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Rossella Moioli, L'insostenibile leggerezza del dov'era com'era, 73; Simona Bravaglieri, Silvia Furioni, Elia Zenoni, L'Aquila dieci anni dopo: ancora senza progetto, 78; Marco Zuppiroli, La Regione Emilia-Romagna a sette anni dal sisma... more
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      John RuskinArchitetturaRestauroStoria E Teoria Del Restauro
Grafica e impaginazione Marta Badiali e Maria Chiara Francavilla E' vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, effettuata con qualsiasi mezzo, compresa la fotocopia, anche ad uso interno o didattico. Per la legge italiana la fotocopia è... more
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OFFICINA* N.26 L'ARCHITETTO 01. Una veduta del sito archeologico di Carminiello ai Mannesi: oltre il recinto. Mattia Cocozza e pietre del passato, cariche di uno straordinario potere evocativo, immediatamente ci riconducono al concetto di... more
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M. Cocozza, Architecture (f)or Art, in Casa Lezza, n.5, Catalogo AxA19, settembre 2020. [ISBN 979-12-200-6252-7 / ISSN 2612-3835]
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Gli articoli pubblicati nella Rivista sono sottoposti a referee nel sistema a doppio cieco.
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      Modern ArchitectureNapoliArchitettura ModernaMediterranean Architecture
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      Modern ArchitectureOrganic ArchitectureNapoliArchitettura Moderna
Selezione della critica d'arte contemporanea rivista quadrimestrale di selezione della critica d'arte contemporanea
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      Modern ArchitectureSocial HousingNapoliSkyscrapers
Una riflessione su due opere di Stefania Filo Speziale: Una casa-atelier per artista a Capri e il quartiere INA-Casa di Agnano
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      ModernismoNapoliProgettazione ArchitettonicaArchitettura Moderna
To identify the desertification prone areas the ESAs (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) model was developed in 1999 in the framework of MEDALUS (MEditerranean Desertification And Land USe) European project; this method has been used in... more
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      DesertificationSpatial StatisticsSensitivity AnalysisSoil Erosion
Herein we investigate Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Return on Investment (ROI) as potential decision variables for evaluating the economic performance (ROI) and financial feasibility (LCC) of a set of flood mitigation strategies over time.... more
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    • Disaster risk reduction
Velocity distribution in an open channel flow can be very useful to model many hydraulic phenomena. Among the others, several 1D models based on the concept of entropy are available in the literature, which allow estimating the velocity... more
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      EntropyMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesStreamflow
Stormwater tank design and installation is one of the most suitable actions to undertake as a strategy for the quantity and quality control of surface urban runoff during a rain event. In the present work, the quality efficiency of a... more
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      Civil EngineeringIrrigation & DrainageSpatial Variability
Identifying urban flooding risk hotspots is one of the first steps in an integrated methodology for urban flood risk assessment and mitigation. This work employs three GIS-based frameworks for identifying urban flooding risk hotspots for... more
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      PsychologyNatural HazardsAtmospheric sciencesExposure
Stormwater tank performance significantly depends on management practices. This paper proposes a procedure to assess tank efficiency in terms of volume and pollutant concentration using four different capture tank management protocols.... more
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The paper presents a multi-objective approach for the automatic partitioning of a water distribution network into District Metering Areas (DMAs). In the proposed methodology, both technical and economic issues are considered, including... more
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      MultidisciplinaryMulti objective optimization
In the last decades, the international scientific literature has focused on the assessment and quantification of trends in average temperature and rainfall, underlining changes in time and space sometimes relevant. The changes concern the... more
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      Climate ChangeTemperatureRainfall
Identifying urban flooding risk hotspots is one of the first steps in an integrated methodology for urban flood risk assessment and mitigation. This work employs three GIS-based frameworks for identifying urban flooding risk hotspots for... more
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Desertification affects about two-thirds of the countries of the world, and one-third of the earth's surface, namely one-fifth of the world population. The seriousness of desertification depends on various factors, including climate... more
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