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SYNOPSIS As they strive toward greater professionalism in carrying out their activities, nonprofit organizations have begun paying attention to project management. The nonprofit sector has also begun to adopt strategic planning... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesProject Portfolio Management
Purpose – Research on entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has attracted researchers' attention for over 30 years. The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively analyze the body of literature resulting from 30 years of research in EO, and... more
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This theoretical paper aims to propose a conceptual model of project portfolio management (PPM) based on consolidated literature. Applying bibliographic literature research, eight models of project portfolio management were identified,... more
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    • Project Portfolio Management
The advancement of the concept of projects and the development and acceptation of methodologies and approaches for its planning and management, has permitted its applicability in different areas, realities and organizational cultures. The... more
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The Entrepreneurial Orientation is an important field of study in the organizational context. However, in nonprofit organizations, is not yet properly established. In this sense, this article aims to analyze the manifestation of... more
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    • Nonprofit Studies
Purpose: The objective of this research is to investigate how human resources policies and the perception of learning opportunities in organizations influence the intention of professional turnover. Originality/value: The authors... more
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Artigo Original | Original article INTRODUCTION The Social Security, comprised of Health, social security and as sistance, was conceived in the Constitution of 1988 and allowed the implementation of the National Health System (SUS) (1) ,... more
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      GeographyOphthalmologyMedicineChristian Ministry
As organizações sem fins lucrativos têm aumentado sua participação na sociedade e buscado, na área de conhecimento da administração, ferramentas que facilitam a direção, a liderança e o controle de suas rotinas de trabalho. O setor também... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesKnowledge ManagementProject Portfolio Management
A Orientação Empreendedora constitui importante tema de estudo no contexto organizacional. Porém, em organizações sem fins lucrativos, esse conceito ainda não está adequadamente estabelecido. Nesse sentido, este artigo busca analisar a... more
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      PhysicsHumanitiesNonprofit Studies
O uso das Tecnologias de Informação Móveis (TIMS) tem contribuído para as organizações inovarem suas práticas. Estas tecnologias acabam, de certa forma, sendo mediadoras para o empreendedorismo organizacional. A Orientação Empreendedora... more
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A evolução do conceito de projetos e o desenvolvimento e aceitação das metodologias e abordagens para seu planejamento e gerenciamento tem permitido sua aplicabilidade a diferentes áreas, realidades e culturas organizacionais. A busca por... more
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As they strive towards greater professionalism in carrying out their activities, non-profit organizations (NPOs) have begun paying attention to project management. The non-profit sector (NPS) has also begun to adopt strategic planning... more
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      BusinessNonprofit StudiesThird SectorProject Portfolio Management
Este ensaio teórico tem por objetivo propor um modelo conceitual de gestão de portfólio de projetos (GPP) consolidado da literatura. Utilizando-se da pesquisa bibliográfica, foram identificados oito modelos de gestão de portfólio de... more
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      Computer SciencePhilosophyProject Portfolio Management
Resumo Objetivo: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar de que forma as políticas de recursos humanos e a percepção das oportunidades de aprendizagem nas organizações influenciam a intenção de rotatividade dos profissionais.... more
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The purpose of this study is to propose a set of factors that characterize the manifestation of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) in nonprofit organizations (NPOs), and we performed a systematic review of the literature. Initially, 17... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSociologyNonprofit Management Leadership
This research aims to describe the career and the entrepreneurial learning of micro-enterprises owners that identified new opportunities after the business failure. The methodology consists of a qualitative and exploratory study, with a... more
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      BusinessSociologyKnowledge ManagementFlexibility in engineering design
Investimentos adequados em cibersegurança continuam sendo um dos principais pilares para  empresas que necessitam proteger seus negócios em uma era digital. Para isto, é essencial compreender os diferentes passos necessários para... more
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Este trabalho apresenta como o escritório de gestão de projetos corporativos da Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo foi implementado bem como alguns aspectos referentes ao desenvolvimento das competências em gestão de projetos. Como... more
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