Papers on Education by Lina Trigos-Carrillo

Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 2024
La literacidad académica se desarrolla dentro de sistemas sociales y contextos en los que hace pa... more La literacidad académica se desarrolla dentro de sistemas sociales y contextos en los que hace parte. Por ello, está relacionada con la circulación de poder, pero también con la posibilidad de transformación social. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo entender las prácticas de literacidad académica dentro y fuera de la universidad de estudiantes de primera generación en tener acceso a la educación universitaria en México, Colombia y Costa Rica. A partir de una etnografía, la autora documentó las prácticas de literacidad de nueve estudiantes de primera generación en universidades públicas. Este artículo presenta casos representativos de prácticas de literacidad académica que limitan el acceso a la justicia social y prácticas por fuera del aula a través de las cuales los estudiantes resisten y demuestran su capacidad transformadora. Estos resultados demuestran que algunas prácticas pedagógicas a nivel universitario se constituyen en una barrera para lograr el acceso a la justicia social a través de la literacidad académica. Este estudio es relevante porque evidencia la importancia de conocer y vincular las prácticas, intereses y experiencias de los estudiantes en la enseñanza de la literacidad, ya que ellas ayudan a repensar la práctica pedagógica para promover procesos educativos más justos.

Journal of Peace Education, 2024
In Colombia, some educational settings, particularly territories with high levels of educational ... more In Colombia, some educational settings, particularly territories with high levels of educational inequality, uphold conventional teaching strategies where emotional education and critical thinking receive little attention. This study is rooted in our intention to contribute to peace education in early childhood educational environments by fostering critical thinking and empathy, a predictor of prosocial behavior in children. The aim of this study is, first, that young children develop empathy by recognizing situations of oppression and injustice in children’s literature using critical literacy practices; and second, to contribute to young children’s development of critical thinking. Utilizing Critical Discourse Analysis, we suggest that critical literacy practices enhance empathy and critical thinking in young children through three strategies: reading selected children’s literature aloud, responding through multimodal texts, and having an open dialogue about critical issues that affect children in local communities. This article contributes to the literature about literacy, empathy development, and peace education with young children.
International Encyclopedia of Education (Fourth Edition) , 2023
One of the main colonialism projects in Latin America, after the European invasion, was the erasu... more One of the main colonialism projects in Latin America, after the European invasion, was the erasure of linguistic diversity to eliminate Indigenous and African cultural identities. The processes known as coloniality of power and coloniality of language imposed a view of endogenous literacy practices as inferior or non-existent. This paper presents important initiatives emerging across the region that place dialogic literacy practices as central to resist dominance and consolidate a necessary decolonial turn for the revitalization of cultural and traditional knowledges. We present a vision of the future in which literacies serve rather than threaten epistemological diversity and cognitive justice.

Handbook of Research on the Global Empowerment of Educators and Student Learning Through Action Research, 2021
Conducting critical community research during the COVID-19 pandemic has brought unexpected challe... more Conducting critical community research during the COVID-19 pandemic has brought unexpected challenges to academic communities. In this chapter, the authors analyze the obstacles faced in a Critical Participatory Action Research (CPAR) education project with a rural community of former guerrilla members in the Amazon piedmont in Colombia. After this analysis, the authors present four CPAR principles to support critical community work during difficult times. The authors argue that communicative action, horizontal community participation in all the stages of the research process, time commitment, and the leverage of other competing needs should be guaranteed and maintained during times of crisis. CPAR offers opportunities to advocate better conditions for the most affected communities in moments of increasing inequality.

Handbook of Research on Socio-Cultural and Linguistic Perspectives on Language and Literacy Development, 2022
The effects of the pandemic, natural disasters, wars, and economic distress at the turn of the se... more The effects of the pandemic, natural disasters, wars, and economic distress at the turn of the second decade of the 20th century are a call to strengthen peace education around the world. In this chapter, the authors argue that intentional social practices of critical literacies offer opportunities for peacebuilding, understood as a dynamic process which includes the development of harmony in different life dimensions.
After providing an overview of peace research and peace education in the Colombian context, the authors provide a conceptualization of critical literacy and its relation to peacebuilding. Finally, the chapter offers a set of practical strategies to promote peacebuilding through critical literacies based on research experiences across the Americas. The strategies include the use of children’s literature to understand social reality and to develop empathy, critical literacies to develop critical intercultural awareness, and connecting with families and communities through literacy practices to make peace.
Pursuit of Liberation: Critical Service-Learning as Capacity Building for Historicized, Humanizing, and Embodied Action, 2022

English Teaching: Practice & Critique, 2019
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the literacy practices of the families and ... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the literacy practices of the families and communities of first-generation college students in Latin America, and how community and family literacies can inform the understanding of first-generation college students’ identity and cultural values.
Design/methodology/approach – This transnational ethnography was conducted in local communities around three public universities in Mexico, Colombia and Costa Rica. Participants included nine fist- generation college students and more than 50 people in their families and communities (i.e. relatives, parents and friends). Data gathering occurred at the university outside the formal space of the classroom, at home, and in the community. Data were interpreted through the lens of the community cultural wealth framework.
Findings – The author found that first-generation college students and their families and communities engaged in rich literacy practices that have been overlooked in policy, research, and media. It is argued that the concept literacy capital is necessary to acknowledge the critical literacy practices communities engage in. Literacy capital was manifested in these communities to preserve cultural traditions, to sponsor literacy practices and to question and resist unjust sociopolitical circumstances.
Practical implications – The findings of this study should inform a culturally sustaining pedagogy of academic literacies in higher education. Beyond asset-based approaches to academic literacies in Latin America, critical perspectives to academic literacies teaching and learning are needed that acknowledge the Latin American complexities.
Originality/value – These findings are significant because they unveiled how people in local communities were informed about the sociopolitical dynamics at the national and international scale that affected or even threatened their local culture, and how they used their literacy capital to react critically to those situations.
Keywords Latin America, Higher education, Literacy, Community literacies, Family literacies, Literacy capital
Paper type: Research paper

Frontiers in Psychology, 2020
In the context of the 2016 Peace Agreement signed between the Colombian government and the FARC-E... more In the context of the 2016 Peace Agreement signed between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo), several challenges for society and academia have emerged: (1) overcoming the gap between the rural and urban settings, which has been one of the roots of the Colombian armed conflict, and (2) training psychologists and transforming traditional educational practices, which have not been designed to fulfill community needs in a post-conflict setting. One of the strategies from academia to overcome these difficulties is to create alliances with rural communities where students learn key competences to foster a horizontal approach while actively working with the community. In the region of Caquetá, Colombia, two Territorial Spaces for Training and Reincorporation (ETCR) were created in order to provide a space for former guerrilla members’ reintegration to civil society. In the ETCR Héctor Ramírez, 27 students and two faculty participated in a service-learning project (2 weeks in December 2018 and two in June 2019) where they engaged in local daily practices and social projects based on the community’s prioritized needs. The aim of this study was to analyze the learning process of undergraduate psychology students in this community psychology service-learning project in the context of peacebuilding in Colombia. This study is grounded in a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach and data collected include reflective narratives and video diaries by students before and during the course, and two focus groups after the experience. Findings suggest that students who participated in the experience are in the process of developing cultural humility, through affective understandings and the consolidation of communities of practice that include the former guerrilla members and their knowledges. Preparing psychologists to lead peacebuilding and reconciliation processes is of importance to the field because the professional competencies gained in this context surpass the professional practice as they become part of the students’ abilities as citizens. The social impact is twofold: the students learn to create partnerships where purposes are co-constructed and trust-based, while the community takes the lead of their processes creating alliances with an academia that recognizes their knowledge and practices.

Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura, 2019
In this editorial, the author reflects on the state of research on academic literacies in Latin A... more In this editorial, the author reflects on the state of research on academic literacies in Latin American higher education. To this end, the author presents a description of the context of higher education in Latin America and an analysis of literature on academic literacies in the region through the lenses of three models: the study skills model, the academic socialization model, and the critical sociocul- tural model. Based on this analysis, the author argues that a critical sociocultural perspective is emerging in Latin America, which considers academic literacies as social practices embedded in systems of power. This transition to a critical socio- cultural perspective is important and timely because it challenges deficit views of students, and it addresses issues of power, identity, representation, and authority. The author invites Latin American scholars to consider the implications of a criti- cal sociocultural perspective on academic literacies and the possibilities it offers for understanding how youth interact with literacy in a region where education often reinforces deep inequalities.

After 20 years of the New London Group's publication of A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies, we present... more After 20 years of the New London Group's publication of A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies, we present an analytical literature review that traces the routes and roots of multi-literacies scholarship in Latin America. We found high research activity in Latin America in the areas of literacy education and critical literacy; indigenous, bilingual, and intercultural education; and technology and digital literacy. We argue that the inclusion of scholarship from the global South is essential to the goal of recognizing epistemological diversity. Further, different theories of knowledge need to coexist to transform diversity into cognitive justice. This article is an intercultural effort to widen the scope of literacy education inquiry in historically marginalized areas of the world. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the New London Group's (NLG) publication of A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies. The report has been influential in advancing theoretical , methodological, and, to a certain extent, pedagogical projects in the United States. The report contributed to a shift that was occurring in the field of literacy

This article reviews critical discourse analysis scholarship in education research from 2004 to 2... more This article reviews critical discourse analysis scholarship in education research from 2004 to 2012. Our methodology was carried out in three stages. First, we searched educational databases. Second, we completed an analytic review template for each article and encoded these data into a digital spreadsheet to assess macro-trends in the field. Third, we developed sche-mata to interpret the complexity of research design. Our examination of 257 articles reveals trends in research questions, the theories researchers find useful, and the kinds of interactions that capture their attention. We explore areas in the field especially ripe for debate and critique: reflexivity, decon-structive–reconstructive stance toward inquiry, and social action. We compare the findings with an earlier review published in 2005, reflecting on three decades of critical discourse analysis in education research.
Working with my mentor is like having a second brain/hands/ feet/eyes": Perceptions of Novice Tea... more Working with my mentor is like having a second brain/hands/ feet/eyes": Perceptions of Novice Teachers 78 English Journal 102.3 (2013): 78-86 M If new teachers are going to do more than endure a rocky start, they need to develop a deep understanding about learners and about teaching their own discipline effectively. Research reveals characteristics of effective mentors who attend to the emotional, pedagogical, and logistical needs of their new colleagues. In the best circumstances, several colleagues serve as mentors and recognize these diverse needs.
El presente artículo forma parte del trabajo desarrollado por el grupo de investigación Pedagogía... more El presente artículo forma parte del trabajo desarrollado por el grupo de investigación Pedagogía de la Escritura y del Lenguaje, avalado por la Universidad del Rosario. Este grupo ha sido financiado por el Fondo de Innovación Pedagógica de la Universidad del Rosario y el Proyecto Innova Cesal, que a su vez es financiado por la Unión Europea y es coordinado por la Universidad Veracruzana.

Este documento presenta proyectos de innovación que implementan la internacionalización como estr... more Este documento presenta proyectos de innovación que implementan la internacionalización como estrategia de enseñanza y aprendizaje en el área de las humanidades, las ciencias sociales, las artes y, en esta ocasión, de las ciencias económico administrativas de la RedIC. Los profesores participantes diseñaron y condujeron intervenciones específicas guiados por las discusiones teóricas sobre la internacionalización como estrategia de formación que se gestaron desde la RedIC. La mayoría de los proyectos adopta el enfoque de la internacionalización en casa, pero sus aproximaciones y estrategias difieren dependiendo del diseño de la intervención y los propósitos de los objetivos de formación. Este documento tiene como propósito avanzar las discusiones sobre la adopción de la internacionalización en el contexto latinoamericano y ofrecer estrategias de enseñanza que profesores y programas en instituciones de educación superior puedan adaptar a su currículo. Esperamos que esta guía ofrezca opciones de internacionalización de la educación en contextos donde la movilidad estudiantil o docente inmediata no es posible, y genere sensibilidad sobre los aportes que Latinoamérica puede ofrecer a los procesos de internacionalización desde nuestros valores culturales y sociales.
En el Proyecto se llevó a cabo una reflexión sobre estos temas por grupos de trabajo, y aunque lo... more En el Proyecto se llevó a cabo una reflexión sobre estos temas por grupos de trabajo, y aunque los acercamientos reflejan las particularidades de las profesiones/disciplinas, se comparte la necesidad de actualizar y alinear la evaluación a los 1 Aseguramiento de la Calidad en la Educación y en el Trabajo, S . C . , México .
Papers on Philosophy of Language by Lina Trigos-Carrillo

Discusiones Filosoficas
El problema de los indexicales dentro de una teoría semántica se puede analizar desde dos perspec... more El problema de los indexicales dentro de una teoría semántica se puede analizar desde dos perspectivas distintas: Una teoría de referencia indirecta o una teoría de referencia directa. Cada una de estas posturas conlleva asunciones muy diferentes sobre la relación de los términos, en este caso "indexicales", y el significado al cual refieren. En el primer caso, los términos indexicales hacen referencia a objetos del mundo mediante la mediación del sinn. En el segundo caso, en el que se enmarca la teoría sobre demostrativos de D. Kaplan, se consideran los términos indexicales como directamente referenciales, es decir que no es necesaria una mediación o sinn entre el término y el objeto al cual refieren. Al dejar de lado la noción de sinn, otros conceptos entran a ser determinantes en el sustento de la teoría, como el de contexto y el de circunstancia. El objetivo de este escrito es analizar la importancia de estos dos conceptos para la teoría de referencia directa de D. Kaplan, el tratamiento que hace de estos conceptos en el desarrollo de su propuesta y algunas implicaciones de tal tratamiento.
Lina Marcel a Trig o s C a r r i l lo
Papers on Education by Lina Trigos-Carrillo
After providing an overview of peace research and peace education in the Colombian context, the authors provide a conceptualization of critical literacy and its relation to peacebuilding. Finally, the chapter offers a set of practical strategies to promote peacebuilding through critical literacies based on research experiences across the Americas. The strategies include the use of children’s literature to understand social reality and to develop empathy, critical literacies to develop critical intercultural awareness, and connecting with families and communities through literacy practices to make peace.
Design/methodology/approach – This transnational ethnography was conducted in local communities around three public universities in Mexico, Colombia and Costa Rica. Participants included nine fist- generation college students and more than 50 people in their families and communities (i.e. relatives, parents and friends). Data gathering occurred at the university outside the formal space of the classroom, at home, and in the community. Data were interpreted through the lens of the community cultural wealth framework.
Findings – The author found that first-generation college students and their families and communities engaged in rich literacy practices that have been overlooked in policy, research, and media. It is argued that the concept literacy capital is necessary to acknowledge the critical literacy practices communities engage in. Literacy capital was manifested in these communities to preserve cultural traditions, to sponsor literacy practices and to question and resist unjust sociopolitical circumstances.
Practical implications – The findings of this study should inform a culturally sustaining pedagogy of academic literacies in higher education. Beyond asset-based approaches to academic literacies in Latin America, critical perspectives to academic literacies teaching and learning are needed that acknowledge the Latin American complexities.
Originality/value – These findings are significant because they unveiled how people in local communities were informed about the sociopolitical dynamics at the national and international scale that affected or even threatened their local culture, and how they used their literacy capital to react critically to those situations.
Keywords Latin America, Higher education, Literacy, Community literacies, Family literacies, Literacy capital
Paper type: Research paper
Papers on Philosophy of Language by Lina Trigos-Carrillo
After providing an overview of peace research and peace education in the Colombian context, the authors provide a conceptualization of critical literacy and its relation to peacebuilding. Finally, the chapter offers a set of practical strategies to promote peacebuilding through critical literacies based on research experiences across the Americas. The strategies include the use of children’s literature to understand social reality and to develop empathy, critical literacies to develop critical intercultural awareness, and connecting with families and communities through literacy practices to make peace.
Design/methodology/approach – This transnational ethnography was conducted in local communities around three public universities in Mexico, Colombia and Costa Rica. Participants included nine fist- generation college students and more than 50 people in their families and communities (i.e. relatives, parents and friends). Data gathering occurred at the university outside the formal space of the classroom, at home, and in the community. Data were interpreted through the lens of the community cultural wealth framework.
Findings – The author found that first-generation college students and their families and communities engaged in rich literacy practices that have been overlooked in policy, research, and media. It is argued that the concept literacy capital is necessary to acknowledge the critical literacy practices communities engage in. Literacy capital was manifested in these communities to preserve cultural traditions, to sponsor literacy practices and to question and resist unjust sociopolitical circumstances.
Practical implications – The findings of this study should inform a culturally sustaining pedagogy of academic literacies in higher education. Beyond asset-based approaches to academic literacies in Latin America, critical perspectives to academic literacies teaching and learning are needed that acknowledge the Latin American complexities.
Originality/value – These findings are significant because they unveiled how people in local communities were informed about the sociopolitical dynamics at the national and international scale that affected or even threatened their local culture, and how they used their literacy capital to react critically to those situations.
Keywords Latin America, Higher education, Literacy, Community literacies, Family literacies, Literacy capital
Paper type: Research paper
Based on best practices and the authors’ years of research, this guide offers practical approaches that equip grades K-8 teachers to draw on the strengths of multilingual learners, partner with their families, and position these learners for success. Readers will find:
• A focus on multilingual students as leaders
• A strength-based approach that draws on students’ life experiences and cultural backgrounds
• An emphasis on maintaining high expectations for learners’ capacity for mastering rigorous content
• Strategies for representing concepts in different formats
• Stop and Think questions throughout and reflection questions at the end of each chapter
• Try It! Implementation activities, student work examples, and classroom transcripts
With case studies and activities that provide a solid foundation for teachers’ growth and exploration, this groundbreaking book will help teachers and teacher educators engage in meaningful, humanized mathematics instruction.