Papers by Agung Nusantara
Di jaman sekarang penyakit ada berbagai macam. Penyakit degeneratif bukan hanya menjangkiti para ... more Di jaman sekarang penyakit ada berbagai macam. Penyakit degeneratif bukan hanya menjangkiti para manula tetapi juga anak-anak, remaja maupun orang dewasa. Berbagai penyakit bukan lagi dialami oleh kalangan tertentu seperti jaman dulu tetapi penyakit tidak mengnal usia. Salah satu faktor penyebab adalah kerusakan lingkungan. Penyebab kerusakan lingkungan bukan hanya menyangkut masalah pencemaran tetapi juga menyangkut gaya hidup.
Kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh banyak negara khususnya negara-negara sedang... more Kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh banyak negara khususnya negara-negara sedang berkembang. Banyak kebijakan yang telah dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah suatu negara, baik dengan usaha sendiri maupun bantuan dari negara-negara lainnya ataupun dari Bank Dunia untuk mengatasi kemiskinannya. Pembangunan diberbagai sektor dilakukan oleh berbagai negara untuk mengatasi kemiskinan. Tujuan utama dari pembangunan selain pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi adalah penghapusan atau pengurangan kemiskinan, penanggulangan ketimpangan pendapatan dan penyediaan lapangan pekerjaan dalam konteks perekonomian yang terus berkembang

This paper aims to to identify when the economic crisis in Indonesia occurred by basing itself on... more This paper aims to to identify when the economic crisis in Indonesia occurred by basing itself on the formulation of The National Bureau of Economic Research, as the economic research authority in the United States, which is used as a reference for many countries including the United Nations. The Holdrick-Prescot Expectation Model is use as model with a de-trending approach that describes the information contained in the data without involving other data that might contribute to the movement of the data. the results of identification using the Gordon model and the Hodrick-Prescott method, it can be seen that the identification of crises is more accurate when using the definition applied by the NBER. Through the definition of the NBER crisis, it can be seen that Indonesia has experienced a decline in actual GDP compared to its trend value since 2019, Q4, which of course indicates the onset of an economic crisis.

This article explores the factors influencing happiness levels and compares them within the conte... more This article explores the factors influencing happiness levels and compares them within the contexts of Western and Eastern cultures. It particularly examines the role of income in shaping happiness, with a focus on Western cultures, often associated with materialism, and Eastern cultures, frequently linked to spirituality. The analysis reveals four significant determinants of happiness: economic achievement, social support, health, and the freedom to make choices. While income, measured by per capita GDP growth, contributes to happiness, globally, freedom of choice and social support exert a more substantial influence. This holds true when comparing Europe and North America to Asia (excluding the Middle East) and when contrasting Western and Eastern cultures. The study underscores the significance of social and political factors in achieving happiness, emphasizing the need for prioritizing their development. Furthermore, it challenges the notion that Western cultures are solely materialistic and Eastern cultures entirely spiritual, highlighting the intricacies of cultural differences. In sum, these findings emphasize the need for more comprehensive and diverse research to understand variations within specific cultural and ethnic contexts.
LPPM Universitas Stikubank, Apr 9, 2020
Di jaman sekarang penyakit ada berbagai macam. Penyakit degeneratif bukan hanya menjangkiti para ... more Di jaman sekarang penyakit ada berbagai macam. Penyakit degeneratif bukan hanya menjangkiti para manula tetapi juga anak-anak, remaja maupun orang dewasa. Berbagai penyakit bukan lagi dialami oleh kalangan tertentu seperti jaman dulu tetapi penyakit tidak mengnal usia. Salah satu faktor penyebab adalah kerusakan lingkungan. Penyebab kerusakan lingkungan bukan hanya menyangkut masalah pencemaran tetapi juga menyangkut gaya hidup.
Kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh banyak negara khususnya negara-negara sedang... more Kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh banyak negara khususnya negara-negara sedang berkembang. Banyak kebijakan yang telah dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah suatu negara, baik dengan usaha sendiri maupun bantuan dari negara-negara lainnya ataupun dari Bank Dunia untuk mengatasi kemiskinannya. Pembangunan diberbagai sektor dilakukan oleh berbagai negara untuk mengatasi kemiskinan. Tujuan utama dari pembangunan selain pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi adalah penghapusan atau pengurangan kemiskinan, penanggulangan ketimpangan pendapatan dan penyediaan lapangan pekerjaan dalam konteks perekonomian yang terus berkembang
Media Trend
The advantage of the fashion industry are contributing to creating a workforce and creating high ... more The advantage of the fashion industry are contributing to creating a workforce and creating high values of various commodities. The growth of the industrial sector becomes the mainstay of local government to increase Indonesia’s economy as one of the most dominant economic sectors. This article will analyze strategies and policies to develop the fashion industry with SWOT analysis. The research results showed the strengths aspects, like supportive local sources, cultural wealth, and available facilities and infrastructures. The supporting of opportunity aspects is the open chances of domestic and foreign markets and government concern and support. Developing human resources competencies, developing promotion as well as fashion product marketing, and cost aspects were conducted to develop the creative industry.
Jurnal Penelitian Transportasi Darat, Dec 29, 2022
The high frequency of motorcycle accidents cannot be separated from the driving behavior of motor... more The high frequency of motorcycle accidents cannot be separated from the driving behavior of motorists. Driving behavior is a rational choice in an effort to maximize benefits and minimize risks. The sample used in this study was young respondents aged 18-25 years, with status as students who use motorbikes as a means of daily transportation. By using Principal Component factor analysis, the study was able to identify motorcycle driving behavior in the main components, which were dominated by: Emotional Factors, Rider's Physical Ability, and Ability to Measure Distances. Through the same method, it is also possible to measure the risk of driving. Male riders have a higher risk than women, and automatic motorbike riders have a lower risk than non-matic motorbikes.

Economics Development Analysis Journal
The Poverty percentage in Central Java ranked two throughout Java Island after DI Yogyakarta Prov... more The Poverty percentage in Central Java ranked two throughout Java Island after DI Yogyakarta Province. It surely causes gaps and inequality between regions in Central Java Province. This study attempted to analyze the effects of fiscal decentralization, fiscal balance fund, and economic growth on the poverty in 35 regencies/ cities in Central Java Province within 2016-2020. By using a quantitative approach, this study used a panel analysis with a Fixed Effect Model (FEM) method. Based on the results of panel data regression analysis results, fiscal decentralization and fiscal balance fund had no relationship with the poverty in Central Java. On the other hand, economic growth had positive and significant effects. High economic growth will reduce poverty rate when the economic activities carried out are padat karya which aims at absorbing workforce. High workforce absorption will reduce the poverty rate.

J-MAS (Jurnal Manajemen dan Sains)
Guru merupakan elemen kunci dalam sistem pendidikan khususnya di sekolah. Peran Guru dalam mentra... more Guru merupakan elemen kunci dalam sistem pendidikan khususnya di sekolah. Peran Guru dalam mentransformasikan pengetahuan dalam pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, sekolah dapat meningkatkan kinerja guru guna mencapai tujuan pendidikan yang telah ditentukan. Penelitian ini akan menganalisis pengaruh modal psikologis dan person organization fit terhadap kinerja guru dengan memediasi komitmen organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 108 Guru SMP di Kabupaten Bantarbolang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa model 1 menunjukkan bahwa modal psikologis dan person organization fit berpengaruh positif terhadap organisasi. Sedangkan model 2, modal psikologis dan komitmen organisasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja guru sedangkan organisasi tidak. Hasil uji mediasi menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh organisasional tidak memediasi pengaruh modal psikologis terhadap kinerja guru, tetapi memediasi komitmen organisasi.

3rd Economics & Business Research Festival. Proceeding Seminar &Call For Papers : Business Dynami... more 3rd Economics & Business Research Festival. Proceeding Seminar &Call For Papers : Business Dynamics Toward Competitive Economic Region Of Asean (Salatiga : 2014), p. 999 - 1012Foreign Direct Investment has become an important source of financing for developing countries since 1990. To encourage the entry of FDI, the government must make a domestic policy that is able to attract foreign investor. The first step is identification of macroeconomic variables which determines FDI. Globerman and Shapiro (2005) suggest that macroeconomic variables, such as, market size, resources and financial sector, may be determines FDI in developing countries. The problem is how far the macroeconomic variables can push FDI inflow, in condition, imperfect economic liberalization. This study has proof that market size, include, domestic economy (GDP) and extention of domestic economy (Openness) significantly push FDI inflow. However, debt variable, although related to government policy, significantly imp...

Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen
The use of a theory-driven perspective is very common, especially in economics research, and even... more The use of a theory-driven perspective is very common, especially in economics research, and even becomes an inevitable approach. Problems arise when data, as a form of reality, does not synergize with theory. The resulting conclusion is very likely to be different from the theoretical statement. One method that refers to data-driven is the Vector Auto-Regressive (VAR) model, which puts all the variables involved in a position as endogenous variables. This study seeks to identify a statistically more accurate relationship in the relationship between variables, stock prices, consumer price index, Jakarta Inter-Bank Over rate, exchange rate, and Net Balance Trade. Observations were made from January 2016 to December 2020. This study found evidence that there is a recursive relationship between stock price variables and macroeconomic variables. The VAR model identifies the Net Balance Trade variable as an endogenous variable in 3 types of sectoral stocks and only manufacturing sector s...

Pedagogi: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan
The teacher is a key element in the education system, especially in schools because of the teache... more The teacher is a key element in the education system, especially in schools because of the teacher's role in transforming knowledge in education. Therefore, schools can improve teacher performance in order to achieve predetermined educational goals. This article will analyze the influence of psychological capital and person organization fit on teacher performance by mediating organizational commitment. This research uses quantitative analysis. The population in this study were 108 teachers of Junior High School in Bantarbolang District. Analysis of data techniques used regression analysis. The results of the research on model 1 show that psychological capital and person organization fit have a positive effect on organizational. In model 2, psychological capital and organizational commitment have a positive effect on teacher performance while organizational people do not. The results of the mediation test show that organizational influence does not mediate the effect of psycholog...

Data dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder periode 1990 q1-2014 q4d. Untuk menganalisisnya di... more Data dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder periode 1990 q1-2014 q4d. Untuk menganalisisnya digunakan Error Correction Model (ECM). Data tersebut di split dengan menggunakan Chow Test menjadi tiga periode. Periode pertama adalah periode krisis 1998 dan sebelumnya, periode kedua adalah periode sesudah krisis 1998 dan periode ketiga adalah periode sesudah krisis 2008. Hasil estimasi dengan menggunakan model conventional Phillips-Curve menunjukkan bahwa ect (error correction term) pada setiap periode adalah negatif dan signifikan. Sensitivitas dari inflasi terhadap output gap domestic cenderung menurun baik pada jangka pendek maupun pada jangka panjang. Bahkan pada periode sesudah krisis 2008, output gap domestik menjadi tidak signifikan.Sedangkan, variabel ekspektasi inflasi hanya signifikan pada jangka pendek dan jangka panjang pada periode krisis 1998 dan sebelumnya dan pada periode sesudah krisis 2008 pada jangka pendek. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor domestik dalam mempengaruhi inflasi di Indonesia seiring waktu menjadi tidak berpengaruh.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Banking, Accounting, Management and Economics (ICOBAME 2020), 2020
Poverty is a global problem faced by a lot of countries, including Indonesia. In this research, t... more Poverty is a global problem faced by a lot of countries, including Indonesia. In this research, the data used are 34 provinces in Indonesia from 2015-2018. The analysis technique used is data pooling that combines times series and cross section. The research result shows that the suitable model to analyze poverty is the fixed effect model. Variables that have a negative effect on poverty are Gross Regional Domestic Bruto per-capita, Sanitation, and net enrollment rate of senior high school, while Gini Ratio has a positive effect. Based on the analysis, there are 14 provinces that have higher poverty percentage than the average province poverty in Indonesia.
The objective of this study is to analyzes gold ownership in Indonesia related to the treatment o... more The objective of this study is to analyzes gold ownership in Indonesia related to the treatment of gold whether gold is used as a haven or diversifier investment. To determine gold as a haven or diversifier investment, the research method used is the general correlation method and cross correlation. The variables used in this study are gold price variables, investment interest rates, LQ 45, exchange rates and inflation, using data from 2018.1 to 2020.10. The results show that gold in Indonesia is more of a haven than a diversifier investment. Based on expectations of gold prices for the next year, it shows that the relationship between gold prices - interest rates and gold prices - exchange rates is a strong complementarity, while the relationship between gold prices and LQ45 is a very strong substitution or diversification.
Papers by Agung Nusantara