S&F_ scienzaefilosofia
S&F_scienzaefilosofia.it - Open Access Journal
Direttore: Paolo Amodio
Coordinatore di Redazione: Luca Lo Sapio
Redazione: Viola Carofalo, Didier Alessio Contadini, Mario Cosenza, Cristian Fuschetto, Fabiana Gambardella, Delio Salottolo, Alessandra Scotti, Rosa Vittoria Spagnuolo Vigorita, Aldo Trucchio
ISSN 2036_2927 Editore Nevermind Srls
Science/Philosophy is more than a disciplinary crossover, more than an area to converge and coexist topics and questions. The storytelling demanded by that relationship is in the framework of epistemological controversy and then of moral drama. After 30 years of existence, Bioethics (that expected to dictate timetables and details of that relationship), worried to institutionalise itself as the depositary of ethics consciousness of scientific progress, seems to be at a crossroad: to renew its statute or to risk to lose definitively its mission, i.e. guidelines of crossover between humanistic knowledge and scientific knowledge. We strongly believe that Bioethics could continue to play a role only if, rather than safeguarding axiological principles of a given reality, it rethinks critically the values in the light of epistemological changes – even before than “ontological” – that technological age impose. Our aim is to detect and highlight the potential of philosophical innovation tracked by scientific research as well as to detect and highlight the potential of scientific innovation envisaged by philosophical reflections.
Website: www.scienzaefilosofia.it
Supervisors: David BANON, Renaud BARBARAS, Mylène BOTBOL-BAUM, Colas DUFLO, Edward K. KAPLAN, Neil LEVY, Anna LISSA, Diego LUCCI, Max STADLER
Direttore: Paolo Amodio
Coordinatore di Redazione: Luca Lo Sapio
Redazione: Viola Carofalo, Didier Alessio Contadini, Mario Cosenza, Cristian Fuschetto, Fabiana Gambardella, Delio Salottolo, Alessandra Scotti, Rosa Vittoria Spagnuolo Vigorita, Aldo Trucchio
ISSN 2036_2927 Editore Nevermind Srls
Science/Philosophy is more than a disciplinary crossover, more than an area to converge and coexist topics and questions. The storytelling demanded by that relationship is in the framework of epistemological controversy and then of moral drama. After 30 years of existence, Bioethics (that expected to dictate timetables and details of that relationship), worried to institutionalise itself as the depositary of ethics consciousness of scientific progress, seems to be at a crossroad: to renew its statute or to risk to lose definitively its mission, i.e. guidelines of crossover between humanistic knowledge and scientific knowledge. We strongly believe that Bioethics could continue to play a role only if, rather than safeguarding axiological principles of a given reality, it rethinks critically the values in the light of epistemological changes – even before than “ontological” – that technological age impose. Our aim is to detect and highlight the potential of philosophical innovation tracked by scientific research as well as to detect and highlight the potential of scientific innovation envisaged by philosophical reflections.
Website: www.scienzaefilosofia.it
Supervisors: David BANON, Renaud BARBARAS, Mylène BOTBOL-BAUM, Colas DUFLO, Edward K. KAPLAN, Neil LEVY, Anna LISSA, Diego LUCCI, Max STADLER
Related Authors
Lucia Zaietta
University of Pavia
valeria sorge
Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"
Alessandra Scotti
Università degli Studi di Torino
Giorgio Jules Mastrobisi
Independent Researcher
Delio Salottolo
Università Degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"
Giacomo Pezzano
Università degli Studi di Torino
Davide Monaco
University of Aberdeen
Maria Teresa Speranza
Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"
Piero Carreras
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Books by S&F_ scienzaefilosofia
study on the origin of human verbal
language caused scandals and
prohibitions, as in 1866 when the
Société de Linguistique de Paris
forbade to present contributions on
this issue. Nowadays, instead, this is
one of the more controversial and
widely studied topics, as if this
question would hide some additional
value, something that deals with the
deep meaning of mankind and with its
place in the world. Thus, since
fossils can’t speak, and even the
monkeys, which are so close to us, do
not seem to have any intention to do
it, biologists, neuroscientists,
palaeontologists, and philosophers
discuss about it.
in every newspaper, 2012 was the year
of the discovery of the “God
particle”, but what has often failed
to add is that the exceptional
experiment is likely to raise more
questions than it has answered. The
ideas that have been put forward so
far on dark matter, dark energy,
asymmetry between matter and
antimatter, and additional space‐time
dimensions, still have not been
confirmed in experiments at CERN.
Indeed, the fact that the Higgs boson
seems to be exactly as described by
the English scientist in 1964 has
partly disappointed the scientists
because is likely to crystallize a
type of description of the universe to
the detriment of hypotheses more fit
to eventually illuminate the vast part
of the cosmos that there is still
unknown. And therein lies the
question. We can’t forget that the
ordinary matter made up only 5 percent
of the universe: “The rest is a
mystery”. In addition to illustrating
the history and significance of this
discovery and emphasize the social
impacts of technologies created at
CERN (not least the web), the dossier
also explores the scientific and
philosophical sense of this mystery.
Philosophy and Science
tell about
“Apocalypse”? The
former seems to show a
nihilistic power, while
the latter uses a
descriptive power, thus
avoiding any religious
or mystic impulse. The
outcome, anyway, looks
like a vade mecum. In
any case, all
“apocalyptic nouns”
range between Prophecy
and Foresight, Presage
and Oracle,
Superstition and Faith,
Archetype and Destiny,
Unconscious and Power,
Messianism and Nowhere,
Remorse and Day After,
Society Game and
“Tensegrity” is a kind of compound word, coined by Richard Buckminster Fuller in 1920s, that becomes autonomous and would eventually structure the way of the being of the world. Tension and integrity, or rather integrity for tension. Tensegrity, in Fuller’s opinion, is a construction, an architectural model characterized by elements resistant to compression which, even if they don’t touch themselves, are interconnected by different continuous series of “islands of tension”: so, the structure is “differentiated”, there are elements in tension and elements in compression, the former are associative and cohesive, the latter dissociative. Therefore, we have a sort of trespassing of the same concept of “tension”, generally imagined as accomplished and motionless: for the first time the “tension” seems to be anticipated by a previous state, the “pre-constraint”. More than half a century later, Donald Ingber, through tensegrity and pre-constraint, explained the function of the cells following the model of tensegrity such as the architectural form common to the whole living nature. In the sensitive terms of Philosophy (and Cognitive Sciences) we are in the presence of a real invitation to look to the forms through “invisible” and “under visible”, that means, in epistemological terms, to re-conceptualize World, Life, Consciousness, Body and Perception.
The thing is, by nature, restless.
study on the origin of human verbal
language caused scandals and
prohibitions, as in 1866 when the
Société de Linguistique de Paris
forbade to present contributions on
this issue. Nowadays, instead, this is
one of the more controversial and
widely studied topics, as if this
question would hide some additional
value, something that deals with the
deep meaning of mankind and with its
place in the world. Thus, since
fossils can’t speak, and even the
monkeys, which are so close to us, do
not seem to have any intention to do
it, biologists, neuroscientists,
palaeontologists, and philosophers
discuss about it.
in every newspaper, 2012 was the year
of the discovery of the “God
particle”, but what has often failed
to add is that the exceptional
experiment is likely to raise more
questions than it has answered. The
ideas that have been put forward so
far on dark matter, dark energy,
asymmetry between matter and
antimatter, and additional space‐time
dimensions, still have not been
confirmed in experiments at CERN.
Indeed, the fact that the Higgs boson
seems to be exactly as described by
the English scientist in 1964 has
partly disappointed the scientists
because is likely to crystallize a
type of description of the universe to
the detriment of hypotheses more fit
to eventually illuminate the vast part
of the cosmos that there is still
unknown. And therein lies the
question. We can’t forget that the
ordinary matter made up only 5 percent
of the universe: “The rest is a
mystery”. In addition to illustrating
the history and significance of this
discovery and emphasize the social
impacts of technologies created at
CERN (not least the web), the dossier
also explores the scientific and
philosophical sense of this mystery.
Philosophy and Science
tell about
“Apocalypse”? The
former seems to show a
nihilistic power, while
the latter uses a
descriptive power, thus
avoiding any religious
or mystic impulse. The
outcome, anyway, looks
like a vade mecum. In
any case, all
“apocalyptic nouns”
range between Prophecy
and Foresight, Presage
and Oracle,
Superstition and Faith,
Archetype and Destiny,
Unconscious and Power,
Messianism and Nowhere,
Remorse and Day After,
Society Game and
“Tensegrity” is a kind of compound word, coined by Richard Buckminster Fuller in 1920s, that becomes autonomous and would eventually structure the way of the being of the world. Tension and integrity, or rather integrity for tension. Tensegrity, in Fuller’s opinion, is a construction, an architectural model characterized by elements resistant to compression which, even if they don’t touch themselves, are interconnected by different continuous series of “islands of tension”: so, the structure is “differentiated”, there are elements in tension and elements in compression, the former are associative and cohesive, the latter dissociative. Therefore, we have a sort of trespassing of the same concept of “tension”, generally imagined as accomplished and motionless: for the first time the “tension” seems to be anticipated by a previous state, the “pre-constraint”. More than half a century later, Donald Ingber, through tensegrity and pre-constraint, explained the function of the cells following the model of tensegrity such as the architectural form common to the whole living nature. In the sensitive terms of Philosophy (and Cognitive Sciences) we are in the presence of a real invitation to look to the forms through “invisible” and “under visible”, that means, in epistemological terms, to re-conceptualize World, Life, Consciousness, Body and Perception.
The thing is, by nature, restless.