Books by Chiara Russo Krauss
The Philosophy of Joseph Petzoldt, 2022
This is the first English resource to shed light on the philosophy of Joseph
Petzoldt, the main p... more This is the first English resource to shed light on the philosophy of Joseph
Petzoldt, the main pupil of Ernst Mach and founder of the Gesellschaft
für wissenschaftliche Philosophie, later the association of Berlin logical
positivists. Tracing the development of Petzoldt’s ideas, starting from his
early acceptance of materialism and Kantian agnosticism, Chiara Russo
Krauss presents a comprehensive reconstruction of his philosophy in the
context of the German milieu. By illuminating key elements of Petzoldt’s
work, this is a valuable case study for students and scholars of philosophy
of science and late 19th-century and early 20th-century philosophy.

This book reconstructs the rise and fall of Wilhelm Wundt’s fortunes, focusing for the first time... more This book reconstructs the rise and fall of Wilhelm Wundt’s fortunes, focusing for the first time on the role of Richard Avenarius as catalyst for the so-called “positivist repudiation of Wundt.” Krauss specifically looks at the progressive disavowal of Wundtian ideas in the world of scientific psychology, and especially by his former pupils.
This book provides important historical context and a critical discussion of the current state of research, in addition to a detailed consideration of Wundt’s and Avenarius’ systems of thought, as well as on their personal relationship. The author outlines the reception of Avenarius’ conceptions among Wundt’s pupils, such as Külpe, Münsterberg and Titchener, and among other psychologists of the time, such as Ward, James and Ebbinghaus. Finally, this book presents Wundt’s two-fold attempt to respond to the new trend through a criticism of the “materialistic” psychology, and a reformulation of his own ideas.
Papers by Chiara Russo Krauss
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 2023
Friedrich Albert Lange is usually regarded as a representative of physiological neo-Kantianism or... more Friedrich Albert Lange is usually regarded as a representative of physiological neo-Kantianism or as a forerunner of the Marburg school of neo-Kantianism. In this paper I try to reconstruct Lange's theory of values to argue that his philosophy is better framed as an intermediate point in the development of the two-world theory (facts/values) between Hermann Lotze and Southwestern neo-Kantianism.
Metodologia, teoria della conoscenza, filosofia dei valori. Heinrich Rickert e il suo tempo, 2015
Archivio di storia della cultura, 2019
The essay examines the fifth chapter of Fechner’s Elements of psychophysics, analyzing its attemp... more The essay examines the fifth chapter of Fechner’s Elements of psychophysics, analyzing its attempt to reconcile the latest achievements in modern science – such as the formulation of the principle of conservation of energy by Helmholtz – with the spiritual sphere of mind, will, and freedom. In so doing, the paper highlights the “non-reductionistic” approach adopted by Fechner, who defends a radical form of materialistic mechanism on the one hand, but also unties it from its usual deterministic consequences on the other hand. Finally, the essay evaluates Fechner’s use of the principle of conservation of energy against the wider background of his conception about the relationship between science and
metaphysics, showing how this scientific principle becomes an argument in favor of Fechner’s theory of the world-soul.
Geltung - Revista de Estudos das Origens da Filosofia Contemporânea, 2021
A afirmação de Ernst Mach de que os objetos são feixes de sensação foi (e ainda é) amplamente int... more A afirmação de Ernst Mach de que os objetos são feixes de sensação foi (e ainda é) amplamente interpretada em um sentido fenomenalístico, como se ele estivesse afirmando que as experiências perceptivas são a única realidade. O artigo irá reconstruir o sistema filosófico do aluno de Mach, Joseph Petzoldt, para propor uma interpretação diferente da obra de Mach, que a coloque no contexto mais amplo da polêmica contra o neokantismo generalizado da época.
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 2016
This essay provides a fresh account of the break between Oswald Külpe and his master Wilhelm Wund... more This essay provides a fresh account of the break between Oswald Külpe and his master Wilhelm Wundt. Kurt Danziger's reconstruction of the "repudiation" of Wundt, which has become the canon for this significant episode of history of psychology, focused on the supposed influence of Ernst Mach on this set of events, overshadowing the other exponent of Empiriocriticism: Richard Avenarius. Analyzing archival documents and examining anew the primary sources, the paper shows that Avenarius was himself a member of Wundt's circle, and that his "repudiation" of the master paved the way for Külpe. The essay points out the original anti-Wundtian aspects of Avenarius' notion of psychology, thus showing how they were then adopted by Külpe.
Ernst Mach’s claim that the objects are bundles of sensation was (and still is) widely interprete... more Ernst Mach’s claim that the objects are bundles of sensation was (and still is) widely interpreted in a phenomenalistic sense, as if he was asserting that perceptual experiences is the only reality. The talk will reconstruct the philosophical system of Mach’s pupil Joseph Petzoldt, to propose a different interpretation of Mach’s work, that put it into the wider context of the polemic against the widespread neo-Kantianism of that time.
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.

La scienza del pensiero. Il realismo filosofico di Oswald Külpe
Finito di stampare nel mese di novembre 2017 dalla Grafica Editrice Romana s.r.l., Roma. Questa R... more Finito di stampare nel mese di novembre 2017 dalla Grafica Editrice Romana s.r.l., Roma. Questa Rivista è stata pubblicata con un contributo di fondi R.F.O. dell'Ateneo di Bologna. I saggi che compaiono in questa rivista sono sottoposti a double-blind peer-review. Indice La scienza del pensiero. Il realismo filosofico di Oswald Külpe a cura di Chiara Russo Krauss Chiara Russo Krauss Presentazione Chiara Russo Krauss Conoscenza della realtà e teoria dell'oggetto. Considerazioni intorno a Il problema della realizzazione e le tendenze antirealistiche di Oswald Külpe Oswald Külpe Il problema della realizzazione e le tendenze antirealistiche Henrik Dindas, Achim Eschbach Die Verbindung Oswald Külpes zu Samuel Beckett und Charles Sanders Peirce-eine denkpsychologische Begegnung Raivis Bičevskis Der Realismus Oswald Külpes im Kontext der erkenntnistheoretischen und ontologischen Versuche des jungen Martin Heidegger Riccardo Martinelli Oswald Külpe interprete di Kant Chiara Russo Krauss Chi osserva chi? Oswald Külpe e la Würzburger Schule su introspezione ed esperimento in psicologia Arnaud Dewalque Külpe on Cognitive Attitudes David Romand Külpe's affective psychology. The making of a science of feeling (1887-1910) Matthias Neuber Külpe and American Critical Realism Stefano Besoli La realtà delle categorie nel pensiero di Oswald Külpe Chiara Russo Krauss Conoscenza della realtà e teoria dell'oggetto. Introduzione a Il problema della realizzazione e le tendenze antirealistiche di Oswald Külpe
Schopenhauer. Pensiero e fortuna, 2015

La scienza del pensiero. Il realismo filosofico di Oswald Külpe, 2017
The progress of scientific psychology during the late 19th century brought a new topic into the l... more The progress of scientific psychology during the late 19th century brought a new topic into the long-discussed issue of self-observation, namely that of psychological experiment. Authors as Wundt considered this method the instrument to make introspection scientifically valuable, thus maintaining the old idea of psychology as the science of looking into oneself. Towards the end of the century, though, Avenarius proposed a new model of psychology, in which psychophysical experiment was no longer a mere aid for self-observation, rather becoming a new paradigm for psychology. In his Grundriss Külpe embraced this new idea of psychology as a science based on the observation of the dependency between the brain and the psychic contents, and consequently as a collective research involving more than just one person looking into himself. Although later Külpe and his followers – the so-called Würzburger Schule – rejected the psychophysical approach, they kept the idea that psychological observation was not self-observation, since psychology could become an objective and general science only through experiments in which the researcher registered the experiences of a third person.
Archivio di storia della cultura, 2017
A reappraisal of Empiriocriticism. The paper questions the assumptions that underlie the habit of... more A reappraisal of Empiriocriticism. The paper questions the assumptions that underlie the habit of considering Richard Avenarius and Ernst Mach as representatives of the same philosophical current: Empiriocriticism. The essay firstly retraces the different backgrounds, aims and intellectual trajectories of the two authors, and then indicates the various points of convergence of their thoughts. In so doing, it is possible to outline the defning topics of Empiriocriticism without the risk of overlapping the famous Mach and the lesser-known Avenarius.
AbstractThis essay provides a fresh account of the break between Oswald Külpe and his master Wilh... more AbstractThis essay provides a fresh account of the break between Oswald Külpe and his master Wilhelm Wundt. Kurt Danziger's reconstruction of the “repudiation” of Wundt, which has become the canon for this significant episode of history of psychology, focused on the supposed influence of Ernst Mach on this set of events, overshadowing the other exponent of Empiriocriticism: Richard Avenarius. Analyzing archival documents and examining anew the primary sources, the paper shows that Avenarius was himself a member of Wundt's circle, and that his “repudiation” of the master paved the way for Külpe. The essay points out the original anti-Wundtian aspects of Avenarius' notion of psychology, thus showing how they were then adopted by Külpe.
Atti dell'accademia di scienze morali e politiche, 2009
Abstract. The topic of reine Erfahrung in the first edition of Heinrich Rickert’s Die Grenzen. Pr... more Abstract. The topic of reine Erfahrung in the first edition of Heinrich Rickert’s Die Grenzen. Proceeding from an analysis of two paragraphs of Die Grenzen, where Rickert deals with the problem of the objectivity of historical sciences and with the connection between physical and psychic, this essay aims at clarifying Rickert’s references to Avenarius’ thought, showing how the influence and the critical confront with the founder of empiriocriticism run through the pages of the book. Even if they disagree about the role - not the meaning - of subject and object in the gnoseology, according to Rickert Avenarius’ positions still represent an example of radical and coherent empiricism, against the natural-scientific worldview.
Archivio di storia della cultura, 2010
The Evolution of the “Principle of Least Effort” in Richard Avenarius’Thought from Prolegomena to... more The Evolution of the “Principle of Least Effort” in Richard Avenarius’Thought from Prolegomena to Kritik der Reinen Erfahrung. Starting from some manuscripts held in Avenarius’ Nachlass, this essay aims at showing how the drafts written between 1880 and 1883 testify Avenarius’ rethinking of the principle of least effort. In these drafts, as well as in the Kritik, Avenarius separates what seem to be the two “souls” of that principle (the principle of persistence and the principle of evolution), obtaining, this way, the principle of the minimum amount of variation and the principle of the progressive elimination. At the same time, this change of mind leads Avenarius to a more dynamic conception of the human conservation, less focused on self-preservation and more oriented towards the adaptation to an environment as wide as possible.
Chapters by Chiara Russo Krauss

Neokantismo e scienze della cultura, 2022
Friedrich Albert Lange was a neo-Kantian and socialist. Scholars have questioned whether there is... more Friedrich Albert Lange was a neo-Kantian and socialist. Scholars have questioned whether there is a connection between these two aspects of Lange's work. The paper argues that such a connection is apparent once Lange's philosophy is understood in light of Schiller's Kantianism. According to Lange, Schiller's esthetic redemption consists of two tasks: to create the beautiful image of an ideal reality; and to realize this ideal model in the actual world. Accordingly, I show that Lange's political analysis points to three different types of social evolution: 1) one corresponding to the natural state of humanity, based on Darwin's and Malthus's concept of the struggle for survival; 2) one corresponding to ideal evolution, in which all human beings achieve full development of their talents (first task of the esthetic redemption); 3) one corresponding to the actual realization of this ideal, in which human beings advance step by step thanks to social experimentation and the resulting progress in knowledge (second task of esthetic redemption).
Books by Chiara Russo Krauss
Petzoldt, the main pupil of Ernst Mach and founder of the Gesellschaft
für wissenschaftliche Philosophie, later the association of Berlin logical
positivists. Tracing the development of Petzoldt’s ideas, starting from his
early acceptance of materialism and Kantian agnosticism, Chiara Russo
Krauss presents a comprehensive reconstruction of his philosophy in the
context of the German milieu. By illuminating key elements of Petzoldt’s
work, this is a valuable case study for students and scholars of philosophy
of science and late 19th-century and early 20th-century philosophy.
This book provides important historical context and a critical discussion of the current state of research, in addition to a detailed consideration of Wundt’s and Avenarius’ systems of thought, as well as on their personal relationship. The author outlines the reception of Avenarius’ conceptions among Wundt’s pupils, such as Külpe, Münsterberg and Titchener, and among other psychologists of the time, such as Ward, James and Ebbinghaus. Finally, this book presents Wundt’s two-fold attempt to respond to the new trend through a criticism of the “materialistic” psychology, and a reformulation of his own ideas.
Papers by Chiara Russo Krauss
metaphysics, showing how this scientific principle becomes an argument in favor of Fechner’s theory of the world-soul.
Chapters by Chiara Russo Krauss
Petzoldt, the main pupil of Ernst Mach and founder of the Gesellschaft
für wissenschaftliche Philosophie, later the association of Berlin logical
positivists. Tracing the development of Petzoldt’s ideas, starting from his
early acceptance of materialism and Kantian agnosticism, Chiara Russo
Krauss presents a comprehensive reconstruction of his philosophy in the
context of the German milieu. By illuminating key elements of Petzoldt’s
work, this is a valuable case study for students and scholars of philosophy
of science and late 19th-century and early 20th-century philosophy.
This book provides important historical context and a critical discussion of the current state of research, in addition to a detailed consideration of Wundt’s and Avenarius’ systems of thought, as well as on their personal relationship. The author outlines the reception of Avenarius’ conceptions among Wundt’s pupils, such as Külpe, Münsterberg and Titchener, and among other psychologists of the time, such as Ward, James and Ebbinghaus. Finally, this book presents Wundt’s two-fold attempt to respond to the new trend through a criticism of the “materialistic” psychology, and a reformulation of his own ideas.
metaphysics, showing how this scientific principle becomes an argument in favor of Fechner’s theory of the world-soul.
diciannovesimo secolo vide coinvolte personalità del calibro di Wilhelm Wundt, Ernst Mach, Oswald Külpe, Hermann Ebbinghaus, Hugo Münsterberg ed Edward B. Titchener.