Vinicius Dreger
I'm Doctor and Master in Social History (Universidade de São Paulo), focusing my researches in the History of medieval German empire (800-1250). Now I’m researching for a planned post-doctoral Fellowship on the theme: Unio regni ad Imperium - Political Culture in the Norman-swabian Kingdom of Sicily and their consolidation in the Liber Augustalis (1231).
Actually I'm running an initiative called Gentes ultra Rhenum - Medieval Imperial German Studies, composed by a blog (http://migstudies.wordpress.com/), this page on Academia.edu (http://usp-br.academia.edu/ViniciusDreger) and a page on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/GentesUltraRhenum)to divulge the history and culture of Medieval Germany.
Co-coordinator of the thematical project "Angli-Saxones et Antiqui Saxones", on the study of the relationship between England and Imperial Germany during the 9th and 10th centuries.
- BA History, Universidade de Sao Paulo-USP (Brazil), monograph "The Goliards Social Critique".
- MSc Social History, Universidade de Sao Paulo-USP (Brazil), dissertation "The Art of War in the twelfth century: The Italian campaigns of Frederick I Barbarossa".
- PhD Social History, Universidade de Sao Paulo-USP (Brazil), thesis "Honor Imperii: The military and political legitimacy in the reign of Frederick I Barbarossa".
Supervisors: Dr. Nachman Falbel and Dr. Hilário Franco Jr.
Actually I'm running an initiative called Gentes ultra Rhenum - Medieval Imperial German Studies, composed by a blog (http://migstudies.wordpress.com/), this page on Academia.edu (http://usp-br.academia.edu/ViniciusDreger) and a page on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/GentesUltraRhenum)to divulge the history and culture of Medieval Germany.
Co-coordinator of the thematical project "Angli-Saxones et Antiqui Saxones", on the study of the relationship between England and Imperial Germany during the 9th and 10th centuries.
- BA History, Universidade de Sao Paulo-USP (Brazil), monograph "The Goliards Social Critique".
- MSc Social History, Universidade de Sao Paulo-USP (Brazil), dissertation "The Art of War in the twelfth century: The Italian campaigns of Frederick I Barbarossa".
- PhD Social History, Universidade de Sao Paulo-USP (Brazil), thesis "Honor Imperii: The military and political legitimacy in the reign of Frederick I Barbarossa".
Supervisors: Dr. Nachman Falbel and Dr. Hilário Franco Jr.
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Published Papers by Vinicius Dreger
Abstract: Since the discovery of the manuscript 2071 of the Belgian Royal Library in the first half of the nineteenth century, containing complete versions of the two most famous songs attributed to the Archpoet of Cologne, Salve mundi domine, Caesar Noster ave! and Estuans intrinsecus, ira vehementi, the first song has aroused considerable debate about its laudatory nature and was considered it as profoundly nationalist by German historians of the 1930s and 1940s. Their analysis of the so-called Kaiserhymnus did not suffered considerable challenges until the late twentieth century. Nevertheless, the question that comes to our attention is: how to analyze in a critical and contextualized way a song considered as an imperial encomium in the same class of the Gesta Friderici of Otto of Freising and Rahewin among other works, but written by one of the greatest (if Salve mundi domine not the greater) satirists of the twelfth century? A work that markedly, to believe in traditional analysts, diverges from the author’s own canon? In order to start answering this question, we carried out a study about the relationship between the main characters involved in the text: the Archpoet and the Archbishop Rainald of Dassel, his patron as a poet and his employer as a notary of the Imperial Chancellery, a relationship in which, as pointed out by Peter Godman in his works, they developed an intense relationship of intellectual complicity. Our inspiration flowed from questions brought by the Critical Discourse Analysis and the study of Political Culture, and we dedicated this article to a translation of Kaiserhymnus for Portuguese language and to its contextualized stanza by stanza analysis, which allowed us to reach very divergent conclusions from that ones already consolidated about the song.
Abstract: In the documental sources from the 9th Century, the battle of Fontenoy (841) and its amplified contexto, the civil war between Lothar I, Louis the German and Charles the Bald, the so-called Brüderkrieg or War between Brothers, are considered as milestones of the dissolution of the Carolingian Empire. Our article main objective is to reexamine the textual evidences (as such the Annals of St. Bertin, the Annals of Fulda, Nithard's Histories and Angelbert's Versus de bella quae fuit acta Fontaneto) and iconographical ones (such as the Codex Perizoni F 17 and Codex Sangalensis 22) in the light of analysis related to issues such as the standards of the Political Culture developed in the Carolingian Empire, specifically with regard to the continuity of imperial ideology and the fate of the Imperial Aristocracy created by Charlemagne and shattered during the civil wars, which allowed us to reach conclusions very divergent from thath ones already consolidated about the so-called decline of the Carolingian Empire.
Simultaneamente ao estabelecimento desta nova unidade política (1016-1130) e tão importante quanto esta história, é o processo da construção da identidade desta população deslocada da Normandia para a Itália Meridional e o traslado das memórias setentrionais para o centro do Mediterrâneo.
Nosso texto dividir-se-á em dois temas: uma análise do quão escandinava era a Normandia entre os séculos X e XI e um estudo de que memórias ligadas ao Norte foram utilizadas para embasar a construção identitária ítalo-normanda nas três principais fontes do período: as crônicas de Amato de Montecassino, Godofredo Malaterra e Guilherme da Apúlia, todas elaboradas durante a segunda metade do século XI. Para construir a ligação entre os dois movimentos populacionais (a constituição da Normandia e a constituição dos domínios normandos na Itália meridional) empregaremos ferramental teórico oriundo dos estudos acerca das Diásporas Viking e Normanda, além de questionamentos relativos aos estudos acerca dos processos de construção identitários, tais como Etnogênese e Etnopoiese.
Finalmente, concluímos que estes processos serviram essencialmente para a construção dos valores definidores em ambas as comunidades fruto das já mencionadas diásporas, de acordo com suas composições étnicas e usos políticos.
Abstract: The so-called Norman Kingdom of Sicily was one of the most interesting political entities of the Central Middle Ages (XIth-XIIIth centuries) in many ways, and one of the leading was its complex ethnic and cultural composition, involving no less than Lombards, Greeks, Arabs and Normans, as well a significant Jewish contingent.
Simultaneously with the establishment of this new polity (1016-1130) and as important as this story, is the process of identity building of this population removed from Normandy to southern Italy and the transfer of the northern memories to the center of the Mediterranean.
Our text will be divided in two themes: an analysis of how Scandinavian was Normandy between the tenth and eleventh centuries and a study what memories connected to the North were used to support the construction of an Norman-italian identity in the three main written sources of the period: the chronicals of Amatus of Montecassino, Geoffrey Malaterra and William of Apulia, all written during the second half of the eleventh century.
To build the connection between the two population movements (the constitution of Normandy and the establishment of the Norman domains in southern Italy) we will employ theoretical tools coming from the studies of the Viking and Norman Diasporas, as well as questions related to studies about the identity construction processes, such as Ethnogenesis and Ethnopoiesis.
Finally, we conclude that these processes served primarily for the construction of the defining values in both communities as a result of the already mentioned diasporas, according to their ethnic composition and political uses.
Keywords: Political Iconography – Duchy of Bohemia – Kingdom of Bohemia – Holy Roman Empire – Middle Ages.
entre os Anglo-saxões e Escandinavos na Inglaterra e as estabelecidas pelos Saxônios e Bávaros, contrapondo-se a Eslavos e Magiares entre os séculos IX e X.
Palavras-chave: Inglaterra Anglo-saxônica; Saxônia Continental; Fronteiras militares; Estratégia Vegeciana; História Militar Medieval.
Abstract: The frontier as an analytical category to the Middle Ages emerged in the 1920s, from studies on the United States western expansion during the nineteenth century. On the other hand, the application of the so-called Vegetian Strategic Paradigm emerged in the 1980s. The merger between elements of these two schools of thought have enabled us to perform a comparative analysis between the military borders established between Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavians in England and the frontiers established by Saxons and Bavarians, as counterpoint to the Slavs and Magyars between IXth and Xth centuries.
Keywords: Anglo-saxon England; Continental Saxony; Military Frontiers; Vegetian Strategy; Medieval Military History.
Analisamos a produção iconográfica focada em Henrique VI através de processos de despersonalização e estereotipificação das representações, e recorrendo ao princípio das mesmas, durante a dinastia Otônida (século X), assim como através dos processos de instituição de uma monarquia transpessoal no Império a partir do século XI.
The Norman Kingdom of Sicily was one of most interesting political organisations of the european XIIth Century. However, little studied by Brazilian medievalist historiography, especially the process unio Regni ad Imperium, its troubled dynastic merger with the Holy Roman Empire, between 1177 and 1268. Our proposal is to analyze the figure of King Tancred of Lecce, leader of the oposition to unio Regni ad Imperium in the major historiographical works of the period: the Epistola ad Petrum Panormitanae ecclesiae thesaurarium attributed to "Hugo Falcandus" and Peter of Eboli’s Liber ad honorem Augusti sive de rebus Siculis."
Buscamos neste texto analisar as imbricações entre o texto teatral germânico do século XII, o Ludus de Antichristo, e o seu contexto político-cultural, particularmente em relação às personagens do Anticristo e do Último Imperador Romano, seus protagonistas, com a Escatologia Imperial encontrada no período.
Nosso artigo contém um detalhado resumo da peça, estudos relacionados às tradições e documentos que levaram à sua concepção e seu enquadramento nos debates políticos e religiosos do século XII.
We seek in this paper to analyze the interplay between the text of the twelfth century German theater, the Ludus de Antichristo, and its political and cultural context, particularly in relation to the characters of the Antichrist and the Last Roman Emperor, its protagonists, with the Imperial eschatology found in the period .
Our article contains a detailed summary of the play, studies related to the traditions and documents that led to its design and its framing in political and religious debates of the twelfth century.
Ao partirmos de elementos extraídos do romance Baudolino de Umberto Eco, propomos uma análise acerca das orientações culturais desenvolvidas na corte imperial de Frederico I de Hohenstaufen, o Barbarossa (1152-1190). Destacaremos as relevantes atuações do Arcebispo de Colônia Rainald de Dassel e da Imperatriz Beatriz de Borgonha como promotores de movimentos culturais.
Starting from elements extracted from the novel Baudolino by Umberto Eco, we propose an analysis about the cultural orientations developed in the imperial court of Frederick I of Hohenstaufen, il Barbarossa (1152-1190). We will highlight the relevant actions of Rainald of Dassel, the Archbishop of Cologne and of Empress Beatrice of Burgundy as promoters of cultural movements.
Abstract: From the 1980’s came a new way to analyze warfare in the medieval period, the Vegetian Strategic Paradigm (VSP), centered on the importance of Logistics and fortifications. On the other hand, studies in this area are focused on the realities of the Anglo-French wars. Thus, our article aims to evaluate the usefulness of the VSP in the analysis of a campaign in the Italian-German context of Frederick I Barbarossa."
Entre as décadas de 920 e 940 o personagem principal na política europeia foi o rei anglo-saxão Æthelstan que, através de uma extensa rede de alianças matrimoniais, foi capaz de estender sua influência até a Germânia Otônida. Contudo, nas décadas de 950 a 970, o panorama foi novamente modificado, desta vez em favor de Otto I.
Nosso principal objetivo está na análise das políticas matrimoniais de ambas as linhagens e no como elas acabaram por entrelaçar-se.
Between the 920’s and 940’s the main actor in European politics was the Anglo-Saxon king Aethelstan, through an extensive network of marriage alliances was able to extend its influence to the Ottonian Germany. However, between the 950’s and 970’s, the political landscape was changed again, this time in favor of Otto I.
Our main goal is to analyze the matrimonial policies of both lineages and how they eventually intertwine."
But when analyzing the confluence of the works of German chivalric poetry and the levantine expedition led by Emperor Frederick I, we find dissenting voices about the participation in the crusade. Now, the courtesan life become to many knights more desirable than salvation through holy war.
To study this phenomenon is the goal of our presentation, framing it in the social and cultural developments on Imperial Germany in the second half of the twelfth century.
Keywords: Third Crusade, Poetry, Opposition for the Crusade.
Constança de Hauteville, última representante da estirpe dos reis normandos da Sicília, talvez tenha sido a mulher mais importante da Europa Ocidental em fins do século XII. E sobre ela, assim como sobre a maioria de suas antecessoras e contemporâneas, pouco conhecemos. Objetivamos neste artigo resgatar um pouco mais acerca desta personagem histórica, analisar seu contexto e investigar as possibilidades de produção de uma biografia mais substancial.
Constance of Hauteville, as the last representative of the dynasty of the Norman kings of Sicily, was maybe the most important woman of Western Europe in late twelfth century. And about her, as on most of her predecessors and contemporaries, we know little. Our objectives in this paper are rescue more about this historical character, examine its context and investigate the possibility of producing a more substantial biography."
Este artigo busca analisar os esforços germânicos durante a Segunda Cruzada (1147-1149) como um reflexo das tensões e guerras civis na aristocracia imperial entre os séculos XI e XII, além de ligar esta situação a uma reação nobre à política centralizadora de poder adotada pelos Sálios. As fontes analisadas são as obras do bispo Otto de Freising, Chronica de Duabus Civitatibus (livro VII) e Gesta Friderici (livro I).
This paper wants to study the german efforts in the Second Crusade (1147-1149) as a reflex of tensions and civil wars of imperial aristocracy between the XI and XII centuries. Thus, this scenary is linked to the noble reactions to the strong and centralizing politics adopted by the Salian dynasty. The sources to this work are Chronica de Duabus Civitatibus (book VII) and Gesta Friderici (book I) both by bishop Otto of Freising.
O documento básico de nossa análise é o mappamundi de Ebstorf, obra composta, provavelmente, na primeira metade do século XIII na abadia de Ebstorf, nordeste da Alemanha. Discutiremos as diversas concepções de espaço geográfico presentes neste mapa e o destaque dado nele à representação da Germânia imperial medieval.
The basic source of our analysis is the Ebstorf’s mappamundi, a work composed probably in the first half of the thirteenth century in the abbey of Ebstorf, northeastern Germany. We’ll discuss the different conceptions of geographical space present in this map and the prominence given in it to the representation of medieval imperial Germany.
Este artigo visa analisar as transformações causadas pelo processo de conversão da Saxônia ao Cristianismo entre os séculos VIII e X através do estudo do Heliand, reformulação dos Evangelhos para a língua e cultura saxônias, e as Res Gestae Saxoniae do monge Widukind de Corvey, detendo-nos em como as figuras de Cristo e dos apóstolos, assim como dos reis são apresentadas.
This paper intends to analyze the changes motivated by the process of conversion to Christianism in Saxony between the 8th and 10th centuries, through the study of the Heliand, a reformulation of the Gospels to the Saxon culture and language, and Widukind of Corvey’s Res Gestae Saxoniae. I will focus on how the figures of Christ and the apostles, as well as the kings, are presented.
Este artigo analisa as imagens relativas à participação de Frederico I Barbarossa na terceira cruzada e contidas no Liber ad Honorem Augusti, documento escrito por Petrus de Ebulo para homenagear Henrique VI no final do século XII. Além disso, procuramos compreender as imagens tanto no contexto da origem da fonte – o Reino Normando da Sicília – quanto da cruzada de Frederico I.
This paper wants to study the iconography about Frederick Barbarossa’s expedition in the Third Crusade in the Liber ad Honorem Augusti of Petrus de Ebulo, composed to laudate Henry VI in late XIIth century. Thus, we looked for the comprehension of the images in various contexts: from their origins – the Norman Kingdom of Sicily – and the proper crusade of Barbarossa.
Abstract: Since the discovery of the manuscript 2071 of the Belgian Royal Library in the first half of the nineteenth century, containing complete versions of the two most famous songs attributed to the Archpoet of Cologne, Salve mundi domine, Caesar Noster ave! and Estuans intrinsecus, ira vehementi, the first song has aroused considerable debate about its laudatory nature and was considered it as profoundly nationalist by German historians of the 1930s and 1940s. Their analysis of the so-called Kaiserhymnus did not suffered considerable challenges until the late twentieth century. Nevertheless, the question that comes to our attention is: how to analyze in a critical and contextualized way a song considered as an imperial encomium in the same class of the Gesta Friderici of Otto of Freising and Rahewin among other works, but written by one of the greatest (if Salve mundi domine not the greater) satirists of the twelfth century? A work that markedly, to believe in traditional analysts, diverges from the author’s own canon? In order to start answering this question, we carried out a study about the relationship between the main characters involved in the text: the Archpoet and the Archbishop Rainald of Dassel, his patron as a poet and his employer as a notary of the Imperial Chancellery, a relationship in which, as pointed out by Peter Godman in his works, they developed an intense relationship of intellectual complicity. Our inspiration flowed from questions brought by the Critical Discourse Analysis and the study of Political Culture, and we dedicated this article to a translation of Kaiserhymnus for Portuguese language and to its contextualized stanza by stanza analysis, which allowed us to reach very divergent conclusions from that ones already consolidated about the song.
Abstract: In the documental sources from the 9th Century, the battle of Fontenoy (841) and its amplified contexto, the civil war between Lothar I, Louis the German and Charles the Bald, the so-called Brüderkrieg or War between Brothers, are considered as milestones of the dissolution of the Carolingian Empire. Our article main objective is to reexamine the textual evidences (as such the Annals of St. Bertin, the Annals of Fulda, Nithard's Histories and Angelbert's Versus de bella quae fuit acta Fontaneto) and iconographical ones (such as the Codex Perizoni F 17 and Codex Sangalensis 22) in the light of analysis related to issues such as the standards of the Political Culture developed in the Carolingian Empire, specifically with regard to the continuity of imperial ideology and the fate of the Imperial Aristocracy created by Charlemagne and shattered during the civil wars, which allowed us to reach conclusions very divergent from thath ones already consolidated about the so-called decline of the Carolingian Empire.
Simultaneamente ao estabelecimento desta nova unidade política (1016-1130) e tão importante quanto esta história, é o processo da construção da identidade desta população deslocada da Normandia para a Itália Meridional e o traslado das memórias setentrionais para o centro do Mediterrâneo.
Nosso texto dividir-se-á em dois temas: uma análise do quão escandinava era a Normandia entre os séculos X e XI e um estudo de que memórias ligadas ao Norte foram utilizadas para embasar a construção identitária ítalo-normanda nas três principais fontes do período: as crônicas de Amato de Montecassino, Godofredo Malaterra e Guilherme da Apúlia, todas elaboradas durante a segunda metade do século XI. Para construir a ligação entre os dois movimentos populacionais (a constituição da Normandia e a constituição dos domínios normandos na Itália meridional) empregaremos ferramental teórico oriundo dos estudos acerca das Diásporas Viking e Normanda, além de questionamentos relativos aos estudos acerca dos processos de construção identitários, tais como Etnogênese e Etnopoiese.
Finalmente, concluímos que estes processos serviram essencialmente para a construção dos valores definidores em ambas as comunidades fruto das já mencionadas diásporas, de acordo com suas composições étnicas e usos políticos.
Abstract: The so-called Norman Kingdom of Sicily was one of the most interesting political entities of the Central Middle Ages (XIth-XIIIth centuries) in many ways, and one of the leading was its complex ethnic and cultural composition, involving no less than Lombards, Greeks, Arabs and Normans, as well a significant Jewish contingent.
Simultaneously with the establishment of this new polity (1016-1130) and as important as this story, is the process of identity building of this population removed from Normandy to southern Italy and the transfer of the northern memories to the center of the Mediterranean.
Our text will be divided in two themes: an analysis of how Scandinavian was Normandy between the tenth and eleventh centuries and a study what memories connected to the North were used to support the construction of an Norman-italian identity in the three main written sources of the period: the chronicals of Amatus of Montecassino, Geoffrey Malaterra and William of Apulia, all written during the second half of the eleventh century.
To build the connection between the two population movements (the constitution of Normandy and the establishment of the Norman domains in southern Italy) we will employ theoretical tools coming from the studies of the Viking and Norman Diasporas, as well as questions related to studies about the identity construction processes, such as Ethnogenesis and Ethnopoiesis.
Finally, we conclude that these processes served primarily for the construction of the defining values in both communities as a result of the already mentioned diasporas, according to their ethnic composition and political uses.
Keywords: Political Iconography – Duchy of Bohemia – Kingdom of Bohemia – Holy Roman Empire – Middle Ages.
entre os Anglo-saxões e Escandinavos na Inglaterra e as estabelecidas pelos Saxônios e Bávaros, contrapondo-se a Eslavos e Magiares entre os séculos IX e X.
Palavras-chave: Inglaterra Anglo-saxônica; Saxônia Continental; Fronteiras militares; Estratégia Vegeciana; História Militar Medieval.
Abstract: The frontier as an analytical category to the Middle Ages emerged in the 1920s, from studies on the United States western expansion during the nineteenth century. On the other hand, the application of the so-called Vegetian Strategic Paradigm emerged in the 1980s. The merger between elements of these two schools of thought have enabled us to perform a comparative analysis between the military borders established between Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavians in England and the frontiers established by Saxons and Bavarians, as counterpoint to the Slavs and Magyars between IXth and Xth centuries.
Keywords: Anglo-saxon England; Continental Saxony; Military Frontiers; Vegetian Strategy; Medieval Military History.
Analisamos a produção iconográfica focada em Henrique VI através de processos de despersonalização e estereotipificação das representações, e recorrendo ao princípio das mesmas, durante a dinastia Otônida (século X), assim como através dos processos de instituição de uma monarquia transpessoal no Império a partir do século XI.
The Norman Kingdom of Sicily was one of most interesting political organisations of the european XIIth Century. However, little studied by Brazilian medievalist historiography, especially the process unio Regni ad Imperium, its troubled dynastic merger with the Holy Roman Empire, between 1177 and 1268. Our proposal is to analyze the figure of King Tancred of Lecce, leader of the oposition to unio Regni ad Imperium in the major historiographical works of the period: the Epistola ad Petrum Panormitanae ecclesiae thesaurarium attributed to "Hugo Falcandus" and Peter of Eboli’s Liber ad honorem Augusti sive de rebus Siculis."
Buscamos neste texto analisar as imbricações entre o texto teatral germânico do século XII, o Ludus de Antichristo, e o seu contexto político-cultural, particularmente em relação às personagens do Anticristo e do Último Imperador Romano, seus protagonistas, com a Escatologia Imperial encontrada no período.
Nosso artigo contém um detalhado resumo da peça, estudos relacionados às tradições e documentos que levaram à sua concepção e seu enquadramento nos debates políticos e religiosos do século XII.
We seek in this paper to analyze the interplay between the text of the twelfth century German theater, the Ludus de Antichristo, and its political and cultural context, particularly in relation to the characters of the Antichrist and the Last Roman Emperor, its protagonists, with the Imperial eschatology found in the period .
Our article contains a detailed summary of the play, studies related to the traditions and documents that led to its design and its framing in political and religious debates of the twelfth century.
Ao partirmos de elementos extraídos do romance Baudolino de Umberto Eco, propomos uma análise acerca das orientações culturais desenvolvidas na corte imperial de Frederico I de Hohenstaufen, o Barbarossa (1152-1190). Destacaremos as relevantes atuações do Arcebispo de Colônia Rainald de Dassel e da Imperatriz Beatriz de Borgonha como promotores de movimentos culturais.
Starting from elements extracted from the novel Baudolino by Umberto Eco, we propose an analysis about the cultural orientations developed in the imperial court of Frederick I of Hohenstaufen, il Barbarossa (1152-1190). We will highlight the relevant actions of Rainald of Dassel, the Archbishop of Cologne and of Empress Beatrice of Burgundy as promoters of cultural movements.
Abstract: From the 1980’s came a new way to analyze warfare in the medieval period, the Vegetian Strategic Paradigm (VSP), centered on the importance of Logistics and fortifications. On the other hand, studies in this area are focused on the realities of the Anglo-French wars. Thus, our article aims to evaluate the usefulness of the VSP in the analysis of a campaign in the Italian-German context of Frederick I Barbarossa."
Entre as décadas de 920 e 940 o personagem principal na política europeia foi o rei anglo-saxão Æthelstan que, através de uma extensa rede de alianças matrimoniais, foi capaz de estender sua influência até a Germânia Otônida. Contudo, nas décadas de 950 a 970, o panorama foi novamente modificado, desta vez em favor de Otto I.
Nosso principal objetivo está na análise das políticas matrimoniais de ambas as linhagens e no como elas acabaram por entrelaçar-se.
Between the 920’s and 940’s the main actor in European politics was the Anglo-Saxon king Aethelstan, through an extensive network of marriage alliances was able to extend its influence to the Ottonian Germany. However, between the 950’s and 970’s, the political landscape was changed again, this time in favor of Otto I.
Our main goal is to analyze the matrimonial policies of both lineages and how they eventually intertwine."
But when analyzing the confluence of the works of German chivalric poetry and the levantine expedition led by Emperor Frederick I, we find dissenting voices about the participation in the crusade. Now, the courtesan life become to many knights more desirable than salvation through holy war.
To study this phenomenon is the goal of our presentation, framing it in the social and cultural developments on Imperial Germany in the second half of the twelfth century.
Keywords: Third Crusade, Poetry, Opposition for the Crusade.
Constança de Hauteville, última representante da estirpe dos reis normandos da Sicília, talvez tenha sido a mulher mais importante da Europa Ocidental em fins do século XII. E sobre ela, assim como sobre a maioria de suas antecessoras e contemporâneas, pouco conhecemos. Objetivamos neste artigo resgatar um pouco mais acerca desta personagem histórica, analisar seu contexto e investigar as possibilidades de produção de uma biografia mais substancial.
Constance of Hauteville, as the last representative of the dynasty of the Norman kings of Sicily, was maybe the most important woman of Western Europe in late twelfth century. And about her, as on most of her predecessors and contemporaries, we know little. Our objectives in this paper are rescue more about this historical character, examine its context and investigate the possibility of producing a more substantial biography."
Este artigo busca analisar os esforços germânicos durante a Segunda Cruzada (1147-1149) como um reflexo das tensões e guerras civis na aristocracia imperial entre os séculos XI e XII, além de ligar esta situação a uma reação nobre à política centralizadora de poder adotada pelos Sálios. As fontes analisadas são as obras do bispo Otto de Freising, Chronica de Duabus Civitatibus (livro VII) e Gesta Friderici (livro I).
This paper wants to study the german efforts in the Second Crusade (1147-1149) as a reflex of tensions and civil wars of imperial aristocracy between the XI and XII centuries. Thus, this scenary is linked to the noble reactions to the strong and centralizing politics adopted by the Salian dynasty. The sources to this work are Chronica de Duabus Civitatibus (book VII) and Gesta Friderici (book I) both by bishop Otto of Freising.
O documento básico de nossa análise é o mappamundi de Ebstorf, obra composta, provavelmente, na primeira metade do século XIII na abadia de Ebstorf, nordeste da Alemanha. Discutiremos as diversas concepções de espaço geográfico presentes neste mapa e o destaque dado nele à representação da Germânia imperial medieval.
The basic source of our analysis is the Ebstorf’s mappamundi, a work composed probably in the first half of the thirteenth century in the abbey of Ebstorf, northeastern Germany. We’ll discuss the different conceptions of geographical space present in this map and the prominence given in it to the representation of medieval imperial Germany.
Este artigo visa analisar as transformações causadas pelo processo de conversão da Saxônia ao Cristianismo entre os séculos VIII e X através do estudo do Heliand, reformulação dos Evangelhos para a língua e cultura saxônias, e as Res Gestae Saxoniae do monge Widukind de Corvey, detendo-nos em como as figuras de Cristo e dos apóstolos, assim como dos reis são apresentadas.
This paper intends to analyze the changes motivated by the process of conversion to Christianism in Saxony between the 8th and 10th centuries, through the study of the Heliand, a reformulation of the Gospels to the Saxon culture and language, and Widukind of Corvey’s Res Gestae Saxoniae. I will focus on how the figures of Christ and the apostles, as well as the kings, are presented.
Este artigo analisa as imagens relativas à participação de Frederico I Barbarossa na terceira cruzada e contidas no Liber ad Honorem Augusti, documento escrito por Petrus de Ebulo para homenagear Henrique VI no final do século XII. Além disso, procuramos compreender as imagens tanto no contexto da origem da fonte – o Reino Normando da Sicília – quanto da cruzada de Frederico I.
This paper wants to study the iconography about Frederick Barbarossa’s expedition in the Third Crusade in the Liber ad Honorem Augusti of Petrus de Ebulo, composed to laudate Henry VI in late XIIth century. Thus, we looked for the comprehension of the images in various contexts: from their origins – the Norman Kingdom of Sicily – and the proper crusade of Barbarossa.
Analisaremos como a guerra era parte fundamental do desenvolvimento da civilização no século XII, afetando e integrando áreas diversas do conhecimento e experiência como a Política, a Sociedade, a Cultura, a Economia e a Tecnologia, para alcançarmos a compreensão do fenômeno bélico dentro do conceito medieval de Arte: Ars, ou seja, a técnica do fazer.
O objetivo das duas primeiras campanhas italianas de Frederico I foi a obtenção do controle sobre as regalia, direitos político-econômicos tradicionais dos imperadores germânicos, no Reino da Itália e contra tal investida opuseram-se as comunas lombardas, lideradas por Milão. Este confronto está inserido numa perspectiva maior de enfrentamento entre o Império e o Papado, iniciado na Contenda das Investiduras no século XI.
Assim, a guerra do Império contra o Papado e as Comunas acabou por desenvolver-se em dois planos simultâneos de combate: intelectual (Propaganda e Diplomacia) e operacional (Cercos e Batalhas), além da preparação sócio-econômica para a ação.
Deste modo poderemos demonstrar a complexidade do fenômeno bélico no século XII: a guerra podia envolver harmoniosamente conteúdos intelectuais e propriamente militares, além de ser um eixo para a concentração dos esforços daquela sociedade.
This dissertation pretends to analyze the Art of War in the 12th Century through the first and second italian campaigns of the emperor Frederick I, Barbarossa against the lombard communes (1154-5 and 1158-62).
We´ll study how the warfare was a fundamental part in the development of the civilisation in the 12th Century, affecting and integrating various areas of the human experience and knowledge, like Politcs, Society, Culture, Economy and Technology to achieve the understanding of the military phenomena inside of the medieaeval concept of Art: Ars, the technique of making.
The aim in the two first italian campaigns conducted by Frederick I was the control over the regalia, traditional political and economical rights of the german emperors, in the Kingdom of Italy. Against that offensive stand the lombard communes, comanded by Milan. This conflict was inserted in a broader one: the struggle between Papacy and Empire, started by the Investiture Contest in the 11th century.
So, the war between the Empire against Papacy and Communes developed in two simultaneous levels: intellectual (Propaganda and Diplomacy) and operational (Sieges and Battles), besides the social and economical preparations before action.
By this way we´ll could demonstrate the complexity of the military phenomena in the 12th century: warfare can mix intellectual contents with military ones and be the axis to the concentration of efforts in that society.
Depois realizamos o estudo quantitativo e o estudo crítico do Honor imperii na documentação produzida pela chancelaria imperial (diplomas e constituições) e na Gesta Friderici de Otto de Freising e Rahewin, principal fonte para o reinado de Friedrich. Também estudamos os significados do termo honra no contexto cultural germânico do século XII.
O Honor imperii está ligado à projeção de poder do monarca devido a uma estrutura jurídica (os direitos Romano e Feudal) que o liga ao exercício militar através da doutrina da Guerra Justa e à punição pela quebra das Landfrieden.
Our thesis intends to analyze the history of the Honor imperii concept in Frederick I Barbarossa’s reign. For this we had to study the ways political legitimacy was obtained between the Tenth and Twelfth centuries seeking to understand the relative weights of military and sacred elements, Frederick Barbarossa’s singularities and the structural transformations sponsored by him in the regnum Teutonicorum
After that we stablished a critical analysis of the Honor imperii in the documentation produced by the imperial Chancellery (charters and constitutions) and in Otto of Freising & Rahewin’s Gesta Friderici, the most important narrative source for Frederick’s reign. We also studied the meanings of honor in the german cultural context of the Twelfth century.
The Honor imperii was bound to the monarch’s power projection by a proper legal structure (Roman and Feudal Laws) connecting it to the military exercise through the Just War Doctrine and the punishment of breaking the Landfrieden.
Ao partirmos de elementos extraídos do romance Baudolino de Umberto Eco, propomos uma análise acerca das orientações culturais desenvolvidas na corte imperial de Frederico I de Hohenstaufen, o Barbarossa (1152-1190). Destacaremos as relevantes atuações do Arcebispo de Colônia Rainald de Dassel e da Imperatriz Beatriz de Borgonha como promotores de movimentos culturais.
Starting from elements extracted from the novel Baudolino by Umberto Eco, we propose an analysis about the cultural orientations developed in the imperial court of Frederick I of Hohenstaufen, il Barbarossa (1152-1190). We will highlight the relevant actions of Rainald of Dassel, the Archbishop of Cologne and of Empress Beatrice of Burgundy as promoters of cultural movements.
The poem was rediscovered and studied in the context of the German nationalist turmoil of the nineteenth century, and the ideologically loaded interpretations of the text prevailed until the end of World War II. However, studies of the text were taken up, mainly by Anglo-American academy, and between the 1980s and 1990s, the main interpretation of the text is given in the debate concerning Germanization of Christianity vs. Christianization of the Germans, after the analysis of Ronald Murphy and James C. Russell. The twenty-first century brought a number of new interpretations and debates about the Heliand, like Dennis Green, James Cathey and Valentine Pakis.
The focus of our presentation is to analyse the major new lines of study, to summarize the connections of the poem with their context of Christianization of Saxony in the ninth century and to point some possible interpretations."
A narrativa de origo gentis contida no livro I da Res gestae Saxonicae escrita pelo monge Widukind de Corvey (967-74) estabelece passo a passo o mito de origem dos saxônios, passando pelas várias possíveis origens obscuras porém nobres, a conquista da terra, a cristianização e a translatio imperii dos francos para os saxônios consubstanciada na ascensão de Henrique I ao trono em 919. O objetivo principal do estudo aqui proposto concentra-se na investigação dos objetivos desta construção (realizada em período tardio para os escritos deste tipo), suas conexões com a dinastia Otônida e com os desenvolvimentos legitimários da monarquia imperial germânica em períodos subsequentes.
The origo gentis narrative contained in the book I of Res gestae Saxonicae written by the monk Widukind of Corvey (967-74) provides us with a step by step myth of Saxon origin, through the various possible origins obscure but noble, the conquest of the land, Christianization by the Franks and the translatio imperii for the Saxons, embodied in the rise of Henry I to the throne in 919. The main objective of the study presented here focuses on the research objectives of this construction (held in a late period for writings of this kind), its connections to the Ottonian dynasty and legitimary developments for the German imperial monarchy in subsequent periods.
Na segunda metade do século XII, a lírica e a cultura cavaleirescas instalaram-se na Germânia Imperial, sendo recebidas de braços abertos pela própria corte do monarca. Porém, o mesmo período também trouxe o envolvimento dos germânicos com o movimento cruzadístico em larga escala, protagonizando as expedições de 1147-49 e 1188-91.
Contudo, ao analisarmos a confluência entre as obras da lírica cavaleiresca germânica e a expedição levantina comandada pelo imperador Frederico I, encontramos vozes dissonantes acerca da participação na cruzada. Agora, a vida cortesã se tornou a muitos mais desejável do que a salvação através da guerra santa.
Estudar este fenômeno é o objetivo de nossa apresentação, enquadrando-o nos desenvolvimentos socioculturais da Germânia Imperial na segunda metade do século XII.
In the second half of the twelfth century, the chivalric lyric and culture settled in Imperial Germany, being welcomed with open arms by the very court of the monarch. But the same period also brought the involvement of the Germans in the crusading movement with large-scale expeditions in 1147-49 and 1188-91.
However when analyzing the confluence of the works of German chivalric poetry and the Levantine expedition led by Emperor Frederick I, we find dissenting voices about the participation in the crusade. Now, the courtesan life becomes more desirable to many knights than salvation through holy war.
To study this phenomenon is the goal of our presentation, framing it in the social and cultural developments on Imperial Germany in the second half of the twelfth century."
Mas, neste trabalho, buscamos hipóteses para o estabelecimento dos stammes a partir do Reino Franco Oriental (Ostfrankreich) de Luís o Germânico e seus descendentes, tornados sub-reis pelo monarca através de uma divisão administrativa do reino.
Nossa hipótese é a de que os novos ducados surgem na Germânia para o preenchimento do vácuo de poder regional deixado após a dizimação da dinastia Carolíngia entre 876 e 882, que deixou apenas Carlos o Gordo como único membro adulto e legítimo da linhagem, fato que permitiu uma efêmera reunificação do Império. Carlos teve que recorrer ao grupo de poderosos magnatas alodiais regionais ligados indiretamente aos Carolíngios através de matrimônios para assumirem o controle das circunscrições étnicas tradicionais como representantes régios através do recebimento de honores da Coroa, formando assim os stemmes, que, com a deposição de Carlos em 887 por Arnulfo da Caríntia, tornaram-se os principais magnatas do reino, levando os monarcas a relacionarem-se com os duques como primus inter pares, ao menos até a eleição de Otto I.
A principal fonte para os primeiros anos do reinado de Frederico é a Gesta Friderici Imperatoris, composta pelo Bispo Otto de Freising e seu continuador, o clérigo Rahewin. As controvérsias sobre as relações entre História e Poder neste período estão diretamente ligadas a este documento, sua composição (ao que tudo indica escrito sob uma encomenda do Imperador, ou ao menos de sua Chancelaria Imperial), o uso de documentos da Chancelaria em sua tessitura e na influência que o mesmo teve sobre a composição de outras obras com o mesmo tema e caráter, o de promover as causas imperiais.
Estudamos aqui uma trinca de hipóteses:
1) Que se trata de uma forma medieval de “propaganda” política.
2) Que se trata de literatura cortesã, encomiástica.
3) Que se trata de uma forma híbrida de literatura histórica, mesclando temas cortesãos e temas políticos, em busca do consensus entre o monarca e os príncipes imperiais.
Mediação: Prof. Vinicius Dreger
Palestrantes Convidados: Eduardo Aubert, Elton Medeiros, Gabriel Castanho e Maurício Trida, membros do Grupo de Estudos Medievais PRAESENTIA
Programa do Evento:
O Espectro da Fome e as Utopias da Abundância na Idade Média.
Prof. Vinicius Cesar Dreger de Araujo.
A rotatividade das roças em grupos tribais. Uma forma de obtenção de alimentos.
Prof. Mauro Cherobim
Imigração e alimentação. Uma comparação antropométrica de nisseis e japoneses da mesma geração.
Prof. Almir Tolstoi da Rocha Pitta.
Estes iniciaram sua atuação como mercenários para os diversos potentados locais (lombardos, bizantinos e árabes) mas, pouco depois, passaram a agir em nome de seus próprios interesses, dedicando-se à conquista da região.
Em 1130, o conde Roger II da Sicília e Calábria conseguiu obter do antipapa Anacleto II sua elevação a rei (confirmada pelo papa Inocêncio II em 1139) e em 1140 já havia consolidado sua autoridade sobre o sul da Itália, a despeito das interferências dos impérios Ocidental e Oriental, além do Papado, estabelecendo em seus domínios um sistema administrativo que talvez tenha sido o mais avançado do momento (na Europa Ocidental), uma chancelaria trilíngue e uma cultura riquíssima.
Contudo, em fins do século XII, a linhagem normanda dos Hauteville foi substituída no trono pela linhagem imperial germânica dos Hohenstaufen, num processo conhecido como unio Regni ad Imperium, tendo o reino atingido um segundo apogeu no reinado de Frederico II, o stupor mundi et immutator mirabilis na primeira metade do século XIII.
O objetivo de nosso minicurso é analisar algumas das principais tendências históricas e historiográficas acerca da rica história da presença de normandos e germânicos (suábios) na Itália Meridional e Sicília na Idade Média Central.
Aula 1 – Bizantinos, Lombardos e Árabes (s. V-X)
• Desagregação do domínio romano na Itália
• As guerras góticas de Justiniano
• A ocupação lombarda
• A invasão árabe
Aula 2 – O Reino Normando da Sicília (s. XI-XII)
• A chegada dos normandos
• Roberto Guiscardo e Roger I
• Os reis normandos: Roger II, Guilherme I e Guilherme II
Aula 3 – A unio Regni ad Imperium (s. XII-XIII)
• Constança e Henrique VI
• Tancredo de Lecce
• Frederico II, de stupor mundi et immutator mirabilis a Anticristo
Throughout this year of 2017 we continue talking with colleagues from inside and outside the UFRGS and enrich the list of collaborators. We would like to thank also for its support the Center for European and German Studies (CDEA) and Andreli Zanirato, who made the final revision of the texts in English.
séculos IX e X, Faces da História 2 (2), pp.61-82.
Throughout this year we continued talking with colleagues from inside and outside UFRGS and enriched the list of employees. We would like to thank the support of PPG in History from UFRGS, CAPES, the Center for European and German Studies (CDEA) and Andreli Zanirato, who made the final revision of the English texts.
Segunda edição, com prefácio do Cônsul Geral da Alemanha, Dr. Thomas Schmitt. A primeira edição foi financiada pela CAPES/PPG-História; a segunda edição foi financiada pelo CDEA/DAAD.
A DATA saiu erroneamente como 2018, o correto é 2019.
Ao longo deste ano seguimos conversando com colegas de dentro e de fora da UFRGS e enriquecemos a lista dos colaboradores. Gostaríamos de agradecer o apoio do PPG em História da UFRGS, da CAPES, do Centro de Estudos Europeus e Alemães (CDEA) e da aluna Andreli Zanirato, que fez a revisão final dos textos em inglês.