Papers by carlos Jimenez
analecta polit. | Vol. 6 | No. 10 | PP. 115-137 | enero-junio | 2016 | ISSN: 2027-7458 | Medellín- Colombia, 2016
This article aims to raise the possibility of finding in the philosophy of language and
pragmatis... more This article aims to raise the possibility of finding in the philosophy of language and
pragmatism, which arise from the second Wittgenstein, a conception of politics that is
an alternative to the classical Western political philosophy; for this purpose a characterization
of the Aristotelian conception of politics is first, and the action in its metaphysics;
after that the main features of modern political philosophy are indicated, and his conception
of political action, and current criticism received; finally, pragmatists linguistic
concepts that can serve as theoretical framework to political philosophy are sketched.

This article argue that it is possible to work up a philosophical understanding of politics into ... more This article argue that it is possible to work up a philosophical understanding of politics into the framework of the concepts that Wittgenstein developed in his second period about language and action; Wittgenstein's conception of both language and human actions allows us to derive from it a conception of politics different from that of tradition, in which language was thought as a medium of transmission, and action as reduced to its conceptual representation; this aimed the reflection to the representation of politics and not to politics itself. From Wittgenstein thought, politics is not an a priori condition of societies, but arises in certain contexts of practices and language games that make it possible; therefore language and action set up the framework of meaning of politics, and the conceptual tools found in the so-called second Wittgenstein allow to carry out a philosophical description of that, showing politics as an activity founded on linguistic practices aimed at the Common, within a form of life.
The linguistic neopragmatism, based mainly on Wittgenstein and Brandom, may contribute to philoso... more The linguistic neopragmatism, based mainly on Wittgenstein and Brandom, may contribute to philosophical studies on Latin America whit a conceptual rigor and connection to the practice, to enrich its perspective of analysis. With its proposal to seek the inferential content that are implicit in human practices, this contemporary linguistic pragmatism allows bring out the inferential and practical commitments that can hide in dominant discourses and actions in Latin America, in addition to balance the weight of the diffuse post and decolonial discourse, in the background, poststructuralist, prevalent in the Academy.
En la búsqueda de los fundamentos de la realidad, ha existido un prejuicio metafísico que ha guia... more En la búsqueda de los fundamentos de la realidad, ha existido un prejuicio metafísico que ha guiado a la filosofía a lo largo de muchos siglos, y es el de la creencia en que el pensamiento filosófico debe buscar un principio "puro", firme y absoluto, del cual no se pueda dudar, para comprender la realidad. Tal creencia se acepta como una máxima indiscutible, como un axioma rector, pero no se consideró durante mucho tiempo su carácter de prejuicio, heredado del fondo histórico en que se formó el pueblo griego, sin recibir antes una revisión crítica.

Es sabido que Wittgenstein no manifestó en su vida compromisos ni convicciones políticas conocida... more Es sabido que Wittgenstein no manifestó en su vida compromisos ni convicciones políticas conocidas, y su pensamiento no fue el de un teórico de la política (Muñoz, 2004, 213). Más bien, es llamado como "impolítico", en el sentido de no considerar lo político como una esfera autónoma en la realidad humana sobre la que se debe meditar específicamente en la filosofía. Él es ante todo un filósofo sin apellidos en cuanto que su filosofía se refiere no a regiones específicas de la realidad humana, sino a ella en general, y por eso, Silvana Borutti afirma que de su pensamiento se "excluye… una autónoma dimensión teórica de debate, proyección y deliberación política" (2008, 60), y cree confirmarlo con su estilo de vida intelectual, alejada de reflexiones sobre los grandes acontecimientos históricos que vivió: "su estilo de vida, y las reflexiones que dedica a la crítica del propio tiempo, muestran… una voluntad anti-mundana de permanecer en los márgenes de la ciudad lingüística y científica, y ciertamente también de la ciudad política" (60).
Thesis Chapters by carlos Jimenez
El artículo se propone analizar las diferentes interpretaciones que ha recibido el concepto wittg... more El artículo se propone analizar las diferentes interpretaciones que ha recibido el concepto wittgensteiniano de forma de vida y mostrar, por un lado, que se pueden integrar en una concepción pragmática más amplia y, por otro, que este concepto es básico para comprender la formación y multiplicidad de las instituciones sociales de las comunidades humanas; todo lo cual permite cuestionar la validez de teorías sociales con pretensiones universalistas. Palabras clave: Wittgenstein, formas de vida, acción, lenguaje.
Papers by carlos Jimenez
pragmatism, which arise from the second Wittgenstein, a conception of politics that is
an alternative to the classical Western political philosophy; for this purpose a characterization
of the Aristotelian conception of politics is first, and the action in its metaphysics;
after that the main features of modern political philosophy are indicated, and his conception
of political action, and current criticism received; finally, pragmatists linguistic
concepts that can serve as theoretical framework to political philosophy are sketched.
Thesis Chapters by carlos Jimenez
pragmatism, which arise from the second Wittgenstein, a conception of politics that is
an alternative to the classical Western political philosophy; for this purpose a characterization
of the Aristotelian conception of politics is first, and the action in its metaphysics;
after that the main features of modern political philosophy are indicated, and his conception
of political action, and current criticism received; finally, pragmatists linguistic
concepts that can serve as theoretical framework to political philosophy are sketched.