Lived Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World - Approaching Religious Transformations From Archaeology, History, and Classics, eds. V. Gasparini, M. Patzelt, R. Raja, A.-K. Rieger, J. Rüpke and E.R. Urciuoli, W. de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, pp. 469-492 , 2020
This paper aims at analyzing two cases of individual scribal interventions on visionary texts of ... more This paper aims at analyzing two cases of individual scribal interventions on visionary texts of late antiquity: the Papyrus from Oxhyrhynchus n. 5 (3rd-4th century CE), a text containing a passage from Hermas' Mand. 11.9-10, and a manuscript of IV Ezra, the so-called Sangermanensis Codex (9th century CE). Both the cases reveal figures of entrepreneurs (the scribe? or the customer?) engaged in related typologies of individual acquisition/intervention, appropriation , modification, and transposition. Both the analyzed manuscripts reveal cases of re-formulation connected to a specific late-antique "religious" habitus, i.e. the visionary habitus, a cognitive and socio-cultural pattern from which processes of re-proposition and re-contextualization of previous authoritative accounts in and for specific environments seem to stem.
Books by Luca Arcari
Insieme a un saggio retrospettivo di Ginzburg, il volume raccoglie interventi di studiosi di varie discipline: ebraistica, storia del cristianesimo, storia delle religioni, filosofia. Gli studi qui raccolti testimoniano la persistente fecondità delle domande poste da Storia notturna, anche in campi meno segnati dal vasto dibattito internazionale che, da trent’anni, la riguarda.
Completa il volume la bibliografia integrale degli scritti di Carlo Ginzburg.
Insieme a un saggio retrospettivo di Ginzburg, il volume raccoglie interventi di studiosi di varie discipline: ebraistica, storia del cristianesimo, storia delle religioni, filosofia. Gli studi qui raccolti testimoniano la persistente fecondità delle domande poste da Storia notturna, anche in campi meno segnati dal vasto dibattito internazionale che, da trent’anni, la riguarda.
Contributi di: A. Annese, L. Arcari, F. Berno, S. Botta, L. Canetti,
M. Casu, A. Catastini, R. Cavallaro, C. Ginzburg, G. Lettieri, D. Licusati, M. Mantovani,
M. Mustè, C. Presezzi
Completa il volume la bibliografia integrale degli scritti di Carlo Ginzburg.
specific space with churches or other, the presence of synagogues, the presence and / or refunctionalisation of ‘pagan’ temples) or of possible elements of distinction or separation of burial spaces (restricted areas, burial types, funerary decoration and epitaphs, structures linked to rituals, location of the burial areas in relation to the village).
Furthermore, this conference aims to propose a scheme for further research into the problem and attempts at an overview of Greek and Roman conceptions of the “East” and the implications that such conceptions may have entailed both for the “East” and for the “West”, in this case, Greece and Rome. Greek and Roman understanding, imagination and intellectual construction of the “East” are a complicated, continuous process. What We propose to do therefore is to single out some key phases of this process for discussion and to make some suggestions for possible directions of research especially dedicated to the Urban spaces as cultural constructs.
We intend to focus on the following topics:
- the cultural topography in main urban areas of the Roman Orient – the location of schools
and the organization of urban spaces in connection with different groups;
- the construction of authority in philosophical-religious schools;
- cults and ritual practices as places of encounter and interaction;
- ‘opened’ and ‘closed’ groups: interactions and self-definitions;
- uses, appropriations and re-definitions of traditional literary forms;
- onomastics and epigraphy as evidence of cultural and religious cohabitation;
- papyri as proofs of actual practices of cohabitation;
- ideological debates and theological questions.
With the term “groups”, we mean those collective entities traditionally defined according to both ethnical paradigms (for example, Asians, Greeks, Romans) and cultural models (Pagans, Jews, Hebrews, Christians, Gnostics). Upon a close examination of the sources, the use of such categories does not always seem justified, especially in the urban contexts of the Roman Orient, where interactions cut across areas of social, cultural and religious cohabitation, trespassing frontiers that certainly were less stable than we can image.
Papers by Luca Arcari
die Debatte zur sogenannten apokalyptischen Literatur gegeben, der auch die aktuelle
Forschungsdiskussion berücksichtigt. Insbesondere wird auf die Ursprünge
und theologischen Entwicklungen des Konzepts der Apokalyptik und
der apokalyptischen Literatur sowie auf die neuesten Ansätze zur Gattungsfrage
eingegangen. Weitere wichtige Aspekte sind die religiöse Erfahrung sowie die literarische
Dimension der Offenbarungsberichte der sogenannten apokalyptischen
Texte. Der Artikel zeigt dabei die Bedeutung der kognitiven Religionswissenschaft
für die Analyse jüdischer und frühchristlicher apokalyptischer Texte
als Erfahrungsberichte auf, die aus verschiedenen Zeiten und Regionen erhalten
Insieme a un saggio retrospettivo di Ginzburg, il volume raccoglie interventi di studiosi di varie discipline: ebraistica, storia del cristianesimo, storia delle religioni, filosofia. Gli studi qui raccolti testimoniano la persistente fecondità delle domande poste da Storia notturna, anche in campi meno segnati dal vasto dibattito internazionale che, da trent’anni, la riguarda.
Completa il volume la bibliografia integrale degli scritti di Carlo Ginzburg.
Insieme a un saggio retrospettivo di Ginzburg, il volume raccoglie interventi di studiosi di varie discipline: ebraistica, storia del cristianesimo, storia delle religioni, filosofia. Gli studi qui raccolti testimoniano la persistente fecondità delle domande poste da Storia notturna, anche in campi meno segnati dal vasto dibattito internazionale che, da trent’anni, la riguarda.
Contributi di: A. Annese, L. Arcari, F. Berno, S. Botta, L. Canetti,
M. Casu, A. Catastini, R. Cavallaro, C. Ginzburg, G. Lettieri, D. Licusati, M. Mantovani,
M. Mustè, C. Presezzi
Completa il volume la bibliografia integrale degli scritti di Carlo Ginzburg.
specific space with churches or other, the presence of synagogues, the presence and / or refunctionalisation of ‘pagan’ temples) or of possible elements of distinction or separation of burial spaces (restricted areas, burial types, funerary decoration and epitaphs, structures linked to rituals, location of the burial areas in relation to the village).
Furthermore, this conference aims to propose a scheme for further research into the problem and attempts at an overview of Greek and Roman conceptions of the “East” and the implications that such conceptions may have entailed both for the “East” and for the “West”, in this case, Greece and Rome. Greek and Roman understanding, imagination and intellectual construction of the “East” are a complicated, continuous process. What We propose to do therefore is to single out some key phases of this process for discussion and to make some suggestions for possible directions of research especially dedicated to the Urban spaces as cultural constructs.
We intend to focus on the following topics:
- the cultural topography in main urban areas of the Roman Orient – the location of schools
and the organization of urban spaces in connection with different groups;
- the construction of authority in philosophical-religious schools;
- cults and ritual practices as places of encounter and interaction;
- ‘opened’ and ‘closed’ groups: interactions and self-definitions;
- uses, appropriations and re-definitions of traditional literary forms;
- onomastics and epigraphy as evidence of cultural and religious cohabitation;
- papyri as proofs of actual practices of cohabitation;
- ideological debates and theological questions.
With the term “groups”, we mean those collective entities traditionally defined according to both ethnical paradigms (for example, Asians, Greeks, Romans) and cultural models (Pagans, Jews, Hebrews, Christians, Gnostics). Upon a close examination of the sources, the use of such categories does not always seem justified, especially in the urban contexts of the Roman Orient, where interactions cut across areas of social, cultural and religious cohabitation, trespassing frontiers that certainly were less stable than we can image.
die Debatte zur sogenannten apokalyptischen Literatur gegeben, der auch die aktuelle
Forschungsdiskussion berücksichtigt. Insbesondere wird auf die Ursprünge
und theologischen Entwicklungen des Konzepts der Apokalyptik und
der apokalyptischen Literatur sowie auf die neuesten Ansätze zur Gattungsfrage
eingegangen. Weitere wichtige Aspekte sind die religiöse Erfahrung sowie die literarische
Dimension der Offenbarungsberichte der sogenannten apokalyptischen
Texte. Der Artikel zeigt dabei die Bedeutung der kognitiven Religionswissenschaft
für die Analyse jüdischer und frühchristlicher apokalyptischer Texte
als Erfahrungsberichte auf, die aus verschiedenen Zeiten und Regionen erhalten
Questa miscellanea, che riunisce contributi di studiosi di diversa formazione, attesta la vastità di orizzonti e prospettive dell' eredità lasciata da Luongo al futuro degli studi agiografici e cristianistici, in cui il "testo" cristiano, qualsiasi testo cristiano, appare come lascito di esperienze storicamente determinate e di fedi umanamente praticate e vissute. Lo studio della santità ha realmente rappresentato, per Gennaro Luongo, una "storia vissuta del popolo cristiano", incontro di pratiche testuali, ricostruzioni memoriali e dinamiche intellettuali in cui il "testo" si configura come vero e proprio crocevia di complesse e problematiche relazioni. I contributi qui raccolti mostrano la profondità e la ricchezza di questa prospettiva nei diversi ambiti del pensiero religioso, dall' antichità fino ad alcuni esiti novecenteschi.
A cura di Arcari Luca
Anno di Edizione: 2019
Forma Aperta - Ricerche di storia, culture, religioni, 1
ISBN: 9788891318855
Rilegatura: Brossura
Pagine: 972, 55 ill. B/N
Formato: 17 x 24 cm
Riccardo Contini
Alberto Camplani
Andrea Annese
Francesco Berno
Luca Arcari
Dorota Hartman
(Luca Arcari)
In this session, we intend to clarify the authoritative value attributed to visionary accounts of Ancient Mediterranean World (in Greek, Latin, Aramaic and Hebrew, as well as in Coptic, Syriac, Ethiopic and Arabic) which, although coming from experiences of contact with the other-world, are recalled or, in cultural terms, rendered in cohesion with a traditio which is itself considered authoritative and, therefore, capable of conferring authority to the experience that the seers claim to have lived and of which they give the account. We will consider also the implicit oral character of visionary accounts, by which the authoritative impact of the messages included in them is increased. Explicitly referring to the perception of the visionary accounts in actual social groups, and privileging the study of the communicative form of “face-to-face” interaction as a flexible literary construct, we intend to reread the social and cultural significances of the visionary accounts, also in light of the actual spreading of messages by way of public declamation and/or diffusion.
Gli incontri programmati sono tre e di tre tipologie diverse:
- un seminario rivolto a un gruppo ristretto di docenti, ricercatori e dottorandi e volto a progettare la partecipazione al congresso IAHR di Erfurt (relatore: Serena Di Nepi);
- una lezione per gli allievi del dottorato di Storia, Antropologia, Religioni;
- una conferenza per i colleghi del Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Religioni e per gli studenti delle magistrali
Today it emerges as really diriment an historical and historiographical discussion around questions and terms as “identity/identities”, as well as around adjectives as “ethnic/collective/religious”, especially according to the renewed perspective of the longue durée (in the title of the monographic section, the so-called “diachronic perspective”). Such a perspective aims at measuring wastes and clashes emerging from sources referring to a wider cultural and chronological horizon. We aims at proposing a multi-situated approach, in order to measure persistences and traditional lines of contact as regards ethnic, collective as well as religious self-definitions, especially in their dimensions of cultural re-functionalisations and oriented instruments of self-definitions in and for specific cultural and historical contexts.
15.00 Saluti e introduzione ai lavori Bianca de Divitiis, Giulio Massimilla, Luca Arcari, Lorenzo Miletti
Prima sessione, chair Umberto Roberto (Napoli Federico II)
15.20 Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui (Madrid Complutense)
Clement of Alexandria and Homeric Anthropomorphism: Rhetoric, Theology, and the Merging of Traditions
16.00 Luca Arcari, (Napoli Federico II)
La sibilla «profetica e poetica». Presenza e riformulazione degli Oracoli sibillini nell’opera di Clemente di Alessandria
16.40 pausa
Seconda sessione, chair Giovan Battista D’Alessio (Napoli Federico II)
17.00 Marco Ercoles (Bologna)
Nel laboratorio di Clemente Alessandrino: le citazioni dai lirici greci
17.40 Daniela Milo (Napoli Federico II)
Ragionando sulla donna, i figli, la continenza: frammenti sparsi di tragedia in Clemente Alessandrino.
29 settembre 2023
Terza sessione, chair Daniela Colomo (Napoli Federico II)
10.00 Matyáš Havrda (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Clement’s Use of «the Ancients»: the Case of Theophrastus, fr. 301B Fortenbaugh et al.
10.40 Anna Motta (Napoli Federico II)
Clemente testimone e interprete del Poema di Parmenide
11.20 pausa
Quarta sessione, chair Isabella D’Auria (Napoli Federico II)
11.40 Lorenzo Miletti (Napoli Federico II)
Clemente Alessandrino, il geroglifico egiziano e la tradizione retorica
12.20 Daniele Tripaldi (Bologna)
Resolving Divine Primordial Androgyny in ‘Orphic’ Theogonies: Grammatikoi, Competition, and the Construction of γνωστικός in late 2nd century CE Alexandria (Clem. Strom. 5,14,125-126)
13.00 Luca Arcari e Lorenzo Miletti