Books by Marta De Angelis
The volume is the result of a research focused on theoretical and praxic themes for which, at pr... more The volume is the result of a research focused on theoretical and praxic themes for which, at present , we have not reached full knowledge and definition.
The work, has been drafted by some young and talented research doctors from various Italian universities, on topics such as trans-disciplinary, assessment in kindergarten, the problem of gender education in the school and the relationship between school and work

Collana "Ricerca e Didattica" ISBN: 978-88-6152-215-2, Feb 2016
Il volume si presenta come utile strumento di orientamento per quanti approcciano per la prima vo... more Il volume si presenta come utile strumento di orientamento per quanti approcciano per la prima volta le tematiche trattate e per quanti sentono la necessità di sperimentare strumenti efficaci ad affrontare e risolvere problemi legati alla quotidianità della prassi didattica. Ideare, realizzare e gestire un percorso formativo è il compito fondante di una istituzione scolastica. È un lavorare in situazione in tempo reale e forse è proprio questa la singolare qualità che rende l’essere insegnante una professione viva, stimolante, concreta, consapevolmente aperta agli imprevisti visti come situazioni da affrontare, analizzare ed alle quali dare congruenti risposte. In questo percorso la progettazione e la valutazione stanno al centro dell’azione didattico-formativa in quanto si collocano tra i momenti della ideazione e attivazione e quelli della realizzazione e degli esiti di apprendimento. La loro centralità indica il nesso profondo tra tutte le fasi del percorso e la loro vicendevole permeabilità in quanto la progettazione educativa si innesta sempre su altri progetti, su proposte frutto di altre proposte, su interventi che sono già stati effettuati e che hanno prodotto determinati effetti, su verifiche che sono già state fatte e sulle valutazioni che da esse debbono derivare. Alla base delle nostre riflessioni sta un’idea di programmazione intesa come definizione dei traguardi e delle attività formative, dei percorsi e dei contenuti, dei mezzi e degli strumenti in cui la verifica e la valutazione dei processi costituiscono un’azione costante finalizzata al miglioramento continuo degli apprendimenti e, in generale, dell’offerta formativa.
Papers by Marta De Angelis

he influence of the New Public Management in public administrations since the 1980s has meant tha... more he influence of the New Public Management in public administrations since the 1980s has meant that factors such as performance measurements and qualities have become increasingly relevant in terms of the evaluation of the scholastic system and those who work in it. In the European countries, recent years have been characterized by a gradual increase in the evaluation of teachers' work by introducing various and different types of assessment that favor models linked to economic incentives, or training models more geared towards the professional development and the improvement of the entire school institution. In Italy, the topic of teacher evaluation is at the center of an extremely relevant debate. Various attempts have been made, often not successfully, to initiate evaluation processes related to career advancement. From the introduction of distinct merit in the late 1950s, until the recent changes following L.107/2015, what emerges is certainly a complex picture that has many points of critical reflection. Based on these considerations, the paper aims to present a brief historical-normative excursion of attempts to assess the quality and the merit of teachers in Italy in order to activate reflections useful to open new and sustainable research prospects of the educational function of the evaluation in this area

The analysis of the results of the OCSE PISA 2015 survey shows a strong criticality concerning th... more The analysis of the results of the OCSE PISA 2015 survey shows a strong criticality concerning the incapacity of Italian 15-year-olds to work with others to solve problems. Our work aims to highlight how the practice of workgroupscould be used in university teaching to encourage the development of social skills. The need to implement innovative teaching methods, such as the collaborative problem solving that combines the social and individual dimensionsin the management and resolution of complex situations, represents a valid answer to the educational challenges underlined in the European policies aimed at encouraging employment in the labor market. This survey, by using tools and techniques of video-research, aims to describe the organizational practices that have distinguished the group activities, carried out by students enrolled in the second year of the five-year single-cycle Degree Course in Primary Education Sciences at the Salerno University. From the reference literature, i...

Musica e linguaggio sono stati oggetto di numerosi studi che hanno mostrato significative analogi... more Musica e linguaggio sono stati oggetto di numerosi studi che hanno mostrato significative analogie durante la loro acquisizione da parte dei bambini (percezione precoce del suono, ritmo, vocalizzi pre-musicali e pre-linguistici, l’emergere di canto e parola). Il presente articolo nasce dall’esigenza di descrivere un transfer degli apprendimenti tra musica e linguaggio nella prima infanzia affinche venga data ai bambini la possibilita di sviluppare appieno il loro potenziale nei settori della musica e dell’alfabetizzazione emergente. Il risultato principale dell’analisi effettuata con bambini frequentanti una scuola dell’infanzia nella provincia di Salerno mostra risultati promettenti per quanto riguarda il miglioramento delle suddette competenze. L’articolo, infine, propone l’attivazione di progetti interdisciplinari per consentire ai bambini di sviluppare le competenze in campi d’esperienza/discipline diversi da quelli sperimentati, utilizzando il transfer degli apprendimenti anche...

Recent years have seen intensified awareness about teachers’ role in promoting student learning a... more Recent years have seen intensified awareness about teachers’ role in promoting student learning and, consequently, an increased emphasis on evaluating teachers and their work. Among many school factors, the teaching quality is a key-parameter of student learning. For these reasons, in many national contexts teacher performance evaluation is one of the elements that draw significant attention, in terms of both international surveys and concrete measures. Starting from the state of the art in several European school systems, our goal is to describe, compare and analyse models adopted to assess teaching quality. We attempt to highlight any differences in perspectives and models agreed by the European systems and to reflect on risks and opportunities, strengths and weaknesses associated with the use of such instruments in the teacher evaluation. The teachers are only one of many factors that influence student achievements, but the evaluation of teachers is necessary because there is an ...
Interactive Learning Environments, 2020
This paper reports the results of the [email protected] project on the design, development and... more This paper reports the results of the [email protected] project on the design, development and evaluation of an augmented reality application to support situated learning experiences in a smart ...

Starting from a diachronic analysis regarding the passage from distance education to elearning, t... more Starting from a diachronic analysis regarding the passage from distance education to elearning, the paper aims to analyze the theme of e-tutoring both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. In drawing up a summary of the e-tutoring strategies and possible educational consequences, the advantages derived from the functions performed by the e-tutor in the learning process emerge, which derive from different styles of etutoring. To different pedagogical reference paradigms (behaviorist, constructivist or socio-constructivist), in fact, correspond dissimilar ways of designing e-learning environments, based on instructor centered or learning team centered teaching models. From the analysis carried out, therefore, the crucial role of the e-facilitator emerges, as it greatly affects the training success of the participants, reducing the spatial distance of the online environments and limiting possible e-dropouts.

In Italian universities, the assessment of learning too often takes a summative nature, usually a... more In Italian universities, the assessment of learning too often takes a summative nature, usually associated with a passing score of a final exam, despite international literature on the sector indicates the importance of using forms of formative assessment to improve students’ learning. Furthermore, forms of evaluation traditionally used do not provide us significant information about how much the student is (or will be) able to apply what he has learned in future work and in real life contexts. Designing an assessment based on the acquisition of competences responds to a double need: to describe, accurately, the degree of competence performance expected by students; to initiate forms of self-assessment and peer evaluation with specific training feedback. In order to define the skills to be assessed, the main competence descriptors defined in the European context for higher education are examined, which constitute an important point of reference for starting an operationalization of ...

The diffusion of information and communication technologies, in the last decades, appears to be a... more The diffusion of information and communication technologies, in the last decades, appears to be a great opportunity in teaching and learning processes, not necessarily due to different learning supports. Augmented reality (AR), in particular, appears one of the plausible solutions for transforming learning methods, supporting students to have educational experiences able to involve all the senses and increasing motivation and engagement levels. This paper provides an approach for using augmented reality in human learning in the context of a novel didactic re-mediation model. Moreover, this paper includes also the description of an application (Mobile App) developed as one of the results of Inf@nzia Digitales 3.6 project. The described learning experiences are designed for children from three to six years. The main topic of the experiences is represented by the discovery of geometric shapes in a smart city, and their understanding as road signs.
ECPS - Educational Cultural and Psychological Studies, Jun 6, 2019
Gaetano Domenici Editoriale / Editorial Cinquecentesimo anniversario della morte di Leonardo da V... more Gaetano Domenici Editoriale / Editorial Cinquecentesimo anniversario della morte di Leonardo da Vinci: da celebrazioni di rito, ad occasione per un nuovo sviluppo culturale del Paese

Collana diretta da Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Pier Giuseppe Rossi La collana si rivolge a quanti, op... more Collana diretta da Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Pier Giuseppe Rossi La collana si rivolge a quanti, operando nei settori dell'educazione e della formazione, sono interessati a una riflessione profonda sulla relazione tra conoscenza, azione e tecnologie. Queste modificano la concezione del mondo e gli artefatti tecnologici si collocano in modo "ambiguo" tra la persona e l'ambiente; in alcuni casi sono esterne alla persona, in altri sono quasi parte della persona, come a formare un corpo esteso. La didattica e le tecnologie sono legate a doppio filo. Le tecnologie dell'educazione non sono un settore specialistico, ma un filo rosso che attraversa la didattica stessa. E questo da differenti prospettive. Le tecnologie e i media modificano modalità operative e culturali della società; influiscono sulle concettualizzazioni e sugli stili di studio e di conoscenza di studenti e adulti. I processi di mediazione nella didattica prendono forma grazie agli artefatti tecnologici che a un tempo strutturano e sono strutturati dai processi didattici. Le nuove tecnologie modificano e rivoluzionano la relazione tra formale informale.
Books by Marta De Angelis
The work, has been drafted by some young and talented research doctors from various Italian universities, on topics such as trans-disciplinary, assessment in kindergarten, the problem of gender education in the school and the relationship between school and work
Papers by Marta De Angelis
The work, has been drafted by some young and talented research doctors from various Italian universities, on topics such as trans-disciplinary, assessment in kindergarten, the problem of gender education in the school and the relationship between school and work
Pedagogia e Vita ISSN: 0031-3777
stessa della Convenzione che la pone al di fuori delle contese ideologiche sul tema.
Una prima esperienza di lavoro con la rubrica, rivolta a gruppi eterogenei composti da genitori ed insegnanti partecipanti a laboratori distinti nell'ambito di un recente convegno svoltosi a Roma, viene qui illustrata a titolo esemplificativo, come espressione di uno sforzo congiunto di alcuni ricercatori di riflettere su di un tema particolarmente delicato e complesso, per mostrare come - al di là degli schieramenti ideologici - sia possibile avviare una riflessione pedagogica fondata, estensibile alle principali agenzie educative in un'ottica di corresponsabilità e cooperazione.
This paper raises the critical question of educational co-responsibility in the school, particularly between parents and teachers, and aims to present a qualitative tool developed specifically for the joint evaluation of projects based on the fight against stereotypes and gender discrimination.
This tool was built starting from the study of some articles of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, which made it possible to construct an instrument based on objective and universal criteria, placing the question outside the ideological debates on the topic.
A first experience of working with the evaluation tool was carried out in a recent conference held in Rome, involving heterogeneous groups of parents and teachers. This experience is illustrated in this paper as an example of a joint effort by some researchers to reflect on a particularly delicate and complex theme, to show how - beyond the ideological lines - it is possible to start a pedagogical reflection extensible to the main educational agencies, with a view to co-responsibility and cooperation.
Parole chiave: corresponsabilità educativa; Convenzione Internazionale sui diritti dell'Infanzia e dell'Adolescenza; educazione e cura nell’infanzia; contrasto agli stereotipi e alle discriminazioni di genere; rubriche di valutazione.
Keywords: educational co-responsibility; International Convention on the Rights of the Child; childhood Education and Care; contrasting stereotypes and gender discrimination; assessment rubrics.