Papers by mirella giannini

Scienze del Territorio, Nov 26, 2023
In this paper we note that urban feminism reclaims an organization of spaces for women's needs, t... more In this paper we note that urban feminism reclaims an organization of spaces for women's needs, those related to daily life, private and public, hence considers it essential to act for a change in urban design, still predominantly based on patriarchal models. We therefore aim at tracing a design path for a change in city planning that considers the care as an ethical paradigm of social relations which is able to weaken male dominance. Although it is clear how much physical spaces affect social relations and processes, our hypothesis is that, to design change, we need to reveal the social and cultural conditions of those subjects who make urban spaces sensitive to a plurality of needs. Specifically, we assume that women mobilize social relations capable of transforming the urban spaces that have kept them on the margins, and just for this they act for their change. We have observed how the caring relationship, to which women have traditionally been socialized in the private sphere, in our times has moved to the public sphere. We therefore postulate that this relationship could become inclusive of different genders and statuses and, therefore, build those social processes that oppose the reproduction of patriarchal logics in city planning. Care, now a private relational paradigm, would become an ethical and relational paradigm, thus generating a social process that should be considered important for redesigning urban spaces.
Giocare svelare agire : Pierre Bourdieu e l'impegno critico della sociologia, 2019
Nella collana Teoria sociale Orthotes Editrice pubblica esclusivamente testi scienti ci valutati ... more Nella collana Teoria sociale Orthotes Editrice pubblica esclusivamente testi scienti ci valutati e approvati dal Comitato scienti co-editoriale. I volumi sono sottoposti a double-blind peer review. Volume pubblicato con il contributo dell'Università degli Studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo"
I risultati di un'indagine Isfol sui differenziali retributivi di genere. La lettura dei dati... more I risultati di un'indagine Isfol sui differenziali retributivi di genere. La lettura dei dati continua a mettere in luce la segregazione orizzontale e verticale delle donne nel mercato del lavoro, la difficoltà di conciliazione tra vita e lavoro, il blocco nella progressione delle carriere

International Sociology, 2006
This book is one of the first empirically based studies of women who have achieved leader positio... more This book is one of the first empirically based studies of women who have achieved leader positions in politics and business. It fills a glaring gap in feminist theories, extensively focused on the exclusion of women, more than on the conditions of inclusion in positions of power. The field of elite theory has at last assumed gender as a relevant perspective. As Eva Etzioni-Halevy underlines in the Foreword, what makes this book unique is the challenging attempt to interlace elite and gender theories, and that this has been accomplished. Mino Vianello and Gwen Moore trace a convincing picture of the conditions faced by women who have broken through the ‘glass ceiling’. Since gender inequality is seen as socially structured and the social arrangements of women and men as shaped by institutional culture, it is, as they show, subject to change. In fact, they make changes in gender relations visible, identify cultural and social resources, and depict gendered styles of leadership. In this book we can find analyses of what is resistant to change, even in the countries offering more opportunities to people in general: processes and mechanisms sustaining women in access to power. But, we can also see the unfolding of a key event in the industrialized world: the decline of the male monopoly in public life. This book was awarded the Descartes Prize of the European Commission in 2004 for the notable result of the cooperative effort of teams of researchers from no fewer than 27 countries. In Chapter 1, ‘Description of the Sample and Research Design’, Silvia Sansonetti gives us information about the questionnaire that was distributed in order to gather information from a number of women and men in power in both political and economic spheres in all the countries included in the study. These
Questa conversazione immaginaria con Bourdieu contiene una riflessione sul concetto di "luog... more Questa conversazione immaginaria con Bourdieu contiene una riflessione sul concetto di "luogo/campo". Il campo è un meta-concetto e, insieme, uno strumento metodologico per individuare le relazioni tra agenti, che, condizionati da habitus e capitale disponibile, appaiono "distinti" per le posizioni sociali occupate che influenzano azioni e culture. Dialogando con Bourdieu, il luogo/campo emerge come uno spazio sociale dalle frontiere mobili, un "processo spaziale", dove la dinamica endogena è mossa anche da nuovi "entranti" che provengono dal "fuori luogo".
una riflessione epistemologica che cerca di cogliere le sociali della precarietà, di individuare... more una riflessione epistemologica che cerca di cogliere le sociali della precarietà, di individuare le molteplici esperienze dei soggetti che vivono in condizioni precarie
La Nouvelle Revue du Travail
Sociologie Du Travail, 1983

Interventions économiques
M. Giannini has written the 1st, 2nd, 3rdand 5th sections; D. Minervini has written the 4th secti... more M. Giannini has written the 1st, 2nd, 3rdand 5th sections; D. Minervini has written the 4th section. Diffusion of New Technologies The diffusion of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has massive effects on society and economy. According to Manuel Castells (2002), we are presently at a crossroad as concerns the development of human societies. The constant flow of information gives a reticular structure to society ; lifetime is being modified, daily space reorganized, the nature of social relations transformed. The technological innovations modifying our usual experiences of time and space also act on the social relations that are present in the organization of work. In the previous industrial period, the rationalization of production has standardized the working time and limited the working space within the borders of firms. Now, as new concepts of production are applied to the organization of work in the context of a worldwide competition, working time is referred to in a wider working place. Time and space are, in effect, elements of a global system of production. Working time is scattered over traditional workplaces and working places are dislocated by working time. In new organizations of work, therefore, new parameters have arisen for the management of corporate efficiency and modalities of control over economic and social development. The relationship between enterprises and markets loosens the institutionalized frontiers and it is the place for new, much less sure and firmly fixed Teleworking Through Cooperation Revue Interventions économiques, 34 | 2006 Teleworking Through Cooperation Revue Interventions économiques, 34 | 2006 This last case study demonstrates that corporate institutions function as a source of trust (Zucker 1986), and the recursive process of social relations in the trust system (Giddens 1984, 990) can contribute to make cooperative relations re-embedded in the same institutionalized trust system. In this case, as culture and values are opposed to practicing work at a distance, the experiment of telework fails.
The (apparent) immobility in social representation of occupations - This paper reveals a contradi... more The (apparent) immobility in social representation of occupations - This paper reveals a contradiction between the idea of a changing society and the results of research on social stratification in people’s perception: a kind of immobility appears. The authors think that this could be the result of their construction. Moreover they believe that social stratification changes are visible when looking to the criteria that people use to order occupations and evaluate their desirability. Key words: Occupational categories, Social desirability, Social change, Social representations, Reputational scales, Occupational stratification

Les pays d'Europe du Sud ont particulierement ete touches par la crise qui s'est ouverte ... more Les pays d'Europe du Sud ont particulierement ete touches par la crise qui s'est ouverte avec les dereglements financiers de 2007. Dans tous ces pays, bien que chacun d'eux possede ses propres specifites, se deploie ce qu'on pourrait nommer un vaste processus de precarisation du travail et de l'emploi qui a des repercussions sur l'ensemble des conditions de vie des populations. Dans ce contexte, comment faut-il lire les impacts de la crise de cette derniere decennie : approfondissement des tendances engagees depuis plus longue date ou, plus largement, effet d'acceleration, voire de rupture ? Par ailleurs, ne doit-on pas d'ores et deja considerer les pays d'Europe du Sud comme de veritables laboratoires, des " laboratoires de la crise " dans lesquels s'experimentent de nouvelles normes et de nouvelles realites du travail et ou se mettent en place de nouveaux regimes de solidarite ? C'est a ces questions que cet ouvrage, issu des t...
Papers by mirella giannini