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Desde antropología médica, como enfoque, se analiza cómo en el Centro de Salud Familiar de Putre (CESFAM) se atienden los pacientes con dolor. El trabajo de investigación que se llevó a cabo durante siete meses-septiembre de 2011 hasta... more
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    • Medical Anthropology
Le donne richiedenti asilo e protezione internazionale in Italia tra riconoscimento e vulnerabilità sociale. Un'etnografia all'interno di uno Spar del centro Italia
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    • Anthropology of Migrations
Il contributo ha l’obiettivo di fornire un’analisi sulla salute alimentare delle popolazioni dell’Appennino centrale interessate dagli eventi sismici del 2016/2017 . Nello specifico, sono esplorati gli effetti delle trasformazioni degli... more
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    • Sociology
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The Home-Health Connection Before and During the Covid. The Case of Two Women in Housing Squat in Rome This article aims to investigate the link between the right to housing and the access to health, focusing on the impact that Covid19... more
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    • Medical Anthropology
In the context of increasing controls at the Brenner Border, many migrants have been pushed to the margins of society. Asylum seekers arriving in the city of Bozen through the Brenner route have been defined through categories such as... more
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è stato coordinato da Michela Semprebon; le interviste sono state organizzate da Serena Caroselli e svolte insieme a Michela Semprebon. Serena Caroselli ha scritto la prima versione del testo e Michela Semprebon ha integrato e fatto la... more
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      Women and Gender StudiesHuman Trafficking of Women and Children
Opificio della Storia. Territori a Lavoro
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    • History
This article aims to reflect on the effects of forced mobility linked to the trafficking of Nigerian women and on the responses given to them by current European policies. I refer specifically to the European system of international... more
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      Anthropology of MobilityRefugees and Forced Migration StudiesCultural Antropology
This contribution is part of a research carried out on the Brenner border, between Italy and Austria (from 2017 until today), whose goal was to understand the phenomena of selection and redistribution of migrants in the European area. The... more
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    • Gender Studies
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    • Human Trafficking of Women and Children
All rights reserved. No part of the text or graphics in this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or use of storage storage and retrieval... more
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    • Migration and Human Trafficking