Papers by Francesca Torrieri
Valori e valutazioni, Feb 1, 2023
Tutti gli autori hanno contribuito allo stesso modo a tutte le parti del presente contributo. Le ... more Tutti gli autori hanno contribuito allo stesso modo a tutte le parti del presente contributo. Le alternative di progetto utilizzate per l'applicazione del metodo di valutazione proposto nel presente contributo, sono state sviluppate e progettate dagli studenti del corso multidisciplinare "Project Appraisal", tenuto dalla
How to Address Marginalization in Small Towns: An MCDA Approach to Evaluating Different Strategies in Campania Region
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023

Sustainability, Jun 2, 2019
The evaluation of real estate assets is currently one of the main focal points addressed by terri... more The evaluation of real estate assets is currently one of the main focal points addressed by territorial marketing strategies, with the view of developing high-performing or competitive cities. Given the complexity of the driving forces that determine the behavior of actors in a real estate market, it is necessary to identify a priori the factors that determine the competitive capacity of a city, to attract investments. The decision support system allows taking into account the key factors that determine the "attractiveness" of real estate investments in competitive urban contexts. This study proposes an integrated complex evaluation model that is able to map out and encapsulate the multidimensional spectrum of factors that shape the attractiveness of alternative real estate options. The conceptual-methodological approach is illustrated by an application of the model to a real-world case study of investment choice in the residential sector of Naples.

Shared choices on local sustainability projects: a decision support
Studia Regionalia, 2002
ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to build a decision support framework for helping local governm... more ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to build a decision support framework for helping local governments in the identification of sustainable strategies, using a combination of various multi-criteria evaluation methods. The first part of the paper emphasises the importante of multi-criteria methods in the construction of a participative process aimed at the creation and implementation of Local Agenda 21, and justifies the choice of several complementary multi-criteria methods deployed (the Regime analysis, the Saaty method, and the NAIADE method, together with the Flag model) as tools to reduce policy conflicts and to reach a shared or joint choice in a decision-making process with multiple actors or interests. In the second part of the paper the above-mentioned methods are tested on a real world case involving the conservation and improvement of a natural resource, viz. Lake Miseno in the South of Italy. Lake Miseno located in the Campania Region is nowadays characterised by a deep controversy on maintaining the typical historical attributes of this area of exceptional archaeological and natural importance on the one hand, and the devastating urbanisation process on the other hand. This study proposes four alternative projects for the rehabilitation and re-qualification of this natural resource and develops an evaluation approach for the best strategy to meet the goal of sustainable development.
Land, Apr 12, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
An Evaluation Approach to Support Urban Agriculture Implementation in Post-covid19 Cities: The Case of Troisi Park in Naples
Springer eBooks, 2022

How to Model Stakeholder Participation for Flood Management
Lecture notes in business information processing, 2018
Stakeholders participation for Flood Risk Management is a key factor for the improvement of polic... more Stakeholders participation for Flood Risk Management is a key factor for the improvement of policy and decision’s quality of and to create consensus. Nowadays there are many studies on this topic aimed to take into consideration the involvement of stakeholders in different phases of the process and with the use of different procedures. In Italy the situation seems to be critical compared to the international panorama, since there are no regulation or protocols to prevent disaster or repair the damage. The paper proposes a critical overview of methodologies able to engage stakeholders in decision-making process with a detail on case studies focused on the Flood Risk Management. Different aspects will be investigated and compared in order to outline considerations and possible conclusions.
Scenario analysis in spatial impact assessment: A methodological approach
research memorandum, 2009

Buildings, Oct 26, 2017
This contribution focuses on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) as an important tool to... more This contribution focuses on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) as an important tool to ensure sustainable development and reach a high level of environmental protection. More specifically, this paper provides an evaluation method based on the integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multi-criteria Analysis-named Integrated Spatial Multi-criteria Decision Support System (ISMDSS)-to support the preparation of environmental assessment reports and the construction of scenarios for the adoption of urban plans, as an innovative tool that integrates objectives and multidimensional (economic, environmental, and social) components, as well as different approaches and models for the construction of a long-term shared vision. In particular, considerations are made by presenting a thought-provoking case study on the SEA of the urban plan of the municipality of Marzano di Nola, located in the province of Avellino in the Campania region. The experiment carried out showed the potentiality of the ISMDSS to evaluate the impacts of different scenarios with the aim of developing a sustainable urban municipal plan. The spatial dimension is useful in understanding the dynamics that characterize each environmental topic in a specific area, by considering not only the components of the natural and developed environment, but also the interactions with social and economic components.

In the Italian context, public investments for the redevelopment and securing of the National Hea... more In the Italian context, public investments for the redevelopment and securing of the National Health Service’s real estate assets are a crucial topic in the context of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) within the Next Generation Italian strategy. The paper proposes the evaluation of alternative scenarios for accessing financing under the NRRP with respect to the criterion of the technically efficient solution, i.e., the solution that minimizes investment costs while respecting time obligations. The methodology proposed refers to the Cost approach with specific reference to the Depreciated Replacement Cost Method (DRC) in order to estimate the market value in different scenarios. The approach is applied to a case study located in the Piedmont Region, where alternatives are compared with respect to both budget constraints and the timeframe for accessing financing. Given the growing concern for urban regeneration and “public city” rearrangement as an answer to the ongoin...

In the last decades, the emergence of new social, environmental, and economic demands, exacerbate... more In the last decades, the emergence of new social, environmental, and economic demands, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has led urban planning to innovate its themes, methods, and approaches. In this context, temporary urbanism has emerged as a mainstream approach. How-ever, the impacts of temporary approaches to urban planning are far from being fully understood. In this light, this study focuses on one of the mainstream approaches to temporary urbanism, tactical urbanism, and tries to understand its economic impacts on contemporary cities. Indeed, despite the growing interest in tactical urbanism interventions and their value as an urban regeneration tool, there are no specific reflections focused on investigating their economic effects. Based on these premises, this paper focuses on different tactical urbanism experiences in the Italian context and tries to assess the economic impacts of tactical urbanism interventions by adopting the lens of real estate values as a suitable...

Physical spaces and assets vary in legal nature and as such can be subjected to both private and ... more Physical spaces and assets vary in legal nature and as such can be subjected to both private and public ownership. Therefore, rights and obligations connected with the use and enjoyment of the different goods depends on the juridic nature of the good itself. In the Italian legal framework, private goods are subject to homogeneous regulation, whereas public goods might comprehend a plethora of heterogeneous categories each of them featuring a specific legal regulation. Among those, collective-owned goods present a complex case as they have the typical characteristics of common goods but might be the object of specific rival and exclusive rights that are guaranteed to certain communities with the system of “civic use rights” (usi civici). This peculiar legal regime is typical of rural areas, where, traditionally, common ownership of the land was pursued and encouraged resulting in the creation of a common agri-sylvan-pastoral heritage. As such, the areas susceptible to being left behi...
The Extended House as Response to the Post-pandemic Housing Needs: Hints from the Real Estate Market
Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2022

The paper presents an application of multi-criteria evaluation developed to select the most signi... more The paper presents an application of multi-criteria evaluation developed to select the most significant property characteristics of a real estate portfolio. The selected characteristics are utilized within a multi-parameter model to estimate the most probable market value of a large public property portfolio owned by the Bank of Italy. The multi-criteria evaluation is based on the involvement of some key actors of the decision process. The goal is overcoming the difficulties presented by econometric models due to the scarcity of a large sample real estate data. The application has shown that the selection and weighting of real estate characteristics allows the development of a reliable mass appraisal without the need for large amounts of data necessary for the application of regression models

of the monitoring variable is employed as a value of the control limits. Alpha, say 90% or 95%, r... more of the monitoring variable is employed as a value of the control limits. Alpha, say 90% or 95%, reflects the risk tolerance of the PM. This approach may work well pragmatically, although it has two main drawbacks. First, each activity contributes di↵erently to the project duration. Hence, instead of using an identical percentile, the PM should consider each individual activity's relative importance to the project. Second, the conventional approach lacks a cost perspective. Since the control limits a↵ect the cost of corrective actions, the PM should evaluate their impact on the total budget to determine the control limits. These points of view suggest a new approach within which the control limits can be optimized with respect to both cost and schedule. In this presentation, we will propose an integral framework to select the optimal control limits as well as the optimal resource allocation. The model is formulated as a two-stage stochastic programming problem that includes decision variables corresponding to activities' control limits in the first stage. We will also discuss heuristic approaches to simplify the computational process.
Spatial cost benefit analysis in flood risk management: Evidence from a case study in Italy
An evaluation of the impacts of tourists. The application of a multicriterion analysis of the Cilento National Park and the Diano valley
Investments in Infrastructure: An Assessment of Advantages and Disadvantages: A Decision Support System for Evaluating Infrastructure Projects
This paper aims to offer an applicable evaluation framework for assessing project alternatives em... more This paper aims to offer an applicable evaluation framework for assessing project alternatives employing different multicriteria evaluation methods as a tool to manage conflicts in a decision-making process. The first part of the paper consists of a brief exposition on the great diversity of modern assessment methods. The focus is on three recently developed techniques: regime analysis, the analytical hierarchic process (AHP) method and the flag model. In the second part of the paper, these three techniques are applied to a real-world case concerning the design of a new road network in the area of the National Park of Cilento in Italy. (A) For the covering abstract of the conference see ITRD E206312.

Un modello multi-metodologico a supporto dell'analisi di fattibilità economica per il ripristino della rete su ferro della Valsesia
Coerentemente con gli orientamenti TEN-T che promuovono il miglio- ramento della qualita delle in... more Coerentemente con gli orientamenti TEN-T che promuovono il miglio- ramento della qualita delle infrastrutture di trasporto in termini di accessibilita, si- curezza e soddisfacimento della domanda di trasporto attraverso l'uso efficiente delle preesistenze infrastrutturali, il presente contributo propone l'applicazione di un approccio multi-metodologico per la verifica delle potenzialita della rete ferroviaria dismessa della Valsesia. Piu nello specifico, lo studio e stato condotto con l'obiettivo di valutare le effetti- ve potenzialita delle reti dismesse: se sia conveniente la loro riapertura, qualora vi siano i numeri necessari di passeggeri per poterla sostenere, oppure se sia piu conveniente sviluppare il trasporto pubblico, abbandonando le linee ferro- viarie esistenti per investire esclusivamente su autolinee, come sta avvenendo attualmente. Parole chiave: Accessibilita, Sviluppo locale, Analisi Costi-Benefici, Analisi Mul- ticriteria Gli orientamenti TEN-T (Trans-...
Land value in urban development agreements: Methodological perspectives and operational recommendations
Papers by Francesca Torrieri