Papers by Ruggiero Dipace
Amministrativ Mente, 2012
76 INDIRIZZO E-MAIL DEI DOCENTI DELLA FACOLTÀ Francesco TESTA (Preside) testa@ unimol. it Piero B... more 76 INDIRIZZO E-MAIL DEI DOCENTI DELLA FACOLTÀ Francesco TESTA (Preside) testa@ unimol. it Piero BARLOZZINI piero. barlozzini@ unimol. it Olindo BRUNETTI olindo. brunetti@ unimol. it Carlo CALLARI carlo. callari@ unimol. it Giovanni CANNATA cannata@ unimol. ...

Diritto e società, 2017
Estratto] eDitoriale Scientifica napoli 2017 iSSn 0391-7428 saggi DeS, 4, 2017 -Editoriale Scient... more Estratto] eDitoriale Scientifica napoli 2017 iSSn 0391-7428 saggi DeS, 4, 2017 -Editoriale Scientifica srl -pp. 647-696 Ruggiero Dipace L'ATTIVITÀ DI PROGRAMMAZIONE COME PRESUPPOSTO DI DECISIONI AMMINISTRATIVE Sommario: 1. Considerazioni introduttive. -2. La programmazione come fase necessaria nel processo decisionale. -3. Il ruolo della programmazione nella azione amministrativa. -4. La funzione di programmazione e le sue manifestazione fra programmi e piani. -5. La indefettibilità della programmazione interna nelle pubbliche amministrazioni. -6. La forza cogente della programmazione esterna. -7. La discrezionalità "programmatoria". -8. Le garanzie procedimentali nell'attività di programmazione: partecipazione, accesso e motivazione. -9. La stabilità delle decisioni programmatorie, la tutela del legittimo affidamento e gli effetti dell'annullamento. -10. La programmazione come presupposto e l'invalidità derivata. -11. La patologia della programmazione e degli atti esecutivi: violazioni, elusioni e omissioni. -12. Conclusioni.
Il lavoro analizza le nuove forme di partenariato pubblico privato e la relativa disciplina nel n... more Il lavoro analizza le nuove forme di partenariato pubblico privato e la relativa disciplina nel nuovo codice dei contratti.
Abstract: Urban regeneration is one of the possible features that characterizes the future activi... more Abstract: Urban regeneration is one of the possible features that characterizes the future activities of urban planning. The notion of urban regeneration differs from the notion of urban and building rehabilitation as the former encompasses complex actions for urban, environmental and social renovation of deprived urban areas. Such activity is carried out through the planning of strategic and comprehensive measures aimed at identifying an action plan to develop the territory in all its aspects. Urban regeneration is implemented through complex plans or programs of "new generation". The planning of strategic measures is also obtained through the participation of the citizens which should suggest to the public administrations their needs in order to achieve the objective of urban quality.
Le recenti riforme amministrative hanno modificato la disciplina della conferenza di servizi anch... more Le recenti riforme amministrative hanno modificato la disciplina della conferenza di servizi anche con riferimento agli interessi sensibili che risultano essere oggetto di nuovi metodi di ponderazione.
Conference Presentations by Ruggiero Dipace

Lima, 23-27 July 2018, Working Gropup XI, Globalization, Territories and Integration. LAGPA Confe... more Lima, 23-27 July 2018, Working Gropup XI, Globalization, Territories and Integration. LAGPA Conference.
The presentation looks at the possible role of administrative law and regulation in a period of economic crisis, when the previous systems in place to protect social righta have failed because their primary interest was the market. In this perspective, models and instruments of cooperation between Institutions, Regions and Territories, play a fundamental role, because they promote a new perspective that, funding some interventions, allows the development of the capacity building of the territories, so to implement their (future) competitiveness.
In this light the Macroregional Strategies, in particular the Adriatic and Ionian Strategy, and the Italian National Strategy for Inner Areas are analysed. Both strategies, in fact, represent an evolution of the European cohesion policy, and presuppose an integrated approach, a cllective action that aims at a common goal, integrating different actors, different policies and different funds, and whose objectives are to coordinate the financial resources available for the benefit of the territories.
Papers by Ruggiero Dipace
Conference Presentations by Ruggiero Dipace
The presentation looks at the possible role of administrative law and regulation in a period of economic crisis, when the previous systems in place to protect social righta have failed because their primary interest was the market. In this perspective, models and instruments of cooperation between Institutions, Regions and Territories, play a fundamental role, because they promote a new perspective that, funding some interventions, allows the development of the capacity building of the territories, so to implement their (future) competitiveness.
In this light the Macroregional Strategies, in particular the Adriatic and Ionian Strategy, and the Italian National Strategy for Inner Areas are analysed. Both strategies, in fact, represent an evolution of the European cohesion policy, and presuppose an integrated approach, a cllective action that aims at a common goal, integrating different actors, different policies and different funds, and whose objectives are to coordinate the financial resources available for the benefit of the territories.
The presentation looks at the possible role of administrative law and regulation in a period of economic crisis, when the previous systems in place to protect social righta have failed because their primary interest was the market. In this perspective, models and instruments of cooperation between Institutions, Regions and Territories, play a fundamental role, because they promote a new perspective that, funding some interventions, allows the development of the capacity building of the territories, so to implement their (future) competitiveness.
In this light the Macroregional Strategies, in particular the Adriatic and Ionian Strategy, and the Italian National Strategy for Inner Areas are analysed. Both strategies, in fact, represent an evolution of the European cohesion policy, and presuppose an integrated approach, a cllective action that aims at a common goal, integrating different actors, different policies and different funds, and whose objectives are to coordinate the financial resources available for the benefit of the territories.