Books by vittorio saldutti
Luciano Editore, 2018
Questo volume nasce dalla constatazione dell'assenza, nel pure ricco panorama editoriale, di un m... more Questo volume nasce dalla constatazione dell'assenza, nel pure ricco panorama editoriale, di un manuale pensato per dare risposta alle esigenze specifiche poste da un corso di Storia antica destinato a studenti di Scienze della Formazione primaria.

Tiotinx Edizioni, 2020
Archaiologhìa è il titolo con cui è nota la sezione iniziale dell’opera di Tucidide. Il grande st... more Archaiologhìa è il titolo con cui è nota la sezione iniziale dell’opera di Tucidide. Il grande storico ateniese, per dimostrare ai suoi lettori la portata epocale della guerra del Peloponneso, da lui vissuta in prima persona e fatta oggetto di racconto, dà avvio alla sua narrazione ripercorrendo i tempi della Grecia più antica. Nel ricostruire le condizioni di vita di questo lontano passato, parte dagli «indizi» – dalle fonti, si direbbe oggi – che esso ha lasciato e che sono apparsi fededegni al suo esame critico. Come per Tucidide, anche per noi la conoscenza del passato è necessaria per la comprensione del presente, e non diverso da quello di Tucidide è in fondo, ancora oggi, il lavoro di chi del passato vuole fornire una ricostruzione con carattere di scientificità, esaminandone criticamente le tracce superstiti. Archaiologhìa intende dare un assaggio di questo complesso lavoro, portando il lettore dietro le quinte della narrazione storica sulla Grecia antica che nei manuali trova sintesi organica e coerente.

Identity of the Hirpini is investigated through both literary and epigraphic sources. Traditional... more Identity of the Hirpini is investigated through both literary and epigraphic sources. Traditional accounts on the origins of the Hirpini near the Soracte mountain point out several features shared by the Hirpini of southern Italy, preserved until Roman period. Particularly the speci c worship of the underworld god Dis is the prominent fact that ties both Sabellian communities in addition to their common name. Strictly linked with Dīs pater worship in the Ansanto's santuary is the goddess Me tis, whose cult points to a connection of the Hirpini with the neighboring Samnite communities. With respect to Romanization the Hirpini region shows contrasting patterns: on the one hand, some upper classes display a repeated adhesion to the Roman rule and an early adoption of Latin; on the other hand, resistance to the Roman rule during the Social war gave way to the assignment of their territory to the Second region (Apulia et Calabria) in the Augustan partition of Italy.
Biography and politics during the Peloponnesian war. The rise of Cleon and his struggle against t... more Biography and politics during the Peloponnesian war. The rise of Cleon and his struggle against the old aristocracy
Papers by vittorio saldutti

Hormos. Ricerche di storia antica, 2024
Ettore Ciccotti occupa un suo spazio nella storia degli studi per l’adesione al materialismo stor... more Ettore Ciccotti occupa un suo spazio nella storia degli studi per l’adesione al materialismo storico e l’originalità del suo metodo di lavoro, che prevedeva l’uso delle moderne scienze sociali e antropologiche. Nonostante la sua figura abbia suscitato nel corso del tempo un crescente interesse, scarsa attenzione è stata dedicata agli anni del primo
dopoguerra, quando, dopo un lungo avvicinamento al fascismo, ruppe con il regime e con la sua propaganda che guardava all’antico. Questo lavoro intende analizzare questa fondamentale fase nella vita dello storico attraverso le analisi dei concetti di democrazia e dittatura, molto presenti nei contributi di questi anni e attorno ai quali matura il suo travaglio
Parole chiave: Ettore Ciccotti, materialismo storico, democrazia, dittatura, fascismo
Ettore Ciccotti holds a unique place in the history of historiography for his adoption of historical materialism and the originality of his working method, which involved modern social and anthropological sciences. Despite the growing interest in his figure over time, little attention has been given to the post-World War I years when, after a long association with fascism, he broke with the regime and its classical-oriented propaganda. This work aims to analyse this fundamental phase in the historian's life by examining the concepts of democracy and dictatorship, which were prominent in his contributions during this period and around
which his intellectual struggle matured. Keywords: Ettore Ciccotti, historical materialism, democracy, dictatorship, fascism
Ancient sources made only ambiguous references to a building program proposed by Demetrius of Pha... more Ancient sources made only ambiguous references to a building program proposed by Demetrius of Phalerum during his ten-year government. If we are not able to single out any coherent intervention on Athens city planning, nevertheless several laws proposed by Demetrius aiming at reaching a new political balance between the élite and the demos had an impressive impact on Athenian landscape. The article analyses the influence exercised by Demetrius’ decrees on the political landscape of Athens and its legacy to the Hellenistic city.
Spunti Diodorei, 2021
The paper analyzes the passages devoted to Demetrius Phalereus' ten years in the work of Diodorus... more The paper analyzes the passages devoted to Demetrius Phalereus' ten years in the work of Diodorus Siculus
Essere sempre il migliore. Concorsi e gare nella Napoli antica, 2022
On the background of the important socioeconomic , political, and cultural evolution of Athens be... more On the background of the important socioeconomic , political, and cultural evolution of Athens between fifth and fourth Century BCE, Themistocles became an icon of the struggle for equality between bastards (nothoi) and well-born. The aim of the article is to trace the origins of the anecdote about Themistocles-training himself along with legitimate and illegitimate Athenians in the gymnasium at Cynosarges-back to Antisthenes and his school, and to investigate the reasons why the philosopher chose Themistocles as a symbol of his attempt to overturn the traditional prejudices against nothoi and other groups excluded from citizenship.

Clotho, 2022
“The political form at last discovered under which to work out the economic emancipation of labor... more “The political form at last discovered under which to work out the economic emancipation of labor.” With these words, Marx described the Paris Commune of 1871. It “was formed of the municipal councillors, chosen by universal suffrage in the various wards of the town, responsible and revocable at short term […] a working, not a parliamentary body, executive and legislative at the same time.” The political tradition of the Commune was inherited by the Russian soviets and inspired Lenin, who explained the role of those governing bodies as a “reversion to primitive democracy.” Arthur Rosenberg, professor of Ancient History at Berlin University, tried in his book Democracy and Class Struggle in the Ancient World to offer historical ground for the ideas developed by Lenin in State and Revolution and compared ancient Athenian democracy to the contemporary German and Russian councils. During the 1920s, as a communist leader and MP, Rosenberg, recalling his ideas on Athenian democracy, criticized the political degeneration of the Russian workers’ State. He stressed how Soviet Russia, in limiting the power of the councils, had suppressed the governing body of socialist direct democracy. In his work Workers’ Councils, Dutch revolutionary Anton Pannekoek renewed Rosenberg’s criticism at the end of World War II, returning to the image of ancient democratic Athens as a forerunner of the socialist councils.
Summary The politeia established in Athens in 317 after a covenant between Cassander and Demetriu... more Summary The politeia established in Athens in 317 after a covenant between Cassander and Demetrius of Phalerum was variously described by ancient authors as a tyranny, an oligarchy, and a democracy. Even among modern scholars there is no agreement about its definition. A close study of the architecture of the so-called regime of Demetrius and a comparison with the almost contemporary constitution of Cyrene, imposed on the African town by Ptolemaeus I, lead us to characterize it as a mixed constitution, which balanced elements from the three principal types of political organisation. This experiment had a strong impact on the Hellenistic and Roman political traditions, as testified by Cicero, who recalled Demetrius as the last great Athenian lawgiver and inventor of the blended constitution.
Appellati nomine lupi. Giornata internazionale di Studi sull’Hirpinia e gli Hirpini Napoli, 28 febbraio 2014 a cura di VINCENZO FRANCIOSI - AMEDEO VISCONTI ALESSANDRA AVAGLIANO - VITTORIO SALDUTTI, 2017
As Hannibal got closer to the town of Compsa, which had become
the main settlement of the Hirpini... more As Hannibal got closer to the town of Compsa, which had become
the main settlement of the Hirpini after the foundation of the Roman
colony of Beneventum, civil strife arose between the anti-Roman
faction led by Statius Trebius and the pro-Roman Mopsii family, driven
out of the village. After this struggle Compsa was bitterly fought over
by the Roman and Punic army. A careful look at the report given by
Livius allows us to suppose that the small town was seized twice and
plundered both times, leading to its disappearing for over a century.

Ricerche Ellenistiche, 2020
The aim of the paper is to understand the meaning, in Demetrius of Phalerum’s work, of the word d... more The aim of the paper is to understand the meaning, in Demetrius of Phalerum’s work, of the word demokratia, with whom he describes the regime established in 317, after a covenant between him and Cassander. In the surviving fragments of Demetrius’ literary works, it is possible to identify four main topics by which we can grasp his idea of the Athenian democratic history, therefore of democracy as political government : the first one is the picture of Solon as founder of democracy ; the second one is the development of ostracism, which parallels the decline of the polis ; the third one is the reappraisal of Aristides’ career as a symbol of the golden age of that polity ; the last one is the hostile relation of the city with the philosophers, culminated in the process against Socrates. The close analysis of these topics let understand that Demetrius thought that in the years after the Persian Wars Athens was driven by a positive Areopagitic democracy, which degenerated, in the following years, in a radical, antiphilosophical regime.
Keywords · Demetrius of Phalerum ; Hellenistic reception of classical Athens ; Aristides son of Lysimachus ; ostracism ; Socrates’ trial.
History of Classical Scholarship, 2020
In the years following the Bolsheviks’ seizure of power in Russia the inter-national Socialist mo... more In the years following the Bolsheviks’ seizure of power in Russia the inter-national Socialist movement was divided by a harsh debate on the nature of Soviet democracy, which had a major influence on Arthur Rosenberg’s thought. In October 1919, he published an article in the journal of the Independent Social Democratic Party in which he compared Athenian democracy with contem-porary workers’ councils. The piece prompted the reaction of Otto Jenssen, who opened a controversy on the economic, social and political character of the ancient Athenian polity that came to involve also Ettore Ciccotti. The exchange had a considerable impact on the later works of Ciccotti and on the writing of Demokratie und Klassenkampf im Altertum, Rosenberg’s most important con-tribution to classical scholarship.

Incidenza dell'Antico. Dialoghi di Storia Greca, 2018
Karl Julius Beloch was deeply interested in fifth century Athenian history and, although he later... more Karl Julius Beloch was deeply interested in fifth century Athenian history and, although he later dismissed the importance of studying this period, his first work on mainland Greek history was devoted to the history of Athens from Pericles’ death to the defeat at Cheroneia. In the Attische Politik seit Perikles he focused his attention not just on party politics, which is perhaps the weakest side of his research, but also on the economic and demographic development of the polis at its acme. The materialistic and modernist view of economic growth in Classical age leads to the shaping of an idea of ancient history, where the individualities of the leading figures play no role, or, at least, not a fundamental one, as is demonstrated in the introduction of the second edition of his seminal Griechische Geschichte. The interest in the relationship between individual and society is therefore Beloch’s most important methodological contribution for the study of Classical age.
Incidenza dell'antico. Dialoghi di storia greca, 2016
After the Mytilenian revolt against the empire, the Athenians sent to the island a settlement, a ... more After the Mytilenian revolt against the empire, the Athenians sent to the island a settlement, a cleruchy, according to Thucydides. The duration and, as a consequence, the importance of it depend on the date of a fragmentary inscription (IG I3 66) found on the south slope of the Acropolis, that records the subsequent peace treaty between
the Lesbian cities and Athens. The article rejects the traditional high date for this decree, between 427 and 424 b.C., and proposes a lower date, after the Peace of Nicias and before the Sicilian expedition.
Incidenza dell'Antico. Dialoghi di storia greca, 2015
Since their birth, in the last decades of Vth Century, the words demagogue and demagoguery built ... more Since their birth, in the last decades of Vth Century, the words demagogue and demagoguery built a coherent and negative picture of the leading politicians of Athens during the Peloponnesian war, but from different points of view: against the portrait made by Aristophanes of the demagogues as uneducated, corrupted speakers mainly involved in the internal struggle, Thucydides underscores their use of a violent rhetoric to support an aggressive foreign policy. The aim of this article is to investigate how these different ideas about demagogy developed
through the Vth and the IVth Centuries in the political, historical and philosophical debate, and produced the theoretical concept of demagogue as a bad politician who is leaded by the people.
Legge e Limite, 2015
L'autore ricostruisce la genesi del concetto di leggi immutabili nell'Atene della Guerra del Pelo... more L'autore ricostruisce la genesi del concetto di leggi immutabili nell'Atene della Guerra del Peloponneso. L'idea dell'inamovibilità delle leggi fu coniata dai leaders democratici come strumento di autodifesa per arginare i tentativi eversivi messi in campo dai settori conservatori, i quali facevano leva sull'instabilità di un sistema che, privo di una gerarchia tra le leggi, poteva paradossalmente essere rovesciato in maniera legale. Questo è quanto avviene nel 411 e, in forma diversa, nel 404, esperienze intervallate dal ripetuto proposito di redazione di un nucleo di leggi sovrane, che si completerà con la restaurazione del 403, in cui le limitazioni alla libertà democratica sono da interpretare come strumento di salvaguardia di indirizzo democratico

Ancient Society 43, 2013
The Aristotelian Athenian Constitution suggests that the decline of Athens began either during or... more The Aristotelian Athenian Constitution suggests that the decline of Athens began either during or after the government of Pericles, due to the increasing importance of leaders who were not aristocratic landowners. The so-called comic diadochè of demagogues in the Knights of Aristophanes and some verses of the Plutoi of Cratinus help us in reconstructing the careers of Eucrates, Lisicles and Hagnon, who made their first steps in the political arena during the hegemony of Pericles, thanks to previous economic successes. They were all involved in trade and industry, so their wealth grew with the development of the empire during the first decades of the second half of the fifth century. After the outbreak of the Peloponnesian war and the spread of the plague which killed Pericles and other well-born scions, they rose to the leadership of the demos. The two steps of their political careers — their economic and political rise, then their achieved leadership — make us understand the relationships between economy and politics in classical Athens and why Aristotle split in two times the beginning of the fall of the city.
Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica n.103 1/2013, pp. 81-89
Alexander of Nicaea, professor of rhetoric at the paidotribeion of Byzantium under Constantine VI... more Alexander of Nicaea, professor of rhetoric at the paidotribeion of Byzantium under Constantine VII, quotes in his scholia on Lucian’s Timon a fragment of Idomeneus of Lampsacus, unpublished in both the collections of fragmentary historians compiled by K. Muller and F. Jacoby. The fragment confirms that Cleon inherited his tanning workshop from the father and adds that he worked there since he was young. According to this fragment it’s possible to suppose that this tradition about Cleon was influenced by the socratic polemic against the tanner Anytus and his incapability to lead Athens
Three of the surviving fragments of Theopompus’ Philippika X, also known as the digression On the... more Three of the surviving fragments of Theopompus’ Philippika X, also known as the digression On the Demagogues, concern the demagogue Cleon. The author’s moralistic attitude toward history, particularly reguarding the biography of the 6th and 5th century B.C. politicians, allow us to shed light on the first stage of Cleon’s politics. FF 93 and 94 are particularly useful to reconstruct the timing and the methods of the struggle between the demagogue and the horsemen that took place from Pericle’s death until the definitive achievement of prostasia, obtained by Cleon thanks to the victory at Sphacteria. Furthermore, the analysis of the struggle aids better understanding of Cleon’s social origins.
Books by vittorio saldutti
Papers by vittorio saldutti
dopoguerra, quando, dopo un lungo avvicinamento al fascismo, ruppe con il regime e con la sua propaganda che guardava all’antico. Questo lavoro intende analizzare questa fondamentale fase nella vita dello storico attraverso le analisi dei concetti di democrazia e dittatura, molto presenti nei contributi di questi anni e attorno ai quali matura il suo travaglio
Parole chiave: Ettore Ciccotti, materialismo storico, democrazia, dittatura, fascismo
Ettore Ciccotti holds a unique place in the history of historiography for his adoption of historical materialism and the originality of his working method, which involved modern social and anthropological sciences. Despite the growing interest in his figure over time, little attention has been given to the post-World War I years when, after a long association with fascism, he broke with the regime and its classical-oriented propaganda. This work aims to analyse this fundamental phase in the historian's life by examining the concepts of democracy and dictatorship, which were prominent in his contributions during this period and around
which his intellectual struggle matured. Keywords: Ettore Ciccotti, historical materialism, democracy, dictatorship, fascism
the main settlement of the Hirpini after the foundation of the Roman
colony of Beneventum, civil strife arose between the anti-Roman
faction led by Statius Trebius and the pro-Roman Mopsii family, driven
out of the village. After this struggle Compsa was bitterly fought over
by the Roman and Punic army. A careful look at the report given by
Livius allows us to suppose that the small town was seized twice and
plundered both times, leading to its disappearing for over a century.
Keywords · Demetrius of Phalerum ; Hellenistic reception of classical Athens ; Aristides son of Lysimachus ; ostracism ; Socrates’ trial.
the Lesbian cities and Athens. The article rejects the traditional high date for this decree, between 427 and 424 b.C., and proposes a lower date, after the Peace of Nicias and before the Sicilian expedition.
through the Vth and the IVth Centuries in the political, historical and philosophical debate, and produced the theoretical concept of demagogue as a bad politician who is leaded by the people.
dopoguerra, quando, dopo un lungo avvicinamento al fascismo, ruppe con il regime e con la sua propaganda che guardava all’antico. Questo lavoro intende analizzare questa fondamentale fase nella vita dello storico attraverso le analisi dei concetti di democrazia e dittatura, molto presenti nei contributi di questi anni e attorno ai quali matura il suo travaglio
Parole chiave: Ettore Ciccotti, materialismo storico, democrazia, dittatura, fascismo
Ettore Ciccotti holds a unique place in the history of historiography for his adoption of historical materialism and the originality of his working method, which involved modern social and anthropological sciences. Despite the growing interest in his figure over time, little attention has been given to the post-World War I years when, after a long association with fascism, he broke with the regime and its classical-oriented propaganda. This work aims to analyse this fundamental phase in the historian's life by examining the concepts of democracy and dictatorship, which were prominent in his contributions during this period and around
which his intellectual struggle matured. Keywords: Ettore Ciccotti, historical materialism, democracy, dictatorship, fascism
the main settlement of the Hirpini after the foundation of the Roman
colony of Beneventum, civil strife arose between the anti-Roman
faction led by Statius Trebius and the pro-Roman Mopsii family, driven
out of the village. After this struggle Compsa was bitterly fought over
by the Roman and Punic army. A careful look at the report given by
Livius allows us to suppose that the small town was seized twice and
plundered both times, leading to its disappearing for over a century.
Keywords · Demetrius of Phalerum ; Hellenistic reception of classical Athens ; Aristides son of Lysimachus ; ostracism ; Socrates’ trial.
the Lesbian cities and Athens. The article rejects the traditional high date for this decree, between 427 and 424 b.C., and proposes a lower date, after the Peace of Nicias and before the Sicilian expedition.
through the Vth and the IVth Centuries in the political, historical and philosophical debate, and produced the theoretical concept of demagogue as a bad politician who is leaded by the people.
"Concorsi alla greca nel mondo romano: il ruolo di Neapolis" Abstract
Quando Roma si trovò a dover amministrare i territori di quello che era stato il mondo ellenistico, scelse di non modificare le pratiche religiose di quel mondo e di assumere le forme di propaganda politica già sperimentate dai sovrani ellenistici.
Una delle più importanti espressioni di tale politica fu la scelta di Augusto di promuovere feste e concorsi in onore della sua persona in alcuni centri nevralgici della grecità.
Fu così che Neapolis divenne sede di un culto per Augusto vivente, la cui maggiore espressione fu la festa denominata Italika Rhomaia Sebasta Isolympia.
2. François Chausson, Elena Miranda De Martino
"Senatori di età flavia e i Sebastá di Napoli" Abstract
Un’indagine sui nomi di senatori presenti nei cataloghi dei Sebasta di età flavia recentemente scoperti consente di individuare legami familiari fra di loro e probabili connessioni con la città di Napoli. La lettura di alcuni frammenti permette di ipotizzare la ricostituzione di nuovi elementi onomastici. Quel gruppo di senatori viene così rimesso nel contesto della sua rete familiare e politica in modo da spiegare anche il loro ruolo nell’organizzazione del concorso.
We are glad to announce the publication of the second issue (2020) of History of Classical Scholarship (HCS).
All contents of the journal are available in Open Access at
Submissions and informal queries may be addressed to the Editors, Lorenzo Calvelli ([email protected]) and Federico Santangelo ([email protected])
We invite contributions on any aspects of the history of classical studies, in any geographical context, from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, and are keen to host papers covering the whole range of the discipline: from ancient history to literary studies, from epigraphy and numismatics to art history and archaeology, from textual criticism to religious and linguistic studies. We also welcome editions of significant items from the Nachlässe of classical scholars, including letters and documents that may shed light on matters of historical or historiographical interest.
We publish papers in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
HCS 2 (2020) – Table of Contents
Roel KONIJNENDIJK, Who Wrote Kromayer's Survey of Greek Warfare?
Arnaldo MARCONE, Tra attualizzazione e 'pentitismo': Sallustio secondo Concetto Marchesi
Immacolata ERAMO, The Discovery of Aelian's Tactica Theoria in Italian Humanism
Orazio PORTUESE, Una lettera inedita di Augusto Campana per la tradizione di Cic. Scaur. 4 ed Epigr. Bob. 63
Vittorio SALDUTTI, Alle origini di Demokratie und Klassenkampf im Altertum. Il dibattito tra Arthur Rosenberg, Otto Jenssen ed Ettore Ciccotti sulla democrazia ateniese
Ramsay MACMULLEN, Top Scholars in Classical and Late Antiquity
Stanley M. BURSTEIN, "The Essence of Classical Culture": Werner Jaeger's First Public Address in the United States
Oswyn MURRAY, The Reception of Vernant in the English-Speaking World
David S. WIESEN † (edited by Stanley M. BURSTEIN), Cicero's Image in America and the Discovery of De Republica
Nathan PILKINGTON, How and Why I Count(ed). A Response to Ramsay MacMullen
Simone RENDINA and Sascha SCHÄFER, The Artist and the Historian. Thomas Mann's Letters to Otto Seeck
Rowland SMITH, The Apostate in Albion: Evocations of the Emperor Julian in English Disputation and Satire, ca. 1600 to ca. 1750
Alessandra COPPOLA, Un'iscrizione greca inedita di Melchiorre Cesarotti al palazzo del Catajo
Topics presented fall within the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects.
The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion.
Attendance of young scholars and students is particularly encouraged. However, the talks are open to everyone interested.
Up to 50 attendees will be admitted.
To participate, attendees must register by filling up the following form:
The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom.
Please email us about 24 hours before each appointments at
[email protected]
and we will send you the link to attend the lecture online.
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