Papers by daniela grignoli
RIV. Rassegna italiana di valutazione, Aug 31, 2023
XXIV Congresso Nazionale AIV "Valutare nella complessità e promuovere il cambiamento. Qu... more XXIV Congresso Nazionale AIV "Valutare nella complessità e promuovere il cambiamento. Quale supporto a territori e stakeholder nella riflessione e nella prassi valutativa?", 2022

Sustainability , 2024
This article explores the depopulation phenomenon in the context of the Molise region, an Inner A... more This article explores the depopulation phenomenon in the context of the Molise region, an Inner Area in the south of Italy, considering it as an indicator of emerging social vulnerability. In particular, this paper presents the results of a quantitative study conducted in Molise on a non-probabilistic sample composed of 89 respondents through an online self-administered semi-structured questionnaire. This research may contribute to stimulating reflection on social vulnerability studies by explaining that, in the age of complexity, societies, although simple, are not builders of social capital capable of protecting against social vulnerability. In particular, the data reveal that more than 2/3 of the sample (+75%) do not participate in community activities (events at volunteer centers; civic and political activities; and events youth aggregation centers). For this reason, it is important to improve solidarity, which is the core of new strategies of proximity welfare that help to reduce depopulation.

The essay focuses, from a sociological perspective, on the phenomenon of depopulation of Inner Ar... more The essay focuses, from a sociological perspective, on the phenomenon of depopulation of Inner Areas in Italy. In this areas, younger generations, live a great inequality that exposed them to risk of social vulnerability. So, on the one hand, the desire to leave their community is growing among younger, on the other hand, the desire to deal with extreme adverse conditions is falling down. The research aims to explore the depopulation phenomenon in the context of Southern Italy, considering it as an emerging social vulnerability that impacts very deeply onto the sustainability of a social, economic and community systems such as the Molise region one. The following paper therefore presents an empirical web-survey conducted in the Molise region. The methodology used is Quantitative, and the research design is Exploratory. The essay underlines how proximity welfare can act as a flywheel to counter the depopulation Inner Areas of Italy enacted by the younger generations.
Scrivere è anche un gioco. Del piacere di raccontarsi con carta e penna nel corso della vita Ducc... more Scrivere è anche un gioco. Del piacere di raccontarsi con carta e penna nel corso della vita Duccio Demetrio 15 Giocare o videogiocare? La comprensione del fenomeno videoludico per una sua utilizzazione formativa Caterina Cangià 25 Eccellenza e povertà della cultura ludica in Italia Beniamino Sidoti 36 Il reticolo ludopedagogico Ilaria Barachini 44 Regole di gioco e norme sociali: crescere fra obbedienza e trasgressione Fabio Paglieri 62 Giochi matematici Paola Supino Rassegne (gennaio-aprile 2006) Organizzazioni internazionali Organizzazione delle Nazioni unite 77 Consiglio di sicurezza
Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione, 83-84, 2023
The essay presents the achievements of the social impact assessment process of the project labell... more The essay presents the achievements of the social impact assessment process of the project labelled “Molise Verso l’Integrazione”. This process, following the logic of the theory-based approach, aimed to known the ex post value of the public-private services aimed at migrant users, of the capacity of the operators within the communities concerned, as well as social value of communities in terms of co-construction of reception, through a different way of doing governance.
Society Register, Dec 19, 2022
Pur facendone da sempre parte la guerra è definibile come una deviazione del-la civiltà. In quest... more Pur facendone da sempre parte la guerra è definibile come una deviazione del-la civiltà. In questo lavoro, si sostiene che i sistemi di valore patriarcali sono quelli a cui il potere politico si rifà per poter giustificare ogni possibile forma di violenza e per poter elaborare le sue strategie di esclusione (sociale) dei soggetti più deboli, come le donne, esclusione anche dal "gioco" della stessa guerra. Nonostante i venti anni trascorsi dalla Risoluzione UN 1325, molto lavoro resta da fare per affermare il ruolo delle donne come agenti di pace.

Relational Social Work, 2022
Within the frame of the Social Worker university curriculum, the traineeship is a complex activit... more Within the frame of the Social Worker university curriculum, the traineeship is a complex activity that manifests itself as the practical translation of the theory and of the professional social relationship. Moreover, this is also the possible «bridge» that University can build with the labour market through its so-called «Third Mission» activity. In this way, the (curricular) traineeship allows trainees to acquire the specific professional know-how competences and it allows trainees to become aware of the real contents in the Italian context of Social Works as «services to the person». Such system focuses onto the individual and his needs, as a whole, and intends to overturn the logic of social response. Indeed, any social intervention is expected to investigate the «personal conditions» of those who have or may have problems. «The project aims at enhancing the person's abilities in order to overcome the fragility condition and regain control of their life and autonomy» (Italy's National plan for social interventions and services 2021-2023, 99). By considering all these aspects and drawing on the theoretical framework of Social Relational Work and Relational Sociology, this paper wishes to investigate whether, and how, the trainees' experiences, of a specific Social Work training course, such as that of the University of Molise, have successfully built «bridges» so as to network with the local Social Services.

Relational Social Work, 2023
Zygmunt Bauman emphasized how, in a complex society, it is necessary «[…] to re-focus one's cogni... more Zygmunt Bauman emphasized how, in a complex society, it is necessary «[…] to re-focus one's cognitive attention on the transformation of the human condition» (2003, 60), as only from this condition is it possible to understand whether people attribute particular meanings to certain experiences that are useful for wellbeing and can define new welfare paradigms. In this framework, it should also be considered how society, in an age structure in which the baby-boom generation is gradually reaching the top of the age pyramid, is, from a quantitative point of view, becoming older and older, both because of the «collapse» of the birth rate and because life expectancy is growing longer and longer. Therefore, the population ageing is one of the most relevant social phenomena and an increasingly difficult challenge for welfare policies. The World Health Organization estimates that by 2050 the elderly population worldwide will increase to double, reaching a share of 22% of the total population (WHO, 2021; OECD, 2021). In Italy, the over-65 population will be 35,9% of the entire population, with an average life expectancy of 82,5 years (79,5 for men and 85,6 for women) (ISS-Epicenter, 2021). Care needs will further transform and change, and similarly the risks of possible social exclusion will increase. In this context, it is worthy to mention that the most fragile individuals with the health pandemic caused by Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) have been the elderly. Their vulnerability has affected their well-being (WHO), causing both greater deterioration in general health conditions and their greater social isolation than other social groups. This essay aims to present, from a sociological aging framework, the project entitled SEE ME-Social inclusion through meaningful aging. The main goal is to improve the care quality and the social inclusion of the elderly people through an analysis of the educational needs and experiences of all social operators. A chance to reflect on caring relationships and on social 1 The authors wrote together the contribution. Formally Daniela Grignoli wrote Introduction, paragraphs n. 1, 2, 3 and 6 and Mariangela D'ambrosio wrote Conclusions, paragraphs n. 4, 5 and 7.
Society Register, 2022
For a very long time, contemporary western societies and cultures have operated a censorship of e... more For a very long time, contemporary western societies and cultures have operated a censorship of emotions (Cambi,1998, p. 37): indeed, they have been studied especially in the psychoanalytic discipline and as main topic in the investigation of human behaviour (Ivi.,1996, p. 9). More recently, sociology has re-appropriated this “emotional” reflection, focusing the discourse on Homo Sentiens or Homo Patiens, in a passage from the individual identity the to the social one through a circular and self-poietic process: feelings and emotions (both primary and secondary) represent, the fundamental relational connection thanks to which are activated mechanisms of socialization and cultural transmission. The article aims to reflect on the emotions as social construction and linked to technologies with a high emotional connotation (Marmion, 2015, pp. 28-33).
Revista Campo-Território
Nesta instigante reflexão, aborda-se o debate sobre a problemática do desenvolvimento numa perpec... more Nesta instigante reflexão, aborda-se o debate sobre a problemática do desenvolvimento numa perpectiva sociológica, porém, dialogando com outras áreas do conhecimento; problematiza-se a ciência moderna, as diferentes formas de desenvolvimento a partir da globalização, o desenvolvimento local e, por fim, destaca-se a centralidade da comunidade e da inovação na co-criação do desenvolvimento de uma forma horizontal e participativa.

Society Register
Based on Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological model, this article focuses on the multidimensionalit... more Based on Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological model, this article focuses on the multidimensionality of radicalization and its relationship with community culture by observing the problem of social isolation. In this framework, sports provide contexts in which forms of social collaboration are necessary, the “rules of the game” must be embraced, and there is close interaction among fellow players. These characteristics can turn organized sports into observatories on (potential) juvenile radicalization through identifying “early warning signals” that are mainly detected by observing those conducts that may reveal a potential risk. In the provided extensive literature review, it comes that these signs can be traced, for instance, in the lack of self-esteem, in the absence of significant bonds, in the intolerance towards values, as well as in extreme introverted behaviour of the young subjects. Alongside such premises, this paper aims to understand whether and to what extent it is possib...
Els drets dels infants des de la perspectiva dels mateixos nens i nenes, dels seus progenitors i dels seus mestres: un estudi comparatiu entre Catalunya (espanya) i Molise (Itàlia), 2006
Papers by daniela grignoli
The aim of this paper is analyze, through the use of second level data, the Italian migratory model and its impact on the labor market, paying specific attention to Molise region. In fact, in accordance with ISTAT data, Molise is the region where the number of resident migrants has grown progressively: from 10,800 in 2015 to 12,982 in 2017. Molise also has the highest number of permanent structures and reception centre for asylum-seekers in relation to citizens.
The analysis will be organized in three different steps: 1) statistical overview on the labor force of immigrants in Europe, using processed data by Eurostat, for first description of the phenomenon; 2) comparison Eurostat data with labor force data of immigrants in Italy, processed by Istat and by italian Ministry of Labor and Social Policy; 3) comparison of European and Italian data, processed by Istat, with data on the labor force of immigrants in Molise.
The reference to the data on the different labor forces will be useful, primarily, to compare empirically employment and unemployment rates of immigrants on the European territory to italian’s rates. Secondly, it will be possible to show an exhaustive picture of the working and integrative situation of foreigners residing in Italy; then this data will be compared to Molise’s data. Finally, we will try to outline possible practical solutions aimed to encourage greater employment inclusion of immigrants within the host countries, with particular attention to induction of training courses and the implementation of active labor policies.