Papers by Luciano De Bonis
Going high! The pros and cons of city verticalization
Starting from the consideration of (also) verticalization processes as one of the expressions of ... more Starting from the consideration of (also) verticalization processes as one of the expressions of a declining, dis-integrating way to conceive human settlements, and based on two fundamental premises - (i) the long-lasting crisis of functionalist housing, and (ii) the emerging fading of the clear distinction between town and countryside - the paper proposes instead the prospect of a re-integration and reticularization of living-production-enjoying places. Concerning the above prospect, some relevant practices are treated, which show more or less significant traces of self-sustainable developments, able to strictly relate the housing with a range of other integrated activities.

It is now time to recognize that self-organizing socio-economic actors can and must act directly ... more It is now time to recognize that self-organizing socio-economic actors can and must act directly on the pursuit of territorial development and cohesion or, in other words, that the broadest possible number of socio-economic actors must be involved, to this end, in co-creating products, services and innovative content. ICTs can greatly help to go forward in this direction, allowing the merging of regulation, implementation of policies and spontaneous transformation, thanks to their interactivity and their potential of diffusion of \u201cusable knowledge\u201d (Lindblom and Cohen, 1979). The proposed approach relies on the notion of Living Labs (LLs), or better on that of \u201cTerritorial Living Labs\u201d (TLLs). At the heart of the Living Lab approach is the idea of "co-design", through which users participate in the ICT R&D process from the outset. A TLL is a LL taking in particular account the deep link to the community (business, social, cultural) that shifting technology R&D out of the laboratory and into the real world implies, in terms of focusing of the transversal problems of cities and territories, instead of merely the sector of ICT R&D. The above mentioned approach is potentially able to overcome the traditional and despite all persistent dichotomy between socioeconomic activities and spatial planning, as well as between social and technological aspects of territorial innovation. The TLL approach is now under experimentation in the European CIP ICT PSP \u201cPeriph\ue8ria Project - Networked Smart Peripheral Cities for Sustainable Lifestyles\u201d ( Periph\ue8ria is a 30-month Pilot B action funded by the European Commission under the CIP ICT PSP Programme aiming at deploying convergent Future Internet (FI) platforms and services for the promotion of sustainable lifestyles in and across emergent networks of \u201csmart\u201d peripheral cities in Europe. The outcomes of the Periph\ue8ria experimentation relate to transformational shifts in urban structures, lifestyles and work styles required to reach economic, social, environmental and cultural sustainability
Cities’ Identity Through Architecture and Arts, 2018
Table of contents Preface ix Acknowledgements xi Organization xiii Organizing institutions xv Spo... more Table of contents Preface ix Acknowledgements xi Organization xiii Organizing institutions xv Sponsoring organizations xvii Keynote lecturers xix Architectural identity and globalization Architecture A great Chinese 'rural' metropolis-the unity and contradictions in Beijing's urban identity 3 X. Li Architectural ornaments in the twenty-first century: An analytical study 9 G.M. Elrayies Conservation strategies to revive the imageability of the Kumbakonam historic town 27
XXIII Conferenza Nazionale SIU DOWNSCALING, RIGHTSIZING. Contrazione demografica e riorganizzazione spaziale, 2021
XXIII Conferenza Nazionale SIU DOWNSCALING, RIGHTSIZING. Contrazione demografica e riorganizzazione spaziale, 2021

I cambiamenti nelle strutture socioeconomiche del territorio, che hanno interessato i Paesi occid... more I cambiamenti nelle strutture socioeconomiche del territorio, che hanno interessato i Paesi occidentali a partire dall’epoca della rivoluzione industriale, hanno condotto ad un processo di deterioramento delle relazioni coevolutive tra le popolazioni e la dimensione spaziale in cui esse vivono (deterritorializzazione), che ha tra l’altro prodotto un evidente declino nella consapevolezza ambientale. La ricostruzione incrementale di questa relazionalità, espressa per mezzo del concetto di riterritorializzazione, generalmente si produce - ed è circolarmente prodotta - da un cambiamento nella percezione della stessa dimensione spaziale, che proprio in virtù della mutata percezione può giungere ad essere nuovamente considerata come luogo. Questo lavoro di ricerca, attraverso l’analisi del caso di studio “Zona 22”, mira a verificare la possibilità che la nascita di una coscienza di luogo - se correlata con una continua attività di coinvolgimento nella partecipazione attiva alla gestione del territorio - possa avere come esito anche un rafforzamento della consapevolezza ambientale, reso manifesto nella graduale transizione della popolazione coinvolta verso una preferenza per le politiche orientate alla tutela del territorio.
XXIII Conferenza Nazionale SIU DOWNSCALING, RIGHTSIZING. Contrazione demografica e riorganizzazione spaziale, 2021

Il testo propone una rilettura ed interpretazione del paradigma bio-regionale come riferimento pe... more Il testo propone una rilettura ed interpretazione del paradigma bio-regionale come riferimento per pratiche interpretative, di governance e progetto di territorio finalizzate alla \u201crilocalizzazione\u201d dell\u2019insediamento umano nel suo milieu socio-culturale ed ambientale di prossimit\ue0. Il riferimento primario \ue8 all\u2019ampio e polifonico movimento culturale bio-regionale sviluppatosi in particolare negli Stati Uniti tra la fine degli anni sessanta e l\u2019inizio degli anni settanta del XX secolo. \uc8 in questo quadro che si costituisce progressivamente il tema del \u201cbioregionalismo urbano\u201d o della \u201cbioregione urbana\u201d come nodo concettuale intorno al quale ri-articolare il recupero di una relazione co-evolutiva fra dimensione urbana e rurale.The article reflects on the re-reading and interpretation of the bio-regional paradigm as a reference for interpretative practices, governance and territorial design aimed at the "relocation" of human settlement in its socio-cultural and environmental milieu of proximity. The primary reference is to the broad and polyphonic bio-regional cultural movement developed in particular in the United States between the late sixties and early seventies of the twentieth century. It is in this framework that the theme of "urban bioregionalism" or "urban bioregion" is progressively established as a conceptual node around which to re-articulate the recovery of a co-evolutionary relationship between the urban and rural dimensions
ABSTRACT: We are showing and discussing an approach to participatory activities in planning and i... more ABSTRACT: We are showing and discussing an approach to participatory activities in planning and in e-governance, based on a webgis and collaborative webenvironment. We previously (UDMS 2006) defined an architecture for an open content system for planning processes and presented its prototype of partial implementation through a participatory planning web-system. We have then experimented with such web application to support different social typologies of formal and informal participatory contexts. In this paper we ...

From a territorialist point of view earthquakes, and more generally natural risks, are to be unde... more From a territorialist point of view earthquakes, and more generally natural risks, are to be understood as long-term structural invariants of the territory. This involves a change of paradigm, a sort of conceptual transition from ex post intervention to a culture of prevention and programmed maintenance that operates at multiple levels and with multiple cultural visions: from the creation of a 'safe society', where security is not only guaranteed by exogenous and institutional actors but by virtuous mechanisms of endogenous organisation, up to the generation of broad vision and long-term perspective scenarios, able to take into account social desiderata and normative visions of development (social creativity, real utopias, etc.), together with the unpredictable inevitability of natural events (in this case earthquakes). For the safe society it is necessary to turn towards a real complementarity between contextual and expert knowledge, whether we speak of social self-defence ...
Cities’ Identity Through Architecture and Arts, May 1, 2018
Table of contents Preface ix Acknowledgements xi Organization xiii Organizing institutions xv Spo... more Table of contents Preface ix Acknowledgements xi Organization xiii Organizing institutions xv Sponsoring organizations xvii Keynote lecturers xix Architectural identity and globalization Architecture A great Chinese 'rural' metropolis-the unity and contradictions in Beijing's urban identity 3 X. Li Architectural ornaments in the twenty-first century: An analytical study 9 G.M. Elrayies Conservation strategies to revive the imageability of the Kumbakonam historic town 27
Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering, 2016

Tema Journal of Land Use Mobility and Environment, May 18, 2014
TeMA. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment offers researches, applications and contribut... more TeMA. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment offers researches, applications and contributions with a unified approach to planning and mobility and publishes original inter-disciplinary papers on the interaction of transport, land use and environment. Domains include engineering, planning, modeling, behavior, economics, geography, regional science, sociology, architecture and design, network science, and complex systems. The Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) classified TeMA as scientific journals in the Areas 08. TeMA has also received the Sparc Europe Seal for Open Access Journals released by Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC Europe) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). TeMA is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License and is blind peer reviewed at least by two referees selected among high-profile scientists by their competences. TeMA has been published since 2007 and is indexed in the main bibliographical databases and it is present in the catalogues of hundreds of academic and research libraries worldwide.
Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2012
Abstract The paper discusses the concept of “urban smartness” starting from the early results of ... more Abstract The paper discusses the concept of “urban smartness” starting from the early results of the Periphèria Project. Periphèria is a 30-month pilot B action funded by the European Commission under the CIP ICT PSP Programme and it aims at deploying convergent Future Internet platforms and services for the promotion of sustainable lifestyles in and across emergent networks of “smart” peripheral cities in Europe. Periphèria develops the Living Lab premise of shifting technology R&D out of the laboratory and into the real world in a ...
Papers by Luciano De Bonis