Bianca de Divitiis
Bianca de Divitiis has a solid academic track record as an internationally recognised expert in the history of art and architecture between late medieval and modern period.
Her notable independence of research and maturity were evident from the beginning when, just after graduating, she published a ground-breaking article in The Burlington Magazine (2003) on her important discovery of an album of drawings from the office of the British architect Sir John Soane, which was also acknowledged on The Times.
Her Doctoral Thesis on Renaissance architecture and antiquarianism in Naples uncovered a neglected area of research. After completing a series of prestigious international fellowships (The Warburg Institute, Villa I Tatti-Harvard, The Paul Mellon Foundation-Yale), she was awarded an ERC Starting Grant (2011-2016). As PI of the ERC HistAntArtSI project, she has carried out pioneering interdisciplinary research on the Renaissance in southern Italy, opening up a new field that is still expanding and producing results. As PI of another research project largely funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (PRIN 2020-2024), she was able to reinforce her skills as leader of a research team and broaden her research perspectives to trans-Mediterranean connections, especially with Sicily and Sardinia. Her participation in international projects such as The Quest for an Appropriate Past in European Architecture (Royal Netherlands Academy of Art and Sciences, 2014-16) and Spanish Italy and the Iberian Americas (Columbia University – Getty Institute, 2016-22) has enhanced her ability to work in large transnational research groups on European and Global Renaissance.
While supervising students, docs, postdocs, and researchers as Professor at the University of Naples Federico II, her research profile is increasingly attracting international researchers and students (Spain, USA, China) to Naples. Thanks to her work as Deputy Director of the Department of Humanities (280 members) and as member of several university boards, since 2020, she has further developed her management skills and ability to work with colleagues from LS and PE on actions relating open access, gender equality, and ethical regulations. As SH delegate for the association of ERC awardees ERC in Italy she is active in promoting fundamental and frontier research in Italy.
Despite home-schooling during COVID, she has constantly maintained her research track and has produced throughout her career a considerable number of publications, including a monograph, eighteen articles in peer-reviewed journals and thirty-six essays in volumes. She has edited or co-edited five volumes, an online database (www.histantartsi.eu) and a recently released webapp ANTONELLO, which has already won two prizes. A Companion to the Renaissance in Southern Italy (Brill, 2023; OA 2024), which she also edited, has been defined as: “a stunning scholarly achievement that will become the standard work for years to come” and has been nominated for the 2024 Bainton Prize (due next Nov). Her leading role in the field has been recognised by her appointment to the scientific advisory boards of major research institutes (MPG Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Centro Palladio) and of museums (Palazzo Reale, Pio Monte in Naples), and as a member of the Academia Europæa.
Her notable independence of research and maturity were evident from the beginning when, just after graduating, she published a ground-breaking article in The Burlington Magazine (2003) on her important discovery of an album of drawings from the office of the British architect Sir John Soane, which was also acknowledged on The Times.
Her Doctoral Thesis on Renaissance architecture and antiquarianism in Naples uncovered a neglected area of research. After completing a series of prestigious international fellowships (The Warburg Institute, Villa I Tatti-Harvard, The Paul Mellon Foundation-Yale), she was awarded an ERC Starting Grant (2011-2016). As PI of the ERC HistAntArtSI project, she has carried out pioneering interdisciplinary research on the Renaissance in southern Italy, opening up a new field that is still expanding and producing results. As PI of another research project largely funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (PRIN 2020-2024), she was able to reinforce her skills as leader of a research team and broaden her research perspectives to trans-Mediterranean connections, especially with Sicily and Sardinia. Her participation in international projects such as The Quest for an Appropriate Past in European Architecture (Royal Netherlands Academy of Art and Sciences, 2014-16) and Spanish Italy and the Iberian Americas (Columbia University – Getty Institute, 2016-22) has enhanced her ability to work in large transnational research groups on European and Global Renaissance.
While supervising students, docs, postdocs, and researchers as Professor at the University of Naples Federico II, her research profile is increasingly attracting international researchers and students (Spain, USA, China) to Naples. Thanks to her work as Deputy Director of the Department of Humanities (280 members) and as member of several university boards, since 2020, she has further developed her management skills and ability to work with colleagues from LS and PE on actions relating open access, gender equality, and ethical regulations. As SH delegate for the association of ERC awardees ERC in Italy she is active in promoting fundamental and frontier research in Italy.
Despite home-schooling during COVID, she has constantly maintained her research track and has produced throughout her career a considerable number of publications, including a monograph, eighteen articles in peer-reviewed journals and thirty-six essays in volumes. She has edited or co-edited five volumes, an online database (www.histantartsi.eu) and a recently released webapp ANTONELLO, which has already won two prizes. A Companion to the Renaissance in Southern Italy (Brill, 2023; OA 2024), which she also edited, has been defined as: “a stunning scholarly achievement that will become the standard work for years to come” and has been nominated for the 2024 Bainton Prize (due next Nov). Her leading role in the field has been recognised by her appointment to the scientific advisory boards of major research institutes (MPG Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Centro Palladio) and of museums (Palazzo Reale, Pio Monte in Naples), and as a member of the Academia Europæa.
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Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
InterestsView All (19)
Books by Bianca de Divitiis
siamo lieti di invitarLa alla presentazione del volume A Companion to the Renaissance in Southern Italy (1350-1600) (Brill, 2023), a cura di Bianca De Divitiis (Università di Napoli "Federico II"). La presentazione, organizzata in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell'Università "Federico II", la Società Napoletana di Storia Patria, e the Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities “La Capraia” /Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, si terrà lunedì 26 febbraio alle ore 15.30 presso la Sala "Giuseppe Galasso" della Società Napoletana di Storia Patria (Castel Nuovo, via Vittorio Emanuele III 310,Napoli).
Renata De Lorenzo, Presidente Società Napoletana di Storia Patria
Andrea Mazzucchi, Direttore del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università di Napoli Federico II
Ne discutono con la curatrice e gli autori dei saggi
Giancarlo Alfano (Università di Napoli "Federico II")
Marco Folin (Università di Genova)
Sarah K. Kozlowski (Centro per la Storia dell'Arte e dell'Architettura delle Città Portuali "Ła Capraia")
Tanja Michalsky (Bibliotheca Hertziana–Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte)
In allegato, la locandina.
Dear friends and colleagues,
Please join us at the presentation of the book A Companion to the Renaissance in Southern Italy (1350-1600) (Brill, 2023), edited by Bianca De Divitiis (Università di Napoli "Federico II"). The presentation, organized with the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Università "Federico II", the Società Napoletana di Storia Patria and the Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities “La Capraia” /Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, will be held on Monday, February 26, at 3.30 pm at the venue of the Società Napoletana di Storia Patria (Castel Nuovo, via Vittorio Emanuele III 310) in Naples.
Renata De Lorenzo, Presidente Società Napoletana di Storia Patria
Andrea Mazzucchi, Direttore del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università di Napoli Federico II
Giancarlo Alfano (Università di Napoli Federico II)
Marco Folin (Università di Genova)
Sarah K. Kozlowski (Centro per la Storia dell'Arte e dell'Architettura delle Città Portuali "Ła Capraia")
Tanja Michalsky (Bibliotheca Hertziana–Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte)
Articles in refereed journals by Bianca de Divitiis
siamo lieti di invitarLa alla presentazione del volume A Companion to the Renaissance in Southern Italy (1350-1600) (Brill, 2023), a cura di Bianca De Divitiis (Università di Napoli "Federico II"). La presentazione, organizzata in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell'Università "Federico II", la Società Napoletana di Storia Patria, e the Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities “La Capraia” /Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, si terrà lunedì 26 febbraio alle ore 15.30 presso la Sala "Giuseppe Galasso" della Società Napoletana di Storia Patria (Castel Nuovo, via Vittorio Emanuele III 310,Napoli).
Renata De Lorenzo, Presidente Società Napoletana di Storia Patria
Andrea Mazzucchi, Direttore del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università di Napoli Federico II
Ne discutono con la curatrice e gli autori dei saggi
Giancarlo Alfano (Università di Napoli "Federico II")
Marco Folin (Università di Genova)
Sarah K. Kozlowski (Centro per la Storia dell'Arte e dell'Architettura delle Città Portuali "Ła Capraia")
Tanja Michalsky (Bibliotheca Hertziana–Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte)
In allegato, la locandina.
Dear friends and colleagues,
Please join us at the presentation of the book A Companion to the Renaissance in Southern Italy (1350-1600) (Brill, 2023), edited by Bianca De Divitiis (Università di Napoli "Federico II"). The presentation, organized with the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Università "Federico II", the Società Napoletana di Storia Patria and the Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities “La Capraia” /Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, will be held on Monday, February 26, at 3.30 pm at the venue of the Società Napoletana di Storia Patria (Castel Nuovo, via Vittorio Emanuele III 310) in Naples.
Renata De Lorenzo, Presidente Società Napoletana di Storia Patria
Andrea Mazzucchi, Direttore del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università di Napoli Federico II
Giancarlo Alfano (Università di Napoli Federico II)
Marco Folin (Università di Genova)
Sarah K. Kozlowski (Centro per la Storia dell'Arte e dell'Architettura delle Città Portuali "Ła Capraia")
Tanja Michalsky (Bibliotheca Hertziana–Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte)
Organisers: Kathleen Christian and Bianca de Divitiis
This interdisciplinary conference, organised by Kathleen Christian (The Open University) and Bianca de Divitiis (ERC HistAntArtSI project/University of Naples) considers local concepts of antiquity across Europe in the Early Modern era.
Francesco Benelli (Associate Fellow, Italian Academy, Columbia University, New York)
‘The Legacy of the Arch of Trajan in Ancona. The Identity of a City from Giorgio da Sebenico to Francesco di Giorgio Martini and Beyond’
Kathleen Christian (Lecturer, History of Art, The Open University, Milton Keynes)
‘Roma caput mundi: Local Antiquities for an International Audience’
Bianca de Divitiis (ERC HistAntArtSI project/University of Naples)
‘The Antiquities of Southern Italy: Antiquarianism and a Local Sense of the Past’
João R. Figueiredo (Assistant Professor, Faculdade de Letras, University of Lisbon)
‘Classical Antiquity at the Crossroads of the Portuguese Renaissance: Luís de Camões’s Os Lusídas’
Krista de Jonge (Professor, Architectural History, University of Leuven)
‘Resurrecting Belgica Romana. Peter Ernst von Mansfeld’s Garden of Antiquities in Clausen, Luxemburg (1563-1590)’
Stanko Kokole (Assistant Professor of Art History, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana)
‘Olim Celeia vocabatur, ut in antiquis lapidibus scriptum repperi: Recording and Displaying Roman Remains in the Duchy of Styria c. 1450–c. 1520’
Oren Margolis (Departmental Lecturer in Early Modern History, Oxford and Junior Researcher, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies, Innsbruck)
‘Gallia Cisalpina: An Alternative French Foundation Myth in Quattrocento Italy’
Fernando Marías (Professor, History of Art, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
‘Local Antiquities in Spain: the Case of Córdoba and Oviedo’
Susana Matos Abreu (Postdoctoral Fellow, Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura e Urbanismo, Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto)
‘Local Antiquities, National Identities: Distant Visions of Rome in Portuguese Historiography and Art, 1530-1550’
Katrina Olds (Assistant Professor, History, University of San Francisco)
‘Small-Scale Antiquaries and the Contested Past in Counter-Reformation Spain’
Konrad Ottenheym (Professor, Architectural History, Utrecht University)
‘“The Eldest Manner of Building”. The Quest for the True Origin of Architecture in the Dutch Republic’
Richard Schofield (Professor, Architectural History, Università IUAV di Venezia)
‘Stylistic Inertia and Local all’antica Renaissances in Quattrocento Italy’
William Stenhouse (Associate Professor, History, Yeshiva University, New York)
‘Reusing and Redisplaying Antiquities in Early Modern France’
Edward Wouk (Lecturer, University of Manchester)
‘Semini and his Progeny: The Construction of Antwerp’s Past’
Discussant: Howard Burns, Professor Emeritus, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
lunedì 16 maggio, ore 18:00
Gaetano Manfredi, Sindaco di Napoli
Arturo De Vivo, Professore Emerito dell'Università di Napoli Federico II
Andrea Mazzucchi, Direttore del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Renata De Lorenzo, Presidente della Società Napoletana di Storia Patria
Guido Beltramini, Direttore del Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio
Bianca de Divitiis, Università di Napoli Federico II e Consigliere del Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio
Nell’ambito del 33° Seminario Internazionale di Storia dell’Architettura, il Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea
Palladio, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università Federico II di Napoli, con il patrocinio del
Comune di Napoli, sono lieti di invitarvi alla conferenza di apertura della settimana di studi dedicata al Rinascimento napoletano.
Watch the lectures on our website: https://utdallas.edu/arthistory/video/naples/
Vicenza, Palladio Museum, May 2025.
Co-organized by Donata Battilotti, Cammy Brothers, Bianca de Divitiis and Deborah Howard.
🔴 Deadline: 30 September 2024.
🔴 Info: www.palladiomuseum.org/call_for_papers
L’architettura e l’universo femminile nel Rinascimento.
A cura di Donata Battilotti, Cammy Brothers, Bianca De Divitiis, Deborah Howard
🔴 Il seminario è previsto per maggio 2025 e si svolgerà nell'arco di 3 giorni, con due giornate di presentazioni e discussioni e una di visite in loco.
🔴 Deadline: 30 settembre 2024.
Chi fosse interessato a partecipare con un proprio contributo (20 minuti) può inviare una proposta scritta di non più di 250 parole, accompagnata da un proprio curriculum di non oltre 100 parole, a [email protected].
I contributi saranno sottoposti a valutazione per la pubblicazione negli "Annali di architettura". In futuro potranno essere presi in considerazione altri numeri speciali dedicati alle donne.
🔴 Info: www.palladiomuseum.org/call_for_papers
Arte e architettura tra Sardegna, Sicilia e Regno di Napoli nel Rinascimento: prime ricognizioni
Prima giornata di studi a cura di
Roberto Cobianchi, Marco Cadinu, Bianca de Divitiis, Gabriele Fattorini, Emanuela Garofalo, Lorenzo Miletti, Antonio Milone, Manuela Milone, Marco Rosario Nobile
Mercoledì 27 gennaio 2021 (piattaforma MS Teams codice r03alwv)
14.30 Bianca de Divitiis Introduzione ai lavori
Sessione 1. Sardegna
14.40 Potito d’Arcangelo (Università di Napoli Federico II)
La Sardegna tra Medioevo e Rinascimento: presenza e distanza nei paradigmi storiografici correnti
15.00 Stefano Mais (Università di Cagliari)
I materiali e i luoghi dell’architettura rinascimentale in Sardegna. La raccolta dei dati
15.20 Maria Vittoria Spissu (Università di Napoli Federico II)
Identità e committenza nella Sardegna del Rinascimento. Casi di studio per una geografia artistica
15.40-16.00 Discussione
Sessione 2. Sicilia
16.30 Sevda Atak (Università di Palermo)
L'architettura del Rinascimento nei Nebrodi: dal web alla mappatura
16.50 Armando Antista (Università di Palermo)
L'architettura del Rinascimento nei Nebrodi: la ricerca sul campo
17.10 Giampaolo Chillè (Università di Messina)
Vecchie fonti e nuovi documenti sul Rinascimento nel Messinese
17.30-18.00 Discussione
Webinar, 24 marzo 2021
a cura di Bianca de Divitiis
Quando il vicentino Vincenzo Scamozzi arriva a Napoli, a fine Cinquecento, scopre una metropoli internazionale dal volto moderno e monumentale, polo d’attrazione di umanisti, artisti e architetti.
Questa giornata di studi offre un’occasione unica: quattro studiosi di fama internazionale ricostruiscono il contesto e l’identità culturale dell'unico Regno della penisola e della sua capitale nel Rinascimento, quando la nuova architettura all’antica si innesta su un sentimento d’ininterrotta continuità̀ con il glorioso passato antico e medievale.
Il Webinar è rivolto a studiosi, ricercatori e studenti in discipline umanistiche, come pure a professionisti nel campo dell’architettura e della tutela dei beni culturali.
15:30 Apertura dei lavori, Guido Beltramini
Modera Bianca de Divitiis:
15:45 - 16:30 David Abulafia (University of Cambridge, Emeritus), Approaches to the Renaissance in southern Italy*
16:30 - 16:45 domande
16:45 - 17:30 Caroline Bruzelius (Duke University), Napoli, The Angevin Contribution*
17:30 - 17:45 domande
(*) interventi in lingua inglese
17:45 - 18:00 pausa
Modera Howard Burns:
18:00 - 18:45 Lorenzo Miletti (Università di Napoli Federico II), La cultura umanistica a Napoli e nel Regno
18:45 - 19:00 domande
19:00 - 19:45 Bianca de Divitiis (Università di Napoli Federico II), Il Rinascimento e Napoli: umanisti, committenti e architetti
19:45 - 20:00 domande
Il Webinar è rivolto a studiosi, ricercatori e studenti in discipline umanistiche, come pure a professionisti nel campo dell’architettura e della tutela dei beni culturali.
La partecipazione è libera, con obbligo di prenotazione.