Papers by Fabricio M Lacerda

Revista de Gestão e Projetos
Investimentos adequados em cibersegurança continuam sendo um dos principais pilares para empresa... more Investimentos adequados em cibersegurança continuam sendo um dos principais pilares para empresas que necessitam proteger seus negócios em uma era digital. Para isto, é essencial compreender os diferentes passos necessários para implementar uma estratégia adequada de cibersegurança, que pode ser vista como um projeto de cibersegurança a ser desenvolvido, implementado e operado por uma empresa. Este artigo propõe o SECProject, um framework que define e organiza as etapas técnicas e econômicas necessárias para o planejamento e implementação de uma estratégia de segurança cibernética econômica em Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs). Como resultado, as etapas do SECProject permitem um planejamento guiado e organizado de cibersegurança que considera tanto elementos técnicos quanto econômicos necessários para uma proteção adequada. Isto ajuda até mesmo empresas sem experiência técnica a otimizar seus investimentos em segurança cibernética enquanto reduzem seus riscos comerciais devido a ci...

Brazilian Creative Industries Journal, 2021
This research aims to describe the career and the entrepreneurial learning of micro-enterprises o... more This research aims to describe the career and the entrepreneurial learning of micro-enterprises owners that identified new opportunities after the business failure. The methodology consists of a qualitative and exploratory study, with a cross-section approach and longitudinal perspective. Two entrepreneurs participated in the study, selected by convenience and availability, based on established criteria. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews, the interviews were recorded and transcribed. The dates were analyzed using content analysis. The study shows that new knowledge emerged from a learning journey in the context of business failure. It is learning about yourself, persistence, and resilience to succeed in new activities; about business and failure, flexibility to change the focus; on networks and relationships, as experience working with partners, employees and establish a network with the business partners; and on business management, to learn to minimize risk...

Nonprofit organizations have increased their participation in society and pursued for tools that ... more Nonprofit organizations have increased their participation in society and pursued for tools that facilitate the management, leadership and control of their work routines in the knowledge area of management. These social actors also adopt strategic planning techniques, making the acceptance of the methodology of project portfolio management a natural consequence. Notwithstanding, there is an apparent lack of interaction between social science students and authors of project management methodology which can contribute to an ineffective realization of this relationship. Thus, this study is focused on the project portfolio management of nonprofit organizations, especially in Medical Specialty Societies, and aims to propose a model adapted for the context of project portfolio management in Medical Specialty Societies. In this sense, the research question was defined as "how to manage project portfolios in the area of Medical Specialty Society?". To answer this question it was n...

Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 2019
The purpose of this study is to propose a set of factors that characterize the manifestation of e... more The purpose of this study is to propose a set of factors that characterize the manifestation of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) in nonprofit organizations (NPOs), and we performed a systematic review of the literature. Initially, 17 studies were identified in different databases, and after a full reading of the documents that met the objective of this study, we selected and qualitatively analyzed 14 theoretical and empirical studies about EO in the nonprofit context. The studies analyzed allowed us to understand the characteristics of organizational entrepreneurship in NPOs, through the dimensions of innovativeness, proactivity, risk-taking, autonomy, and competitive aggressiveness, in addition to the reciprocity dimension, which emerged from the literature. By adding reciprocity as the sixth dimension of the EO construct, it was possible to group a set factors related to each dimension which, after being refined, supported the proposition of a conceptual framework for an empirical analysis of entrepreneurial behavior in different contexts of NPOs. This study contributes to the systematization of factors that configure the manifestation of EO in the nonprofit sector, by proposing a conceptual framework entailing six dimensions of EO and propositions for future studies.

RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie
Resumo Objetivo: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar de que forma as políticas de recurso... more Resumo Objetivo: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar de que forma as políticas de recursos humanos e a percepção das oportunidades de aprendizagem nas organizações influenciam a intenção de rotatividade dos profissionais. Originalidade/valor: Os autores demostraram que, ao compreenderem as relações existentes entre os constructos pesquisados, as organizações devem aumentar seus investimentos em melhorias nas políticas de recursos humanos, particularmente em ações que promovam uma maior percepção de oportunidades de aprendizagem, reduzindo a intenção de rotatividade de seus talentos. Design/metodologia/abordagem: Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com abordagem quantitativa e coleta de dados realizada por meio de um survey. Aplicaram-se os questionários a 250 profissionais atuantes no mercado de trabalho e estudantes de uma universidade privada. A análise dos dados foi realizada com uma análise fatorial confirmatória e, na sequência, uma modelagem de equações estruturais. Resulta...
Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 2016
Este ensaio teórico tem por objetivo propor um modelo conceitual de gestão de portfólio de projet... more Este ensaio teórico tem por objetivo propor um modelo conceitual de gestão de portfólio de projetos (GPP) consolidado da literatura. Utilizando-se da pesquisa bibliográfica, foram identificados oito modelos de gestão de portfólio de projetos, que foram analisados, comparados e consolidados em termos de dimensões comuns. Os resultados apresentam um modelo de GPP mais consolidado e amplo, que reúne características dos principais modelos identificados na literatura, para que possa ser usado por organizações na seleção estratégica de projetos e para a gestão do portfólio. Como contribuições, este estudo colabora com as discussões a respeito da metodologia de GPP e apresenta embasamento para a realização de estudos empíricos de suas práticas nas organizações.
Project Management Research and Practice, 2016
As they strive towards greater professionalism in carrying out their activities, non-profit organ... more As they strive towards greater professionalism in carrying out their activities, non-profit organizations (NPOs) have begun paying attention to project management. The non-profit sector (NPS) has also begun to adopt strategic planning techniques, thus making the acceptance of project portfolio management (PPM) methodology a natural consequence. This article aims to propose a project portfolio management model adapted to the context of NPOs.

RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, 2015
A evolução do conceito de projetos e o desenvolvimento e aceitação das metodologias e abordagens ... more A evolução do conceito de projetos e o desenvolvimento e aceitação das metodologias e abordagens para seu planejamento e gerenciamento tem permitido sua aplicabilidade a diferentes áreas, realidades e culturas organizacionais. A busca por métodos e ferramentas capazes de conduzir seus projetos a um final bem-sucedido, a exemplo de um periódico científico, tem motivado muitas organizações a buscar, nas boas práticas de gestão de projetos, um melhor planejamento e gerenciamento. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o processo de produção de um periódico científico sob a ótica da gestão de projetos. Foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso único que verificou a aplicação dos processos de gestão de escopo, prazo e custo do projeto de produção de uma revista científica de especialidade médica. Como resultados, destaca-se que, mesmo não tendo conhecimento das boas práticas de gestão de projetos, a organização aplica algumas de suas ferramentas de maneira informal e embrionária. ...

Revista Eletrônica de Estratégia & Negócios, 2013
O uso das Tecnologias de Informação Móveis (TIMS) tem contribuído para as organizações inovarem s... more O uso das Tecnologias de Informação Móveis (TIMS) tem contribuído para as organizações inovarem suas práticas. Estas tecnologias acabam, de certa forma, sendo mediadoras para o empreendedorismo organizacional. A Orientação Empreendedora retrata o empreendedorismo no nível organizacional, permitindo encontrar novas oportunidades de negócios. É caracterizada pelas dimensões inovatividade, assunção de riscos, proatividade, autonomia e agressividade competitiva, podendo sofrer influências de diversos fatores do ambiente, entre eles os tecnológicos. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo é verificar como o uso de TIMS tem efeito nas dimensões da Orientação Empreendedora (OE) de uma organização. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio de estudo de caso de natureza exploratória em uma empresa do segmento de Capitalização. Para a análise dos dados, adotou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo e a estratégia geral de descrição do caso. Os resultados demonstram que os efeitos do uso de smartphone...

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 2016
Purpose – Research on entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has attracted researchers’ attention for o... more Purpose – Research on entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has attracted researchers’ attention for over 30 years. The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively analyze the body of literature resulting from 30 years of research in EO, and to answer the following questions: what are the major themes that have emerged? What areas are missing? What degree of convergence do we see in the field of EO, and what concepts/topics has the field converged around? Design/methodology/approach – A bibliometric study with a sample of 405 articles published from January 1987 to July 2014 was developed. Techniques of bibliometric, lexical, and content analysis were used. The analysis involved: the evolution of published articles; the main authors, their nationalities, and institutional affiliations; citation and co-citations analysis; the journals that have published the most articles; and the most frequently-searched topics. Opting for bibliometric techniques permit an analysis of a larger number of ...

REGEPE - Revista de Empreendedorismo e Gestão de Pequenas Empresas - ISSN 2316-2058, 2015
A Orientação Empreendedora constitui importante tema de estudo no contexto organizacional. Porém,... more A Orientação Empreendedora constitui importante tema de estudo no contexto organizacional. Porém, em organizações sem fins lucrativos, esse conceito ainda não está adequadamente estabelecido. Nesse sentido, este artigo busca analisar a manifestação da Orientação Empreendedora nas ações de uma organização sem fins lucrativos à luz do modelo de Morris, Webb e Franklin (2011). Os resultados permitiram identificar a manifestação das dimensões inovatividade, proatividade e assunção de riscos nas ações realizadas pela organização diante das suas necessidades ou busca pelas oportunidades (motivação, processos e resultados). Conclui-se que a organização é “socialmente e comercialmente empreendedora”, pois tem enfatizado o empreendedorismo tanto em relação à sua missão social e como ela é alcançada, quanto às parcerias comerciais com organizações públicas e privada.

The use of Mobile Wireless Information Technologies (TIMS), characterized as an innovative strate... more The use of Mobile Wireless Information Technologies (TIMS), characterized as an innovative strategy has contributed to organizations innovate their practices. These technologies have, in a way, being a mediator for organizational entrepreneurship. In this context, the objective is to study how the use of TIMS has an effect on the dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) of an organization. The research was developed through case study of an exploratory nature in a business segment of capitalization. For data analysis, we adopted the technique of content analysis and strategy general description of the case. We conclude that the effects of using smartphone dimensions innovativeness, proactiveness, autonomy and aggressiveness of OE are positive, whereas the risk-taking dimension smartphone use has aided in the prevention of risks. It can be argued that the use of TIMS contributes in part to the company's OE studied, as well as its use is a facilitator for the commitment of p...

This study aims to identify the incentives and barriers to the creative process manifestation'... more This study aims to identify the incentives and barriers to the creative process manifestation's perceived by the employees of an Association of Medical Professionals. For this purpose, firstly, a reference framework for creativity was presented, then, its approach in the organizational context was addressed. Following, a descriptive exploratory study was performed, through a survey, with 15 employees of an Association of Medical Professionals. In this work, it was used an adapted scale from Bruno-Faria and Alencar (1998), called indicators to Create Conditions in the Workplace. It was used the statistical module of the software Sphinx Léxica®, version To tabulate and data analysis, as weel as, to present the results. The results showed that from the employees’ point of view, the factors "encouraging new ideas, lack of support for putting new ideas into action and lack of incentives to employees," considered as intentives, were identified as those that inhibit ...
The Entrepreneurial Orientation is an important field of study in the organizational context. How... more The Entrepreneurial Orientation is an important field of study in the organizational context. However, in nonprofit organizations, is not yet properly established. This article aims to identify the practices of Entrepreneurial Orientation in the actions of an Association of Medical Professionals in light of Morris, Webb and Franklin (2011) model. The results showed the manifestation dimensions of innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking in the actions taken by the Association on their needs or search for opportunities (motivation, processes and outcomes). It is concluded that the organization is 'socially and commercially entrepreneurial', revealing the existence of field research for this theme.
This theoretical essay aims to propose a conceptual model portfolio management of projects (PPM) ... more This theoretical essay aims to propose a conceptual model portfolio management of projects (PPM) consolidated literature. Using the literature, were identified eight projects portfolio management models that were analyzed, compared and consolidated in terms of common dimensions. Constituted an attempt to develop a model of PPM that can be used by organizations in the strategic selection projects and for portfolio management. As contributions, this study contributes to the discussions about the PPM methodology and presents basis for holding empirical studies of practices in organizations.

The advancement of the concept of projects and the development and acceptation of methodologies a... more The advancement of the concept of projects and the development and acceptation of methodologies and approaches for its planning and management, has permitted its applicability in different areas, realities and organizational cultures. The search for methods and instruments capable of conducting your project to a successful accomplishment, e.g. a scientific journal, has motivated many organizations to enhance planning and management by resorting to good project management practices. In this context, the objective of this paper is to analyze empirical practices of the project of making a scientific journal, within a perspective based on the primary objectives of project management. A case study was developed that verified the application of management processes of scope, deadline and costs of the project of producing a specialized medical scientific journal. Within the results, emphasis goes to the fact that despite not having information about good project management

Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Administrativa, 2014
As organizações sem fins lucrativos têm aumentado sua participação na sociedade e buscado, na áre... more As organizações sem fins lucrativos têm aumentado sua participação na sociedade e buscado, na área de conhecimento da administração, ferramentas que facilitam a direção, a liderança e o controle de suas rotinas de trabalho. O setor também apresenta adoção de técnicas de planejamento estratégico, tornando a aceitação da metodologia de gestão de portfólio de projetos uma consequência natural. Nesse cenário, o objetivo deste artigo é verificar as práticas desenvolvidas na seleção de projetos de uma Associação Médica Especializada à luz de modelos de gestão de portfólio de projetos. Por meio da realização de um estudo de caso exploratório como estratégia de pesquisa e técnica de avaliação qualitativa, conclui-se que a organização desenvolve um planejamento estratégico para a captação de recursos e aplica, parcial e informalmente, o processo de seleção de projetos para composição do portfólio. A análise à luz de quatro modelos, possibilitou identificar que não há um modelo aplicável ao caso estudado, mas que algumas fases dos mesmos são aderentes, sendo outras de difícil adequação ao contexto de organizações sem fins lucrativos. Por fim, a conclusão motiva reflexão e expectativa quanto à necessidade de se desenvolver metodologias aplicadas ao setor não lucrativo, que contemplem características e peculiaridades dessas organizações. Palavras-chave Gestão de Portfólio de Projetos, Organização sem fins lucrativos, Associação Médica.

Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, 2012
Artigo Original | Original article INTRODUCTION The Social Security, comprised of Health, social ... more Artigo Original | Original article INTRODUCTION The Social Security, comprised of Health, social security and as sistance, was conceived in the Constitution of 1988 and allowed the implementation of the National Health System (SUS) (1) , which the main principle is health as universal right. The SUS guidelines are: equality, universality and integrality. The equity, although not present in the terms, has become one of the main references to formulate public policies, arguing the inequalities in the health area. There are several challenges in the health sector and they mainly involve the universality and equity principles, considering the occur rence of population groups with no access to any type of service, in all regions of Brazil (2). Actually, health service provision to remote and poor regions is an issue in almost all countries worldwide, as well as inadequate geo graphical distribution of service providers specially physicians (37). Even when the ratio physician/inhabitant is adequate, physicians' distribution tends to be concentrated in certain regions, leading to an undesirable result from the public health point of view and from the organizational principle of decentralization (8,9). Even in developed countries, these professionals are usually con centrated in larger cities, leaving small cities, rural areas, remote com munities and poorer regions unattended (3,7). In the United States, approximately 54 millions of people live in communities and regions with lack of health professionals, with no access to basic care due to economic, geographical and cultural barriers (10). Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and geographical distribution of ophthalmologists in Brazil Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) per capita e a distribuição geográfica dos oftalmologistas no Brasil

RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie
Purpose: The objective of this research is to investigate how human resources policies and the pe... more Purpose: The objective of this research is to investigate how human resources policies and the perception of learning opportunities in organizations influence the intention of professional turnover. Originality/value: The authors demonstrated that, by understanding the existing relationships between the researched constructs, organizations should increase their investments in improvements in human resources policies, particularly in actions that promote a greater perception of learning opportunities, which reduce the intention of employee turnover of their talents. Design/methodology/approach: This research was developed with a quantitative approach and data collection was carried out through a survey. The questionnaires were applied to 250 professionals working in the labor market and students from a private university. Data analysis was performed with a confirmatory factor analysis and, subsequently, a structural equation modeling. Findings: The authors presented the research resu...
The Entrepreneurial Orientation is an important field of study in the organizational context. How... more The Entrepreneurial Orientation is an important field of study in the organizational context. However, in nonprofit organizations, is not yet properly established. In this sense, this article aims to analyze the manifestation of Entrepreneurial Orientation in the actions of a nonprofit organization in light of Morris, Webb and Franklin (2011) model. The results showed the manifestation dimensions of innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking in the actions taken by the organization front their needs or search for opportunities (motivation, processes and outcomes). It is concluded that the organization is “socially and commercially entrepreneurial”, it has emphasized entrepreneurship both in relation to its social mission and how it is achieved, for the business partnerships with public and private.
Papers by Fabricio M Lacerda