning is beneficial to students.
Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 2015
This paper aims to represent the usage of literature in foreign language classrooms in order to d... more This paper aims to represent the usage of literature in foreign language classrooms in order to deploy the students' knowledge of English literature as an important part of learning English language. Introducing literature in the language classrooms as well as the benefits of reading it make the introduction lines of this paper. The core of the analysis is presented through the poem of Wilfred Owen, Dulce et Decorum est. This postwar poem with its rich vocabulary is a great tool for a didactic initiation and proposition of EFL literature classroom instruction.

Univerzitetska misao - casopis za nauku, kulturu i umjetnost, Novi Pazar, 2020
The paper examines the influence of modern linguistics and the consequences of language reflectio... more The paper examines the influence of modern linguistics and the consequences of language reflection on both English language and global philology. A comparative analysis of preferences and lacks of traditional and modern linguistics represent a common view of the progress and the needs of the language. The paper aims to highlight several recent studies of modern linguists in the field of English linguistics such as Chomsky, Sapir, Halliday and Bloomfield as the representative of English speaking grammarians. Modern linguistics, as a set of different variations, raises the question of how and why language changes over time. It possibly may represent the basis for research on contemporary linguistics as a turning point for language change in the future, as well as the impact of society on language, change and universals.
World globalization establishes new standards for foreign language skills as well as for the teac... more World globalization establishes new standards for foreign language skills as well as for the teachers of foreign languages. Market globalization represents one of the main factors that influenced English language to be international language. In order to have a successful interaction between foreign companies, market and economy felt a need for the knowledge of English language. In this way English language became a device, an instrument of successful management and the most useful second language. There was also the need to improve knowledge of English language in every company and business institutions. Increasing the number of English language speakers, we increase the international communication in an academic and business level. Keywords: Globalization, English Language, Market, Business, Communication

Univerzitetska misao - casopis za nauku, kulturu i umjetnost, Novi Pazar, 2020
The paper examines the influence of modern linguistics and the consequences of language reflectio... more The paper examines the influence of modern linguistics and the consequences of language reflection on both English language and global philology. A comparative analysis of preferences and lacks of traditional and modern linguistics represent a common view of the progress and the needs of the language. The paper aims to highlight several recent studies of modern linguists in the field of English linguistics such as Chomsky, Sapir, Halliday and Bloomfield as the representative of English speaking grammarians. Modern linguistics, as a set of different variations, raises the question of how and why language changes over time. It possibly may represent the basis for research on contemporary linguistics as a turning point for language change in the future, as well as the impact of society on language, change and universals.
Key words: syntax, contrastive grammar, translation, language, literature ABSTRACT Due to expansi... more Key words: syntax, contrastive grammar, translation, language, literature ABSTRACT Due to expansion of knowledge and education, there was a need for translating certain written works and novels and all because of the thorough and detailed study and familiarity of the mentioned written works. Besides bringing the new semantic aspects of translated works, there are also a variety of new syntactical changes and transformations. With the close-up and review of different translations of the same literal work, we tend to emphasize the similarities between syntactical functions and also some of the differences. This work aims to unite two different language field, translation and syntax through contrastive grammar and to associate literature as the third language field within, as well as to establish the possibility of innovations and conclusions into the world of language.

Prava je rijetkost u jednoj ličnosti očitati duh slobode i duh ropstva, temelje na kojima počiva ... more Prava je rijetkost u jednoj ličnosti očitati duh slobode i duh ropstva, temelje na kojima počiva kolonijalnost i osnove interkulturalnosti. Društvo ne prihvata takve kontradiktornosti objedinjene u jednom, ali mora li to značiti i nemogućnost postojanja istog? Forsterova postkolonijalna interkulturalnost je fenomen u umjetnosti modernog pisanja jer dokazuje hipotezu o postojanju nepostojanog i nelogičnog razumu, ali itekako ostvarivog u ovakvom društvu. Spajanje dvaju kultura, dodirivanje dvaju vjera ali i njihova nepodudarnosti predstavljaju osnovne tačke ovog rada kao i buĎenje svijesti čitalaca i produbljivanje u meĎuljudske odnose i njihovo meĎusobno razumijevanje i stvaranje prijateljstva. Kroz Forsterovo djelo Put u Indiju ţelimo postaviti temelje sasvim novoj interkulturalnosti i ukazati na mogućnost implementacije namjere i svrhe ovog djela iz vremena pisanja istog u savremeno, novo doba čovječanstva.
Due to expansion of knowledge and education, there was a need for translating certain written wor... more Due to expansion of knowledge and education, there was a need for translating certain written works and novels and all because of the thorough and detailed study and familiarity of the mentioned written works. Besides bringing the new semantic aspects of translated works, there are also a variety of new syntactical changes and transformations. With the close-up and review of different translations of the same literal work, we tend to emphasize the similarities between syntactical functions and also some of the differences. This work aims to unite two different language field, translation and syntax through contrastive grammar and to associate literature as the third language field within, as well as to establish the possibility of innovations and conclusions into the world of language.
Univerzitetska Misao, Univerzitet u Novom Pazaru, Mar 7, 2015
This paper deals with non-finite grammatical structures in English and Bosnian language. It aims ... more This paper deals with non-finite grammatical structures in English and Bosnian language. It aims to examine the functions of gerunds and participles and to determine main differences and similarities between gerunds and participles as well as to define the level of equivalence through the translation. Passage to India by Morgan Forster is taken as a representative material for demonstrating the differences and similarities.
This work deals with translating sacred text, the Holy Bible and the Holy Qur’an, emphasizing tha... more This work deals with translating sacred text, the Holy Bible and the Holy Qur’an, emphasizing that this kind of translating has a great impact on the development of the English language. On the other hand, translating sacred texts is accompanied by many linguistic problems and other difficulties. The aim of this study is to present some problems in the process of translating personal names in the sacred texts. Keywords:sacred, English language, religion, Bible, Qur'an, personal names.
International Conference on Economic and Social Studies (ICESoS’13) , 2013
World globalization establishes new standards for foreign language skills as well as for the teac... more World globalization establishes new standards for foreign language skills as well as for the teachers of foreign languages. Market globalization represents one of the main factors that influenced English language to be international language. In order to have a successful interaction between foreign companies, market and economy felt a need for the knowledge of English language. In this way English language became a device, an instrument of successful management and the most useful second language. There was also the need to improve knowledge of English language in every company and business institutions. Increasing the number of English language speakers, we increase the international communication in academic and business level.

The phenomena of language, along with other changes that occur in society, tend to progress and i... more The phenomena of language, along with other changes that occur in society, tend to progress and is often adapted to its users as a means of communication. One term can be differently denoted but its core essence may be identical in meaning. This unique characteristic indicates the differences between the features that distinguish that term. The term synonym represents a phenomenon in a language that indicates that different words may have the same or similar meanings. Expanding the English as a world language, as a language of planetary communication, it achieves its primacy in the realm of law, and it is imposed not only as a global language of trade, marketing, technology, technology, but also legal science. However, the situation is quite different, because unlike other spheres of language, there are today two major, most important, but also, in many respects, divergent legal systems-Common Law and Civil Law. In addition, in the process of unification of rights, international conventions are applied, and there are recent developments with their own system of norms in the form of European Union law, also called the communal law and constitute supranational law, as well as legal rules applied by international courts (such as the Hague Tribunal). The fact that English is extremely rich in synonyms, thanks to its vocabulary which has been exposed to various influences for centuries. There are also many assumptions about the emergence of some expressions, some of them may be wrong, but still interesting. All this illustrates and proves that the variability and complexity are the main characteristics of each language. Many theorists identify synonymous with translation, claiming that translation is one of the forms of synonymy. However, words can have semantic characteristics that make it impossible to translate them into another language. When it comes to the legal jargon of the English language, the phenomenon of synonyms is considered a terminological defect with the recommendation to be avoided. The same problem again arises in Serbian language, certain words don't have synonym for the same reason as in English. Although it violates the golden rule on the unification of terms, it is an indisputable fact that synonyms exist in the legal English language. The interesting fact is that some words have different meanings in general use, and a different meaning in the legal context. The aim of this research is to discover the presence of this phenomenon in the language itself, primarily in the legal terminology, by comparing the phenomenon of synonyms in the legal register of both English and Serbian. A number of seventy legal terms were randomly selected from legal dictionaries. The possible conclusion would emphasize that the appearance of synonyms is very common in both languages, but that there is a problem of translating certain terms that do not have synonyms in their own language. Apstrakt:Jezik je promenljiv fenomen, zajedno sa promenama koje se dešavaju u društvu, menja se i jezik, jer kao sredstvo komunikacije mora se prilagođavati svojim korisnicima. Jedan pojam može imati nekoliko naziva koji mogu biti identični, ali takođe mogu označavati razlike između karakteristika koje odlikuju taj pojam. Struktura jezika je različita u svakom jeziku, međutim, postoje zajedničke odlike u svakom od njih. Sinonimija je pojava u jeziku koja označava da različite reči mogu imati isto ili slično značenje. Sa širenjem engleskog kao svetskog jezika ovaj jezik planetarne komunikacije ostvaruje svoj primat i u domenu prava, pa se nameće ne samo kao globalni jezik trgovine, marketinga, tehnike, tehnologije, već i pravne nauke. Međutim, u pravu je situacija nešto drugačija, jer, za razliku od drugih sfera života svetu danas postoje dva velika, najznačajnija, ali i po mnogo čemu divergentna pravna sistema, a to su Common Law i Civil Law. Pored toga, u okviru procesa unifikacije prava primenjuju se međunarodne konvencije, a aktuelne su i relativno novije tvorevine sa sopstvenim sistemom normi u vidu prava Evropske unije, koje se još naziva i komunitarno pravo i predstavlja nadnacionalno pravo, kao i pravna pravila koje primenjuju međunarodni sudovi (poput Haškog tribunala).Različite reči i izrazi u engleskom jeziku, kao i u svakom drugom jeziku, evoluiraju upotrebom, kako

Translation is an intercultural activity therefore a translator is an intercultural expert or med... more Translation is an intercultural activity therefore a translator is an intercultural expert or mediator. Intercultural interaction is an important aspect of translation, a process that goes beyond transferring meanings of words from one language into another. This paper deals with the role translation plays in enhancing intercultural interaction focusing on six translations of religious terms in the Holy Qur'an. This paper investigates how Arabic-to –English/Bosnian translators encounter and overcome lexical gaps. It is based on the hypothesis that lexical gaps in religious translation seem to be rather problematic to get around. Translation data for analysis is taken from six published renditions of the Glorious Qur'an where ayahs involving lexical gaps have been discussed along with alternative translations for the inadequately translated ayahs. The assessment of the translations of Qur'anic ayahs under study has yielded that lexical gaps are too thorny in religious translation to overcome unless appropriate translation techniques are utilized to process them with the help of Islamic English. This study aims to investigate the role of Islamic English in solving the difficulties in translating the noble Quran. Translation is essentially a human activity which enables human beings to exchange ideas and thoughts regardless of their different tongues and cultures. Today the movement of people around the globe can be seen to mirror the very process of translation itself, for translation is not just the transfer of texts from one language into another, it is now rightly seen as a process of negotiation between texts and between cultures, a process during which all kinds of transactions take place mediated by the figure of the translator.

Due to expansion of knowledge and education, there was a need for translating certain written wor... more Due to expansion of knowledge and education, there was a need for translating certain written works and novels and all because of the thorough and detailed study and familiarity of the mentioned written works. Besides bringing the new semantic aspects of translated works, there are also a variety of new syntactical changes and transformations. With the close-up and review of different translations of the same literal work, we tend to emphasize the similarities between syntactical functions and also some of the differences. This work aims to unite two different language field, translation and syntax through contrastive grammar and to associate literature as the third language field within, as well as to establish the possibility of innovations and conclusions into the world of language. Uvod 'To use two languages familiarly and without contaminating one by the other is very difficult.'' Semjuel Džonson (Samuel Johnson, 1975. str.36) Iako pojedinačno predstavljaju neiscrpni izvor novih saznanja, teorija i ideja, sjedinjene pod okvirom nauke o jeziku i književnosti, prevođenje i književnost predstavljaju sasvim novo i duboko tlo za istraživanje kako jezika, gramatike, semantike, sintakse i prevođenja, tako i književnosti. Interesovanje za vezu među kontrastivnom ligvistikom i naukom o prevodu započeto je još u sedamdesetim godinama prošlog veka da bi se aktivno i dan danas taj fenomen proučavao.
Papers by Fahreta Fijuljanin