Papers by Mariangela D'ambrosio

Palladino Simona, 2024
Photography conveys emotions. However, while a great deal of attention has been given to the arti... more Photography conveys emotions. However, while a great deal of attention has been given to the artists’ point of view, only rarely these have been explored from the perspective of the viewers of photo-exhibitions. This study focuses on the photo-exhibition Leaving and Waving, which took place in three different Italian cities, over the course of five months, after the COVID-19 pandemic. Data collected through a quali-quanti approach explored the viewers’ perspective on the exhibition and the emotions generated through this. Authors argue that visual art and the aesthetic of photography have the potential of engaging a general audience and generating dialogues on ‘uncomfortable emotions’, such as those derived from loss, detachment, aging, and death. Drawing on social sciences perspectives, this study contributes to raising awareness of the importance of photography in discussing loss in everyday conversation and articulating difficult feelings for individual well-being.

Welfare e Ergonomia, Franco Angeli, 2023
With the intention to investigate the role of photography in addressing social issues and the fun... more With the intention to investigate the role of photography in addressing social issues and the function that exhibitions play as an engine of collective action, the research focuses on the analysis of Deanna Dikeman’s exhibition Leaving and Waving. The photo reportage of ninety-eight photographs was conducted over twenty-seven years, through which the artist portrayed her parents at the moment of saying goodbye. This is a creative way that captures ageing, death, family bonds, generational relationships, and greetings. The study was conducted by administering semi-structured anonymous questionnaires to visitors of three exhibitions in Italy (Campobasso, Rome, Verona) from February until June 2022. The study addresses the role of new social practices and associations, considering family ties in relational and socio-relational Welfare. The social as such is intended strategically to promote individual and collective well-being.

Sustainability , 2024
This article explores the depopulation phenomenon in the context of the Molise region, an Inner A... more This article explores the depopulation phenomenon in the context of the Molise region, an Inner Area in the south of Italy, considering it as an indicator of emerging social vulnerability. In particular, this paper presents the results of a quantitative study conducted in Molise on a non-probabilistic sample composed of 89 respondents through an online self-administered semi-structured questionnaire. This research may contribute to stimulating reflection on social vulnerability studies by explaining that, in the age of complexity, societies, although simple, are not builders of social capital capable of protecting against social vulnerability. In particular, the data reveal that more than 2/3 of the sample (+75%) do not participate in community activities (events at volunteer centers; civic and political activities; and events youth aggregation centers). For this reason, it is important to improve solidarity, which is the core of new strategies of proximity welfare that help to reduce depopulation.

Rivista di Criminologia, Vittimologia e Sicurezza Vol. XVII –Gennaio-Dicembre 2023, 2023
Nella società odierna, l’amore diviene scappatoia dalla solitudine ed oggetto di relazioni digita... more Nella società odierna, l’amore diviene scappatoia dalla solitudine ed oggetto di relazioni digitali che, spesso, sembrano sostituire i rapporti “umani” in una dinamica sentimentale già molto complessa, ma resa ancora più articolata dall’esperienza del SARS-CoV-2. Tale “sensibilità emozionale” (Condorelli, 2021) si inserisce, infatti, nel più ampio, attuale e rinnovato dibattito sul legame affettivo di tipo amoroso che, dallo spazio individuale dalle caratteristiche tangibili, si palesa sul palcoscenico dell’estimità online (Tisseron, 2011; Stanton et al., 2016). Invero, secondo la Polizia Postale nel 2021, in Italia, si è registrato +118% di truffe sentimentali (Polizia Postale, 2022). Fra questi pericoli, in particolare, il Romance Scam (Love Scam o anche definito sweetheart swindles) pratica criminale nella quale un utente viene adescato da truffatori (scammers)
che usano un’identità falsa o rubata sui social network al fine di estorcere, truffare o ricattare la vittima che crede di vivere una vera relazione amorosa (;Whitty, 2015; 2018; Carter, 2021; Cassandra, Lee, 2022; Suleman et al., 2023). Il saggio vuole riflettere, quindi, sulla dinamica online da un punto di vista socio-criminologico, partendo dalle teorizzazioni sul tema per arrivare alle più recenti ed attuali implicazioni del fenomeno con particolare attenzione alle dinamiche emotive sottese ed emergenti.
Il saggio mostra come, nel periodo pandemico, siano aumentati i disturbi del comportamento alimen... more Il saggio mostra come, nel periodo pandemico, siano aumentati i disturbi del comportamento alimentare sui minori, collegando tali disturbi alla povertà relazionale acuita ulteriormente dal lockdown. Il contributo propone una risposta innovativa dei servizi di cura, attraverso un dialogo tra sociologia dell'alimentazione e sociologia della salute che sia in grado di culminare in un lavoro di welfare community.
Society Register
For a very long time, contemporary western societes and cultures have operated a censorship of em... more For a very long time, contemporary western societes and cultures have operated a censorship of emotions (Cambi,1998:37): indeed, they have been studied especially in the psychoanalytic discipline and as main topic in the investigation of human behavior (Ivi,1996:9). More recently, sociology has re-appropriated this “emotional” reflection, focusing the discourse on Homo Sentiens or Homo Patiens, in a passage from the individual identity the to the social one through a circular and self-poietic process: feelings and emotions (both primary and secondary) represent, the foundamental relational connection thanks to which are activated mechanisms of socialization and cultural transmission. The artiche aims to reflect on the emotions as social construction and linked to technologies with a high emotional connotation (Marmion, 2015,252:28-33).

Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 15 (2), 2023
Information and communication technologies (ICTs or TIC) represent not only an extension of human... more Information and communication technologies (ICTs or TIC) represent not only an extension of humans but pervasive environments in which all individuals move. However, even today, there is a gap between users in relation to age: the over-65s in Europe and Italy, for example, present difficulties in the use of digital tools and therefore strong disparities in relation to access to Internet and related resources and opportunities. This means that the elderlies are in serious risk to social exclusion and marginalization in the knowledge society, in which technological artifacts are instead crucial for social inclusion. Therefore, the essay aims to reflect on these issues through a sociological lens, with references to digital literacy and media education as possible alternatives, and social-relational interventions to reduce digital disengagement and the consequent digital divide. Thus, the paper proposes the intergenerational digital social innovation perspective that, by activating bottom-up digital-oriented welfare policies, promotes learning in old age. In fact, this is a determining factor in the design of educational spaces co-constructed together with the older people.

Relational Social Work, 2023
Zygmunt Bauman emphasized how, in a complex society, it is necessary «[…] to re-focus one's cogni... more Zygmunt Bauman emphasized how, in a complex society, it is necessary «[…] to re-focus one's cognitive attention on the transformation of the human condition» (2003, 60), as only from this condition is it possible to understand whether people attribute particular meanings to certain experiences that are useful for wellbeing and can define new welfare paradigms. In this framework, it should also be considered how society, in an age structure in which the baby-boom generation is gradually reaching the top of the age pyramid, is, from a quantitative point of view, becoming older and older, both because of the «collapse» of the birth rate and because life expectancy is growing longer and longer. Therefore, the population ageing is one of the most relevant social phenomena and an increasingly difficult challenge for welfare policies. The World Health Organization estimates that by 2050 the elderly population worldwide will increase to double, reaching a share of 22% of the total population (WHO, 2021; OECD, 2021). In Italy, the over-65 population will be 35,9% of the entire population, with an average life expectancy of 82,5 years (79,5 for men and 85,6 for women) (ISS-Epicenter, 2021). Care needs will further transform and change, and similarly the risks of possible social exclusion will increase. In this context, it is worthy to mention that the most fragile individuals with the health pandemic caused by Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) have been the elderly. Their vulnerability has affected their well-being (WHO), causing both greater deterioration in general health conditions and their greater social isolation than other social groups. This essay aims to present, from a sociological aging framework, the project entitled SEE ME-Social inclusion through meaningful aging. The main goal is to improve the care quality and the social inclusion of the elderly people through an analysis of the educational needs and experiences of all social operators. A chance to reflect on caring relationships and on social 1 The authors wrote together the contribution. Formally Daniela Grignoli wrote Introduction, paragraphs n. 1, 2, 3 and 6 and Mariangela D'ambrosio wrote Conclusions, paragraphs n. 4, 5 and 7.
Sicurezza e scienze sociali, 2022
The essay shows how, in the pandemic period, the eating disorders of minors were increased, linki... more The essay shows how, in the pandemic period, the eating disorders of minors were increased, linking these disorders to the relational poverty further exacerbated by the lockdown. The contribution proposes an innovative response of care services, through a dialogue between sociology of nutrition and sociology of health that can culminate in a welfare community work.
Society Register, 2022
For a very long time, contemporary western societies and cultures have operated a censorship of e... more For a very long time, contemporary western societies and cultures have operated a censorship of emotions (Cambi,1998, p. 37): indeed, they have been studied especially in the psychoanalytic discipline and as main topic in the investigation of human behaviour (Ivi.,1996, p. 9). More recently, sociology has re-appropriated this “emotional” reflection, focusing the discourse on Homo Sentiens or Homo Patiens, in a passage from the individual identity the to the social one through a circular and self-poietic process: feelings and emotions (both primary and secondary) represent, the fundamental relational connection thanks to which are activated mechanisms of socialization and cultural transmission. The article aims to reflect on the emotions as social construction and linked to technologies with a high emotional connotation (Marmion, 2015, pp. 28-33).
Animazione SOCIALE , 2022
Il lavoro nel sociale, nelle sue sfaccettature, è interessato dalla
relazione umana quale fondame... more Il lavoro nel sociale, nelle sue sfaccettature, è interessato dalla
relazione umana quale fondamento del processo di aiuto ed educativo.
Comprenderne i meccanismi diventa cruciale se si vuole aiutare l’altro
in modo che l'azione professionale ottenga risultati positivi.
La disponibilità ad accogliere i vissuti emotivi altrui, il cogliere la
situazione affettiva di un’altra persona e di ripensare a esperienze
proprie permette, infatti, di sintonizzarsi su percorsi educativi e
terapeutici che consentono, a loro volta, di coltivare se stessi in uno
scambio emozionale e comunicativo. Il presente lavoro si propone non solo di ricostruire il ruolo delle emozioni nell'agire sociale ed educativo, ma anche di fornire spunti di riflessione che possano orientare i professionisti nel processo di aiuto ed educativo.

Relational Social Work, 2022
Within the frame of the Social Worker university curriculum, the traineeship is a complex activit... more Within the frame of the Social Worker university curriculum, the traineeship is a complex activity that manifests itself as the practical translation of the theory and of the professional social relationship. Moreover, this is also the possible «bridge» that University can build with the labour market through its so-called «Third Mission» activity. In this way, the (curricular) traineeship allows trainees to acquire the specific professional know-how competences and it allows trainees to become aware of the real contents in the Italian context of Social Works as «services to the person». Such system focuses onto the individual and his needs, as a whole, and intends to overturn the logic of social response. Indeed, any social intervention is expected to investigate the «personal conditions» of those who have or may have problems. «The project aims at enhancing the person's abilities in order to overcome the fragility condition and regain control of their life and autonomy» (Italy's National plan for social interventions and services 2021-2023, 99). By considering all these aspects and drawing on the theoretical framework of Social Relational Work and Relational Sociology, this paper wishes to investigate whether, and how, the trainees' experiences, of a specific Social Work training course, such as that of the University of Molise, have successfully built «bridges» so as to network with the local Social Services.
Relationships as professional help and as educational process foundations. If helper wants to arr... more Relationships as professional help and as educational process foundations. If helper wants to arrive to positive results through the professional practice, it is fundamental to understand the transference and counter transference mechanisms in the specific social relation with the helpee. This emotional professional control is necessary in order to rethink own experiences and to allow therapeutic path for better communication and social aims. This work tries to reflect not only on emotions’ role in social and educational work through an analysis of literature but also on providing scientific reflections that can guide professionals in the help and educational process.

Violenza intrafamiliare e violenza di genere al tempo del Covid-19. L’indagine sociologica nel conflitto della famiglia e della coppia, Jun 2021
The socio-health emergency, caused by Covid-19, has produced many consequences on relationships a... more The socio-health emergency, caused by Covid-19, has produced many consequences on relationships and social bonds. One of the most affected among social systems, is the family ones that has been invested by different changes. In fact, family has re-modulated and reorganized times, activities and everyday‘s life management. The family system has experienced not only a closure condition but also a forced presence ones, never lived before that have distorted all life normal cycle. Couple‘s relationship and parental relationship have experienced a negative conflict, increased and exasperated by the health and the social global emergency. This article try to reconstruct the social pandemic impact on family relationships in terms of intra-family violence, assisted violence and gender violence according to the sociological perspective, through a sociological approach on relevant deviant actions and emotions connected to the COVID-19.
Emotions are essential elements that create social relationship: emotions are characterized by personal and social identity that come out from the communication with others. The so-cial relationship’s construction is also emotional, in a mix of exogenous and endogenous variables. The Sociology of..., 2019
La sociologia delle emozioni e il legame sociale. Ripensare il rapporto "tra umani" nella società... more La sociologia delle emozioni e il legame sociale. Ripensare il rapporto "tra umani" nella società tecnologica
Conference Presentations by Mariangela D'ambrosio
XVI Conferenza ESPAnet Italia - Sistemi di welfare in transizione: tra equità e sostenibilità, 2023
Giovedì 14 settembre 2023, 16.00-19.00 Fondazione Feltrinelli Still a Southern European Model of ... more Giovedì 14 settembre 2023, 16.00-19.00 Fondazione Feltrinelli Still a Southern European Model of Welfare? Assessing three decades of policy change Discutono Prima parte. I quattro modelli di welfare in prospettiva comparata Rui Branco,
Papers by Mariangela D'ambrosio
che usano un’identità falsa o rubata sui social network al fine di estorcere, truffare o ricattare la vittima che crede di vivere una vera relazione amorosa (;Whitty, 2015; 2018; Carter, 2021; Cassandra, Lee, 2022; Suleman et al., 2023). Il saggio vuole riflettere, quindi, sulla dinamica online da un punto di vista socio-criminologico, partendo dalle teorizzazioni sul tema per arrivare alle più recenti ed attuali implicazioni del fenomeno con particolare attenzione alle dinamiche emotive sottese ed emergenti.
relazione umana quale fondamento del processo di aiuto ed educativo.
Comprenderne i meccanismi diventa cruciale se si vuole aiutare l’altro
in modo che l'azione professionale ottenga risultati positivi.
La disponibilità ad accogliere i vissuti emotivi altrui, il cogliere la
situazione affettiva di un’altra persona e di ripensare a esperienze
proprie permette, infatti, di sintonizzarsi su percorsi educativi e
terapeutici che consentono, a loro volta, di coltivare se stessi in uno
scambio emozionale e comunicativo. Il presente lavoro si propone non solo di ricostruire il ruolo delle emozioni nell'agire sociale ed educativo, ma anche di fornire spunti di riflessione che possano orientare i professionisti nel processo di aiuto ed educativo.
Conference Presentations by Mariangela D'ambrosio
che usano un’identità falsa o rubata sui social network al fine di estorcere, truffare o ricattare la vittima che crede di vivere una vera relazione amorosa (;Whitty, 2015; 2018; Carter, 2021; Cassandra, Lee, 2022; Suleman et al., 2023). Il saggio vuole riflettere, quindi, sulla dinamica online da un punto di vista socio-criminologico, partendo dalle teorizzazioni sul tema per arrivare alle più recenti ed attuali implicazioni del fenomeno con particolare attenzione alle dinamiche emotive sottese ed emergenti.
relazione umana quale fondamento del processo di aiuto ed educativo.
Comprenderne i meccanismi diventa cruciale se si vuole aiutare l’altro
in modo che l'azione professionale ottenga risultati positivi.
La disponibilità ad accogliere i vissuti emotivi altrui, il cogliere la
situazione affettiva di un’altra persona e di ripensare a esperienze
proprie permette, infatti, di sintonizzarsi su percorsi educativi e
terapeutici che consentono, a loro volta, di coltivare se stessi in uno
scambio emozionale e comunicativo. Il presente lavoro si propone non solo di ricostruire il ruolo delle emozioni nell'agire sociale ed educativo, ma anche di fornire spunti di riflessione che possano orientare i professionisti nel processo di aiuto ed educativo.