luca mocarelli
Phone: 00390264483097
Address: Dipartimento di economia, metodi quantitativi e strategie d'impresa
Piazza dell'Ateneo nuovo, 1
20126 Milano
Address: Dipartimento di economia, metodi quantitativi e strategie d'impresa
Piazza dell'Ateneo nuovo, 1
20126 Milano
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Books by luca mocarelli
How was work done, ho did income accumulate, and how was business conducted in pre-industrial societies? Though the experiences described in this book, the reader will discover a series of features distinguishing the various forms of work. Some are well-know, others perhaps less so, but all fall into three spheres: diversification of sources of income, creation of networks of contacts (professional and familial, political and religious), and the adoption of complex business strategies.
Papers by luca mocarelli
How was work done, ho did income accumulate, and how was business conducted in pre-industrial societies? Though the experiences described in this book, the reader will discover a series of features distinguishing the various forms of work. Some are well-know, others perhaps less so, but all fall into three spheres: diversification of sources of income, creation of networks of contacts (professional and familial, political and religious), and the adoption of complex business strategies.
Conference: The Firm and the Sea: Chains, Flows and Connections