Papers by Marco Pacciarelli

Archaeologia Austriaca, 2015
The present work is the result of a geo-archaeological collaboration for the study and classifica... more The present work is the result of a geo-archaeological collaboration for the study and classification of beads and pendants in lithic materials from Bronze Age sites of Sicily and Aeolian Islands. An authoptic examination allowed to identify the rock types and in some cases their probable supply area. The study of stone materials is supported by a chrono-typological examination of the objects, and a graphic and photographic documentation has also been created. The comparisons research was carried out throughout the Mediterranean area and made it possible to distinguish between groups of local beads and pendants (of local production and distribution) and groups of aegean objects. This work has made possible a chronological classification of these objects, some of which arrived in Sicily through oversease trade routes. This study has allowed to solve some issues related to the Aegean imports in Italy and the socio-economic role played by ornamental in the indigenous communities of the Bronze Age.
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2015
This study presents the results of an archaeometrical investigation of Bronze Age vitreous materi... more This study presents the results of an archaeometrical investigation of Bronze Age vitreous materials from the archaeological site of Punta di Zambrone (Calabria, southern Italy). The analyses of a set of samples (9 faience beads, 1 glassy bead) from approximately 1200 BCE (Recent Bronze Age) were carried out with an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) and LA-ICPMS (for the glassy bead) following a non-destructive protocol. Only very small chips of faience were sampled for X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and preparation of thin sections for ESEM analysis.
Journal of Vegetation Science, 2014
Questions: Pollen data for Abies alba Mill., a key European tree species, show broad occurrence i... more Questions: Pollen data for Abies alba Mill., a key European tree species, show broad occurrence in the Italian peninsula in the early to mid-Holocene diffusion (until ca. 6000 yr ago) along the Italian peninsula and a strong decline/local extinction starting ca. 5000 yr ago. This decline has been attributed to climate change. Recently, high-resolution pollen studies, mainly in northern Italian sites claim that A. alba disappearance was mainly due to human impact. We examined the presence of A. alba in archaeological sites of southern and central Italy in order to trace the late Holocene history (last 3000 yr) of this tree and enhance understanding of its role in pre-anthropic vegetation and of human involvement in its decline.

The structures and the jars dump from Puntone Nuovo -Scarlino (GR, Italy) and the specialized coa... more The structures and the jars dump from Puntone Nuovo -Scarlino (GR, Italy) and the specialized coastal sites of the middle tyrrhenian protohistory -A general survey of the Final Bronze and Early Iron Ages (11 th -8 th centuries BC) coastal sites of middle Tyrrhenian Italy -characterized by combustion structures, basins for sea water evaporation, and great quantities of fragments of jars of red-orange colour -demonstrates a functional similarity with the briquetage sites, hence likely a function tied to the production of salt. A relevant case study in this respect is presented here, that of Scarlino, Puntone Nuovo-Campo da Gioco (Tuscany, central Italy), where have been found three rectangular combustion structures, and layers containing large quantities of fragments of red-orange jars of the earliest Iron Age. The focus of this study are the jars sherds, that have been studied and classified according to their form, fabric or surface treatment. Minero-petrographic analyses performed on a set of representative samples point out a local production of these jars. Future investigations could give more information on their possible use for salt production.

Il sito protostorico di Trebbio è costituito da un vasto complesso insediativo ubicato a 3 km a S... more Il sito protostorico di Trebbio è costituito da un vasto complesso insediativo ubicato a 3 km a S-SW di Sansepolcro, nella piana alluvionale sulla sinistra idrografica del Tevere, ad una quota di circa 300 metri s.l.m., alla confluenza del fiume con l'Afra ( ). L'abitato è stato rinvenuto nel 1990 nel corso di ricerche topografiche condotte dall'Università di Siena, dalla Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana e dal Gruppo Ricerche Archeologiche di Sansepolcro, cui sono seguiti nel 1997 alcuni sondaggi nelle località di Mulinaccio, Fondaccio e Commenda 1 . A partire dal 2000, e dal 2007 anche in collaborazione con l'Università di Napoli -Federico II, si sono susseguiti alcuni interventi di scavo stratigrafico nella località Spinellina 2 . In base ai dati di superficie e stratigrafici si è potuta circoscrivere preliminarmente la cronologia dell'insediamento, compresa grosso modo fra l'VIII e la prima metà del VI secolo a.C.
Papers by Marco Pacciarelli